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Molinuevo JL, Ayton S, Batrla R, Bednar MM, Bittner T, Cummings J, Fagan AM, Hampel H, Mielke MM, Mikulskis A, O'Bryant S, Scheltens P, Sevigny J, Shaw LM, Soares HD, Tong G, Trojanowski JQ, Zetterberg H, Blennow K.. Current state of Alzheimer's fluid biomarkers.. Acta Neuropathologica 2018; 136(6): p. 821–853.


Rhodius-Meester HFM1, Liedes H, Koikkalainen J, Wolfsgruber S, Coll-Padros N, Kornhuber J, Peters O, Jessen F, Kleineidam L, Molinuevo JL, Rami L, Teunissen CE, Barkhof F, Sikkes SAM, Wesselman LMP, Slot RER, Verfaillie SCJ, Scheltens P, Tijms BM, Lötjönen J, van der Flier WM.. Computer-assisted prediction of clinical progression in the earliest stages of AD.. Alzheimer's & Dementia: Diagnosis, Assessment & Disease Monitoring 2018; 10: p. 726–736.


Marchant NL, Barnhofer T, Klimecki OM, Poisnel G, Lutz A, Arenaza-Urquijo E, Collette F, Wirth M, Schild AK, Coll-Padrós N, Reyrolle L, Horney D, Krolak-Salmon P, Molinuevo JL, Walker Z, Maillard A, Frison E, Jessen F, Chételat G; SCD-WELL Medit-Ageing Research Group.. The SCD-Well randomized controlled trial: Effects of a mindfulness-based intervention versus health education on mental health in patients with subjective cognitive decline (SCD).. Alzheimer's and Demential: Translational Research and Clinical Interventions 2018; 4: p. 737–745.


Hampel H, O'Bryant SE, Molinuevo JL, Zetterberg H, Masters CL, Lista S, Kiddle SJ, Batrla R, Blennow K.. Blood-based biomarkers for Alzheimer disease: mapping the road to the clinic.. Nature Reviews. Neurology 2018; 14(11): p. 639–652.


Ten Kate M, Ingala S, Schwarz AJ, Fox NC, Chételat G, van Berckel BNM, Ewers M, Foley C, Gispert JD, Hill D, Irizarry MC, Lammertsma AA, Molinuevo JL, Ritchie C, Scheltens P, Schmidt ME, Visser PJ, Waldman A, Wardlaw J, Haller S, Barkhof F.. Secondary prevention of Alzheimer's dementia: neuroimaging contributions.. Alzheimer's Research and Therapy 2018; 10(1): p. 0–0.


Bos I, Vos S, Vandenberghe R, Scheltens P, Engelborghs S, Frisoni G, Molinuevo JL, Wallin A, Lleó A, Popp J, Martinez-Lage P, Baird A, Dobson R, Legido-Quigley C, Sleegers K, Van Broeckhoven C, Bertram L, Ten Kate M, Barkhof F, Zetterberg H, Lovestone S, Streffer J, Visser PJ.. The EMIF-AD Multimodal Biomarker Discovery study: design, methods and cohort characteristics.. Alzheimer's Research and Therapy 2018; 10(1): p. 0–0.


Mattsson N, Groot C, Jansen WJ, Landau SM, Villemagne VL, Engelborghs S, Mintun MM, Lleo A, Molinuevo JL, Jagust WJ, Frisoni GB, Ivanoiu A, Chételat G, Resende de Oliveira C, Rodrigue KM, Kornhuber J, Wallin A, Klimkowicz-Mrowiec A, Kandimalla R, Popp J, Aalten PP, Aarsland D, Alcolea D, Almdahl IS, Baldeiras I, van Buchem MA, Cavedo E, Chen K, Cohen AD, Förster S, Fortea J, Frederiksen KS, Freund-Levi Y, Gill KD, Gkatzima O, Grimmer T, Hampel H, Herukka SK, Johannsen P, van Laere K, de Leon MJ, Maier W, Marcusson J, Meulenbroek O, Mollergard HM, Morris JC, Mroczko B, Nordlund A, Prabhakar S, Peters O, Rami L, Rodríguez-Rodríguez E, Roe CM, Rüther E, Santana I, Schröder J, Seo SW, Soininen H, Spiru L, Stomrud E, Struyfs H, Teunissen CE, Verhey FRJ, Vos SJB, van Waalwijk van Doorn LJC, Waldemar G, Wallin AK, Wiltfang J, Vandenberghe R, Brooks DJ, Fladby T, Rowe CC, Drzezga A, Verbeek MM, Sarazin M, Wolk DA, Fleisher AS, Klunk WE, Na DL, Sánchez-Juan P, Lee DY, Nordberg A, Tsolaki M, Camus V, Rinne JO, Fagan AM, Zetterberg H, Blennow K, Rabinovici GD, Hansson O, van Berckel BNM, van der Flier WM, Scheltens P, Visser PJ, Ossenkoppele R.. Prevalence of the apolipoprotein E e4 allele in amyloid ß positive subjects across the spectrum of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia 2018; 14(7): p. 913–924.


Khachaturian AS, Hayden KM, Mielke MM, Tang Y, Lutz MW, Gold M, Kukull WA7, Mohs R, Gauthier S, Molinuevo JL, Zetterberg H, Khachaturian ZS.. New thinking about thinking, part two. Theoretical articles for Alzheimer's & Dementia.. Alzheimer's & Dementia 2018; 14(6): p. 703–706.


Gascon M, Sánchez-Benavides G, Dadvand P, Martínez D, Gramunt N, Gotsens X, Cirach M, Vert C, Molinuevo JL, Crous-Bou M, Nieuwenhuijsen M.. Long-term exposure to residential green and blue spaces and anxiety and depression in adults: A cross-sectional study.. Environmental Research 2018; (162): p. 231–239.


Falcon C, Operto G, Molinuevo JL, Gispert JD.. Neuroimaging Methods for MRI Analysis in CSF Biomarkers Studies.. Methods in Molecular Biology 2018; (1750): p. 165–184.


Wesselman LMP, Schild AK, Coll-Padros N, van der Borg WE, Meurs JHP, Hooghiemstra AM, Slot RER, Sannemann L, Rami L, Molinuevo JL, Bouwman FH, Jessen F, van der Flier WM, Sikkes SAM, Euro-SCD working group. Wishes and preferences for an online lifestyle program for brain health - A mixed methods study. Alzheimer's & Dementia 2018; 4: p. 141–149.


Rojas S, Brugulat-Serrat A, Bargalló N, Minguillón C, Tucholka A, Falcon C, Carvalho A, Morán S, Esteller M, Gramunt N, Fauria K, Camí J, Molinuevo JL, Gispert JD. Higher prevalence of cerebral white matter hyperintensities in homozygous APOE-e4 allele carriers aged 45-75: Results from the ALFA study. Journal of cerebral blood flow and metabolism 2018; 38(2): p. 250–261.


Sánchez-Benavides G, Grau-Rivera O, Cacciaglia R, Suárez-Calvet M, Falcon C, Minguillon C, Gramunt N, Sala-Vila A, Gispert JD, Molinuevo JL.. Distinct Cognitive and Brain Morphological Features in Healthy Subjects Unaware of Informant-Reported Cognitive Decline.. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2018; 65(1): p. 181–191.


Operto G, Cacciaglia R, Grau-Rivera O, Falcon C, Brugulat-Serrat A, Ródenas P, Ramos R, Morán S, Esteller M, Bargalló N, Molinuevo JL, Gispert JD; ALFA Study (members: Camí J., et al.). White matter microstructure is altered in cognitively normal middle-aged APOE-e4 homozygotes. Alzheimer's Research and Therapy 2018; 10(1): p. 0–0.


Jack CR Jr, Bennett DA, Blennow K, Carrillo MC, Dunn B, Haeberlein SB, Holtzman DM, Jagust W, Jessen F, Karlawish J, Liu E, Molinuevo JL, Montine T, Phelps C, Rankin KP, Rowe CC, Scheltens P, Siemers E, Snyder HM, Sperling R.. NIA-AA Research Framework: Toward a biological definition of Alzheimer's disease. Alzheimer's & Dementia 2018; 14(4): p. 535–562.


Atri A, Frölich L, Ballard C, Tariot PN, Molinuevo JL, Boneva N, Windfeld K, Raket LL, Cummings JL.. Effect of Idalopirdine as Adjunct to Cholinesterase Inhibitors on Change in Cognition in Patients With Alzheimer Disease: Three Randomized Clinical Trials.. JAMA, the Journal of the American Medical Association 2018; 319(2): p. 130–142.


Solomon A, Kivipelto M, Molinuevo JL, Tom B, Ritchie CW.. European Prevention of Alzheimer's Dementia Longitudinal Cohort Study (EPAD LCS): study protocol. BMJ Open 2018; 8(12): p. 0–0.


Cummings JL, Atri A, Ballard C, Boneva N, Frölich L, Molinuevo JL, Raket LL, Tariot PN.. Insights into globalization: comparison of patient characteristics and disease progression among geographic regions in a multinational Alzheimer's disease clinical program.. Alzheimer's Research and Therapy 2018; 10(1): p. 0–0.


Ten Kate M, Redolfi A, Peira E, Bos I, Vos SJ, Vandenberghe R, Gabel S, Schaeverbeke J, Scheltens P, Blin O, Richardson JC, Bordet R, Wallin A, Eckerstrom C, Molinuevo JL, Engelborghs S, Van Broeckhoven C, Martinez-Lage P.. MRI predictors of amyloid pathology: Results from the EMIF-AD Multimodal Biomarker Discovery study. Alzheimer's Research and Therapy 2018; 10(1): p. 0–0.


