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Hernández-Prat A, Rodriguez-Vida A, Juanpere-Rodero N, Arpi O, Menéndez S, Soria-Jiménez L, Martínez A, Iarchouk N, Rojo F, Albanell J, Brake R, Rovira A, Bellmunt J. Novel oral mTORC1/2 inhibitor TAK-228 has synergistic antitumor effects when combined with paclitaxel or PI3K¿ inhibitor TAK-117 in preclinical bladder cancer models. Molecular Cancer Research 2019; 17(9): p. 1931–1944.

Liu ZB, Ezzedine NE, Eterovic AK, Ensor JE, Huang HJ, Albanell J, Choi DS, Lluch A, Liu Y, Rojo F, Wong H, Martínez-Dueñas E, Guerrero-Zotano Á, Shao ZM, Darcourt JG, Mills GB, Dave B, Chang JC. Detection of breast cancer stem cell gene mutations in circulating free DNA during the evolution of metastases. Breast cancer research and treatment 2019; 178(2): p. 251–261.

Ciruelos E, Alba E, López R, Lluch A, Martín M, Arroyo I, Navarro B, Carcedo D, Colomer R, Albanell J. Contribution of trastuzumab to the prognostic improvement of HER2-positive early breast cancer in Spain: an estimation of life years and disease-free life years gained since its approval. Oncotarget 2019; 10(42): p. 4321–4332.

Muntasell A, Servitja S, Cabo M, Bermejo B, Pérez-Buira S, Rojo F, Costa-García M, Arpí O, Moraru M, Serrano L, Tusquets I, Martínez MT, Heredia G, Vera A, Martínez-García M, Soria L, Comerma L, Santana-Hernández S, Eroles P, Rovira A, Vilches C, Lluch A, Albanell J, López-Botet M. High numbers of circulating CD57+ NK cells associate with resistance to HER2-specific therapeutic antibodies in HER2+ primary breast cancer. Cancer Immunology Research 2019; 7(8): p. 1280–1292.

Martínez-Bosch N, Rodriguez-Vida A, Juanpere N, Lloreta J, Rovira A, Albanell J, Bellmunt J, Navarro P. Galectins in prostate and bladder cancer: tumorigenic roles and clinical opportunities. Nature Reviews Urology 2019; 16(7): p. 433–445.

Tormo E, Ballester S, Adam-Artigues A, Burgués O, Alonso E, Bermejo B, Menéndez S, Zazo S, Madoz-Gúrpide J, Rovira A, Albanell J, Rojo F, Lluch A, Eroles P. The miRNA-449 family mediates doxorubicin resistance in triple-negative breast cancer by regulating cell cycle factors. Scientific Reports 2019; 9(1): p. 5316–0.

Lluch A, González-Angulo AM, Casadevall D, Eterovic AK, Martínez de Dueñas E, Zheng X, Guerrero-Zotano Á, Liu S, Pérez R, Chen K, Chacón JI, Mills GB, Antolín S, Blancas I, López-Serra P, Carrasco E, Caballero R, Prat A, Rojo F, Gonzalez-Perez A, Meric-Bernstam F, Albanell J. Dynamic clonal remodelling in breast cancer metastases is associated with subtype conversion. European Journal of Cancer 2019; 120: p. 54–64.

Hardy-Werbin M, Rocha P, Arpi O, Taus Á, Nonell L, Durán X, Villanueva X, Joseph-Pietras D, Nolan L, Danson S, Griffiths R, Lopez-Botet M, Rovira A, Albanell J, Ottensmeier C, Arriola E. Serum cytokine levels as predictive biomarkers of benefit from ipilimumab in small cell lung cancer. Oncoimmunology 2019; 8(6): p. 0–0.

Muntasell A, Rojo F, Servitja S, Rubio-Perez C, Cabo M, Tamborero D, Costa-García M, Martínez-Garcia M, Menéndez S, Vazquez I, Lluch A, Gonzalez-Perez A, Rovira A, López-Botet M, Albanell J. NK cell infiltrates and HLA class I expression in primary HER2+ breast cancer predict and uncouple pathological response and disease-free survival. Clinical Cancer Research 2019; 25(5): p. 1535–1545.


de Keijzer C, Basagaña X, Tonne C, Valentín A, Alonso J, Antó JM, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Kivimäki M, Singh-Manoux A, Sunyer J, Dadvand P. Long-term exposure to greenspace and metabolic syndrome: A Whitehall II study. Environmental pollution 2019; 255(Pt2): p. 113231–0.

Navarro-Mateu F, Escámez T, Quesada MP, Alcaráz MJ, Vilagut G, Salmerón D, Huerta JM, Chirlaque MD, Navarro C, Kessler RC, Alonso J, Martínez S. Modification of the risk of post-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD) by the 5-HTTLPR polymorphisms after Lorca's earthquakes (Murcia, Spain). Psychiatry Research 2019; 282: p. 112640–0.

Gili M, Castellví P, Vives M, de la Torre-Luque A, Almenara J, Blasco MJ, Cebrià AI, Gabilondo A, Pérez-Ara MA, A MM, Lagares C, Parés-Badell O, Piqueras JA, Rodríguez-Jiménez T, Rodríguez-Marín J, Soto-Sanz V, Alonso J, Roca M. Mental disorders as risk factors for suicidal behavior in young people: A meta-analysis and systematic review of longitudinal studies. Journal of Affective Disorders 2019; 245: p. 152–162.

Ballester L, Alayo I, Vilagut G, Almenara J, Cebrià AI, Echeburúa E, Gabilondo A, Gili M, Lagares C, Piqueras JA, Roca M, Soto-Sanz V, Blasco MJ, Castellví P, Forero CG, Bruffaerts R, Mortier P, Auerbach RP, Nock MK, Sampson N, Kessler RC, Alonso J; UNIVERSAL study group. Accuracy of online survey assessment of mental disorders and suicidal thoughts and behaviors in Spanish university students. Results of the WHO World Mental Health- International College Student initiative. PLoS ONE 2019; 14(9): p. 0–0.

Alonso J, Vilagut G, Mortier P, Auerbach RP, Bruffaerts R, Cuijpers P, Demyttenaere K, Ebert DD, Ennis E, Gutierrez-Garcia RA, Green JG, Hasking P, Lee S, Bantjes J, Nock MK, Pinder-Amaker S, Sampson NA, Zaslavsky AM, Kessler RC, WHO WMH-ICS Collaborators.. The role impairment associated with mental disorder risk profiles in the WHO World Mental Health International College Student Initiative. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 2019; 28(2): p. 0–0.

Rubio-Valera M, Peñarrubia-María MT, Iglesias-González M, Knapp M, McCrone P, Roig M, Sabes-Figuera R, Luciano JV, Mendive JM, Murrugara-Centurión AG, Alonso J, Serrano-Blanco A. Cost-effectiveness of antidepressants versus active monitoring for mild-to-moderate major depressive disorder: a multisite non-randomized-controlled trial in primary care (INFAP study). The European Journal of Health Economics 2019; 20(5): p. 703–713.

Lagares-Franco C, Almenara-Barrios J, O'Ferrall-González C, Castellvi-Obiols P, Gabilondo A, Blasco-Cubedo MJ, Miranda-Mendizábal A, Parés-Badell O, Piqueras JA, Roca M, Rodríguez-Jiménez T, Rodríguez-Marín J, Soto-Sanz V, Vilagut-Saiz G, Alonso J. Medidas de frecuencia utilizadas en estudios de cohortes para evaluar el comportamiento suicida en jóvenes (12-26 años): Una revisión sistemática [Measures of frequency used in cohorts studies to evaluate the suicidal behaviour in young people (12¿26 years): A systematic review]. Revista de Psiquiatria y Salud Mental 2019; 12(4): p. 213–231.

de Vries YA, Al-Hamzawi A, Alonso J, Borges G, Bruffaerts R, Bunting B et al. Childhood generalized specific phobia as an early marker of internalizing psychopathology across the lifespan: results from the World Mental Health Surveys. BMC Medicine 2019; 17(1): p. 101–0.

Degenhardt L, Bharat C, Bruno R, Glantz MD, Sampson NA, Lago L, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Alonso J, Andrade LH, Bunting B, Caldas-de-Almeida JM, Cia AH, Gureje O, Karam EG, Khalaf M, McGrath JJ, Moskalewicz J, Lee S, Mneimneh Z, Navarro-Mateu F, Sasu CC, Scott K, Torres Y, Poznyak V, Chatterji S, Kessler RC; WHO World Mental Health Survey Collaborators. Concordance between the diagnostic guidelines for alcohol and cannabis use disorders in the draft ICD-11 and other classification systems: analysis of data from the WHO's World Mental Health Surveys. Addiction 2019; 114(3): p. 534–552.

