Departament de Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions
Ferrés, Daniel; AbuRaed, Ahmed; Saggion, Horacio. Spanish morphological generation with wide-coverage lexicons and decision trees. Episteme: Procesamiento del lenguaje natural 2017; 58: p. 109–116.
Abura'Ed A, Chiruzzo L, Saggion H, Accuosto P, Bravo A. Cross-document sentence matching and scientific text summarization systems. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2017; 2002: p. 55–66.
Abura'ed A, Chiruzzo L, Saggion H. What sentence are you referring to and why? Identifying cited sentences in scientific literature. AA.VV.. RANLP 2017. International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing. 1 ed. ACL; 2017. p. 9–17
Saggion H, Ronzano F, Accuosto P, Ferrés D. MultiScien: A bi-lingual natural language processing system for mining and enrichment of scientific collections. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2017; 1888: p. 26–40.
Abura'Ed A, Chiruzzo L, Saggion H, Accuosto P, Bravo A. Cross-document sentence matching and scientific text summarization systems. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2017; 2002: p. 55–66.
Accuosto P, Ronzano F, Ferrés D, Saggion H. Multi-level mining and visualization of scientific text collections. AA.VV.. 6th International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications. 1 ed. Association for Computing Machinery; 2017. p. 9–16.
Albó L, Hernández-Leo D. Breaking the walls of a campus summer course for high school students with two MOOCs. VV.AA. EMOOCs 2017 Fifth European MOOCs Stakeholders. 1 ed. 2017. .
Amarasinghe, I; Hernández-Leo, D; Jonsson, A. Towards data-informed group formation support across learning spaces. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2017; 1828: p. 31–38.
Amarasinghe I, Hernandez-Leo D, Jonsson A. Intelligent Group Formation in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Scripts. AA.VV.. Proceedings - IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2017. 1 ed. 2017. p. 201–203.
Leguia MG, Andrzejak RG, Levnaji¿ Z. Evolutionary optimization of network reconstruction from derivative-variable correlations. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 2017; 50(33): p. 0–0.
Andrzejak RG, Ruzzene G, Malvestio I. Generalized synchronization between chimera states. Chaos 2017; 27(5): p. 0–0.
Andrzejak, Ralph Gregor ; Laiou, Petroula. Coupling strength versus coupling impact in nonidentical bidirectionally coupled dynamics. Physical Review E 2017; 95(1): p. 12210–0.
Malvestio I, Kreuz T, Andrzejak RG. Robustness and versatility of a nonlinear interdependence method for directional coupling detection from spike trains. Physical Review E 2017; 96(2): p. 0–0.
Aragón P, Gallego H, Laniado D, Volkovich Y, Kaltenbrunner A. Online network organization of Barcelona en Comú, an emergent movement-party. Computational Social Networks 2017; 4(1): p. 8–0.
Gallego H, Laniado D, Kaltenbrunner A, Gómez V, Aragón P. Lost in re-election: A tale of two Spanish online campaigns. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10540: p. 355–367.
Aragón P, Gómez V, Kaltenbrunner A. Detecting Platform Effects in Online Discussions. Policy & internet 2017; 9(4): p. 420–443.
Barandiaran X, Calleja A, Monterde A, Aragón P, Linares J, Romero C, Pereira A. Decidim redes políticas y tecnopolíticas para la democracia en red.. Recerca : revista de pensament i anàlisi 2017; (21): p. 137–150.
Aragón P, Gómez V, García D, Kaltenbrunner A. Generative models of online discussion threads: state of the art and research challenges. Journal of Internet Services and Applications 2017; 8(15): p. 0–0.
Delgado García AM, Aragón P, De-Heredia-Ruiz IB, Borge R, Cardenal AS, Colomer P, Congosto M, Escribano P, Espelt-Rodrigo R, Esteve del Valle M, Galais C, Haberer M, Kurban C, Majó Vázquez S, Marsan Raventós C, Oliver Cuello R, Peña-López I, Rodríguez E, Rovira Ferrer I, Sagarra O. Internet, Derecho y política: retos y oportunidades. 1 ed. Barcelona: Huygens; 2017.
Aragón P, Gómez V, Kaltenbrunner A. To thread or not to thread: The impact of conversation threading on online discussion. AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Web and Social Media, ICWSM 2017. 1 ed. AAAI; 2017. p. 12–21.
Aragón P, Kaltenbrunner A, Calleja-López A, Pereira A, Monterde A, Barandiaran XE, Gómez V. Deliberative Platform Design: The Case Study of the Online Discussions in Decidim Barcelona. Ciampaglia G., Mashhadi A., Yasseri T. Social Informatics. SocInfo 2017. 1 ed. Springer; 2017. p. 277–287.
Kucukyilmaz, T; Cambazoglu, BB; Aykanat, C; Baeza-Yates, R. A machine learning approach for result caching in web search engines. Information processing & management 2017; 53(4): p. 834–850.
Lehmann, J., Castillo, C., Lalmas, M., Baeza-Yates, R.. Story-focused reading in online news and its potential for user engagement. Journal of the Association for Information Science and Technology 2017; 68(4): p. 869–883.
Rello, L., Baeza-Yates, R.. How to present more readable text for people with dyslexia. Universal Access in the Information Society 2017; 16(1): p. 29–49.
Lehmann J, Castillo C, Lalmas M, Baeza-Yates R. Story-focused reading in online news and its potential for user engagement. Journal of the Association for Information and Technology 2017; 68(4): p. 869–883.
Domeniconi C, Baeza-Yates, Zhou H. Message from the workshop co-chairs. AA.VV. Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM 2016. 1 ed. 2017. p. 21–22.
Zehlike M, Bonchi F, Castillo C, Hajian S, Megahed M, Baeza-Yates R. FA*IR: A fair top-k ranking algorithm. AA.VV.. International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings. 1 ed. 2017. p. 1569–1578.
Baeza-Yates R., Zhou, ZH. Message from the conference general chairs. AA.VV. Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM 2016. 1 ed. 2017. p. 17–18.
Baeza-Yates R, Zhou ZH. Message from the Conference Chairs. AA.VV. Proceedings - IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, ICDM 2016. 1 ed. 2017. p. 19–20.
Recalde LK, Nettleton D, Baeza-Yates R, Boratto L. Detection of Trending Topic Communities: Bridging Content Creators and Distributors. AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 28th ACM Conference on Hypertext and Social Media. 1 ed. ACL; 2017. p. 205–213.