Vermunt L, Veal CD, Ter Meulen L, Chrysostomou C, van der Flier W, Frisoni GB, Guessous I, Kivipelto M, Marizzoni M, Martinez-Lage P, Molinuevo JL, Porteous D, Ritchie K, Scheltens P, Ousset PJ, Ritchie CW, Luscan G, Brookes AJ, Visser PJ.. European Prevention of Alzheimer's Dementia Registry: Recruitment and prescreening approach for a longitudinal cohort and prevention trials.. Alzheimer's & Dementia 2018; 14(6): p. 837–842.


Sanroma G, Benkarim OM, Piella G, Camara O, Wu G., Shen D, Gispert JD, Molinuevo JL, González Ballester MA.. Learning non-linear patch embeddings with neural networks for label fusion. Medical Image Analysis 2018; 44: p. 143–155.


Tucholka A, Grau-Rivera O, Falcon C, Rami L2, Sánchez-Valle R, Lladó A, Gispert JD, Molinuevo JL; Alzheimer's Disease Neuroimaging Initiative.. Structural connectivity alterations along the Alzheimer's disease continuum: Reproducibility across two independent samples and correlation with cerebrospinal fluid amyloid-ß and tau. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2018; 61(4): p. 1575–1587.


Falcon C, Tucholka A, Monté-Rubio GC, Cacciaglia R, Operto G, Rami L, Gispert JD, Molinuevo JL.. Longitudinal structural cerebral changes related to core CSF biomarkers in preclinical Alzheimer's disease: A study of two independent datasets,. NeuroImage: Clinical 2018; 19: p. 0–0.


Sánchez-Benavides G, Grau-Rivera O, Suárez-Calvet M, Minguillon C, Cacciaglia R, Gramunt N, Falcon C, ALFA Study, Gispert JD, Molinuevo JL.. Brain and cognitive correlates of subjective cognitive decline-plus features in a population-based cohort.. Alzheimer's Research and Therapy 2018; 10(1): p. 0–0.


Shaw LM, Arias J, Blennow K, Galasko D, Molinuevo JL, Salloway S, Schindler S, Carrillo MC, Hendrix JA, Ross A, Illes J, Ramus C, Fifer S.. Appropriate use criteria for lumbar puncture and cerebrospinal fluid testing in the diagnosis of Alzheimer's disease.. Alzheimer's & Dementia 2018; 14(11): p. 1505–1521.


Kovacs GG, Kwong LK, Grossman M, Irwin DJ, Lee EB, Robinson JL, Suh E, Van Deerlin VM, Lee VM, Trojanowski JQ.. Tauopathy with hippocampal 4-repeat tau immunoreactive spherical inclusions: a report of three cases.. Brain Pathology 2018; 28(2): p. 274–283.


Milne R, Bunnik E, Diaz A, Richard E, Badger S, Gove D, Georges J, Fauria K, Molinuevo JL, Wells K, Ritchie C, Brayne C.. Perspectives on Communicating Biomarker-Based Assessments of Alzheimer's Disease to Cognitively Healthy Individuals.. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2018; 62(2): p. 487–498.


Jansen WJ, Ossenkoppele R, Tijms BM, Fagan AM, Hansson O, Klunk WE, van der Flier WM, Villemagne VL, Frisoni GB, Fleisher AS, Lleó A, Mintun MA, Wallin A, Engelborghs S, Na DL, Chételat G, Molinuevo JL, Landau SM, Mattsson N, Kornhuber J, Sabri O, Rowe CC, Parnetti L, Popp J, Fladby T, Jagust WJ, Aalten P, Lee DY, Vandenberghe R, Resende de Oliveira C, Kapaki E, Froelich L, Ivanoiu A, Gabryelewicz T, Verbeek MM, Sanchez-Juan P, Hildebrandt H, Camus V, Zboch M, Brooks DJ, Drzezga A, Rinne JO, Newberg A, de Mendonça A, Sarazin M, Rabinovici GD, Madsen K, Kramberger MG, Nordberg A, Mok V, Mroczko B, Wolk DA, Meyer PT, Tsolaki M, Scheltens P, Verhey FRJ, Visser PJ; Amyloid Biomarker Study Group, Aarsland D, Alcolea D, Alexander M, Almdahl IS, Arnold SE, Baldeiras I, Barthel H, van Berckel BNM, Blennow K, van Buchem MA, Cavedo E, Chen K, Chipi E, Cohen AD, Förster S, Fortea J, Frederiksen KS, Freund-Levi Y, Gkatzima O, Gordon MF, Grimmer T, Hampel H, Hausner L, Hellwig S, Herukka SK, Johannsen P, Klimkowicz-Mrowiec A, Köhler S, Koglin N, van Laere K, de Leon M, Lisetti V, Maier W, Marcusson J, Meulenbroek O, Mollergard HM, Morris JC, Nordlund A, Novak GP, Paraskevas GP, Perera G, Peters O, Ramakers IHGB, Rami L, Rodríguez-Rodríguez E, Roe CM, Rot U, Rüther E, Santana I, Schröder J, Seo SW, Soininen H, Spiru L, Stomrud E, Struyfs H, Teunissen CE, Vos SJB, van Waalwijk van Doorn LJC, Waldemar G, Wallin AK, Wiltfang J, Zetterberg H.. Association of Cerebral Amyloid-ß Aggregation With Cognitive Functioning in Persons Without Dementia.. JAMA psychiatry 2018; 75(1): p. 84–95.


Cacciaglia R, Molinuevo JL, Sánchez-Benavides G, Falcón C, Gramunt N, Brugulat-Serrat A, Grau O, Gispert JD, ALFA Study (members: Camí J, et al.). Episodic memory and executive functions in cognitively healthy individuals display distinct neuroanatomical correlates which are differentially modulated by aging. Human Brain Mapping 2018; 39(11): p. 4565–4579.


Cacciaglia R, Molinuevo JL, Falcón C, Brugulat-Serrat A, Sánchez-Benavides G, Gramunt N, Esteller M, Morán S, Minguillón C, Fauria K, Gispert JD, ALFA study.. Effects of APOE-e4 allele load on brain morphology in a cohort of middle-aged healthy individuals with enriched genetic risk for Alzheimer's disease.. Alzheimer's & Dementia 2018; 14(7): p. 902–912.


Lewczuk P, Riederer P, O'Bryant SE, Verbeek MM, Dubois B, Visser PJ, Jellinger KA, Engelborghs S, Ramirez A, Parnetti L, Jack CR Jr, Teunissen CE, Hampel H, Lleó A, Jessen F, Glodzik L, de Leon MJ, Fagan AM, Molinuevo JL, Jansen WJ, Winblad B, Shaw LM, Andreasson U, Otto M, Mollenhauer B, Wiltfang J, Turner MR, Zerr I Handels R, Thompson AG, Johansson G, Ermann N, Trojanowski JQ, Karaca I, Wagner H, Oeckl P, van Waalwijk van Doorn L, Bjerke M, Kapogiannis D, Kuiperij HB, Farotti L, Li Y, Gordon BA, Epelbaum S, Vos SJB, Klijn CJM, Van Nostrand WE, Minguillon C, Schmitz M, Gallo C, Lopez Mato A, Thibaut F, Lista S, Alcolea D, Zetterberg H, Blennow K30, Kornhuber J; Members of the WFSBP Task Force Working on this Topic.. Cerebrospinal fluid and blood biomarkers for neurodegenerative dementias: An update of the Consensus of the Task Force on Biological Markers in Psychiatry of the World Federation of Societies of Biological Psychiatry.. World Journal of Biological Psychiatry 2018; 19(4): p. 244–328.


Skouras S, Gispert JD, Molinuevo JL.. The Crus exhibits stronger functional connectivity with executive network nodes than with the default mode network.. Brain : a Journal of Neurology 2018; 141(1): p. 0–0.


Hansson O, Mikulskis A, Fagan AM, Teunissen C, Zetterberg H, Vanderstichele H, Molinuevo JL, Shaw LM, Vandijck M, Verbeek MM, Savage M, Mattsson N, Lewczuk P, Batrla R, Rutz S, Dean RA, Blennow K.. The impact of preanalytical variables on measuring cerebrospinal fluid biomarkers for Alzheimer's disease diagnosis: A review.. Alzheimer's & Dementia 2018; 14(10): p. 1313–1333.


Molinuevo JL, Minguillon C, Rami L, Gispert JD.. The Rationale Behind the New Alzheimer's Disease Conceptualization: Lessons Learned During the Last Decades.. Journal of Alzheimer's Disease 2018; 62(3): p. 1067–1077.




Blanco-Gandía MC, Montagud-Romero S, Aguilar MA, Miñarro J, Rodríguez-Arias M. Housing conditions modulate the reinforcing properties of cocaine in adolescent mice that binge on fat. Physiology & Behavior 2018; 183: p. 18–26.




Montagut C, Tsui DW, Diaz LA. Detection of somatic RAS mutations in circulating tumor DNA from metastatic colorectal cancer patients: are we ready for clinical use?. Annals of Oncology 2018; 29(5): p. 1083–1084.


Goldberg RM, Montagut C, Wainberg ZA, Ronga P, Audhuy F, Taieb J, Stintzing S, Siena S, Santini D. Optimising the use of cetuximab in the continuum of care for patients with metastatic colorectal cancer.. ESMO open 2018; 3(4): p. 0–0.


García-Alfonso P, Benavides M, Falcó E, Muñoz A, Gómez A, Sastre J, Rivera F, Montagut C, Salgado M, López-Ladrón A, López R, Ruiz de Mena I, Durán G, Aranda E. Single-Agent Regorafenib in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer Patients with Any RAS or BRAF Mutation Previously Treated with FOLFOXIRI plus Bevacizumab (PREVIUM Trial). Oncologist 2018; 23(11): p. 1271–1280.