Vilar A, Pérez-Sola V, Blasco MJ, Pérez-Gallo E, Ballester Coma L, Batlle Vila S, Alonso J, Serrano-Blanco A, Forero CG. Investigación traslacional en psiquiatría: el marco Research Domain Criteria (RDoC). Revista de Psiquiatria y Salud Mental 2019; 12(3): p. 187–195.

Ebert DD, Franke M, Kählke F, Küchler AM, Bruffaerts R, Mortier P, Karyotaki E, Alonso J, CuijpersP, Berking M, Auerbach RP, Kessler RC, Baumeister H, on behalf of the WHO World Mental Health- International College Student collaborators. Increasing intentions to use mental health services among university students. Results of a pilot randomized controlled trial within the World Health Organization's World Mental Health International College Student Initiative. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 2019; 28(2): p. 1754–12.

Harris MG, Bharat C, Glantz MD, Sampson NA, Al-Hamzawi A, Alonso J et al. Cross-national patterns of substance use disorder treatment and associations with mental disorder comorbidity in the WHO World Mental Health Surveys. Addiction 2019; 114(8): p. 1446–1459.

Degenhardt L, Bharat C, Glantz MD, Sampson NA, Scott K, Lim CCW, Aguilar-Gaxiola S, Al-Hamzawi A, Alonso J, Andrade LH, Bromet EJ, Bruffaerts R, Bunting B, de Girolamo G, Gureje O, Haro JM, Harris MG, He Y, de Jonge P, Karam EG, Karam GE, Kiejna A, Lee S, Lepine JP, Levinson D, Makanjuola V, Medina-Mora ME, Mneimneh Z, Navarro-Mateu F, Posada-Villa J, Stein DJ, Tachimori H, Torres Y, Zarkov Z, Chatterji S, Kessler RC; WHO World Mental Health Survey Collaborators. The epidemiology of drug use disorders cross-nationally: Findings from the WHO's World Mental Health Surveys. International journal of drug policy 2019; 71: p. 103–112.

Auerbach RP, Mortier P, Bruffaerts R, Alonso J, Benjet C, Cuijpers P, Demyttenaere K, Ebert DD, Green JG, Hasking P, Lee S, Lochner C, McLafferty M, Nock MK, Petukhova MV, Pinder-Amaker S, Rosellini AJ, Sampson NA, Vilagut G, Zaslavsky AM, Kessler RC.. Mental disorder comorbidity and suicidal thoughts and behaviors in the World Health Organization World Mental Health Surveys International College Student Initiative. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 2019; 28(2): p. 1752–0.

Blasco MJ, Vilagut G, Almenara J, Roca M, Piqueras JA, Gabilondo A, Lagares C, Soto-Sanz V, Alayo I, Forero CG, Echeburúa E, Gili M, Cebrià AI, Bruffaerts R, Auerbach RP, Nock MK, Kessler RC, Alonso J, on behalf of the UNIVERSAL study group (members: Parés-Badell O, et al.). Suicidal thoughts and behaviors: prevalence and association with distal and proximal factors in spanish university students. Suicide & life-threatening behavior : the official publication of the American Association of Suicidology 2019; 49(3): p. 881–898.

Hernandez G, Garin O, Dima AL, Pont A, Martí Pastor M, Alonso J, Van Ganse E, Laforest L, de Bruin M, Mayoral K, Serra-Sutton V, Ferrer M; ASTRO-LAB Group. EuroQol (EQ-5D-5L) validity in assessing the quality of life in adults with asthma: cross-sectional study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019; 21(1): p. 0–0.

Vilagut G, Forero CG, Castro-Rodriguez JI, Olariu E, Barbaglia G, Astals M, Diez-Aja C, Gárriz M, Abellanas A, López-Santín JM, Sanchez-Gil C, Alonso J. Measurement equivalence of PROMIS depression in Spain and the United States. Psychological Assessment 2019; 31(2): p. 248–264.

Mayoral K, Rajmil L, Murillo M, Garin O, Pont A, Alonso J, Bel J, Perez J, Corripio R, Carreras G, Herrero J, Mengibar JM, Rodriguez-Arjona D, Ravens-Sieberer U, Raat H, Serra-Sutton V, Ferrer M. Measurement properties of the online euroQol-5D-youth instrument in children and adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus: questionnaire study. Journal of Medical Internet Research 2019; 21(11): p. 0–0.

Soto-Sanz V, Castellví P, Piqueras JA, Rodríguez-Marín J, Rodríguez-Jiménez T, Miranda-Mendizábal A, Parés-Badell O, Almenara J, Alonso I, Blasco MJ, Cebrià A, Gabilondo A, Gili M, Lagares C, Roca M, Alonso J. Internalizing and externalizing symptoms and suicidal behaviour in young people: a systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Acta Psychiatrica Scandinavica 2019; 140(1): p. 5–19.

Miranda-Mendizabal A, Castellví P, Parés-Badell O, Alayo I, Almenara J, Alonso I, Blasco MJ, Cebrià A, Gabilondo A, Gili M, Lagares C, Piqueras JA, Rodríguez-Jiménez T, Rodríguez-Marín J, Roca M, Soto-Sanz V, Vilagut G, Alonso J. Gender differences in suicidal behavior in adolescents and young adults: systematic review and meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. International Journal of Public Health 2019; 64(2): p. 265–283.

Degenhardt L, Bharat C, Glantz MD, Sampson NA, Al-Hamzawi A, Alonso J et al. Association of cohort and individual substance use with risk of transitioning to drug use, drug use disorder, and remission from disorder: findings from the World Mental Health Surveys. JAMA psychiatry 2019; 76(7): p. 708–20.

Soto-Sanz V1, Piqueras JA, Rodríguez-Marín J, Pérez-Vázquez T, Rodríguez-Jiménez T, Castellví P, Miranda-Mendizábal A, Parés-Badell O, Almenara J, Blanco MJ, Cebriá A, Gabilondo A, Gili M, Roca M, Lagares C, Alonso J. Self-esteem and suicidal behaviour in youth: A meta-analysis of longitudinal studies. Psicothema 2019; 31(3): p. 246–54.

Van de Velde S, Boyd A, Vilagut G, Alonso J, Bruffaerts R, de Graaf R, Florescu S, Haro JM, Kovess-Masfety V. Gender differences in common mental disorders: a comparison of social risk factors across four European welfare regimes. European Journal of Public Health 2019; 29(3): p. 481–487.

Zaror C, Pardo Y, Espinoza-Espinoza G, Pont À, Muñoz-Millán P, Martínez-Zapata MJ, Vilagut G, Forero CG, Garin O, Alonso J, Ferrer M. Assessing oral health-related quality of life in children and adolescents: a systematic review and standardized comparison of available instruments. Clinical Oral Investigations 2019; 23(1): p. 65–79.

Navarro-Mateu F, Quesada MP, Escámez T, Alcaráz MJ, Seiquer de la Peña C, Salmerón D, Huerta JM, Vilagut G, Chirlaque MD, Navarro C, Husky M, Kessler RC, Alonso J, Martínez S. Childhood adversities and 5-HTTLPR polymorphism as risk factors of substance use disorders: retrospective case-control study in Murcia (Spain). BMJ Open 2019; 9(9): p. 0–0.

Blasco MJ, Vilagut G, Alayo I, Almenara J, Cebrià AI, Echeburúa E, Gabilondo A, Gili M, Lagares C, Piqueras JA, Roca M, Soto-Sanz V, Ballester L, Urdangarin A, Bruffaerts R, Mortier P, Auerbach RP, Nock MK, Kessler RC, Alonso J; UNIVERSAL study group. First-onset and persistence of suicidal ideation in university students: A one-year follow-up study. Journal of Affective Disorders 2019; 256: p. 192–204.

de Keijzer C, Tonne C, Sabia S, Basagaña X, Valentín A, Singh-Manoux A, Antó JM, Alonso J, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Sunyer J, Dadvand P. Green and blue spaces and physical functioning in older adults: Longitudinal analyses of the Whitehall II study. Environment International 2019; 122: p. 346–56.

Miranda-Mendizabal A, Castellví P, Alayo I, Vilagut G, Blasco MJ, Torrent A et al. Gender commonalities and differences in risk and protective factors of suicidal thoughts and behaviors: A cross-sectional study of Spanish university students. Depression and Anxiety 2019; 36(11): p. 1102–1114.


Pérez-Peinado C, Dias SA, Mendonça DA, Castanho MARB, Veiga AS, Andreu D. Structural determinants conferring unusual long life in human serum to rattlesnake-derived antimicrobial peptide Ctn[15-34]. Journal of Peptide Science 2019; 25(8): p. 0–0.

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Aguiar L, Biosca A, Lantero E, Gut J, Vale N, Rosenthal PJ, Nogueira F, Andreu D, Fernàndez-Busquets X, Gomes P. Coupling the antimalarial cell penetrating peptide TP10 to classical antimalarial drugs primaquine and chloroquine produces strongly hemolytic conjugates. Molecules 2019; 24(24): p. 0–0.