Rauschenberger M, Rello L, Baeza-Yates R, Gomez E, Bigham JP. Towards the prediction of dyslexia by a web-based game with musical elements. AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 14th Web for All Conference, W4A 2017. 1 ed. Association for Computing Machinery; 2017. .
Fedorov V, Arias P, Facciolo G, Ballester C. Exemplar-based image inpainting using an affine invariant similarity measure. Communications in Computer and Information Science 2017; 693: p. 454–474.
Palomares RP, Meinhardt-Llopis E, Ballester C, Haro G. FALDOI: a new minimization strategy for large displacement variational optical fFlow. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 2017; 58(1): p. 27–46.
Rezaeirowshan B, Ballester C, Haro G. From occlusion to global depth order, a monocular approach. Communications in Computer and Information Science 2017; 693: p. 575–592.
Oliver M, Palomares RP, Ballester C, Haro G. Spatio-temporal binary video inpainting via threshold dynamics. IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing 2017; p. 1822–1826.
Federov, Vadim; Ballester, Coloma. Affine Non-local Means Image Denoising. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2017; 26(5): p. 2137–2148.
Oliver M, Palomares RP, Ballester C, Haro G. Spatio-temporal binary video inpainting via threshold dynamics. AA.VV.. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2017. 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 1822–1826.
Fedorov V, Arias P, Facciolo G, Ballester C. Exemplar-based image inpainting using an affine invariant similarity measure. Telea A, Richard P, Linsen L, Braz J, Battiato S, Magnenat-Thalmann N, Imai F. 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. 1 ed. Springer, Cham; 2017. p. 454–474.
Palomares RP, Haro G, Ballester C. Joint large displacement scene flow and occlusion variational estimation. Imai F, Tremeau A, Braz J (eds.). Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. 1 ed. Lisboa2017. p. 172–180.
Vitoria P, Fedorov V, Ballester C. Spatio-temporal tube segmentation through a video metrics-based patch similarity measure. McDonald, John and Markham, Charles and Winstanley, Adam C. Irish Machine Vision and Image Processing Conference Proceedings 2017. 1 ed. Irish Pattern Recognition & Classification Society; 2017. p. 147–154.
Fedorov V, Arias P, Facciolo G, Ballester C. Exemplar-Based Image Inpainting Using an Affine Invariant Similarity Measure. Telea A, Richard P, Linsen L, Braz J, Battiato S, Magnenat-Thalmann N, Imai F. 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. 1 ed. Springer, Cham; 2017. p. 454–474.
Rezaeirowshan B, Ballester C, Haro G. From Occlusion to Global Depth Order, a Monocular Approach. Telea A, Richard P, Linsen L, Braz J, Battiato S, Magnenat-Thalmann N, Imai F. 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. 1 ed. Springer, Cham; 2017. p. 575–592.
Oramas S, Nieto O, Barbieri F, Serra X. Multi-label Music Genre Classification from Audio, Text and Images Using Deep Features. Cunningham SJ, Duan Z, Hu X, Turnbull D. Proceedings of the 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. 1 ed. International Society for Music Information Retrieval; 2017. p. 23–30.
Barbieri F, Espinosa-Anke L, Ballesteros M, Soler-Company J, Saggion H. Towards the understanding of gaming audiences by modeling Twitch emotes. AA.VV.. Third Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT 2017). 1 ed. ACL; 2017. p. 11–20.
Barbieri F, Ballesteros M, Saggion H. Are emojis predictable?. Lapata M, Blunsom P, Koller A (eds.). 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. 1 ed. Stroudsburg: Association for Computational Linguistics; 2017. p. 105–111.
Barrachina-Muñoz S, Bellalta B, Adame T, Bel A. Multi-hop communication in the uplink for LPWANs. Computer Networks 2017; 123: p. 153–168.
Baus C, Bas J, Calabria M, Costa A. Speak my language and I will remember your face better: An ERP study. Frontiers in Psychology 2017; 8: p. 709–0.
Baumgartner L., Reagh J.J., Ruiz Wills C., González Ballester M.A., Noailly J. Altered cell activity in the intervertebral disc transition due to early cartilage endplate degeneration. AA.VV.. European Society of Biomechanics. 1 ed. 2017. .
Baumgartner L., Reagh J.J., Ruiz Wills C., González Ballester M.A., Noailly J. Reduction of extracellular matrix expression in the transition zone of a lumbar intervertebral disc model due to early cartilage endplate degeneration. Scheiner S, Barakat A, De S. MultiBioMe 2017 Conference Programme & Book of Abstracts. 1 ed. 2017. p. 64.
Becerra Fajardo, Laura ; Schmidbauer, Marieluise ; Ivorra Cano, Antoni. Demonstration of 2 mm thick microcontrolled injectable stimulators based on rectification of high frequency current bursts. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 2017; 25(8): p. 1343–1352.
Becerra-Fajardo, L., Garcia-Arnau, R., Ivorra, A.. Injectable Stimulators Based on Rectification of High Frequency Current Bursts: Power Efficiency of 2, mm Thick Prototypes. Biosystems and Biorobotics 2017; 15: p. 667–671.
Barrachina-Muñoz S, Bellalta B, Adame T, Bel A. Multi-hop communication in the uplink for LPWANs. Computer Networks 2017; 123: p. 153–168.
Barrachina-Muñoz S, Bellalta B, Adame T, Bel A. Multi-hop communication in the uplink for LPWANs. Computer Networks 2017; 123: p. 153–168.
Bellalta, B. Throughput Analysis in High Density WLANs. IEEE Communications Letters 2017; 21(3): p. 592–595.
Sanabria-Russo L, Barcelo J, Bellalta B, Gringoli F. A High Efficiency MAC Protocol for WLANs: Providing Fairness in Dense Scenarios. IEEE Transactions on Networking 2017; 25(1): p. 492–505.
Faridi A, Bellalta B, Checco A. Analysis of Dynamic Channel Bonding in Dense Networks of WLANs. IEEE Transactions on Mobile Computing 2017; 16(8): p. 2118–2131.
AlSkaif T, Zapata MG, Bellalta B, Nilsson A. A distributed power sharing framework among households in microgrids: a repeated game approach. Computing (Vienna/New York) 2017; 99(1): p. 23–37.