Montagut C, Argilés G, Ciardiello F, Poulsen TT, Dienstmann R, Kragh M, Kopetz S, Lindsted T, Ding C, Vidal J, Clausell-Tormos J, Siravegna G, Sánchez-Martín FJ, Koefoed K, Pedersen MW, Grandal MM, Dvorkin M, Wyrwicz L, Rovira A, Cubillo A, Salazar R, Desseigne F, Nadal C, Albanell J, Zagonel V, Siena S, Fumi G, Rospo G, Nadler P, Horak ID, Bardelli A, Tabernero J. Efficacy of Sym004 in Patients With Metastatic Colorectal Cancer With Acquired Resistance to Anti-EGFR Therapy and Molecularly Selected by Circulating Tumor DNA Analyses: A Phase 2 Randomized Clinical Trial. JAMA oncology 2018; 4(4): p. 0–0.


García-Foncillas J, Tabernero, J, Élez E, Aranda E, Benavides M, Camps C, Jantus-Lewintre E, López R, Muinelo-Romay L, Montagut C, Antón A, López G, Díaz-Rubio E, Rojo F, Vivancos A. Prospective multicenter real-world RAS mutation comparison between OncoBEAM-based liquid biopsy and tissue analysis in metastatic colorectal cancer. British Journal of Cancer 2018; 119(12): p. 1464–1470.


Gonzalez-Cao M, Mayo De Las Casas C, Jordana Ariza N, Manzano JL, Molina-Vila MÁ, Soriano V, Puertolas T, Balada A, Soria A, Majem M, Montagut C, Muñoz E, Rodriguez-Abreu D, Perez E, Garcia A, Cortes J, Drozdowskyj A, Karachaliou N, Rosell R. Early evolution of BRAFV600 status in the blood of melanoma patients correlates with clinical outcome and identifies patients refractory to therapy. Melanoma Research 2018; 28(3): p. 195–203.


Prieto-Potin I, Montagut C, Bellosillo B, Evans M, Smith M, Melchior L, Reiltin W, Bennett M, Pennati V, Castiglione F, Bürrig KF, Cooper U, Dockhorn-Dworniczak B, Rossenbach C, Luna-Aguirre CM, Barrera-Saldaña HA, Machado JC, Costa JL, Yacobi R, Tabibian-Keissar H, Buglioni S, Ronchetti L, Douglas-Berger L, Dubbink HJ, Alorini M, Sabourin JC, Rojo F. Multicenter Evaluation of the Idylla NRAS-BRAF Mutation Test in Metastatic Colorectal Cancer. Journal of Molecular Diagnostics 2018; 20(5): p. 664–676.


Abad A, Martínez-Balibrea E1, Viéitez JM, Alonso-Orduña V, García Alfonso P, Manzano J, Massutí B, Benavides M, Carrato A, Zanui M, Gallego J, Grávalos C, Conde V, Provencio M, Valladares-Ayerbes M, Salazar R, Sastre J, Montagut C, Rivera F, Aranda E. Genotype-based selection of treatment for patients with advanced colorectal cancer (SETICC): a pharmacogenetic-based randomized phase II trial. Annals of Oncology 2018; 29(2): p. 439–444.




Solé RV, Montañez R, Duran-Nebreda S, Rodriguez-Amor D, Vidiella B, Sardanyés J. Population dynamics of synthetic terraformation motifs. Royal Society Open Science 2018; 5(7): p. 0–0.




Moyano E, Baillés E, Girvent M, Pérez J. Equidad en el cálculo de los expedientes universitarios. Expedientes cualitativos vs cuantitativos (In press). Educación médica 2018; p. 0–0.


Lalaleo L, Alcazar R, Palazon J, Moyano E, Cusido RM, Bonfill M. Comparing aryltetralin lignan accumulation patterns in four biotechnological systems of Linum album. Journal of Plant Physiology 2018; 228: p. 197–207.


Vidal-Limon HR, Almagro L, Moyano E, Palazon J, Pedreño MA, Cusido RM. Perfluorodecalins and hexenol as inducers of secondary metabolism in taxus media and vitis vinifera cell cultures. Frontiers in Plant Science 2018; 9: p. 335–0.


Sanchez-Muñoz, Raul; Bonfill, Mercedes; Cusidó, Rosa Maria; Palazón, Javier; Moyano, Elisabeth. Advances in the Regulation of In Vitro Paclitaxel Production: Methylation of a Y-Patch Promoter Region Alters BAPT Gene Expression in Taxus Cell Cultures.. Plant and Cell Physiology 2018; 59(11): p. 0–0.




Baar MP, Perdiguero E, Muñoz-Cánoves P, de Keizer PL. Musculoskeletal senescence: a moving target ready to be eliminated. Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2018; (40): p. 147–155.


Chang NC, Sincennes MC, Chevalier FP, Brun CE, Lacaria M, Segalés J, Muñoz-Cánoves P, Ming H, Rudnicki MA. The dystrophin glycoprotein complex regulates the epigenetic activation of muscle stem cell commitment. Cell Stem Cell 2018; 22(5): p. 755–768.


Muñoz-Cánoves P, Huch M. Definitions for adult stem cells debated. Nature 2018; 563(7731): p. 328–329.


Souza-Victor P, Garcia-Prat L, Muñoz-Cánoves P. New mechanisms driving muscle stem cell regenerative decline with aging. The International Journal of Developmental Biology 2018; 62(6-7-8): p. 583–590.




Ortiz-Romero P, Borralleras C, Bosch-Morató M, Guivernau B, Albericio G, Muñoz FJ, Pérez-Jurado LA, Campuzano V. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate improves cardiac hypertrophy and short-term memory deficits in a Williams-Beuren syndrome mouse model. PLoS ONE 2018; 13(3): p. 0194476–0.


Vargas LM, Cerpa W, Muñoz FJ, Zanlungo S, Alvarez AR. Amyloid-B oligomers synaptotoxicity: The emerging role of EphA4/c-Abl signaling in Alzheimer's disease. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta. Molecular Basis of Disease 2018; 1864(4 Pt A): p. 1148–1159.




Marigorta UM, Rodríguez JA, Gibson G, Navarro A. Replicability and prediction: lessons and challenges from GWAS. Trends in genetics 2018; 34(7): p. 504–517.


Telford, Marco; Navarro, Arcadi; Santpere, Gabriel. Whole genome diversity of inherited chromosomally integrated HHV-6 derived from healthy individuals of diverse geographic origin. Scientific Reports 2018; 8(1): p. 3472–0.


Muntané G, Farré X, Rodríguez J A, Pegueroles C, Hughes D A, de Magalhães J P, Navarro A. Biological processes modulating longevity across primates: a phylogenetic genome-phenome analysis. Molecular Biology and Evolution 2018; 35(8): p. 1990–2004.


Hernandez-Rodriguez J, Arandjelovic M, Lester J, de Filippo C, Weihmann A, Meyer M, Angedakin S, Casals F, Navarro A, Vigilant L, Kühl HS, Langergraber K, Boesch C, Hughes D, Marques-Bonet T. The impact of endogenous content, replicates and pooling on genome capture from faecal samples. Molecular Ecology Resources 2018; 18(2): p. 319–333.




Marín-López MA, Planas-Iglesias J, Aguirre-Plans J, Bonet J, Garcia-Garcia J, Fernandez-Fuentes N, Oliva B. On the mechanisms of protein interactions: Predicting their affinity from unbound tertiary structures. Bioinformatics 2018; 34(4): p. 592–598.


Salgado-Mendialdúa V, Aguirre-Plans J, Guney E, Reig-Viader R, Maldonado R, Bayés À, Oliva B, Ozaita A. Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol modulates the proteasome system in the brain. Biochemical Pharmacology 2018; 157: p. 159–168.


Aguirre-Plans J, Piñero J, Menche J, Sanz F, Furlong LI, Schmidt HHHW, Oliva B, Guney E.. Proximal pathway enrichment analysis for targeting comorbid diseases via network endopharmacology. Pharmaceuticals 2018; 11(3): p. 0–0.


Sánchez-Mir L, Salat-Canela C, Paulo E, Carmona M, Ayté J, Oliva B, Hidalgo E. Phospho-mimicking Atf1 mutants bypass the transcription activating function of the MAP kinase Sty1 of fission yeast. Current Genetics 2018; 64(1): p. 97–102.


Piñero J, Gonzalez-Perez A, Guney E, Aguirre-Plans J, Sanz F, Oliva B, Furlong LI. Network, transcriptomic and genomic features differentiate genes relevant for drug response. Frontiers in Genetics 2018; 9: p. 412–0.


Cuadrado A, Manda G, Hassan A, Alcaraz MJ, Barbas C, Daiber A, Ghezzi P, León R, López MG, Oliva B, Pajares M, Rojo AI, Robledinos-Antón N, Valverde AM, Guney E, Schmidt HHHW. Transcription factor NRF2 as a therapeutic target for chronic diseases: A systems medicine approach. Pharmacological Reviews 2018; 70(2): p. 348–383.




Operto G, Cacciaglia R, Grau-Rivera O, Falcon C, Brugulat-Serrat A, Ródenas P, Ramos R, Morán S, Esteller M, Bargalló N, Molinuevo JL, Gispert JD; ALFA Study (members: Camí J., et al.). White matter microstructure is altered in cognitively normal middle-aged APOE-e4 homozygotes. Alzheimer's Research and Therapy 2018; 10(1): p. 0–0.


Falcon C, Tucholka A, Monté-Rubio GC, Cacciaglia R, Operto G, Rami L, Gispert JD, Molinuevo JL.. Longitudinal structural cerebral changes related to core CSF biomarkers in preclinical Alzheimer's disease: A study of two independent datasets,. NeuroImage: Clinical 2018; 19: p. 0–0.




Gasull-Camós J, Martínez-Torres S, Tarrés-Gatius M, Ozaita A, Artigas F, Castañé A. Serotonergic mechanisms involved in antidepressant-like responses evoked by GLT-1 blockade in rat infralimbic cortex. Neuropharmacology 2018; 139: p. 41–51.