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Araújo-Bazán L, Huecas S, Valle J, Andreu D, Andreu JM. Synthetic developmental regulator MciZ targets FtsZ across Bacillus species and inhibits bacterial division. Molecular Microbiology 2019; 111(4): p. 965–980.

Argilaguet J, Pedragosa M, Esteve-Codina A, Riera G, Vidal E, Peligero-Cruz C, Casella V, Andreu D, Kaisho T, Bocharov G, Ludewig B, Heath S, Meyerhans A. Systems analysis reveals complex biological processes during virus infection fate decisions. Genome Research 2019; 29(6): p. 907–919.

Picón-Pagès P, Bonet J, García-García J, Garcia-Buendia J, Gutierrez D, Valle J, Gómez-Casuso CES, Sidelkivska V, Alvarez A, Perálvarez-Marín A, Suades A, Fernàndez-Busquets X, Andreu D, Vicente R, Oliva B, Muñoz FJ. Human albumin impairs amyloid ß-peptide fibrillation through its C-terminus: from docking modeling to protection against neurotoxicity in alzheimer's disease. Computational and structural biotechnology journal 2019; 17: p. 963–971.

Pinto SN, Dias SA, Cruz AF, Mil-Homens D, Fernandes F, Valle J, Andreu D, Prieto M, Castanho MARB, Coutinho A, Veiga AS. The mechanism of action of pepR, a viral-derived peptide, against Staphylococcus aureus biofilms. Journal of Antimicrobial Chemotherapy 2019; 74(9): p. 2617–2625.

Gallo M, Navarro G, Franco R, Andreu D. A2A receptor homodimer-disrupting sequence efficiently delivered by a protease-resistant, cyclic CPP vector. International Journal of Molecular Sciences 2019; 20(19): p. 0–0.

Karami Z, Hadi Peighambardoust S, Hesari J, Akbari¿Adergani B, Andreu D. Identification and synthesis of multifunctional peptides from wheat germ hydrolysate fractions obtained by proteinase K digestion. Journal of Food Biochemistry 2019; 43: p. 0–0.

Pérez-Peinado C, Defaus S, Sans-Comerma L, Valle J, Andreu D. Decoding the human serum interactome of snake-derived antimicrobial peptide Ctn[15-34]: Toward an explanation for unusually long half-life. Journal of Proteomics 2019; 204: p. 0–0.


de Keijzer C, Basagaña X, Tonne C, Valentín A, Alonso J, Antó JM, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Kivimäki M, Singh-Manoux A, Sunyer J, Dadvand P. Long-term exposure to greenspace and metabolic syndrome: A Whitehall II study. Environmental pollution 2019; 255(Pt2): p. 113231–0.

Fuertes E, Carsin AE, Garcia-Larsen V, Guerra S, Pin I, Leynaert B, Accordini S, Martinez-Moratalla J, Antó JM, Urrutia I, Le Gouellec A, Heinrich J, Gislason T, Jögi R, Janson C, Jarvis D, Garcia-Aymerich J. The role of C-reactive protein levels on the association of physical activity with lung function in adults. PLoS ONE 2019; 14(9): p. 0–0.

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Boudier A, Chanoine S, Accordini S, Anto JM, Basagaña X, Bousquet J, Demoly P, Garcia-Aymerich J, Gormand F, Heinrich J, Janson C, Künzli N, Matran R, Pison C, Raherison C, Sunyer J, Varraso R, Jarvis D, Leynaert B, Pin I, Siroux V. Data-driven adult asthma phenotypes based on clinical characteristics are associated with asthma outcomes twenty years later. Allergy 2019; 74(5): p. 953–963.

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Demeyer H, Donaire-Gonzalez D, Gimeno-Santos E, Ramon MA, DE Battle J, Benet M, Serra I, Guerra S, Farrero E, Rodriguez E, Ferrer J, Sauleda J, Monso E, Gea J, Rodriguez-Roisin R, Agusti A, Antó JM, Garcia-Aymerich J. Physical activity is associated with attenuated disease progression in chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise 2019; 51(5): p. 833–840.

Almagro P, Martínez-Camblor P, Miravitlles M, Rodríguez-Carballeira M, Navarro A, Lamprecht B, Ramirez-Garcia Luna AS, Kaiser B, Alfageme I, Casanova C, Esteban C, Soler-Cataluña JJ, de-Torres JP, Celli BR, Marin JM, Ter Riet G, Sobradillo P, Lange P, Garcia-Aymerich J, Anto JM, Turner AM, Han MK, Langhammer A, Sternberg A, Leivseth L, Bakke P, Johannessen A, Oga T, Cosío B, Ancochea J, Echazarreta A, Roche N, Burgel PR, Sin DD, Puhan MA, Soriano JB; 3CIA collaboration. External validation and recalculation of the CODEX index in COPD patients. A 3CIAplus cohort study. COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 2019; 16(1): p. 8–17.

Haahtela T, von Hertzen L, Anto JM, Bai C, Baigenzhin A, Bateman ED et al. Helsinki by nature: the nature step to respiratory health. Clinical and translational allergy 2019; 9(57): p. 1–12.

Agusti A, Faner R, Donaldson G, Heuvelin E, Breyer-Kohansal R, Melén E, Maitland-van der Zee AH, Vestbo J, Allinson JP, Vanfleteren LEGW, van den Berge M, Adcock IM, Lahousse L, Brusselle G, Wedzicha JA, CADSET Clinical Research Collaboration. Chronic Airway Diseases Early Stratification (CADSET): a new ERS Clinical Research Collaboration. The European Respiratory Journal 2019; 5(3): p. 728–734.

Reese SE, Xu CJ, den Dekker HT, Lee MK, Sikdar S, Ruiz-Arenas C, Merid SK, Rezwan FI, Page CM, Ullemar V, Melton PE, Oh SS, Yang IV, Burrows K, Söderhäll C, Jima DD, Gao L, Arathimos R, Küpers LK, Wielscher M, Rzehak P, Lahti J, Laprise C, Madore AM, Ward J, Bennett BD, Wang T, Bell DA; BIOS consortium, Vonk JM, Håberg SE, Zhao S, Karlsson R, Hollams E, Hu D, Richards AJ, Bergström A, Sharp GC, Felix JF, Bustamante M, Gruzieva O, Maguire RL, Gilliland F, Baïz N, Nohr EA, Corpeleijn E, Sebert S, Karmaus W, Grote V, Kajantie E, Magnus MC, Örtqvist AK, Eng C, Liu AH, Kull I, Jaddoe VWV, Sunyer J, Kere J, Hoyo C, Annesi-Maesano I, Arshad SH, Koletzko B, Brunekreef B, Binder EB, Räikkönen K, Reischl E, Holloway JW, Jarvelin MR, Snieder H, Kazmi N, Breton CV, Murphy SK, Pershagen G, Anto JM, Relton CL, Schwartz DA, Burchard EG, Huang RC, Nystad W, Almqvist C, Henderson AJ, Melén E, Duijts L, Koppelman GH, London SJ. Epigenome-wide meta-analysis of DNA methylation and childhood asthma. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2019; 143(6): p. 2062–2074.

Gruzieva O, Xu CJ, Yousefi P, Relton C, Merid SK, Breton CV, Gao L, Volk HE, Feinberg JI, Ladd-Acosta C, Bakulski K, Auffray C, Lemonnier N, Plusquin M, Ghantous A, Herceg Z, Nawrot TS, Pizzi C, Richiardi L, Rusconi F, Vineis P, Kogevinas M, Felix JF, Duijts L, den Dekker HT, Jaddoe VWV, Ruiz JL, Bustamante M, Antó JM, Sunyer J, Vrijheid M, Gutzkow KB, Grazuleviciene R, Hernandez-Ferrer C, Annesi-Maesano I, Lepeule J, Bousquet J, Bergström A, Kull I, Söderhäll C, Kere J, Gehring U, Brunekreef B, Just AC, Wright RJ, Peng C, Gold DR, Kloog I, DeMeo DL, Pershagen G, Koppelman GH, London SJ, Baccarelli AA, Melén E. Prenatal particulate air pollution and DNA methylation in newborns: an epigenome-wide meta-analysis. Environmental Health Perspectives 2019; 127(5): p. 57012–0.

Aguilar D, Lemonnier N, Koppelman GH, Melén E, Oliva B, Pinart M, Guerra S, Bousquet J, Anto JM. Understanding allergic multimorbidity within the non-eosinophilic interactome. PLoS ONE 2019; 14(11): p. 0–0.