AlSkaif T, Bellalta B, Zapata MG, Barcelo Ordinas JM. Energy efficiency of MAC protocols in low data rate wireless multimedia sensor networks: A comparative study. Ad hoc networks 2017; 56: p. 141–157.
AlSkaif T, Luna AC, Zapata MG, Guerrero JM, Bellalta B. Reputation-based joint scheduling of households appliances and storage in a microgrid with a shared battery. Energy and Buildings 2017; 138: p. 228–239.
Dragoni M., Solanki M., Blomqvist E. Semantic Web Challenges. SemWebEval 2017. 1 ed. Springer; 2017.
Dias GM, Bellalta B, Oechsner S. Using data prediction techniques to reduce data transmissions in the IoT. AA.VV.. 2016 IEEE 3rd World Forum on Internet of Things, WF-IoT 2016. 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 331–335.
Dias GM, Adame T, Bellalta B, Oechsner S. A self-managed architecture for sensor networks based on real time data analysis. AA.VV.. FTC 2016 - Proceedings of Future Technologies Conference. 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 1297–1299.
Wilhelmi F, Bellalta B, Cano C, Jonsson A. Implications of decentralized Q-learning resource allocation in wireless networks. AA.VV.. 2017 IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC). 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. .
Dias GM, Nurchis M, Bellalta B. Adapting sampling interval of sensor networks using on-line reinforcement learning. AA.VV.. 2016 IEEE 3rd World Forum on Internet of Things, WF-IoT 2016. 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 460–465.
Barrachina-Muñoz S, Bellalta B. Learning optimal routing for the uplink in LPWANs using similarity-enhanced e-greedy. AA.VV.. 2017 IEEE 28th Annual International Symposium on Personal, Indoor, and Mobile Radio Communications (PIMRC). 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. .
Mínguez PG, Bijnens B, Bernardino G, Lluch È, Soveral I, Gómez O, Garcia-Canadilla P. Assessment of haemodynamic remodeling in fetal aortic coarctation using a lumped model of the circulation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10263: p. 471–480.
Bernardino G, Butakoff C, Nuñez-Garcia M, Imre Sarvari S, Rodriguez-Lopez M, Crispi F, González Ballester MÁ, Mathieu De Craene, Bijnens B. Estimating 3D ventricular shape from 2D echocardiography: Feasibility and effect of noise. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10263: p. 450–460.
Doste R, Soto-Iglesias D, Bernardino G, Sebastian R, Giffard-Roisin S, Cabrera-Lozoya R, Sermesant M, Berruezo A, Sánchez-Quintana D, Camara O. A rule-based method to model myocardial fiber orientation for simulating ventricular outflow tract arrhythmias. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10263: p. 344–353.
Bernardino G., Butakoff C., Nunez-Garcia M., Imre Sarvari S., Rodriguez-Lopez M., Crispi F., González Ballester M.A., De Craene M., Bijnens B. 3D shape assessment from 2D echocardiography using machine learning. European Heart Journal 2017; 38(S1): p. 0–0.
Bernardino G., Paun B., Sepulveda A., Rodriguez M., Crispi F., Groth A., Weese J., González Ballester M.A., Butakoff C., De Craene M., Bijnens B. Right ventricular strain from cardiac cine MRI: a flattening approach. Jané Campos R (ed.). Libro de Actas. XXXV Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. 1 ed. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco; 2017. .
Zamir SW, Vazquez-Corral J, Bertalmío M. Gamut reduction through local saturation reduction. Color and Imaging Conference 2017; 2017(25): p. 214–218.
Kane D, Bertalmío M. Can ''crispening'' be explained by contrast gain?. Electronic Imaging 2017; F130042: p. 182–187.
Yeonan-Kim J, Bertalmío M. Analysis of retinal and cortical components of Retinex algorithms. Journal of electronic imaging 2017; 26(3): p. 0–0.
Rizzi A, McCann JJ, Bertalmío M, Gianini G. Special section guest editorial: Retinex at 50. Journal of electronic imaging 2017; 26(3): p. 0–0.
Galdran A, Vazquez-Corral J, Pardo D, Bertalmio M. Fusion-based variational image dehazing. IEEE Signal Processing Letters 2017; 24(2): p. 151–155.
Vazquez-Corral J, Bertalmío M. Gamut mapping for visual attention retargeting. Color and Imaging Conference 2017; 2017(25): p. 313–316.
Zamir SW, Vazquez-Corral J, Bertalmío M. Gamut Extension for Cinema. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2017; 26(4): p. 1596–1606.
Alouini MS, Biglieri E, Divsalar D, Dolinar S, Goldsmith AJ, Milstein, LB. The Life and Work of Marvin Kenneth Simon. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 2017; 19(3): p. 1551–1566.
Biglieri E, Viterbo E. Line coding for differential vector signaling. AA.VV.. 2017 Information Theory and Applications Workshop. 1 ed. IEE; 2017. .
Valenzuela-Alcaraz B, Crispi F, Cruz-Lemini M, Bijnens B, García-Otero L, Sitges M, Balasch J, Gratacós E. Differential effect of assisted reproductive technology and small-for-gestational age on fetal cardiac remodeling. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2017; 50(1): p. 63–70.
Mínguez PG, Bijnens B, Bernardino G, Lluch È, Soveral I, Gómez O, Garcia-Canadilla P. Assessment of haemodynamic remodeling in fetal aortic coarctation using a lumped model of the circulation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10263: p. 471–480.
Bernardino G, Butakoff C, Nuñez-Garcia M, Imre Sarvari S, Rodriguez-Lopez M, Crispi F, González Ballester MÁ, Mathieu De Craene, Bijnens B. Estimating 3D ventricular shape from 2D echocardiography: Feasibility and effect of noise. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10263: p. 450–460.
Rudenick PA, Segers P, Pineda V, Cuellar H, García-Dorado D, Evangelista A, Bijnens BH. False Lumen Flow Patterns and their Relation with Morphological and Biomechanical Characteristics of Chronic Aortic Dissections. Computational Model Compared with Magnetic Resonance Imaging Measurements. PLoS ONE 2017; 12(1): p. 0170888–0.