Salgado-Mendialdúa V, Aguirre-Plans J, Guney E, Reig-Viader R, Maldonado R, Bayés À, Oliva B, Ozaita A. Delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol modulates the proteasome system in the brain. Biochemical Pharmacology 2018; 157: p. 159–168.


Busquets-Garcia A, Gomis-González M, Salgado-Mendialdúa V, Galera-López L, Puighermanal E, Martín-García E, Maldonado R, Ozaita A. Hippocampal protein kinase C signaling mediates the short-term memory impairment induced by delta9-tetrahydrocannabinol. Neuropsychopharmacology 2018; 43(5): p. 1021–1031.


Martínez-Torres S, Gomis-González M, Maldonado R, Ozaita A. Relevance of the peripheral endocannabinoid system in cognitive performance.  AA.VV.. 11th FENS Forum of Neuroscience. 1 ed. 2018. .




Pastor M, Quintana J, Sanz F. Development of an infrastructure for the prediction of biological endpoints in industrial environments. Frontiers in Pharmacology 2018; 9: p. 1147–0.


Nolte TM, Pinto-Gil K, Hendriks AJ, Ragas AMJ, Pastor M. Quantitative structure-activity relationships for primary aerobic biodegradation of organic chemicals in pristine surface waters: starting points for predicting biodegradation under acclimatization. Environmental science. Processes & impacts 2018; (1): p. 0–0.


López-Massaguer O, Sanz F, Pastor M. An automated tool for obtaining QSAR-ready series of compounds using semantic web technologies. Bioinformatics 2018; 34(1): p. 131–133.


Romero L, Cano J, Gomis-Tena J, Trenor B, Sanz F, Pastor M, Saiz J. In Silico QT and APD Prolongation Assay for Early Screening of Drug-Induced Proarrhythmic Risk. Journal of Chemical Information and Modeling 2018; 58(4): p. 867–878.


López-Massaguer O, Pinto-Gil K, Sanz F, Amberg A, Anger LT, Stolte M, Ravagli C, Marc P, Pastor M. Generating modeling data from repeat-dose toxicity reports. Toxicological Sciences 2018; 162(1): p. 287–300.


Delp J, Gutbier S, Klima S, Hoelting L, Pinto-Gil K, Hsieh JH, Aichem M, Klein K, Schreiber F, Tice RR, Pastor M, Behl M, Leist M. A high-throughput approach to identify specific neurotoxicants/ developmental toxicants in human neuronal cell function assays. ALTEX: Alternativen zu Tierexperimenten 2018; 35(2): p. 235–253.




Baar MP, Perdiguero E, Muñoz-Cánoves P, de Keizer PL. Musculoskeletal senescence: a moving target ready to be eliminated. Current Opinion in Pharmacology 2018; (40): p. 147–155.




López-Cano M, Pereira Rodriguez JA. Parastomal Hernia Prevention With Mesh in the Context of Laparoscopic Approach: An Opinion Based on Current Literature. Frontiers in surgery 2018; 5: p. 19–0.


López-Cano M, Pereira JA, Armengol-Carrasco M, García-Alamino J. To Prevent Parastomal Hernia After Stomal Surgery, a Prophylactic Mesh does Work [Una malla profiláctica funciona en la prevención de la hernia paraestomal]. Cirugía española 2018; 96(1): p. 62–63.


López-Cano M, Martin-Dominguez LA, Pereira JA, Armengol-Carrasco M, García-Alamino JM. Balancing mesh-related complications and benefits in primary ventral and incisional hernia surgery. A meta-analysis and trial sequential analysis. PLoS ONE 2018; 13(6): p. 0–0.


Pereira JA, Montcusí B, López-Cano M, Hernández-Granados P, Fresno de Prado L, Miembros del registro EVEREG. Risk factors for bad outcomes in incisional hernia repair: Lessons learned from the National Registry of Incisional Hernia (EVEREG). Cirugía española 2018; 96(7): p. 436–442.


López-Cano M, García-Alamino JM, Antoniou SA, Bennet D, Dietz UA, Ferreira F, Fortelny RH, Hernandez-Granados P, Miserez M, Montgomery A, Morales-Conde S, Muysoms F, Pereira JA, Schwab R, Slater N, Vanlander A, Van Ramshorst GH, Berrevoet F. EHS clinical guidelines on the management of the abdominal wall in the context of the open or burst abdomen. Hernia 2018; 22(6): p. 921–939.


Argudo N, Pera M, López-Cano M, Hernández L, Sancho JJ, Grande L. et al. Selective Mesh Augmentation to Prevent Incisional Hernias in Open Colorectal Surgery Is Safe and Cost-Effective. Frontiers in surgery 2018; 5: p. 8–0.




Marti-Pastor M, Perez G, German D, Pont A, Garin O, Alonso J, Gotsens M, Ferrer M. Health-related quality of life inequalities by sexual orientation: results from the Barcelona health interview survey. PLoS ONE 2018; 13(1): p. 1–15.




Ortiz-Romero P, Borralleras C, Bosch-Morató M, Guivernau B, Albericio G, Muñoz FJ, Pérez-Jurado LA, Campuzano V. Epigallocatechin-3-gallate improves cardiac hypertrophy and short-term memory deficits in a Williams-Beuren syndrome mouse model. PLoS ONE 2018; 13(3): p. 0194476–0.


Iacono G, Mereu E, Guillaumet-Adkins A, Corominas R, Cuscó I, Rodríguez-Esteban G, Gut M, Pérez-Jurado LA, Gut I, Heyn H. BigSCale: an analytical framework for big-scale single-cell data. Genome Research 2018; 28(6): p. 878–890.


Martos-Moreno GÁ, Travieso-Suárez L, Pozo-Román J, Muñoz-Calvo MT, Chowen JA, Frilander MJ, Pérez-Jurado LA, Hawkins FG, Argente J. Response to growth hormone in patients with RNPC3 mutations. EMBO Molecular Medicine 2018; 10(7): p. 0–0.


Hawkins-Carranza FG, Muñoz-Calvo MT, Martos-Moreno GÁ, Allo-Miguel G, Del Río L, Pozo J, Chowen JA, Pérez-Jurado LA, Argente J. rhIGF-1 treatment increases bone mineral density and trabecular bone structure in children with PAPP-A2 deficiency. Hormone Research in Paediatrics 2018; 89(3): p. 200–204.




Duch A, Canal B, Barroso SI, García-Rubio M, Seisenbacher G, Aguilera A, de Nadal E, Posas F. Multiple signaling kinases target Mrc1 to prevent genomic instability triggered by transcription-replication conflicts. Nature Communications 2018; 9(1): p. 379–0.


Romero AM, Martínez-Pastor M, Du G, Solé C, Carlos M, Vergara SV, Sanvisens N, Wohlschlegel JA, Toczyski DP, Posas F, de Nadal E, Martínez-Pastor MT, Thiele DJ, Puig S. Phosphorylation and proteasome recognition of the mRNA-Binding protein Cth2 facilitates yeast adaptation to iron deficiency. MBio 2018; 9(5): p. 0–0.


Canal B, Duch A, Posas F, de Nadal E. A novel mechanism for the prevention of transcription replication conflicts. Molecular & Cellular Oncology 2018; 5(3): p. 0–0.


Aymoz D, Solé C, Pierre JJ, Schmitt M, de Nadal E, Posas F, Pelet S. Timing of gene expression in a cell-fate decision system. Molecular Systems Biology 2018; 14(4): p. 0–0.


Martins TS, Pereira C, Canadell D, Vilaça R, Teixeira V, Moradas-Ferreira P, de Nadal E, Posas F, Costa V. The Hog1p kinase regulates Aft1p transcription factor to control iron accumulation. Biochimica et Biophysica Acta - Molecular and Cell Biology of Lipids 2018; 1863(1): p. 61–70.


Yu-Lee LY, Yu G, Lee YC, Lin SC, Pan J, Pan T, Yu KJ, Liu B, Creighton CJ, Rodriguez-Canales J, Villalobos PA, Wistuba II, de Nadal E, Posas F, Gallick GE, Lin SH.. Osteoblast-Secreted Factors Mediate Dormancy of Metastatic Prostate Cancer in the Bone via Activation of the TGFßRIII-p38MAPK-pS249/T252RB Pathway.. Cancer Research 2018; 78(11): p. 2911–2924.


Urrios A, Gonzalez-Flo E, Canadell D, de Nadal E, Macia J, Posas F.. Plug-and-Play Multicellular Circuits with Time-Dependent Dynamic Responses. ACS Synthetic Biology 2018; 7(4): p. 1095–1104.


Vázquez-Ibarra A, Subirana L, Ongay-Larios L, Kawasaki L, Rojas-Ortega E, Rodríguez-González M, de Nadal E, Posas F, Coria R. Activation of the Hog1 MAPK by the Ssk2/Ssk22 MAP3Ks, in the absence of the osmosensors, is not sufficient to trigger osmostress adaptation in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. FEBS Journal 2018; 285(6): p. 1079–1096.




Cruzat, J.; Deco, G.; Tauste-Campo, A.; Principe, A.; Costa, A.; Kringelbach, M. L.; Rocamora, R.. The dynamics of human cognition: Increasing global integration coupled with decreasing segregation found using iEEG. NeuroImage 2018; 172: p. 492–505.


Tauste Campo, A.; Principe, A.; Ley, M.; Rocamora, R.; Deco, G.. Degenerate time-dependent network dynamics anticipate seizures in human epileptic brain. PLoS Biology 2018; 16(4): p. 0–0.




Letelier J, Terriente J, Belzunce I, Voltes A, Undurraga CA, Polvillo R, Devos L, Tena JJ, Maeso I, Retaux S, Gomez-Skarmeta JL, Martínez-Morales JR, Pujades C. Evolutionary emergence of the rac3b/rfng/sgca regulatory cluster refined mechanisms for hindbrain boundaries formation. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2018; 115(16): p. 3731–3740.