Jiang Y, Gruzieva O, Wang T, Forno E, Boutaoui N, Sun T, Merid SK, Acosta-Pérez E, Kull I, Canino G, Antó JM, Bousquet J, Melén E, Chen W, Celedón JC. Transcriptomics of atopy and atopic asthma in white blood cells from children and adolescents. The European Respiratory Journal 2019; 53(5): p. 1900102–0.

Bousquet J, Pfaar O, Togias A, Schünemann HJ, Ansotegui I, Papadopoulos NG, Tsiligianni I, Agache I, Anto JM, Bachert C, Bedbrook A, Bergmann KC, Bosnic-Anticevich S, Bosse I, Brozek J, Calderon MA, Canonica GW, Caraballo L, Cardona V, Casale T, Cecchi L, Chu D, Costa E, Cruz AA, Czarlewski W, Durham SR, Du Toit G, Dykewicz M, Ebisawa M, Fauquert JL, Fernandez-Rivas M, Fokkens WJ, Fonseca J, Fontaine JF, Gerth van Wijk R, Haahtela T, Halken S, Hellings PW, Ierodiakonou D, Iinuma T, Ivancevich JC, Jacobsen L, Jutel M, Kaidashev I, Khaitov M, Kalayci O, Kleine Tebbe J, Klimek L, Kowalski ML, Kuna P, Kvedariene V, La Grutta S, Larenas-Linemann D, Lau S, Laune D, Le L, Lodrup Carlsen K, Lourenço O, Malling HJ, Marien G, Menditto E, Mercier G, Mullol J, Muraro A, O'Hehir R, Okamoto Y, Pajno GB, Park HS, Panzner P, Passalacqua G, Pham-Thi N, Roberts G, Pawankar R, Rolland C, Rosario N, Ryan D, Samolinski B, Sanchez-Borges M, Scadding G, Shamji MH, Sheikh A, Sturm GJ, Todo Bom A, Toppila-Salmi S, Valentin-Rostan M, Valiulis A, Valovirta E, Ventura MT, Wahn U, Walker S, Wallace D, Waserman S, Yorgancioglu A, Zuberbier T; ARIA Working Group. 2019 ARIA Care pathways for allergen immunotherapy. Allergologie 2019; 42(9): p. 404–425.

Bousquet J, Meissonnier M, Michalet V, Toupnot A, Paccard D, Noguès M, Anto JM, Riso JP, Collomb M, d'Abboville T, Duranton L. A novel approach to integrated care using mobile technology within home services. The ADMR pilot study. Maturitas 2019; 129: p. 1–5.

Bédard A, Basagaña X, Anto JM, Garcia-Aymerich J, Devillier P, Arnavielhe S, Bedbrook A, Onorato GL, Czarlewski W, Murray R, Almeida R, Fonseca J, Costa E, Malva J, Morais-Almeida M, Pereira AM, Todo-Bom A, Menditto E, Stellato C, Ventura MT, Cruz AA, Stelmach R, da Silva J, Larenas-Linnemann D, Fuentes-Pérez JM, Huerta-Villalobos YR, Emuzyte R, Kvedariene V, Valiulis A, Kuna P, Samolinski B, Klimek L, Mösges R, Pfaar O, Shamai S, Annesi-Maesano I, Bosse I, Demoly P, Fontaine JF, Cardona V, Mullol J, Valero A, Roller-Wirnsberger RE, Tomazic PV, Chavannes NH, Fokkens WJ, Reitsma S, Bewick M, Ryan D, Sheikh A, Haahtela T, Toppila-Salmi S, Valovirta E, Makris M, Papadopoulos NG, Prokopakis EP, Psarros F, Cingi C, Gemicio¿lu B, Yorgancioglu A, Bosnic-Anticevich S, O'Hehir RE, Bachert C, Hellings PW, Pugin B, Bindslev-Jensen C, Eller E, Kull I, Melén E, Wickman M, De Vries G, van Eerd M, Agache I, Ansotegui IJ, Dykewicz MS, Casale T, Wallace D, Waserman S, Laune D, Bousquet J; MASK study group. Mobile technology offers novel insights into the control and treatment of allergic rhinitis: The MASK study. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2019; 144(1): p. 135–143.

Menditto E, Costa E, Midão L, Bosnic-Anticevich S, Novellino E, Bialek S, Briedis V, Mair A, Rajabian-Soderlund R, Arnavielhe S, Bedbrook A, Czarlewski W, Annesi-Maesano I, Anto JM, Devillier P, De Vries G, Keil T, Sheikh A, Orlando V, Larenas-Linnemann D, Cecchi L, De Feo G, Illario M, Stellato C, Fonseca J, Malva J, Morais-Almeida M, Pereira AM, Todo-Bom AM, Kvedariene V, Valiulis A, Bergmann KC, Klimek L, Mösges R, Pfaar O, Zuberbier T, Cardona V, Mullol J, Papadopoulos NG, Prokopakis EP, Bewick M, Ryan D, Roller-Wirnsberger RE, Tomazic PV, Cruz AA, Kuna P, Samolinski B, Fokkens WJ, Reitsma S, Bosse I, Fontaine JF, Laune D, Haahtela T, Toppila-Salmi S, Bachert C, Hellings PW, Melén E, Wickman M, Bindslev-Jensen C, Eller E, O'Hehir RE, Cingi C, Gemicio¿lu B, Kalayci O, Ivancevich JC, Bousquet J, MASK group. Adherence to treatment in allergic rhinitis using mobile technology. The MASK Study. Clinical and Experimental Allergy 2019; 49(4): p. 442–460.

Bousquet J, Pham-Thi N, Bedbrook A, Agache I, Annesi-Maesano I, Ansotegui I, Anto JM et al.. Next-generation care pathways for allergic rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity: a model for multimorbid non-communicable diseases-Meeting Report (Part 1). Journal of thoracic disease 2019; 11(8): p. 3633–3642.

Hohmann C, Keller T, Gehring U, Wijga A, Standl M, Kull I, Bergstrom A, Lehmann I, von Berg A, Heinrich J, Lau S, Wahn U, Maier D, Anto J, Bousquet J, Smit H, Keil T, Roll S. Sex-specific incidence of asthma, rhinitis and respiratory multimorbidity before and after puberty onset: individual participant meta-analysis of five birth cohorts collaborating in MeDALL. Open Respiratory Research 2019; 6(1): p. 000460–0.

Bousquet J, Hellings PW, Agache I, Amat F, Annesi-Maesano I, Ansotegui IJ et al. Allergic rhinitis and its impact on asthma (ARIA) Phase 4 (2018): change management in allergic rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity using mobile technology. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2019; 143(3): p. 864–879.

Lytras T, Kogevinas M, Kromhout H, Carsin AE, Antó JM, Bentouhami H, Weyler J, Heinrich J, Nowak D, Urrutia I, Martínez-Moratalla J, Gullón JA, Vega AP, Raherison Semjen C, Pin I, Demoly P, Leynaert B, Villani S, Gíslason T, Svanes Ø, Holm M, Forsberg B, Norbäck D, Mehta AJ, Probst-Hensch N, Benke G, Jogi R, Torén K, Sigsgaard T, Schlünssen V, Olivieri M, Blanc PD, Watkins J, Bono R, Buist AS, Vermeulen R, Jarvis D, Zock JP. Occupational exposures and incidence of chronic bronchitis and related symptoms over two decades: the European Community Respiratory Health Survey. Occupational and Environmental Medicine 2019; 76(4): p. 222–229.

Bousquet J, Onorato GL, Oliver G, Basagana X, Annesi-Maesano I, Arnavielhe S, Besancenot JP, Bosse I, Bousquet PJ, Charpin D, Caillaud D, Demoly P, Devillier P, Dupas E, Fontaine JM, Just J, Anto JM, Basagagna X, Fonseca J, Berger U, Thibaudon M.. Google Trends and pollen concentrations in allergy and airway diseases in France. Allergy 2019; 74(10): p. 1910–1919.

Bousquet J, Ansotegui IJ, Anto JM, Arnavielhe S, Bachert C, Basagaña X et al. Mobile technology in allergic rhinitis: evolution in management or revolution in health and care?. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 2019; 7(8): p. 2511–23.

Carsin AE, Fuertes E, Schaffner E, Jarvis D, Antó JM, Heinrich J, Bellisario V, Svanes C, Keidel D, Imboden M, Weyler J, Nowak D, Martinez-Moratalla J, Gullón JA, Sanchez Ramos JL, Caviezel S, Beckmeyer-Borowko A, Raherison C, Pin I, Demoly P, Cerveri I, Accordini S, Gislason T, Toren K, Forsberg B, Janson C, Jogi R, Emtner M, Gómez Real F, Raza W, Leynaert B, Pascual S, Guerra S, Dharmage SC, Probst-Hensch N, Garcia-Aymerich J. Restrictive spirometry pattern is associated with low physical activity levels. A population based international study. Respiratory Medicine 2019; 146: p. 116–123.