Sanz-de la Garza M, Rubies C, Batlle M, Bijnens BH, Mont L, Sitges M, Guasch E. Severity of structural and functional right ventricular remodeling depends on training load in an experimental model of endurance exercise. American journal of physiology. Heart and circulatory physiology 2017; 313(3): p. 459–468.
Sitges M, Merino B, Butakoff C, de la Garza MS, Paré C, Montserrat S, Vidal B, Azqueta M, Sarquella G, Gutierrez JA, Canal R, Brugada J, Bijnens BH. Characterizing the spectrum of right ventricular remodelling in response to chronic training. The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging 2017; 33(3): p. 331–339.
Sanchez-Martinez S., Duchateau N., Erdei T., Kunszt G., A. Degiovanni A., Carluccio E., Fraser A.G., Piella G., Bijnens B.H. Machine-learning based exploration of variability of longitudinal myocardial velocities in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. European Journal of Heart Failure 2017; 19(S1): p. 502–503.
Sánchez, S.; Duchateau, N.; Erdei, T.; Fraser, A.G.; Bijnens, B.H.; Piella, G.. Characterization of Myocardial Motion Patterns by Unsupervised Multiple Kernel learning. Medical Image Analysis 2017; 35(1): p. 70–82.
Sarvari SI, Sitges M, Sanz M, Tolosana Viu JM, Edvardsen T, Stokke TM, Mont L, Bijnens B. Left ventricular dysfunction is related to the presence and extent of a septal flash in patients with right ventricular pacing. Europace 2017; 19(2): p. 289–296.
Garcia-Canadilla P, Crispi F, Cruz-Lemini M, Valenzuela-Alcaraz B, Rudenick PA, Gratacos E, Bijnens BH. Understanding the Aortic Isthmus Doppler Profile and Its Changes with Gestational Age Using a Lumped Model of the Fetal Circulation. Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 2017; 41(1): p. 41–50.
Paun B, Bijnens B, Iles T, Iaizzo PA, Butakoff C. Patient independent representation of the detailed cardiac ventricular anatomy. Medical Image Analysis 2017; 35: p. 270–287.
Sarvari SI, Rodriguez-Lopez M, Nuñez-Garcia M, Sitges M, Sepulveda-Martinez A, Camara O, Butakoff C, Gratacos E, Bijnens B, Crispi F. Persistence of Cardiac Remodeling in Preadolescents With Fetal Growth Restriction. Circulation. Cardiovascular imaging 2017; 10: p. 005270–0.
Garcia-Canadilla P, Rodriguez JF, Palazzi MJ, Gonzalez-Tendero A, Schönleitner P, Balicevic V, Loncaric S, Luiken JJFP, Ceresa M, Camara O, Antoons G, Crispi F, Gratacos E, Bijnens B. A two dimensional electromechanical model of a cardiomyocyte to assess Intra-cellular regional mechanical heterogeneities. PLoS ONE 2017; 12(8): p. 0–0.
Cárdenes R, Zhang C, Klementieva O, Werner S, Guttmann P, Pratsch C, Cladera J, Bijnens BH. 3D membrane segmentation and quantification of intact thick cells using cryo soft X-ray transmission microscopy: A pilot study. PLoS ONE 2017; 12(4): p. 0–0.
Gonzalez-Tendero A; Zhang C; Balicevic V; Cárdenes R; Loncaric S; Butakoff C; Paun B; Bonnin A; Garcia-Cañadilla P; Muñoz-Moreno E; Gratacós E; Crispi F; Bijnens B. Whole heart detailed and quantitative anatomy,myofibre structure and vasculature from X-ray phase-contrast synchrotron radiation-basedmicro computed tomography. European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Imaging 2017; 18(7): p. 732–741.
Sanz-de la Garza M, Giraldeau G, Marin J, Grazioli G, Esteve M, Gabrielli L, Brambila C, Sanchis L, Bijnens B, Sitges M. Influence of gender on right ventricle adaptation to endurance exercise: an ultrasound two-dimensional speckle-tracking stress study. European Journal of Applied Physiology 2017; 117: p. 389–396.
Nogueira M., Piella G., Sanchez-Martinez S., Langet H., Saloux E., Bijnens B., and De Craene M. Characterizing patterns of response during mild stress-testing in continuous echocardiography recordings using a multiview dimensionality reduction technique. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10263: p. 502–513.
Schipke J, Gonzalez-Tendero A, Cornejo L, Willführ A, Bijnens B, Crispi F, Mühlfeld C, Gratacós E. Experimentally induced intrauterine growth restriction in rabbits leads to differential remodelling of left versus right ventricular myocardial microstructure. Histochemistry and Cell Biology 2017; 148(5): p. 557–567.
Bernardino G., Butakoff C., Nunez-Garcia M., Imre Sarvari S., Rodriguez-Lopez M., Crispi F., González Ballester M.A., De Craene M., Bijnens B. 3D shape assessment from 2D echocardiography using machine learning. European Heart Journal 2017; 38(S1): p. 0–0.
Sanchis L, Sanz-De La Garza M, Bijnens B, Giraldeau G, Grazioli G, Marin J, Gabrielli L, Montserrat S, Sitges M. Gender influence on the adaptation of atrial performance to training. European Journal of Sport Science 2017; 17(6): p. 720–726.
Soto Iglesias D, Duchateau N, Butakov CB, Andreu D, Fernandez-Armenta J, Bijnens B, Berruezo A, Sitges M, Camara O. Quantitative Analysis of Electro-Anatomical Maps: Application to an Experimental Model of Left Bundle Branch Block/Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy. Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine 2017; 5: p. 0–0.
Cikes M, Sanchez-Martinez S, Biering-Sorensen T, Pouleur AC, Knappe D, Kutyifa V, Moss A, Stein K, Bijnens B, Solomon SD. Machine-learning characterization of myocardial deformation patterns to identify responders to resynchronization therapy. European Heart Journal 2017; 38(1): p. 0–0.
Mas-Stachurska A, Siegert AM, Batlle M, del Blanco DG, Meirelles T, Rubies C, Bonorino F, Serra-Peinado C, Bijnens B, Baudin J, Sitges M, Mont L, Guasch E, Egea G. Cardiovascular benefits of moderate exercise training in Marfan syndrome: Insights from an animal model. Journal of the American Heart Association 2017; 6(9): p. 0–0.
