Universitat Pompeu Fabra (UPF) committed in 2010 to the principles of the Charter and the Code and two years later, in 2012, the European Commission invited UPF to become a member of the 3rd cohort of the Human Resources Strategy Group created to support and guide institutions in the overall process of implementing an HR Strategy incorporating the Charter and Code principles.
To this aim, UPF is working on a project in the field of human resources whose goal is to enhance and ensure the quality of the service we offer research staff and to improve our broader institutional human resources policies. The final aim is to provide a research environment that attracts the best researchers and achieves world-class results. Our frame of reference is the European Charter and the Code of Conduct.
As part of this process, we analysed different aspects of our human resources policies and we produced a draft document which included a gap analysis. The goal was to develop an Institutional HR Strategy for Researchers that would be submitted to the European Commission for approval and implemented by the university.
Before delivering the final version of this document we invited the UPF community during the month of February to participate in the process by sending comments by email to the following address: [email protected] reference subject: HRS4R). Comments were received and taken into account in the elaboration of the final version of the Action Plan 2014-2016 approved by the university's Board of Managers (Consell de Direcció) at the beginning of March. The "HR Strategy for Researchers Action Plan 2014-2016" was sent to the EC for revision on 14th March 2014. The Action Plan was approved and UPF has been awarded with the logo "HR Excellence in Research".