Bousquet J, Bedbrook A, Czarlewski W, Onorato GL, Arnavielhe S, Laune D, et al.. Guidance to 2018 good practice: ARIA digitally-enabled, integrated, person-centred care for rhinitis and asthma. Clinical and translational allergy 2019; 9(16): p. 1–19.

Bousquet JJ, Schünemann HJ, Togias A, Erhola M, Hellings PW, Zuberbier T et al. Next-generation ARIA care pathways for rhinitis and asthma: a model for multimorbid chronic diseases. Clinical and translational allergy 2019; 9(44): p. 1–15.

Larenas-Linnemann D, Mullol J, Ivancevich JC, Anto JM, Cardona V, Dedeu T et al. MASK (Mobile Airways Sentinel Network), una app móvil con la solución integral de ARIA en países de habla hispana. Revista Alergia Mexico 2019; 66(2): p. 263–268.

Benet M, Albang R, Pinart M, Hohmann C, Tischer CG, Annesi-Maesano I, Baïz N, Bindslev-Jensen C, Lødrup Carlsen KC, Carlsen KH, Cirugeda L, Eller E, Fantini MP, Gehring U, Gerhard B, Gori D, Hallner E, Kull I, Lenzi J, McEachan R, Minina E, Momas I, Narduzzi S, Petherick ES, Porta D, Rancière F, Standl M, Torrent M, Wijga AH, Wright J, Kogevinas M, Guerra S, Sunyer J, Keil T, Bousquet J, Maier D, Anto JM, Garcia-Aymerich J. Integrating clinical and epidemiologic data on allergic diseases across birth cohorts: a harmonization study in the mechanisms of the development of allergy project. American Journal of Epidemiology 2019; 188(2): p. 408–417.

den Dekker HT, Burrows K, Felix JF, Salas LA, Nedeljkovic I, Yao J, Rifas-Shiman SL, Ruiz-Arenas C, Amin N, Bustamante M, DeMeo DL, Henderson AJ, Howe CG, Hivert MF, Ikram MA, de Jongste JC, Lahousse L, Mandaviya PR, van Meurs JB, Pinart M, Sharp GC, Stolk L, Uitterlinden AG, Anto JM, Litonjua AA, Breton CV, Brusselle GG, Sunyer J, Smith GD, Relton CL, Jaddoe VWV, Duijts L. Newborn DNA-methylation, childhood lung function, and the risks of asthma and COPD across the life course. The European Respiratory Journal 2019; 53(4): p. 0–0.

Keidel D, Anto JM, Basagaña X, Bono R, Burte E, Carsin AE, Forsberg B, Fuertes E, Galobardes B, Heinrich J, de Hoogh K, Jarvis D, Künzli N, Leynaert B, Marcon A, Le Moual N, de Nazelle A, Schindler C, Siroux V, Stempfelet M, Sunyer J, Temam S, Tsai MY, Varraso R, Jacquemin B, Probst-Hensch N. The role of socioeconomic status in the association of lung function and air pollution-A pooled analysis of three adult ESCAPE cohorts. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2019; 16(11): p. 0–0.

Ivancevich JC, Cardona V, Larenas-Linnemann D, Mullol J, Neffen H, Zernotti M et al. Resumen ejecutivo de ARIA 2019: Vías integradas de atención para la rinitis alérgica en Argentina, España y México [Executive Summary of ARIA 2019: Integrated care pathways for allergic rhinitis in Argentina, Spain and Mexico]. Revista Alergia Mexico 2019; 66(4): p. 409–25.

de Keijzer C, Tonne C, Sabia S, Basagaña X, Valentín A, Singh-Manoux A, Antó JM, Alonso J, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Sunyer J, Dadvand P. Green and blue spaces and physical functioning in older adults: Longitudinal analyses of the Whitehall II study. Environment International 2019; 122: p. 346–56.

Bousquet J, Anto JM, Bachert C, Bosnic-Anticevich S, Erhola M, Haahtela T, Hellings PW, Kuna P, Pfaar O, Samolinski B, Schünemann HJ, Sheikh A, Wallace D; ARIA study group. From ARIA guidelines to the digital transformation of health in rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity. The European Respiratory Journal 2019; 54(6): p. 0–0.

Bosnic-Anticevich S, Costa E, Menditto E, Lourenço O, Novellino E, Bialek S et al. ARIA pharmacy 2018 ''Allergic rhinitis care pathways for community pharmacy'': AIRWAYS ICPs initiative (European Innovation Partnership on Active and Healthy Ageing, DG CONNECT and DG Santé) POLLAR (Impact of Air POLLution on Asthma and Rhinitis) GARD Demonstration project. Allergy 2019; 74(7): p. 1219–1236.


Aramburu J, López-Rodríguez C. Regulation of inflammatory functions of macrophages and T lymphocytes by NFAT5. Frontiers in Immunology 2019; 10: p. 535–0.


Vázquez N, Molina MC, Ramos P, Artazcoz L. Effectiveness of a parent-training program in Spain: reducing the Southern European evaluation gap [Efectividad de un programa de educación parental en España: reducir la brecha en cuanto a evaluación en el sur de Europa]. Gaceta sanitaria 2019; 33(1): p. 10–16.

Rodríguez-Loureiro L, Artazcoz L, López-Ruiz M, Assunção AÁ, Benavides FG.. Joint effect of paid working hours and multiple job holding on work absence due to health problems among basic education teachers in Brazil: the Educatel Study.. Cadernos de saúde pública = Reports in public health 2019; 35(Suppl. 1): p. 0–0.

Cortès-Franch I, Puig-Barrachina V, Vargas-Leguás H, Arcas MM, Artazcoz L. Is being employed always better for mental wellbeing than being unemployed? Exploring the role of gender and welfare state regimes during the economic crisis. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2019; 16(23): p. 4799–0.


Carmona M, de Cubas L, Bautista E, Moral-Blanch M, Medraño-Fernández I, Sitia R, Boronat S, Ayté J, Hidalgo E. Monitoring cytosolic H2O2 fluctuations arising from altered plasma membrane gradients or from mitochondrial activity. Nature Communications 2019; 10(1): p. 4526–0.

González-Medina A, Hidalgo E, Ayté J. Gcn5-mediated acetylation at MBF-regulated promoters induces the G1/S transcriptional wave. Nucleic Acids Research 2019; 47(16): p. 8439–8451.


Rodríguez G, Pérez N, Núñez G, Baños JE, Carrió M. Developing creative and research skills through an open and interprofessional inquiry-based learning course. BMC Medical Education 2019; 19(1): p. 134–0.

Sentí M, Presas A, Baños JE. The mutual relationship between biomedical sciences and society. The experience of biomedicine, society and culture. [La enseñanza de la relación mutua entre ciencias biomédicas y sociedad. La experiencia de biomedicina, sociedad y cultura]. Educación médica 2019; 20(6): p. 347–352.

Martínez-Navarro M, Maldonado R, Baños JE. Why mu-opioid agonists have less analgesic efficacy in neuropathic pain?. European Journal of Pain 2019; 23(3): p. 435–454.

Baños JE, Lucena MI, Farré M, Group for the Study of the Teaching Effectiveness of TV series. The usefulness of TV medical dramas for teaching clinical pharmacology: A content analysis of House, M.D.. Educación médica 2019; 20(5): p. 295–303.

M. Martínez-Navarro, I.M. Lara-Mayorga, R. Negrete, W. Bilecki, A. Wawrzczak-Bargiela, L. Gonçalves et al. Influence of behavioral traits in the inter-individual variability of nociceptive, emotional and cognitive manifestations of neuropathic pain. Neuropharmacology 2019; 148: p. 291–304.

Orefice C, Pérez J, Baños J. The presence of humanities in the curricula of medical students in Italy and Spain. Educación médica 2019; 20(Suppl 1): p. 79–86.


Barreiro E, Wang X, Tang J. COPD: preclinical models and emerging therapeutic targets. Expert Opinion on Therapeutic Targets 2019; 23(10): p. 829–838.

Peñuelas O, Keough E, López-Rodríguez L, Carriedo D, Gonçalves G, Barreiro E. Ventilator-induced diaphragm dysfunction: translational mechanisms lead to therapeutical alternatives in the critically ill. Intensive care medicine experimental 2019; 7(Suppl 1): p. 48–0.

Martín-Ontiyuelo C, Rodó-Pin A, Sancho-Muñoz A, Martinez-Llorens JM, Admetlló M, Molina L et al. Is iron deficiency modulating physical activity in COPD?. International Journal of COPD 2019; 14: p. 211–214.

Alcaraz J, Carrasco JL, Millares L, Luis IC, Fernández-Porras FJ, Martínez-Romero A et al. Stromal markers of activated tumor associated fibroblasts predict poor survival and are associated with necrosis in non-small cell lung cancer. Lung Cancer 2019; 135: p. 51–160.