Rodríguez-López M, Cruz-Lemini M, Valenzuela-Alcaraz B, Garcia-Otero L, Sitges M, Bijnens B, Gratacós E, Crispi F. Descriptive analysis of different phenotypes of cardiac remodeling in fetal growth restriction. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2017; 50(2): p. 207–214.
Rösner A, Schirmer H, Iqbal A, Bijnens B, Avenarius D, Malm S. Assessment of myocardial ischemia by strain dobutamine stress echocardiography and cardiac magnetic resonance perfusion imaging before and after coronary artery bypass grafting. Echocardiography 2017; 34(4): p. 557–566.
Bernardino G., Paun B., Sepulveda A., Rodriguez M., Crispi F., Groth A., Weese J., González Ballester M.A., Butakoff C., De Craene M., Bijnens B. Right ventricular strain from cardiac cine MRI: a flattening approach. Jané Campos R (ed.). Libro de Actas. XXXV Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. 1 ed. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco; 2017. .
Ruiz A, Rudovic O, Binefa X, Pantic M. Multi-instance dynamic ordinal random fields for weakly-supervised pain intensity estimation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10112: p. 171–186.
Ruiz A; Ognjen R; Binefa X; Pantic M. Multi-Instance Dynamic Ordinal Random Fields for Weakly-supervised Facial Behavior Analysis. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2017; p. 0–0.
Ruiz A, Martinez O, Binefa X, Sukno FM. Fusion of valence and arousal annotations through dynamic subjective ordinal modelling. AA.VV.. 2017 12th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2017). 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 331–338.
Ruiz A, Martinez O, Binefa X, Sukno F. Fusion of Valence and Arousal Annotations through Dynamic Subjective Ordinal Modelling. AA.VV.. 12th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2017). 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 331–338.
Righi V, Sayago S, Ferreira S, Rosales A, Blat J. Co-designing with a community of older learners for over 10 years by moving user-driven participation from the margin to the centre. CoDesign: International Journal of CoCreation in Design and the Arts 2017; 14(1): p. 32–44.
Yoshimura Y, Amini A, Sobolevsky S, Blat J, Ratti C. Analysis of pedestrian behaviors through non-invasive Bluetooth monitoring. Applied geography 2017; 81: p. 43–51.
Evans A, Agenjo J, Blat J. A Pipeline for the creation of progressively rendered web 3D scenes. Multimedia Tools and Applications 2017; p. 1–29.
Ferreira S, Sayago S, Blat J. Older people's production and appropriation of digital videos: an ethnographic study. Behaviour & Information Technology 2017; 36(6): p. 557–574.
Wanner L, André E, Blat J, Dasiopoulou S, Farrús M, Fraga T, Kamateri E, Lingenfelser F, Llorach G, Martínez O, Meditskos G, Mille S, Minker W, Pragst L, Schiller D, Stam A, Stellingwerff L, Sukno F, Vieru B, Vrochidis S. Design of knowledge-based agent as a social companion. Procedia Computer Science 2017; 121: p. 920–926.
Righi V, Sayago S, Blat J. When we talk about older people in HCI, who are we talking about? Towards a ''turn to community'' in the design of technologies for a growing ageing population. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 2017; 108: p. 15–31.
Bahrehmand A, Batard T, Marques R, Evans A, Blat J. Optimizing layout using spatial quality metrics and user preferences. Graphical Models 2017; 93: p. 25–38.
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Bernardino G, Butakoff C, Nuñez-Garcia M, Imre Sarvari S, Rodriguez-Lopez M, Crispi F, González Ballester MÁ, Mathieu De Craene, Bijnens B. Estimating 3D ventricular shape from 2D echocardiography: Feasibility and effect of noise. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10263: p. 450–460.
Nuñez-Garcia M, Andreu D, Male M, Alarcon F, Mont L, Butakoff C, Camara O.. Standardised framework to study the influence of left atrial RF catheter ablation parameters on permanent lesion formation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10124: p. 96–105.
Sarvari SI, Rodriguez-Lopez M, Nuñez-Garcia M, Sitges M, Sepulveda-Martinez A, Camara O, Butakoff C, Gratacos E, Bijnens B, Crispi F. Persistence of Cardiac Remodeling in Preadolescents With Fetal Growth Restriction. Circulation. Cardiovascular imaging 2017; 10: p. 005270–0.
Gonzalez-Tendero A; Zhang C; Balicevic V; Cárdenes R; Loncaric S; Butakoff C; Paun B; Bonnin A; Garcia-Cañadilla P; Muñoz-Moreno E; Gratacós E; Crispi F; Bijnens B. Whole heart detailed and quantitative anatomy,myofibre structure and vasculature from X-ray phase-contrast synchrotron radiation-basedmicro computed tomography. European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Imaging 2017; 18(7): p. 732–741.
Olivares AL, Silva E, Nuñez-Garcia M, Butakoff C, Sánchez-Quintana D, Freixa X, Noailly J, De Potter T, Camara O. In silico analysis of haemodynamics in patient-specific left atria with different appendage morphologies. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10263: p. 412–420.
Soto Iglesias D, Duchateau N, Butakov CB, Andreu D, Fernandez-Armenta J, Bijnens B, Berruezo A, Sitges M, Camara O. Quantitative Analysis of Electro-Anatomical Maps: Application to an Experimental Model of Left Bundle Branch Block/Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy. Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine 2017; 5: p. 0–0.
Williams SE, Tobon-Gomez C, Zuluaga MA, Chubb H, Butakoff C, Karim R, Ahmed E, Camara O, Rhode KS. Standardized unfold mapping: a technique to permit left atrial regional data display and analysis. Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology 2017; 50(1): p. 125–131.
Bernardino G., Paun B., Sepulveda A., Rodriguez M., Crispi F., Groth A., Weese J., González Ballester M.A., Butakoff C., De Craene M., Bijnens B. Right ventricular strain from cardiac cine MRI: a flattening approach. Jané Campos R (ed.). Libro de Actas. XXXV Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. 1 ed. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco; 2017.
Hernández-Enríquez M, Brugaletta S, Andreu D, Macià-Muñoz G, Castrejón-Subirá M, Fernández-Suelves S, Hernández-Obiols M, Dantas AP, Freixa X, Martin-Yuste V, Camara O, Sabaté M. Three-dimensional printing of an aortic model for transcatheter aortic valve implantation: possible clinical applications. The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging 2017; 33(2): p. 283–285.