Niell N, Larriba MJ, Ferrer-Mayorga G, Sánchez-Pérez I, Cantero R, Real FX, Del Peso L, Muñoz A, González-Sancho JM. The human PKP2/plakophilin-2 gene is induced by Wnt/ß-catenin in normal and colon cancer-associated fibroblasts. International Journal of Cancer 2018; 142(4): p. 792–804.


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Alemany S, Vilor-Tejedor N, García-Esteban R, Bustamante M, Dadvand P, Esnaola M, Mortamais M, Forns J, van Drooge BL, Álvarez-Pedrerol M, Grimalt JO, Rivas I, Querol X, Pujol J, Sunyer J. Traffic-related air pollution, APOEe4 status, and neurodevelopmental outcomes among school children enrolled in the BREATHE project (Catalonia, Spain). Environmental Health Perspectives 2018; 126(8): p. 0–0.


Vilor-Tejedor N, Alemany S, Cáceres A, Bustamante M, Mortamais M, Pujol J, Sunyer J, González JR. Sparse multiple factor analysis to integrate genetic data, neuroimaging features, and attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder domains. International Journal of Methods in Psychiatric Research 2018; 27(3): p. 0–0.


Gómez Real F, Burgess JA, Villani S, Dratva J, Heinrich J, Janson C, Jarvis D, Koplin J, Leynaert B, Lodge C, Lærum BN, Matheson MC, Norbäck D, Omenaas ER, Skulstad SM, Sunyer J, Dharmage SC, Svanes C. Maternal age at delivery, lung function and asthma in offspring: a population-based survey. The European Respiratory Journal 2018; 51(6): p. 0–0.


Maitre L, Robinson O, Martinez D, Toledano MB, Ibarluzea J, Marina LS, Sunyer J, Villanueva CM, Keun HC, Vrijheid M, Coen M.. Urine Metabolic Signatures of Multiple Environmental Pollutants in Pregnant Women: An Exposome Approach.. Environmental Science & Technology 2018; 52(22): p. 13469–13480.


Pacitto A, Stabile L, Viana M, Scungio M, Reche C, Querol X, Alastuey A, Rivas I, Álvarez-Pedrerol M, Sunyer J, van Drooge BL, Grimalt JO, Sozzi R, Vigo P, Buonanno G. Particle-related exposure, dose and lung cancer risk of primary school children in two European countries. The Science of the Total Environment 2018; 616-617: p. 720–729.


Dadvand P, Pujol J, Macià D, Martínez-Vilavella G, Blanco-Hinojo L, Mortamais M, Alvarez-Pedrerol M, Fenoll R, Esnaola M, Dalmau-Bueno A, López-Vicente M, Basagaña X, Jerrett M, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Sunyer J.. The Association between Lifelong Greenspace Exposure and 3-Dimensional Brain Magnetic Resonance Imaging in Barcelona Schoolchildren. Environmental Health Perspectives 2018; 126(2): p. 0–0.


Felix JF, Joubert BR, Baccarelli AA, Sharp GC, Almqvist C, Annesi-Maesano I, Arshad H, Baïz N, Bakermans-Kranenburg MJ, Bakulski KM, Binder EB, Bouchard L, Breton CV, Brunekreef B, Brunst KJ, Burchard EG, Bustamante M, Chatzi L, Cheng Munthe-Kaas M, Corpeleijn E, Czamara D, Dabelea D, Davey Smith G, De Boever P, Duijts L, Dwyer T, Eng C, Eskenazi B, Everson TM, Falahi F, Fallin MD, Farchi S, Fernandez MF, Gao L, Gaunt TR, Ghantous A, Gillman MW, Gonseth S, Grote V, Gruzieva O, Håberg SE, Herceg Z, Hivert MF, Holland N, Holloway JW, Hoyo C, Hu D, Huang RC, Huen K, Järvelin MR, Jima DD, Just AC, Karagas MR, Karlsson R, Karmaus W, Kechris KJ, Kere J, Kogevinas M, Koletzko B, Koppelman GH, Küpers LK, Ladd-Acosta C, Lahti J, Lambrechts N, Langie SAS, Lie RT, Liu AH, Magnus MC, Magnus P, Maguire RL, Marsit CJ, McArdle W, Melén E, Melton P, Murphy SK, Nawrot TS, Nisticò L, Nohr EA, Nordlund B, Nystad W, Oh SS, Oken E, Page CM, Perron P, Pershagen G, Pizzi C, Plusquin M, Raikkonen K, Reese SE, Reischl E, Richiardi L, Ring S, Roy RP, Rzehak P, Schoeters G, Schwartz DA, Sebert S, Snieder H, Sørensen TIA, Starling AP, Sunyer J, Taylor JA, Tiemeier H, Ullemar V, Vafeiadi M, Van Ijzendoorn MH, Vonk JM, Vriens A, Vrijheid M, Wang P, Wiemels JL, Wilcox AJ, Wright RJ, Xu CJ, Xu Z, Yang IV, Yousefi P, Zhang H, Zhang W, Zhao S, Agha G, Relton CL, Jaddoe VWV, London SJ. Cohort profile: Pregnancy and childhood epigenetics (PACE) consortium. International Journal of Epidemiology 2018; 47(1): p. 0–0.


Forns J, Sunyer J, Garcia-Esteban R, Porta D, Ghassabian A, Giorgis-Allemand L, Gong T, Gehring U, Sorensen M, Standl M, Sugiri D, Almqvist C, Andiarena A, Badaloní C, Beelen R, Berdel D, Cesaroni G, Charles MA, Eriksen KT, Estarlich M, Fernandez MF, Forhan A, Jaddoe VWV, Korek M, Lichtenstein P, Lertxundi A, Lopez-Espinosa MJ, Markevych I, de Nazelle A, Raaschou-Nielsen O, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Pérez-Lobato R, Philippat C, Slama R, Tiesler CMT, Verhulst FC, von Berg A, Vrijkotte T, Nybo Andersen AM, Heude B, Krämer U, Heinrich J, Tiemeier H, Forastiere F, Pershagen G, Brunekreef B, Guxens M.. Air Pollution Exposure During Pregnancy and Symptoms of Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity Disorder in Children in Europe.. Epidemiology 2018; 29(5): p. 616–628.


Burte E, Leynaert B, Bono R, Brunekreef B, Bousquet J, Carsin AE, De Hoogh K, Forsberg B, Gormand F, Heinrich J, Just J, Marcon A, Künzli N, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Pin I, Stempfelet M, Sunyer J, Villani S, Siroux V, Jarvis D, Nadif R, Jacquemin B.. Association between air pollution and rhinitis incidence in two European cohorts. Environment International 2018; 115: p. 257–266.


Ferrer M, García-Esteban R, Iñiguez C, Costa O, Fernández-Somoano A, Rodríguez-Delhi C, Ibarluzea J, Lertxundi A, Tonne C, Sunyer J, Julvez J. Head circumference and child ADHD symptoms and cognitive functioning: results from a large population-based cohort study (In press). European child & adolescent psychiatry 2018; p. 0–0.


Bousquet J, Arnavielhe S, Bedbrook A, Bewick M, Laune D, Mathieu-Dupas E, Murray R, Onorato GL, Pépin JL, Picard R, Portejoie F, Costa E, Fonseca J, Lourenço O, Morais-Almeida M, Todo-Bom A, Cruz AA, da Silva J, Serpa FS, Illario M, Menditto E, Cecchi L, Monti R, Napoli L, Ventura MT, De Feo G, Larenas-Linnemann D, Fuentes Perez M, Huerta Villabolos YR, Rivero-Yeverino D, Rodriguez-Zagal E, Amat F, Annesi-Maesano I, Bosse I, Demoly P, Devillier P, Fontaine JF, Just J, Kuna TP, Samolinski B, Valiulis A, Emuzyte R, Kvedariene V, Ryan D, Sheikh A, Schmidt-Grendelmeier P, Klimek L, Pfaar O, Bergmann KC, Mösges R, Zuberbier T, Roller-Wirnsberger RE, Tomazic P, Fokkens WJ, Chavannes NH, Reitsma S, Anto JM, Cardona V, Dedeu T, Mullol J, Haahtela T, Salimäki J, Toppila-Salmi S, Valovirta E, Gemicio¿lu B, Yorgancioglu A, Papadopoulos N, Prokopakis EP, Bosnic-Anticevich S, O'Hehir R, Ivancevich JC, Neffen H, Zernotti E, Kull I, Melen E, Wickman M, Bachert C, Hellings P, Palkonen S, Bindslev-Jensen C, Eller E, Waserman S, Sova M, De Vries G, van Eerd M, Agache I, Casale T, Dykewickz M, Naclerio RN, Okamoto Y, Wallace DV; MASK study group. MASK 2017: ARIA digitally-enabled, integrated, person-centred care for rhinitis and asthma multimorbidity using real-world-evidence. Clinical and translational allergy 2018; 8: p. 0–0.


Ballester F, Iñiguez C, Murcia M, Guxens M, Basterretxea M, Rebagliato M, Vioque J, Lertxundi A, Fernandez-Somoano A, Tardon A, Sunyer J, Llop S. Prenatal exposure to mercury and longitudinally assessed fetal growth: Relation and effect modifiers. Environmental Research 2018; 160: p. 97–106.


Maitre L, de Bont J, Casas M, Robinson O, Aasvang GM, Agier L, Andru?aityt¿ S, Ballester F, Basagaña X, Borràs E, Brochot C, Bustamante M, Carracedo A, de Castro M, Dedele A, Donaire-Gonzalez D, Estivill X, Evandt J, Fossati S, Giorgis-Allemand L, R Gonzalez J, Granum B, Grazuleviciene R, Bjerve Gützkow K, Småstuen Haug L, Hernandez-Ferrer C, Heude B, Ibarluzea J, Julvez J, Karachaliou M, Keun HC, Hjertager Krog N, Lau CE, Leventakou V, Lyon-Caen S, Manzano C, Mason D, McEachan R, Meltzer HM, Petraviciene I, Quentin J, Roumeliotaki T, Sabido E, Saulnier PJ, Siskos AP, Siroux V, Sunyer J, Tamayo I, Urquiza J, Vafeiadi M, van Gent D, Vives-Usano M, Waiblinger D, Warembourg C, Chatzi L, Coen M, van den Hazel P, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Slama R, Thomsen C, Wright J, Vrijheid M.. Human Early Life Exposome (HELIX) study: a European population-based exposome cohort. BMJ Open 2018; 8(9): p. 0–0.