Gea J, Barreiro E. Nutritional abnormalities and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. The International Journal of Tuberculosis and Lung Disease 2019; 23(5): p. 531–532.

Salazar-Degracia A, Granado-Martínez P, Millán-Sánchez A, Tang J, Pons-Carreto A, Barreiro E. Reduced lung cancer burden by selective immunomodulators elicits improvements in muscle proteolysis and strength in cachectic mice. Journal of Cellular Physiology 2019; 234(10): p. 18041–52.

Gea J, Pascual S, Castro-Acosta A, Hernández-Carcereny C, Castelo R, Márquez-Martín E, Montón C, Palou A, Faner R, Furlong LI, Seijo L, Sanz F, Torà M, Vilaplana C, Casadevall C, López-Campos JL, Monsó E, Peces-Barba G, Cosío BG, Agustí A;. Proyecto de biomarcadores y perfiles clínicos personalizados en la enfermedad pulmonar obstructiva crónica (proyecto BIOMEPOC). Archivos de Bronconeumología 2019; 55(2): p. 93–99.

Tang J, Ramis-Cabrer D, Wang X, Barreiro E. Immunotherapy with monoclonal antibodies in lung cancer of mice: oxidative stress and other biological events. Cancers 2019; 11(9): p. 0–0.

Barreiro E, Muñoz X, González-Barcala FJ, Bustamante V, Granda-Orive JI. Relevance of controling for confounding in observational studies. Archivos de Bronconeumología 2019; 55(3): p. 117–0.

Laveneziana P, Albuquerque A, Aliverti A, Babb T, Barreiro E, Dres M et al. ERS statement on respiratory muscle testing at rest and during exercise. The European Respiratory Journal 2019; 53(6): p. 0–0.

Barreiro E, Salazar-Degracia A, Sancho-Muñoz A, Gea J. Endoplasmic reticulum stress and unfolded protein response profile in quadriceps of sarcopenic patients with respiratory diseases. Journal of Cellular Physiology 2019; 234(7): p. 11315–11329.

Barreiro E, Sancho-Muñoz A, Puig-Vilanova E, Salazar-Degracia A, Pascual-Guardia S, Casadevall C, Gea J. Differences in micro-RNA expression profile between vastus lateralis samples and myotubes in COPD cachexia. Journal of Applied Physiology 2019; 126(2): p. 403–412.

López-Campos JL, Rodríguez DA, Quintana-Gallego E, Martínez-Llorens J, Carrasco Hernández L, Barreiro E. Ten research questions for improving COPD care in the next decade. COPD: Journal of Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease 2019; 16(5-6): p. 311–20.

Barreiro E, Salazar-Degracia A, Sancho-Muñoz A, Aguiló R, Rodríguez-Fuster A, Gea J. Endoplasmic reticulum stress and unfolded protein response in diaphragm muscle dysfunction of patients with stable chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Journal of Applied Physiology 2019; 126(6): p. 1572–1586.


de Keijzer C, Basagaña X, Tonne C, Valentín A, Alonso J, Antó JM, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Kivimäki M, Singh-Manoux A, Sunyer J, Dadvand P. Long-term exposure to greenspace and metabolic syndrome: A Whitehall II study. Environmental pollution 2019; 255(Pt2): p. 113231–0.

Sayols-Baixeras S, Fernández-Sanlés A, Prats-Uribe A, Subirana Cachinero I, Plusquin M, Künzli N et al. Association between long-term air pollution exposure and DNA methylation: The REGICOR study. Environmental Research 2019; 176: p. 0–0.

Montazeri P, Thomsen C, Casas M, de Bont J, Haug LS, Maitre L, Papadopoulou E, Sakhi AK, Slama R, Saulnier PJ, Urquiza J, Grazuleviciene R, Andrusaityte S, McEachan R, Wright J, Chatzi L, Basagaña X, Vrijheid M. Socioeconomic position and exposure to multiple environmental chemical contaminants in six European mother-child cohorts. International Journal of Hygiene and Environmental Health 2019; 222(5): p. 864–72.

Boudier A, Chanoine S, Accordini S, Anto JM, Basagaña X, Bousquet J, Demoly P, Garcia-Aymerich J, Gormand F, Heinrich J, Janson C, Künzli N, Matran R, Pison C, Raherison C, Sunyer J, Varraso R, Jarvis D, Leynaert B, Pin I, Siroux V. Data-driven adult asthma phenotypes based on clinical characteristics are associated with asthma outcomes twenty years later. Allergy 2019; 74(5): p. 953–963.

Papadopoulou E, Haug LS, Sakhi AK, Andrusaityte S, Basagaña X, Brantsaeter AL, Casas M, Fernández-Barrés S, Grazuleviciene R, Knutsen HK, Maitre L, Meltzer HM, McEachan RRC, Roumeliotaki T, Slama R, Vafeiadi M, Wright J, Vrijheid M, Thomsen C, Chatzi L. Diet as a source of exposure to environmental contaminants for pregnant women and children from six european countries. Environmental Health Perspectives 2019; 127(10): p. 107005–0.

Agay-Shay K, Michael Y, Basagaña X, Martínez-Solanas È, Broday D, Lensky IM, Rudolf M, Rubin L, Kent R, Levy N, Haklai Z, Grotto I. Mean and variance of greenness and pregnancy outcomes in Tel Aviv during 2000-14: longitudinal and cross-sectional approaches. International Journal of Epidemiology 2019; 48(4): p. 1054–72.

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Vivanco-Hidalgo RM, Avellaneda-Gómez C, Dadvand P, Cirach M, Ois Á, Gómez González A, Rodriguez-Campello A, de Ceballos P, Basagaña X, Zabalza A, Cuadrado-Godia E, Sunyer J, Roquer J, Wellenius GA. Association of residential air pollution, noise, and greenspace with initial ischemic stroke severity. Environmental Research 2019; 179(Pt A): p. 0–0.

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Rivas I, Basagaña X, Cirach M, López Vicente M, Suades González E, García Esteban R et al. Association between early life exposure to air pollution and working memory and attention. Environmental Health Perspectives 2019; 127(5): p. 0–0.

Keidel D, Anto JM, Basagaña X, Bono R, Burte E, Carsin AE, Forsberg B, Fuertes E, Galobardes B, Heinrich J, de Hoogh K, Jarvis D, Künzli N, Leynaert B, Marcon A, Le Moual N, de Nazelle A, Schindler C, Siroux V, Stempfelet M, Sunyer J, Temam S, Tsai MY, Varraso R, Jacquemin B, Probst-Hensch N. The role of socioeconomic status in the association of lung function and air pollution-A pooled analysis of three adult ESCAPE cohorts. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health 2019; 16(11): p. 0–0.

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Lorente-Galdos B, Lao O, Serra-Vidal G, Santpere G, Kuderna LFK, Arauna LR, Fadhlaoui-Zid K, Pimenoff VN, Soodyall H, Zalloua P, Marques-Bonet T, Comas D. Whole-genome sequence analysis of a Pan African set of samples reveals archaic gene flow from an extinct basal population of modern humans into sub-Saharan populations. Genome Biology 2019; 20(1): p. 77–0.


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Vivanco-Hidalgo RM, Avellaneda-Gómez C, Dadvand P, Cirach M, Ois Á, Gómez González A, Rodriguez-Campello A, de Ceballos P, Basagaña X, Zabalza A, Cuadrado-Godia E, Sunyer J, Roquer J, Wellenius GA. Association of residential air pollution, noise, and greenspace with initial ischemic stroke severity. Environmental Research 2019; 179(Pt A): p. 0–0.




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Skalic M, Martínez-Rosell G, Jiménez J, De Fabritiis G. PlayMolecule BindScope: large scale CNN-based virtual screening on the web. Bioinformatics 2019; 35(7): p. 1237–1238.


Skalic M, Jiménez J, Sabbadin D, De Fabritiis G. Shape-based generative modeling for de novo drug design. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 2019; 59(3): p. 1205–1214.




Boronat A, Mateus J, Soldevila-Domenech N, Guerra M, Rodríguez-Morató J, Varon C, Muñoz D, Barbosa F, Morales JC, Gaedigk A, Langohr K, Covas MI, Pérez-Mañá C, Fitó M, Tyndale RF, de la Torre R. Cardiovascular benefits of tyrosol and its endogenous conversion into hydroxytyrosol in humans. A randomized, controlled trial. Free Radical Biology & Medicine 2019; 143: p. 471–481.


Navarro-Romero A, Vázquez-Oliver A, Gomis-González M, Garzón-Montesinos C, Falcón-Moya R, Pastor A et al. Cannabinoid type-1 receptor blockade restores neurological phenotypes in two models for Down syndrome. Neurobiology of Disease: Experimental Neurology, Part B 2019; 125: p. 92–106.