Nuñez-Garcia M, Andreu D, Male M, Alarcon F, Mont L, Butakoff C, Camara O.. Standardised framework to study the influence of left atrial RF catheter ablation parameters on permanent lesion formation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10124: p. 96–105.
Pheiffer T, Soto-Iglesias D, Nikulin Y, Passerini T, Krebs J, Sitges M, Berruezo A, Camara O, Mansi T. Estimation of local conduction velocity from myocardium activation time: Application to cardiac resynchronization therapy. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10263: p. 239–248.
Benkarim OM, Sanroma G, Zimmer VA, Muñoz-Moreno E, Hahner N, Eixarch E, Camara O, González Ballester MA, Piella G. Toward the automatic quantification of in utero brain development in 3D structural MRI: A review. Human Brain Mapping 2017; 38(5): p. 2772–2787.
Lluch È, Doste R, Giffard-Roisin S, This A, Sermesant M, Camara O, De Craene M, Morales HG. Smoothed particle hydrodynamics for electrophysiological modeling: An alternative to finite element methods. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10263: p. 333–343.
Cortés M., Butakoff C., Camara O., Nuñez M., Tassani S., Piella G., González Ballester M.A., Tudela R., Soria G., Muñoz-Moreno E., Sanroma G. Longitudinal shape analysis of hippocampus in an experimental model of Alzheimer's disease. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 2017; 30(S1): p. 30–31.
Valero A., Butakoff C., Camara O., Núñez-García M., Tassani S., Piella G., González Ballester M.A., Gispert J.D., Falcón C., Molinuevo J.L., Sanroma G. Characterizing hippocampal morphology as a function of ApoE4 allele load in healthy middle-aged individuals. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 2017; 30(S1): p. 193–194.
Soto-Iglesias D, Penela D, Planes X, Zimmer V, Acosta J, Andreu D, Piella G, Sebastian R, Sancher-Quintana D, Berruezo A, Camara O. Quasi-conformal technique for integrating and validating myocardial tissue characterization in MRI with ex-vivo human histological data. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10124: p. 172–181.
Doste R, Soto-Iglesias D, Bernardino G, Sebastian R, Giffard-Roisin S, Cabrera-Lozoya R, Sermesant M, Berruezo A, Sánchez-Quintana D, Camara O. A rule-based method to model myocardial fiber orientation for simulating ventricular outflow tract arrhythmias. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10263: p. 344–353.
Sarvari SI, Rodriguez-Lopez M, Nuñez-Garcia M, Sitges M, Sepulveda-Martinez A, Camara O, Butakoff C, Gratacos E, Bijnens B, Crispi F. Persistence of Cardiac Remodeling in Preadolescents With Fetal Growth Restriction. Circulation. Cardiovascular imaging 2017; 10: p. 005270–0.
Sanroma G., Andrea V., Benkarim O.M., Manjón J.V., Coupé P., Camara O., Piella G., González Ballester M.A. Early prediction of Alzheimer's disease with non-local patch-based longitudinal descriptors. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10530: p. 74–81.
Garcia-Canadilla P, Rodriguez JF, Palazzi MJ, Gonzalez-Tendero A, Schönleitner P, Balicevic V, Loncaric S, Luiken JJFP, Ceresa M, Camara O, Antoons G, Crispi F, Gratacos E, Bijnens B. A two dimensional electromechanical model of a cardiomyocyte to assess Intra-cellular regional mechanical heterogeneities. PLoS ONE 2017; 12(8): p. 0–0.
Olivares AL, Silva E, Nuñez-Garcia M, Butakoff C, Sánchez-Quintana D, Freixa X, Noailly J, De Potter T, Camara O. In silico analysis of haemodynamics in patient-specific left atria with different appendage morphologies. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10263: p. 412–420.
Guardiola M, Ceresa M, Romeu J, Fernández-Esparrach G, González Ballester MA, Camara O. Microwave endoscopy for colorectal cancer prevention. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2017; 12(s1): p. 0–0.
Soto Iglesias D, Duchateau N, Butakov CB, Andreu D, Fernandez-Armenta J, Bijnens B, Berruezo A, Sitges M, Camara O. Quantitative Analysis of Electro-Anatomical Maps: Application to an Experimental Model of Left Bundle Branch Block/Cardiac Resynchronization Therapy. Journal of Translational Engineering in Health and Medicine 2017; 5: p. 0–0.
Williams SE, Tobon-Gomez C, Zuluaga MA, Chubb H, Butakoff C, Karim R, Ahmed E, Camara O, Rhode KS. Standardized unfold mapping: a technique to permit left atrial regional data display and analysis. Journal of Interventional Cardiac Electrophysiology 2017; 50(1): p. 125–131.
Mansi T, McLeod K, Pop M, Rhode K, Sermesant M, Young A (eds.). Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart: Imaging and Modelling Challenges. STACOM 2016. 1 ed. Springer; 2017.
Cetin I., Sanroma G., Camara O., González Ballester M.A., Lekadir K. Cardiac computer-aided diagnosis using cine-MRI radiomics. Jané Campos R (ed.). Libro de Actas. XXXV Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. 1 ed. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco; 2017. .
Cetin, I; Sanroma, G; Petersen, SE; Napel, S; Camara, O; Gonzalez Ballester, MA; Lekadir, K. A radiomics approach to computer-aided diagnosis with cardiac cine-MRI. Mansi T, McLeod K, Pop M, Rhode K, Sermesant M, Young A (eds.). Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart: Imaging and Modelling Challenges. STACOM 2016. 1 ed. Springer; 2017. p. 82–90.
Olivares A.L., Carmona V., García G., Manasanch A., Domingo R., Camara O., Noailly J., González Ballester M.A., Sousa-Neto M.D., Versiani M.A., Tassani S. Optimization of endodontic irrigation procedure using computational fluid dynamics: preliminary results. AA.VV.. Bruker micro-CT User Meeting 2017. 1 ed. 2017. p. 241–247.
Sanroma G., Andrea V., Benkarim O.M., Manjón J.V., Coupé P., Camara O., Piella G., González Ballester M.A. Early Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease with Non-local Patch-Based Longitudinal Descriptors. Wu G., Munsell B., Zhan Y., Bai W., Sanroma G., Coupé P. Patch-Based Techniques in Medical Imaging. Patch-MI 2017. 1 ed. Springer; 2017. p. 74–81.