Rivas I, Querol X, Wright J, Sunyer J. How to protect school children from the neurodevelopmental harms of air pollution by interventions in the school environment in the urban context. Environment International 2018; 121(Pt 1): p. 199–206.


Peralta GP, Forns J, García de la Hera M, González L, Guxens M, López-Vicente M, Sunyer J, Garcia-Aymerich J.. Sleeping, TV, Cognitively Stimulating Activities, Physical Activity, and Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder Symptom Incidence in Children: A Prospective Study.. Journal of Developmental and Behavioral Pediatrics 2018; 39(3): p. 192–199.


Contreras ZA, Chen Z, Roumeliotaki T, Annesi-Maesano I, Baïz N, von Berg A, Bergström A, Crozier S, Duijts L, Ekström S, Eller E, Fantini MP, Kjaer HF, Forastiere F, Gerhard B, Gori D, Harskamp-van Ginkel MW, Heinrich J, Iñiguez C, Inskip H, Keil T, Kogevinas M, Lau S, Lehmann I, Maier D, van Meel ER, Mommers M, Murcia M, Porta D, Smit HA, Standl M, Stratakis N, Sunyer J, Thijs C, Torrent M, Vrijkotte TGM, Wijga AH, Berhane K, Gilliland F, Chatzi L.. Does early onset asthma increase childhood obesity risk? A pooled analysis of 16 European cohorts. The European Respiratory Journal 2018; 52(3): p. 0–0.


de Prado Bert P, Mercader EMH, Pujol J, Sunyer J, Mortamais M. The Effects of Air Pollution on the Brain: a Review of Studies Interfacing Environmental Epidemiology and Neuroimaging. Current Environmental Health Reports 2018; 5(3): p. 351–364.


Suñol M, Contreras-Rodríguez O, Macià D, Martínez-Vilavella G, Martínez-Zalacaín I, Subirà M, Pujol J, Sunyer J, Soriano-Mas C. Brain structural correlates of subclinical obsessive-compulsive symptoms in healthy children. Journal of the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry 2018; 57(1): p. 41–47.


Plusquin M, Chadeau-Hyam M, Ghantous A, Alfano R, Bustamante M, Chatzi L, Cuenin C, Gulliver J, Herceg Z, Kogevinas M, Nawrot TS, Pizzi C, Porta D, Relton CL, Richiardi L, Robinson O, Sunyer J, Vermeulen R, Vriens A, Vrijheid M, Henderson J, Vineis P.. DNA methylome marks of exposure to particulate matter at three time points in early life. Environmental Science & Technology 2018; 52(9): p. 5427–5437.


de Keijzer C; Tonne C; Basagaña X; Valentín A; Singh-Manoux A; Alonso J, et al.. Residential surrounding greenness and cognitive decline: a 10-Year follow-up of the whitehall II cohort. Environmental Health Perspectives 2018; 126(7): p. 1–12.


Reese SE, Xu CJ, den Dekker HT, Lee MK, Sikdar S, Ruiz-Arenas C, Merid SK, Rezwan FI, Page CM, Ullemar V, Melton PE, Oh SS, Yang IV, Burrows K, Söderhäll C, Jima DD, Gao L, Arathimos R, Küpers LK, Wielscher M, Rzehak P, Lahti J, Laprise C, Madore AM, Ward J, Bennett BD, Wang T, Bell DA; BIOS consortium, Vonk JM, Håberg SE, Zhao S, Karlsson R, Hollams E, Hu D, Richards AJ, Bergström A, Sharp GC, Felix JF, Bustamante M, Gruzieva O, Maguire RL, Gilliland F, Baïz N, Nohr EA, Corpeleijn E, Sebert S, Karmaus W, Grote V, Kajantie E, Magnus MC, Örtqvist AK, Eng C, Liu AH, Kull I, Jaddoe VWV, Sunyer J, Kere J, Hoyo C, Annesi-Maesano I, Arshad SH, Koletzko B, Brunekreef B, Binder EB, Räikkönen K, Reischl E, Holloway JW, Jarvelin MR, Snieder H, Kazmi N, Breton CV, Murphy SK, Pershagen G, Anto JM, Relton CL, Schwartz DA, Burchard EG, Huang RC, Nystad W, Almqvist C, Henderson AJ, Melén E, Duijts L, Koppelman GH, London SJ. Epigenome-wide meta-analysis of DNA methylation and childhood asthma. The Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology 2018; p. 0–0.


Grandjean P, Abdennebi-Najar L, Barouki R, Cranor CF, Etzel RA, Gee D, Heindel JJ, Hougaard KS, Hunt P, Nawrot TS, Prins GS, Ritz B, Soffritti M, Sunyer J, Weihe P.. Timescales of developmental toxicity impacting on research and needs for intervention.. Basic and Clinical Pharmacology and Toxicology 2018; p. 0–0.


Vilor-Tejedor N, Alemany S, Cáceres A, Bustamante M, Pujol J, Sunyer J, González JR.. Strategies for integrated analysis in imaging genetics studies.. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 2018; 93: p. 57–70.


Xu CJ, Söderhäll C, Bustamante M, Baïz N, Gruzieva O, Gehring U, Mason D, Chatzi L, Basterrechea M, Llop S, Torrent M, Forastiere F, Fantini MP, Carlsen KCL, Haahtela T, Morin A, Kerkhof M, Merid SK, van Rijkom B, Jankipersadsing SA, Bonder MJ, Ballereau S, Vermeulen CJ, Aguirre-Gamboa R, de Jongste JC, Smit HA, Kumar A, Pershagen G, Guerra S, Garcia-Aymerich J, Greco D, Reinius L, McEachan RRC, Azad R, Hovland V, Mowinckel P, Alenius H, Fyhrquist N, Lemonnier N, Pellet J, Auffray C, BIOS Consortium, van der Vlies P, van Diemen CC, Li Y, Wijmenga C, Netea MG, Moffatt MF, Cookson WOCM, Anto JM, Bousquet J, Laatikainen T, Laprise C, Carlsen KH, Gori D, Porta D, Iñiguez C, Bilbao JR, Kogevinas M, Wright J, Brunekreef B, Kere J, Nawijn MC, Annesi-Maesano I, Sunyer J, Melén E, Koppelman GH. DNA methylation in childhood asthma: an epigenome-wide meta-analysis. The Lancet. Respiratory medicine 2018; 6(5): p. 379–388.


Martínez-Solanas È, López-Ruiz M, Wellenius GA, Gasparrini A, Sunyer J, Benavides FG, Basagaña X.. Evaluation of the impact of ambient temperatures on occupational injuries in Spain. Environmental Health Perspectives 2018; 126(6): p. 0–0.


Tobías A, Rivas I, Reche C, Alastuey A, Rodríguez S, Fernández-Camacho R, Sánchez de la Campa AM, de la Rosa J, Sunyer J, Querol X. Short-term effects of ultrafine particles on daily mortality by primary vehicle exhaust versus secondary origin in three Spanish cities. Environment International 2018; 111: p. 144–151.


Haug LS, Sakhi AK, Cequier E, Casas M, Maitre L, Basagana X, Andrusaityte S, Chalkiadaki G, Chatzi L, Coen M, de Bont J, Dedele A, Ferrand J, Grazuleviciene R, Gonzalez JR, Gutzkow KB, Keun H, McEachan R, Meltzer HM, Petraviciene I, Robinson O, Saulnier PJ, Slama R, Sunyer J, Urquiza J, Vafeiadi M, Wright J, Vrijheid M, Thomsen C.. In-utero and childhood chemical exposome in six European mother-child cohorts. Environment International 2018; 121(1): p. 751–763.


Casas M, den Dekker HT, Kruithof CJ, Reiss IK, Vrijheid M, Sunyer J, de Jongste JC, Jaddoe VWV, Duijts L. The effect of early growth patterns and lung function on the development of childhood asthma: a population based study. Thorax 2018; 73(12): p. 1137–1145.


Robinson O, Tamayo I, de Castro M, Valentin A, Giorgis-Allemand L, Hjertager Krog N, Marit Aasvang G, Ambros A, Ballester F, Bird P, Chatzi L, Cirach M, D¿del¿ A, Donaire-Gonzalez D, Gra?uleviciene R, Iakovidis M, Ibarluzea J, Kampouri M, Lepeule J, Maitre L, McEachan R, Oftedal B, Siroux V, Slama R, Stephanou EG, Sunyer J, Urquiza J, Vegard Weyde K, Wright J, Vrijheid M, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Basagaña X.. The urban exposome during pregnancy and its socioeconomic determinants. Environmental Health Perspectives 2018; 126(7): p. 0–0.


Boudier A, Chanoine S, Accordini S, Anto JM, Basagaña X, Bousquet J, Demoly P, Garcia-Aymerich J, Gormand F, Heinrich J, Janson C, Künzli N, Matran R, Pison C, Raherison C, Sunyer J, Varraso R, Jarvis D, Leynaert B, Pin I, Siroux V. Data-driven adult asthma phenotypes based on clinical characteristics are associated with asthma outcomes twenty years later. Allergy 2018; 74(5): p. 0–0.