Vazquez A, Sanchez-Rodriguez E, Vargas F, Montoro-Molina S, Romero M, Espejo-Calvo JA, Vilchez P, Jaramillo S, Olmo-García L, Carrasco-Pancorbo A, de la Torre R, Fito M, Covas MI, Martínez de Victoria E, Mesa MD. Cardioprotective effect of a virgin olive oil enriched with bioactive compounds in spontaneously hypertensive rats. Nutrients 2019; 11(8): p. 1728–0.


Martínez-Torres S, Cutando L, Pastor A, Kato A, Sakimura K, de la Torre R, Valjent E, Maldonado R, Kano M, Ozaita A. Monoacylglycerol lipase blockade impairs fine motor coordination and triggers cerebellar neuroinflammation through cyclooxygenase-2. Brain Behavior and Immunity 2019; 81: p. 399–409.


Hernáez Á, Sanllorente A, Castañer O, Martínez-González MÁ, Ros E, Pintó X, Estruch R, Salas-Salvadó J, Corella D, Alonso-Gómez ÁM, Serra-Majem L, Fiol M, Lapetra J, Gómez-Gracia E, de la Torre R, Lamuela-Raventós RM, Fitó M. Increased consumption of virgin olive oil, nuts, legumes, whole grains, and fish promotes HDL functions in humans. Molecular Nutrition & Food Research 2019; 63(6): p. 0–0.


Boronat A, Mateus J, Soldevila-Domenech N, Guerra M, Rodríguez-Morató J, Varon C, Muñoz D, Barbosa F, Morales JC, Gaedigk A, Langohr K, Covas MI, Pérez-Mañá C, Fitó M, Tyndale RF, de la Torre R. Data on the endogenous conversion of tyrosol into hydroxytyrosol in humans. Data in Brief 2019; 27: p. 104787–0.


Becerra-Tomás N, Mena-Sánchez G, Díaz-López A, Martínez-González MÁ, Babio N, Corella D, Freixer G, Romaguera D, Vioque J, Alonso-Gómez ÁM, Wärnberg J, Martínez JA, Serra-Majem L, Estruch R, Fernández-García JC, Lapetra J, Pintó X, Tur JA, López-Miranda J, Bueno-Cavanillas A, Gaforio JJ, Matía-Martín P, Daimiel L, Martín-Sánchez V, Vidal J, Vázquez C, Ros E, Razquin C, Abellán Cano I, Sorli JV, Torres L, Morey M, Navarrete-Muñoz EM, Tojal Sierra L, Crespo-Oliva E, Zulet MÁ, Sanchez-Villegas A, Casas R, Bernal-Lopez MR, Santos-Lozano JM, Corbella E, Del Mar Bibiloni M, Ruiz-Canela M, Fernández-Carrión R, Quifer M, Prieto RM, Fernandez-Brufal N, Salaverria Lete I, Cenoz JC, Llimona R, Salas-Salvadó J; PREDIMED-Plus Investigators (members: de la Torre R, et al.). Cross-sectional association between non-soy legume consumption, serum uric acid and hyperuricemia: the PREDIMED-Plus study (In press). European Journal of Nutrition 2019; p. 0–0.


Cebolla A, Botella C, Galiana L, Fernández-Aranda F, Toledo E, Corella D, Salas-Salvadó J, Fitó M, Romaguera D, Wärnberg J, Serra-Majem LL, Pintó X, Buil-Cosiales P, Sorlí JV, Díaz-López A, De la Torre R, de Mott MF, Díaz González BV, Corbella E, Yañez A, Baños R. Psychometric properties of the Weight Locus of Control Scale (MWLCS): study with Spanish individuals of different anthropometric nutritional status (In press). Eating and Weight Disorders 2019; p. 0–0.


Soldevila-Domenech N, Boronat A, Langohr K, de la Torre R. N-of-1 clinical trials in nutritional interventions directed at improving cognitive function. Frontiers in nutrition 2019; 6: p. 110–0.


Olesti E, Farré M, Carbó ML, Papaseit E, Perez-Mañá C, Torrens M, Yubero-Lahoz S, Pujadas M, Pozo ÓJ, de la Torre R. Dose-response pharmacological study of mephedrone and its metabolites: pharmacokinetics, serotoninergic effects, and impact of CYP2D6 genetic variation. Clinical Pharmacology and Therapeutics 2019; 106(3): p. 596–604.


Olesti E, Rodríguez-Morató J, Gomez-Gomez A, Ramaekers JG, de la Torre R, Pozo OJ. Quantification of endogenous neurotransmitters and related compounds by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry. Talanta : Proceedings of the Dutch Archaeological and Historical Society 2019; 192: p. 93–102.


Rodríguez-Morató J, Goday A, Langohr K, Pujadas M, Civit E, Pérez-Mañá C, Papaseit E, Ramon JM, Benaiges D, Castañer O, Farré M, de la Torre R. Short- and medium-term impact of bariatric surgery on the activities of CYP2D6, CYP3A4, CYP2C9, and CYP1A2 in morbid obesity. Scientific Reports 2019; 9(1): p. 20405–0.


Romero-Sanchiz P, Nogueira-Arjona R, Pastor A, Araos P, Serrano A, Boronat A, Garcia-Marchena N, Mayoral F, Bordallo A, Alen F, Suárez J, de la Torre R, Pavón FJ, Rodríguez de Fonseca F. Plasma concentrations of oleoylethanolamide in a primary care sample of depressed patients are increased in those treated with selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor-type antidepressants. Neuropharmacology 2019; 149: p. 212–220.


Steward T, Mestre-Bach G, Granero R, Sánchez I, Riesco N, Vintró-Alcaraz C, Sauchelli S, Jiménez-Murcia S, Agüera Z, Fernández-García JC, Garrido-Sánchez L, Tinahones FJ, Casanueva FF, Baños RM, Botella C, Crujeiras AB, Torre R, Fernández-Real JM, Frühbeck G, Ortega FJ, Rodríguez A, Menchón JM, Fernández-Aranda F. Reduced plasma orexin-A concentrations are associated with cognitive deficits in anorexia nervosa. Scientific Reports 2019; 9(1): p. 7910–0.


Pintó X, Fanlo-Maresma M, Corbella E, Corbella X, Mitjavila MT, Moreno JJ, Casas R, Estruch R, Corella D, Bulló M, Ruiz-Canela M, Castañer O, Martinez JA, Ros E; PREDIMED Study Investigators (members: de la Torrer R, et al.). A mediterranean diet rich in extra-virgin olive oil is associated with a reduced prevalence of nonalcoholic fatty liver disease in older individuals at high cardiovascular risk. The Journal of Nutrition 2019; 149(11): p. 1920–1929.


Xicota L, Rodríguez J, Langohr K, Fitó M, Dierssen M, de la Torre R; TESDAD study group. Effect of epigallocatechin gallate on the body composition and lipid profile of down syndrome individuals: Implications for clinical management (In press). Clinical Nutrition 2019; p. 0–0.


Mensen VT, Vreeker A, Nordgren J, Atkinson A, de la Torre R, Farré M, Ramaekers JG, Brunt TM. Psychopathological symptoms associated with synthetic cannabinoid use: a comparison with natural cannabis. Psychopharmacology 2019; 236(9): p. 2677–2685.


Martínez-González MA, Buil-Cosiales P, Corella D, Bulló M, Fitó M, Vioque J, Romaguera D, Martínez JA, Wärnberg J, López-Miranda J, Estruch R, Bueno-Cavanillas A, Arós F, Tur JA, Tinahones F, Serra-Majem L, Martín V, Lapetra J, Vázquez C, Pintó X, Vidal J, Daimiel L, Delgado-Rodríguez M, Matía P, Ros E, Fernández-Aranda F, Botella C, Portillo MP, Lamuela-Raventós RM, Marcos A, Sáez G, Gómez-Gracia E, Ruiz-Canela M, Toledo E, Alvarez-Alvarez I, Díez-Espino J, Sorlí JV, Basora J, Castañer O, Schröder H, Navarrete-Muñoz EM, Zulet MA, García-Rios A, Salas-Salvadó J; PREDIMED-Plus Investigators. Cohort Profile: Design and methods of the PREDIMED-Plus randomized trial. International Journal of Epidemiology 2019; 48(2): p. 387–388.


Salas-Salvadó J, Díaz-López A, Ruiz-Canela M, Basora J, Fitó M, Corella D, Serra-Majem L, Wärnberg J, Romaguera D, Estruch R, Vidal J, Martínez JA, Arós F, Vázquez C, Ros E, Vioque J, López-Miranda J, Bueno-Cavanillas A, Tur JA, Tinahones FJ, Martín V, Lapetra J, Pintó X, Daimiel L, Delgado-Rodríguez M, Matía P, Gómez-Gracia E, Díez-Espino J, Babio N, Castañer O, Sorlí JV, Fiol M, Zulet MÁ, Bulló M, Goday A, Martínez-González MÁ; PREDIMED-Plus investigators. Effect of a Lifestyle Intervention Program With Energy-Restricted Mediterranean Diet and Exercise on Weight Loss and Cardiovascular Risk Factors: One-Year Results of the PREDIMED-Plus Trial. Diabetes Care : the Journal of Clinical and Applied Research and Education 2019; 42(5): p. 777–788.