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Proskurnia J, Grabowicz P, Kobayashi R, Castillo C, Cudré-Mauroux P, Aberer K. Predicting the Success of Online Petitions Leveraging Multidimensional Time-Series. AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 26th International Conference on World Wide Web. 1 ed. ACM; 2017. p. 755–764.
Proskurnia J, Mavlyutov R, Castillo C, Aberer K, Cudré-Mauroux P. Efiicient document filtering using vector space topic expansion and pattern-mining: The case of event detection in microposts. AA.VV.. International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings. 1 ed. 2017. p. 457–466.
Zehlike M, Bonchi F, Castillo C, Hajian S, Megahed M, Baeza-Yates R. FA*IR: A fair top-k ranking algorithm. AA.VV.. International Conference on Information and Knowledge Management, Proceedings. 1 ed. 2017. p. 1569–1578.
Gentili M, Hajian S, Castillo C. A case study of anonymization of medical surveys. AA.V.. 7th International Conference on Digital Health, DH 2017. 1 ed. Association for Computing Machinery; 2017. p. 77–81.
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Mangado N., Ceresa M., Mistrik P., González Ballester M.A. Insertion depth influence on the performance of in-silico cochlear implantation models. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2017; 12(1): p. 99–100.
Toumanidou T, Noailly J, Ceresa M, Zhang C, López-Linares K, Macía I, González Ballester MA. Patient-specific modeling of unruptured human abdominal aortic aneurysms using deformable hexahedral meshes. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2017; 12(s1): p. 0–0.
Ceresa M, Torrents-Barrena J, Alises A, Masoller N, Eixarch E, Gratacós E, González Ballester MA. Surgical planning system for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome fetal surgery. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2017; 12(s1): p. 0–0.
López-Linares K., Kabongo L., Lete N., Maclair G., Ceresa M., García-Familiar A., Macía I., González Ballester M.A. DCNN-based automatic segmentation and quantification of aortic thrombus volume: influence of the training approach. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10552: p. 29–38.
Alises A, Ceresa M, González Ballester MA. In-silico modeling and activation of the bilateral subthalamic nucleus for DBS surgery planning. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2017; 12(S1): p. 0–0.
Garcia-Canadilla P, Rodriguez JF, Palazzi MJ, Gonzalez-Tendero A, Schönleitner P, Balicevic V, Loncaric S, Luiken JJFP, Ceresa M, Camara O, Antoons G, Crispi F, Gratacos E, Bijnens B. A two dimensional electromechanical model of a cardiomyocyte to assess Intra-cellular regional mechanical heterogeneities. PLoS ONE 2017; 12(8): p. 0–0.
Mangado N., Ceresa M., Mistrik P., González Ballester M.A. Insertion depth influence on the performance of in-silico cochlear implantation models. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2017; 12(S1): p. 0–0.
Gerber N, Reyes M, Barazzetti L, Kjer HM, Vera S, Stauber M, Mistrik P, Ceresa M, Mangado N, Wimmer W, Stark T, Paulsen RR, Weber S, Caversaccio M, González Ballester MA. A Multiscale imaging and modelling dataset of the human inner ear. Scientific Data 2017; 4: p. 0–0.
Guardiola M, Ceresa M, Romeu J, Fernández-Esparrach G, González Ballester MA, Camara O. Microwave endoscopy for colorectal cancer prevention. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2017; 12(s1): p. 0–0.
Ceresa M., Torrents-Barrena J., Masoller N., Eixarch E., González Ballester M.A.. Surgical planning system for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome fetal surgery. Jané Campos R (ed.). Libro de Actas. XXXV Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. 1 ed. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco; 2017. .
López-Linares K., Aranjuelo N., Kabongo L., Maclair G., Lete N., Ceresa M., García-Familiar A., Macía I., González Ballester M.A. DCNN-based aortic aneurysm segmentation and volume quantificacion from CTA images. Jané Campos R (ed.). Libro de Actas. XXXV Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. 1 ed. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco; 2017. .
Ceresa M., Olivares A., Fernández Suelves S., Noailly J., González Ballester M.A. Multi-scale immunological and biomechanical model of emphysema progression. AA.VV.. International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society. 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 2712–2715.
Mangado N., Ceresa M., Piella G González Ballester M.A. Implant insertion depth and bone resistivity uncertainty in cochlear implantation. Jané Campos R (ed.). Libro de Actas. XXXV Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. 1 ed. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco; 2017. .
López-Linares K., Kabongo L., Lete N., Maclair G., Ceresa M., García-Familiar A., Macía I., González Ballester M.A. DCNN-Based Automatic Segmentation and Quantification of Aortic Thrombus Volume: Influence of the Training Approach. Cardoso M. et al. Intravascular Imaging and Computer Assisted Stenting, and Large-Scale Annotation of Biomedical Data and Expert Label Synthesis. 1 ed. Springer; 2017. p. 29–38.
Ceresa M., Olivares A.L., Noailly J., González Ballester M.A. Coupling the time scales of immune reactions and tissue mechanics through inflammation in an emphysema progression model. Scheiner S, Barakat A, De S. MultiBioMe 2017 Conference Programme & Book of Abstracts. 1 ed. 2017. .
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Cattaneo G, Costa A, Gironell A, Calabria M. Deconstructing bilingual language control processes. Brain and Cognition 2017; p. 0–0.
Ivanova, I.; Branigan, H.P.; McLean, J.F.; Costa, A.; Pickering, M. Do you what I say? People reconstruct the syntax of anomalous utterances. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 2017; 32(2): p. 175–189.
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Calabria, M.; Cattaneo, G.; Marne P.; Hernández M.; Juncadella, M.; Gascón-Bayyari J.; Sala, I.; Lleó A.; Ortiz-Gil J.; Ugás L.; Blesa, R.; Reñé R.; Costa, A. Language deteoration in bilingual Alzheimer's disease patients: a longitudinal study. Journal of Neurolinguistics 2017; 43(A): p. 59–74.
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Naik S, Banerjee A, Bapi R, Deco G, Roy D. Metastability in Senescence. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2017; 21(7): p. 509–521.
Keilholz S, Caballero-Gaudes C, Bandettini P, Deco G, Calhoun V. Time-Resolved Resting-State Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Analysis: Current Status, Challenges, and New Directions. Brain Connectivity 2017; 7(8): p. 465–481.