Waage J, Standl M, Curtin JA, Jessen LE, Thorsen J, Tian C, Schoettler N; 23andMe Research Team; AAGC collaborators, Flores C, Abdellaoui A, Ahluwalia TS, Alves AC, Amaral AFS, Antó JM, Arnold A, Barreto-Luis A, Baurecht H, van Beijsterveldt CEM, Bleecker ER, Bonàs-Guarch S, Boomsma DI, Brix S, Bunyavanich S, Burchard EG, Chen Z, Curjuric I, Custovic A, den Dekker HT, Dharmage SC, Dmitrieva J, Duijts L, Ege MJ, Gauderman WJ, Georges M, Gieger C, Gilliland F, Granell R, Gui H, Hansen T, Heinrich J, Henderson J, Hernandez-Pacheco N, Holt P, Imboden M, Jaddoe VWV, Jarvelin MR, Jarvis DL, Jensen KK, Jónsdóttir I, Kabesch M, Kaprio J, Kumar A, Lee YA, Levin AM, Li X, Lorenzo-Diaz F, Melén E, Mercader JM, Meyers DA, Myers R, Nicolae DL, Nohr EA, Palviainen T, Paternoster L, Pennell CE, Pershagen G, Pino-Yanes M, Probst-Hensch NM, Rüschendorf F, Simpson A, Stefansson K, Sunyer J, Sveinbjornsson G, Thiering E, Thompson PJ, Torrent M, Torrents D, Tung JY, Wang CA, Weidinger S, Weiss S, Willemsen G, Williams LK, Ober C, Hinds DA, Ferreira MA, Bisgaard H, Strachan DP, Bonnelykke K.. Author Correction: Genome-wide association and HLA fine-mapping studies identify risk loci and genetic pathways underlying allergic rhinitis. Nature Genetics 2018; 50: p. 1343–0.


Basagaña X, Pedersen M, Barrera-Gómez J, Gehring U, Giorgis-Allemand L, Hoek G, Stafoggia M, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Brunekreef B, Slama R; ESCAPE Birth Outcomes working group.. Analysis of multicentre epidemiological studies: contrasting fixed or random effects modelling and meta-analysis. International Journal of Epidemiology 2018; 47(4): p. 1343–1354.


Robinson O, Keski-Rahkonen P, Chatzi L, Kogevinas M, Nawrot T, Pizzi C, Plusquin M, Richiardi L, Robinot N, Sunyer J, Vermeulen R, Vrijheid M, Vineis P, Scalbert A, Chadeau-Hyam M. Cord blood metabolic signatures of birth weight: A population-based study. Journal of Proteome Research 2018; 17(3): p. 1235–1247.


Patro Golab B, Santos S, Voerman E, Lawlor DA, Jaddoe VWV, Gaillard R; MOCO Study Group Authors (members: Sunyer J, Vrijheid M, et al.). Influence of maternal obesity on the association between common pregnancy complications and risk of childhood obesity: an individual participant data meta-analysis.. The Lancet child & adolescent health 2018; 2(11): p. 812–821.


Poursafa P, Dadvand P, Amin MM, Hajizadeh Y, Ebrahimpour K, Mansourian M, Pourzamani H, Sunyer J, Kelishadi R. Association of polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons with cardiometabolic risk factors and obesity in children. Environment International 2018; 118: p. 203–210.


Levie D, Korevaar TIM, Bath SC, Dalmau-Bueno A, Murcia M, Espada M, Dineva M, Ibarluzea JM, Sunyer J, Tiemeier H, Rebagliato M, Rayman MP, Peeters RP, Guxens M.. Thyroid Function in Early Pregnancy, Child IQ, and Autistic Traits: A Meta-Analysis of Individual Participant Data.. The Journal of Clinical Endocrinology & Metabolism 2018; 103(8): p. 2967–2979.


Tischer C, Dadvand P, Basagana X, Fuertes E, Bergström A, Gruzieva O, Melen E, Berdel D, Heinrich J, Koletzko S, Markevych I, Standl M, Sugiri D, Cirugeda L, Estarlich M, Fernández-Somoano A, Ferrero A, Ibarlueza J, Lertxundi A, Tardón A, Sunyer J, Anto JM. Urban upbringing and childhood respiratory and allergic conditions: A multi-country holistic study. Environmental Research 2018; 161: p. 276–283.


Villanueva CM, Gracia-Lavedan E, Julvez J, Santa-Marina L, Lertxundi N, Ibarluzea J, Llop S, Ballester F, Fernández-Somoano A, Tardón A, Vrijheid M, Guxens M, Sunyer J. Drinking water disinfection by-products during pregnancy and child neuropsychological development in the INMA Spanish cohort study. Environment International 2018; 110: p. 113–122.


Montazeri P, Vrijheid M, Martinez D, Basterrechea M, Fernandez-Somoano A, Guxens M, Iñiguez C, Lertxundi A, Murcia M, Tardon A, Sunyer J, Valvi D. Maternal metabolic health parameters during pregnancy in relation to early childhood BMI trajectories. Obesity 2018; 26(3): p. 588–596.


Vivanco-Hidalgo RM, Wellenius GA, Basagaña X, Cirach M, González AG, Ceballos P, Zabalza A, Jiménez-Conde J, Soriano-Tarraga C, Giralt-Steinhauer E, Alastuey A, Querol X, Sunyer J, Roquer J. Short-term exposure to traffic-related air pollution and ischemic stroke onset in Barcelona, Spain. Environmental Research 2018; 162: p. 160–165.




Taberner L, Bañón A, Alsina B. Anatomical map of the cranial vasculature and sensory ganglia. Journal of Anatomy 2018; 232(3): p. 431–439.




Martí-Pastor M, Pont A, Ávila M, Garin O, Vilagut G, Forero CG, Pardo Y, Tresserras R, Medina-Bustos A, Garcia-Codina O, Cabasés J, Rajmil L, Alonso J, Ferrer M. Head-to-head comparison between the EQ-5D-5L and the EQ-5D-3L in general population health surveys. Population Health Metrics 2018; 16(1): p. 14–0.




Tsoutsi D, Zamora-Pérez P, Xu R, Rivera Gil P. Hyperspectral-enhanced dark field microscopy for single and collective nanoparticle characterization in biological environments. Materials 2018; 11(2): p. 0–0.




Rosas-Casals M, Valverde S, Solé R. A simple spatiotemporal evolution model of a transmission power grid (In press). IEEE Systems Journal 2018; p. 0–0.


Valverde S, Piñero J, Corominas-Murtra B, Montoya J, Joppa L, Solé R. The architecture of mutualistic networks as an evolutionary spandrel. Nature ecology & evolution 2018; 2(1): p. 94–99.


Corominas-Murtra B, Sànchez Fibla M, Valverde S, Solé R. Chromatic transitions in the emergence of syntax networks. Royal Society Open Science 2018; 5(12): p. 0–0.




Doñate-Macián P, Jungfleisch J, Pérez-Vilaró G, Rubio-Moscardo F, Perálvarez-Marín A, Diez J, Valverde MA. The TRPV4 channel links calcium influx to DDX3X activity and viral infectivity. Nature Communications 2018; 9(1): p. 2307–0.


Rozen EJ, Roewenstrunk J, Barallobre MJ, Di Vona C, Jung C, Figueiredo AF, Luna J, Fillat C, Arbonés ML, Graupera M, Valverde MA, de la Luna S. DYRK1A kinase positively regulates angiogenic responses in endothelial cells. Cell Reports 2018; 23(6): p. 1867–1878.


Jung, Carole; Fernández-Dueñas, Víctor; Plata, Cristina; Garcia-Elias, Anna; Ciruela, Francisco; Fernández-Fernández, José M.; Valverde, Miguel A.. Functional coupling of GABAA/B receptors and the channel TRPV4 mediates rapid progesterone signaling in the oviduct. Science Signaling 2018; 11(543): p. 0–0.


Cantero-Recasens G, Butnaru CM, Valverde MA, Naranjo JR, Brouwers N, Malhotra V. KChIP3 coupled to Ca2+ oscillations exerts a tonic brake on baseline mucin release in the colon. eLife 2018; 7: p. 0–0.


Pardo-Pastor, Carlos; Rubio-Moscardó, Fanny; Vogel-González, Marina; Serra-Pascual, Selma A.; Afthinos, Alexandros; Mrkonjic, Sanela; Destaing, Olivier; Abenza, Juan F.; Fernández-Fernández, José Manuel; Trepat, Xavier; Albiges-Rizo, Corinne; Konstantopoulos, Konstantinos; Valverde, M. A.. Piezo2 channel regulates RhoA and actin cytoskeleton to promote cell mechanobiological responses. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences 2018; 115(8): p. 1925–1930.




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Maitre L, Robinson O, Martinez D, Toledano MB, Ibarluzea J, Marina LS, Sunyer J, Villanueva CM, Keun HC, Vrijheid M, Coen M.. Urine Metabolic Signatures of Multiple Environmental Pollutants in Pregnant Women: An Exposome Approach.. Environmental Science & Technology 2018; 52(22): p. 13469–13480.


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Eeftens M, Struchen B, Birks LE, Cardis E, Estarlich M, Fernandez MF, Gaj?ek P, Gallastegi M, Huss A, Kheifets L, Meder IK, Olsen J, Torrent M, Tr¿ek T, Vali¿ B, Vermeulen R, Vrijheid M, van Wel L, Guxens M, Röösli M.. Personal exposure to radio-frequency electromagnetic fields in Europe: Is there a generation gap?. Environment International 2018; 121(1): p. 216–226.


Arizo-Luque V, García AM, Estarlich M, Ballester F, Fernández-Tardón G, Tardón A, Guxens M, Vrijheid M, Lertxundi A, Santa-Marina L, Ronda-Pérez E.. [Effect of employment and domestic load on fetal development and length of gestation in a birth cohort study].. Revista española de salud pública 2018; 92: p. 0–0.