Sanchez-Rodriguez E, Biel-Glesson S, Fernandez-Navarro JR, Calleja MA, Espejo-Calvo JA, Gil-Extremera B, de la Torre R, Fito M, Covas MI, Vilchez P, Alche JD, Martinez de Victoria E, Gil A, Mesa MD. Effects of virgin olive oils differing in their bioactive compound contents on biomarkers of oxidative stress and inflammation in healthy adults: a randomized double-blind controlled trial. Nutrients 2019; 11(3): p. 0–0.


Paslakis G, Agüera Z, Granero R, Sánchez I, Riesco N, Jiménez-Murcia S, Fernández-García JC, Garrido-Sánchez L, Tinahones FJ, Casanueva FF, Baños RM, Botella C, Crujeiras AB, de la Torre R, Fernández-Real JM, Frühbeck G, Ortega FJ, Rodríguez A, Serra-Majem L, Fitó M, Menchón JM, Fernández-Aranda F. Associations between neuropsychological performance and appetite-regulating hormones in anorexia nervosa and healthy controls: Ghrelin's putative role as a mediator of decision-making. Molecular and Cellular Endocrinology 2019; 497: p. 110441–0.


Martínez-Riera R, Pérez-Mañá C, Papaseit E, Fonseca F, de la Torre R, Pizarro N, Torrens M, Farré M. Soy isoflavone extract does not increase the intoxicating effects of acute alcohol ingestion in human volunteers. Frontiers in Pharmacology 2019; 10: p. 131–0.


Soldevila-Domenech N, Boronat A, Mateus J, Diaz-Pellicer P, Matilla I, Pérez-Otero M, Aldea-Perona A, de la Torre R. Generation of the antioxidant hydroxytyrosol from tyrosol present in beer and red wine in a randomized clinical trial. Nutrients 2019; 11(9): p. 0–0.


Martín-Sánchez, Ana; Warnault, Vincent; Montagud-Romero, Sandra; Pastor, Antoni; Mondragón, Neus; De La Torre, Rafael; Valverde, Olga.. Alcohol-induced conditioned place preference is modulated by CB2 cannabinoid receptors and modifies levels of endocannabinoids in the mesocorticolimbic system. Pharmacology Biochemistry and Behavior 2019; 183: p. 22–31.


Ramon-Duaso C, Gener T, Consegal M, Fernández-Avilés C, Gallego JJ, Castarlenas L, Swanson MS, de la Torre R, Maldonado R, Puig MV, Robledo P. Methylphenidate attenuates the cognitive and mood alterations observed in mbnl2 knockout mice and reduces microglia overexpression. Cerebral Cortex 2019; 29(7): p. 2978–2997.


Garcia-Arellano A, Martínez-González MA, Ramallal R, Salas-Salvadó J, Hébert JR, Corella D, Shivappa N, Forga L, Schröder H, Muñoz-Bravo C, Estruch R, Fiol M, Lapetra J, Serra-Majem L, Ros E, Rekondo J, Toledo E, Razquin C, Ruiz-Canela M; SUN and PREDIMED Study Investigators (members: Tello S, Vila J, de la Torre R, Muñoz-Aguayo D, Elosua R, Marrugat J, Schröder H, Molina N, Maestre E, Rovira A, Castañer O, Farré M et al.). Dietary inflammatory index and all-cause mortality in large cohorts: The SUN and PREDIMED studies. Clinical Nutrition 2019; 38(3): p. 1221–1231.


Olesti E, De Toma I, Ramaekers JG, Brunt TM, Carbó ML, Fernández-Avilés C, Robledo P, Farré M, Dierssen M, Pozo ÓJ, de la Torre R.. Metabolomics predicts the pharmacological profile of new psychoactive substances. Journal of Psychopharmacology 2019; 33(3): p. 347–354.




Carbonell C, Ulsamer A, Vivori C, Papasaikas P, Böttcher R, Joaquin M, Miñana B, Tejedor JR, de Nadal E, Valcárcel J, Posas F. Functional network analysis reveals the relevance of SKIIP in the regulation of alternative splicing by p38 SAPK. Cell Reports 2019; 27(3): p. 847–859.


Amat R, Böttcher R, Le Dily F, Vidal E, Quilez J, Cuartero Y, Beato M, de Nadal E, Posas F. Rapid reversible changes in compartments and local chromatin organization revealed by hyperosmotic shock. Genome Research 2019; 29(1): p. 18–28.


Nadal-Ribelles M, Islam S, Wei W, Latorre P, Nguyen M, de Nadal E, Posas F, Steinmetz LM. Sensitive high-throughput single-cell RNA-seq reveals within-clonal transcript correlations in yeast populations. Nature Microbiology 2019; 4(4): p. 683–692.


Nadal-Ribelles, Mariona; Solé, Carme; Martínez-Cebrián, Gerard; Posas, Francesc; de Nadal, Eulàlia.. Shaping the Transcriptional Landscape through MAPK Signaling.  Uchiumi, Fumiaki (ed.). Gene Expression and Control. 1 ed. Publisher IntechOpen; 2019. .




Gallo M, Defaus S, Andreu D. 1988-2018: Thirty years of drug smuggling at the nano scale. Challenges and opportunities of cell-penetrating peptides in biomedical research. Archives of Biochemistry and Biophysics 2019; 661: p. 74–86.


Pérez-Peinado C, Defaus S, Sans-Comerma L, Valle J, Andreu D. Decoding the human serum interactome of snake-derived antimicrobial peptide Ctn[15-34]: Toward an explanation for unusually long half-life. Journal of Proteomics 2019; 204: p. 0–0.




Lambies G, Miceli M, Martínez-Guillamon C, Olivera-Salguero R, Peña R, Frías CP et al. TGFß-activated USP27X deubiquitinase regulates cell migration and chemoresistance via stabilization of snail1. Cancer Research 2019; 79(1): p. 33–46.




Blasco-Moreno B, de Campos-Mata L, Böttcher R, García-Martínez J, Jungfleisch J, Nedialkova DD, Chattopadhyay S, Gas ME, Oliva B, Pérez-Ortín JE, Sebastian Leidel SA, Choder M, Díez J. The exonuclease Xrn1 activates transcription and translation of mRNAs encoding membrane proteins. Nature Communications 2019; 10: p. 0–0.


Blevins WR, Tavella T, Moro SG, Blasco-Moreno B, Closa-Mosquera A, Díez J, Carey LB, Albà MM. Extensive post-transcriptional buffering of gene expression in the response to severe oxidative stress in baker's yeast. Scientific Reports 2019; 9(1): p. 0–0.




Espinoza, Lupe C.; Silva-Abreu, Marcelle; Calpena, Ana C.; Rodríguez-Lagunas, Maria J.; Fábrega, María-José; Garduño-Ramírez, María L.. Nanoemulsion strategy of pioglitazone for the treatment of skin inflammatory diseases. Nanomedicine: Nanotechnology, Biology, and Medicine 2019; 19: p. 115–125.


Carvajal Vidal, Paulina; Fábrega, María-José; Espina, Marta; Calpena, Ana Cristina; García, Maria Luisa. Development of halobetasol loaded nanostructured lipid carrier for dermal administration: optimization physicochemical and biopharmaceutical behaviour and therapeutic efficacy. Nanomedicine 2019; 20: p. 0–0.




Figueras E, Martins A, Borbély A, Le Joncour V, Cordella P, Perego R, Modena D, Pagani P, Esposito S, Auciello G, Frese M, Gallinari P, Laakkonen P, Steinkühler C, Sewald N. Octreotide conjugates for tumor targeting and imaging. Pharmaceutics 2019; 11(5): p. 220–0.


Borbély A, Figueras E, Martins A, Bodero L, Raposo Moreira Dias A, López Rivas P, Pina A, Arosio D, Gallinari P, Frese M, Steinkühler C, Gennari C, Piarulli U, Sewald N. Conjugates of cryptophycin and RGD or iso DGR peptidomimetics for targeted drug delivery. ChemistryOpen 2019; 8(6): p. 737–742.


Borbély A, Figueras E, Martins A, Esposito S, Auciello G, Monteagudo E, Di Marco A, Summa V, Cordella P, Perego R, Kemker I, Frese M, Gallinari P, Steinkühler C, Sewald N. Synthesis and biological evaluation of RGD-cryptophycin conjugates for targeted drug delivery. Pharmaceutics 2019; 11(4): p. 151–0.