Maitre L, de Bont J, Casas M, Robinson O, Aasvang GM, Agier L, Andru?aityt¿ S, Ballester F, Basagaña X, Borràs E, Brochot C, Bustamante M, Carracedo A, de Castro M, Dedele A, Donaire-Gonzalez D, Estivill X, Evandt J, Fossati S, Giorgis-Allemand L, R Gonzalez J, Granum B, Grazuleviciene R, Bjerve Gützkow K, Småstuen Haug L, Hernandez-Ferrer C, Heude B, Ibarluzea J, Julvez J, Karachaliou M, Keun HC, Hjertager Krog N, Lau CE, Leventakou V, Lyon-Caen S, Manzano C, Mason D, McEachan R, Meltzer HM, Petraviciene I, Quentin J, Roumeliotaki T, Sabido E, Saulnier PJ, Siskos AP, Siroux V, Sunyer J, Tamayo I, Urquiza J, Vafeiadi M, van Gent D, Vives-Usano M, Waiblinger D, Warembourg C, Chatzi L, Coen M, van den Hazel P, Nieuwenhuijsen MJ, Slama R, Thomsen C, Wright J, Vrijheid M.. Human Early Life Exposome (HELIX) study: a European population-based exposome cohort. BMJ Open 2018; 8(9): p. 0–0.


Larrañaga I, Santa-Marina L, Molinuevo A, Álvarez-Pedrerol M, Fernández-Somoano A, Jimenez-Zabala A, Rebagliato M, Rodríguez-Bernal CL, Tardón A, Vrijheid M, Ibarluzea J.. Poor mothers, unhealthy children: the transmission of health inequalities in the INMA study, Spain.. European Journal of Public Health 2018; p. 0–0.


Joas A, Schöpel M, David M, Casas M, Koppen G, Esteban M, Knudsen LE, Vrijheid M, Schoeters G, Calvo AC, Schwedler G, Kolossa-Gehring M, Joas R. Environmental health surveillance in a future European health information system. Archives of Public Health 2018; 76(27): p. 1–14.


Birks LE, Struchen B, Eeftens M, van Wel L, Huss A, Gaj?ek P, Kheifets L, Gallastegi M, Dalmau-Bueno A, Estarlich M, Fernandez MF, Meder IK, Ferrero A, Jiménez-Zabala A, Torrent M, Vrijkotte TGM, Cardis E, Olsen J, Vali¿ B, Vermeulen R, Vrijheid M, Röösli M, Guxens M. Spatial and temporal variability of personal environmental exposure to radio frequency electromagnetic fields in children in Europe. Environment International 2018; 117(117): p. 204–214.


Plusquin M, Chadeau-Hyam M, Ghantous A, Alfano R, Bustamante M, Chatzi L, Cuenin C, Gulliver J, Herceg Z, Kogevinas M, Nawrot TS, Pizzi C, Porta D, Relton CL, Richiardi L, Robinson O, Sunyer J, Vermeulen R, Vriens A, Vrijheid M, Henderson J, Vineis P.. DNA methylome marks of exposure to particulate matter at three time points in early life. Environmental Science & Technology 2018; 52(9): p. 5427–5437.


Lau CE, Siskos AP, Maitre L, Robinson O, Athersuch TJ, Want EJ, Urquiza J, Casas M, Vafeiadi M, Roumeliotaki T, McEachan RRC, Azad R, Haug LS, Meltzer HM, Andrusaityte S, Petraviciene I, Grazuleviciene R, Thomsen C, Wright J, Slama R, Chatzi L, Vrijheid M, Keun HC, Coen M.. Determinants of the urinary and serum metabolome in children from six European populations.. BMC Medicine 2018; 16(1): p. 202–0.


Sudan M, Birks LE, Aurrekoetxea JJ, Ferrero A, Gallastegi M, Guxens M, Ha M, Lim H, Olsen J, González-Safont L, Vrijheid M, Kheifets L.. Maternal cell phone use during pregnancy and child cognition at age 5¿years in 3 birth cohorts.. Environment International 2018; 120: p. 155–162.


Forns J, Stigum H, Høyer BB, Sioen I, Sovcikova E, Nowack N, Lopez-Espinosa MJ, Guxens M, Ibarluzea J, Torrent M, Wittsiepe J, Govarts E, Trnovec T, Chevrier C, Toft G, Vrijheid M, Iszatt N, Eggesbø M. Prenatal and postnatal exposure to persistent organic pollutants and attention-deficit and hyperactivity disorder: a pooled analysis of seven European birth cohort studies. International Journal of Epidemiology 2018; 47(4): p. 1082–1097.


Santos S, Eekhout I, Voerman E, Gaillard R, Barros H, Charles MA, Chatzi L, Chevrier C, Chrousos GP, Corpeleijn E, Costet N, Crozier S, Doyon M, Eggesbø M, Fantini MP, Farchi S, Forastiere F, Gagliardi L, Georgiu V, Godfrey KM, Gori D, Grote V, Hanke W, Hertz-Picciotto I, Heude B, Hivert MF, Hryhorczuk D, Huang RC, Inskip H, Jusko TA, Karvonen AM, Koletzko B, Küpers LK, Lagström H, Lawlor DA, Lehmann I, Lopez-Espinosa MJ, Magnus P, Majewska R, Mäkelä J, Manios Y, McDonald SW, Mommers M, Morgen CS, Moschonis G, Murínová ¿, Newnham J, Nohr EA, Andersen AN, Oken E, Oostvogels AJJM, Pac A, Papadopoulou E, Pekkanen J, Pizzi C, Polanska K, Porta D, Richiardi L, Rifas-Shiman SL, Roeleveld N, Santa-Marina L, Santos AC, Smit HA, Sørensen TIA, Standl M, Stanislawski M, Stoltenberg C, Thiering E, Thijs C, Torrent M, Tough SC, Trnovec T, van Gelder MMHJ, van Rossem L, von Berg A, Vrijheid M, Vrijkotte TGM, Zvinchuk O, van Buuren S, Jaddoe VWV.. Gestational weight gain charts for different body mass index groups for women in Europe, North America, and Oceania.. BMC Medicine 2018; 16(1): p. 0–0.


Haug LS, Sakhi AK, Cequier E, Casas M, Maitre L, Basagana X, Andrusaityte S, Chalkiadaki G, Chatzi L, Coen M, de Bont J, Dedele A, Ferrand J, Grazuleviciene R, Gonzalez JR, Gutzkow KB, Keun H, McEachan R, Meltzer HM, Petraviciene I, Robinson O, Saulnier PJ, Slama R, Sunyer J, Urquiza J, Vafeiadi M, Wright J, Vrijheid M, Thomsen C.. In-utero and childhood chemical exposome in six European mother-child cohorts. Environment International 2018; 121(1): p. 751–763.


Casas M, Basagaña X, Sakhi AK, Haug LS, Philippat C, Granum B, Manzano-Salgado CB, Brochot C, Zeman F, de Bont J, Andrusaityte S, Chatzi L, Donaire-Gonzalez D, Giorgis-Allemand L, Gonzalez JR, Gracia-Lavedan E, Grazuleviciene R, Kampouri M, Lyon-Caen S, Pañella P, Petraviciene I, Robinson O, Urquiza J, Vafeiadi M, Vernet C, Waiblinger D, Wright J, Thomsen C, Slama R, Vrijheid M.. Variability of urinary concentrations of non-persistent chemicals in pregnant women and school-aged children.. Environment International 2018; 121(1): p. 561–573.


Casas M, den Dekker HT, Kruithof CJ, Reiss IK, Vrijheid M, Sunyer J, de Jongste JC, Jaddoe VWV, Duijts L. The effect of early growth patterns and lung function on the development of childhood asthma: a population based study. Thorax 2018; 73(12): p. 1137–1145.


Robinson O, Tamayo I, de Castro M, Valentin A, Giorgis-Allemand L, Hjertager Krog N, Marit Aasvang G, Ambros A, Ballester F, Bird P, Chatzi L, Cirach M, D¿del¿ A, Donaire-Gonzalez D, Gra?uleviciene R, Iakovidis M, Ibarluzea J, Kampouri M, Lepeule J, Maitre L, McEachan R, Oftedal B, Siroux V, Slama R, Stephanou EG, Sunyer J, Urquiza J, Vegard Weyde K, Wright J, Vrijheid M, Nieuwenhuijsen M, Basagaña X.. The urban exposome during pregnancy and its socioeconomic determinants. Environmental Health Perspectives 2018; 126(7): p. 0–0.


Robinson O, Keski-Rahkonen P, Chatzi L, Kogevinas M, Nawrot T, Pizzi C, Plusquin M, Richiardi L, Robinot N, Sunyer J, Vermeulen R, Vrijheid M, Vineis P, Scalbert A, Chadeau-Hyam M. Cord blood metabolic signatures of birth weight: A population-based study. Journal of Proteome Research 2018; 17(3): p. 1235–1247.


Patro Golab B, Santos S, Voerman E, Lawlor DA, Jaddoe VWV, Gaillard R; MOCO Study Group Authors (members: Sunyer J, Vrijheid M, et al.). Influence of maternal obesity on the association between common pregnancy complications and risk of childhood obesity: an individual participant data meta-analysis.. The Lancet child & adolescent health 2018; 2(11): p. 812–821.


Villanueva CM, Gracia-Lavedan E, Julvez J, Santa-Marina L, Lertxundi N, Ibarluzea J, Llop S, Ballester F, Fernández-Somoano A, Tardón A, Vrijheid M, Guxens M, Sunyer J. Drinking water disinfection by-products during pregnancy and child neuropsychological development in the INMA Spanish cohort study. Environment International 2018; 110: p. 113–122.


Montazeri P, Vrijheid M, Martinez D, Basterrechea M, Fernandez-Somoano A, Guxens M, Iñiguez C, Lertxundi A, Murcia M, Tardon A, Sunyer J, Valvi D. Maternal metabolic health parameters during pregnancy in relation to early childhood BMI trajectories. Obesity 2018; 26(3): p. 588–596.