Adhikari MH, Deco G, Corbetta M. Reply: Defining a functional network homeostasis after stroke: EEG-based approach is complementary to functional MRI. Brain : a Journal of Neurology 2017; 140(12): p. 0–0.
Atasoy S, Roseman L, Kaelen M, Kringelbach ML, Deco G, Carhart-Harris RL. Connectome-harmonic decomposition of human brain activity reveals dynamical repertoire re-organization under LSD. Scientific Reports 2017; 7(1): p. 0–0.
Lord LD, Stevner A, Deco G, Kringelbach M. Understanding principles of integration and segregation using whole-brain computational connectomics: implications for neuropsychiatric disorders. Philosophical Transactions. Series A, Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences 2017; 375(2096): p. 0–0.
Vila-Vidal M, Principe A, Ley M, Deco G, Tauste Campo A, Rocamora R. Detection of recurrent activation patterns across focal seizures: Application to seizure onset zone identification. Clinical Neurophysiology 2017; 128: p. 977–985.
Glomb, K Ponce-Alvarez, A Gilson, M Ritter, P Deco G. Resting state networks in empirical and simulated dynamic functional connectivity. NeuroImage 2017; 159: p. 388–402.
Deco G, Kringelbach M, Jirsa V, Ritter P. The dynamics of resting fluctuations in the brain: metastability and its dynamical cortical core. Scientific Reports 2017; 7: p. 0–0.
Adhikari M, Hacker C, Siegel J, Griffa A, Hagmann P, Deco G, Corbetta M. Decreased integration and information capacity in stroke measured by whole brain models of resting state activity. Brain : a Journal of Neurology 2017; 140(4): p. 1068–1085.
Deneux T, Masquelier T, Bermudez M, Masson G, Deco G, Vanzetta I. Visual stimulation quenches global alpha range activity in awake primate V4: a case study. Neurophotonics 2017; 4(3): p. 031222–0.
Senden M, Reutera N, Van Den Heuvel M, Goebel R, Deco G. Cortical rich club regions can organize state-dependent functional network formation by engaging in oscillatory behavior. NeuroImage 2017; 146: p. 561–574.
Deco G, Van Hartevelt T, Fernandes H, Stevner A, Kringelbach M. The most relevant human brain regions for functional connectivity: Evidence for a dynamical workspace of binding nodes from whole-brain computational modelling. NeuroImage 2017; 146: p. 197–210.
Deco G, Cabral J, Woolrich M, Stevner A, Van Hartevelt T, Kringelbach M. Single or multiple frequency generators in on-going brain activity: A mechanistic whole-brain model of empirical MEG data. NeuroImage 2017; 152: p. 538–550.
Insabato A, Pannunzi M, Deco G. Multiple Choice Neurodynamical Model of the Uncertain Option Task. PLoS Computational Biology 2017; p. 0–0.
Costa, A.; Pannunzi, M.; Deco, G.; Pickering, M. J.. Do Bilinguals Automatically Activate Their Native Language When They Are Not Using It?. Cognitive Science 2017; 41(6): p. 1629–1644.
Gilson M, Tauste Campo A, Chen X, Thiele A, Deco G. Nonparametric test for connectivity detection in multivariate autoregressive networks and application to multiunit activity data. Network neuroscience 2017; 1(4): p. 357–380.
Bettinardi RG, Deco G, Karlaftis VM, Van Hartevelt TJ, Fernandes HM, Kourtzi Z, Kringelbach ML, Zamora-López G. How structure sculpts function: Unveiling the contribution of anatomical connectivity to the brain's spontaneous correlation structure. Chaos 2017; 27: p. 047490–0.
Deco G, Tagliazucchi E, Laufs H, Sanjuán A, Kringelbach M. Novel Intrinsic Ignition Method Measuring Local-Global Integration Characterizes Wakefulness and Deep Sleep. eNeuro 2017; 4(5): p. 106–117.
Hindriks R, Schmiedt J, Arsiwalla XD, Peter A, Verschure, PFMJ, Fries P, Schmid MC, Deco G. Linear distributed source modeling of local field potentials recorded with intra-cortical electrode arrays. PLoS ONE 2017; 12(12): p. 0–0.
Deco G, Kringelbach M. Hierarchy of Information Processing in the Brain: A Novel Intrinsic Ignition Framework. Neuron 2017; 94(5): p. 961–968.
Saenger, Victor M.; Kahan, Joshua; Foltynie, Tom; Friston, Karl; Aziz, Tipu Z; Green, Alexander L.; van Hartevelt, Tim J.; Cabral, Joana; Stevner Angus B. A.; Fernandes, Henrique M.; Mancini, Laura; Thornton, John; Yousry, Tarek; Limousin, Patricia; Zrinzo, Ludvic; Hariz, Marwan; Marques, Paulo; Sousa, Nuno; Kringelbach, Morten L.; Deco, Gustavo. Uncovering the underlying mechanisms and whole-brain dynamics of deep brain stimulation for Parkinson's disease. Scientific Reports 2017; 7: p. 0–0.
Cabral J, Vidaurre D, Marques P, Magalhães R, Silva Moreira P, Soares JM, Deco G, Sousa N, Kringelbach, M. Cognitive performance in healthy older adults relates to spontaneous switching between states of functional connectivity during rest. Scientific Reports 2017; 7: p. 0–0.
Demirta M, Falcond C, Tucholka A, Domingo Gispert J, Molinuevo JL, Deco G. A whole-brain computational modeling approach to explain the alterations in resting-state functional connectivity during progression of Alzheimer's disease. NeuroImage: Clinical 2017; 16: p. 343–354.
Hahn G, Ponce-Alvarez A, Monier C, Benvenuti G, Kumar A, Chavane F, Deco G, Frégnac Y. Spontaneous cortical activity is transiently poised close to criticality. PLoS Computational Biology 2017; p. 0–0.
Cabral J, Kringelbach ML, Deco G. Functional connectivity dynamically evolves on multiple time-scales over a static structural connectome: Models and mechanisms. NeuroImage 2017; 160: p. 84–96.
Pannunzi M, Hindriks R, Bettinardi RG, Wenger E, Lisofsky N, Martensson J, Butler O, Filevich E, Becker M, Lochstet M, Kühn S, Deco G. Resting-state fMRI correlations: From link-wise unreliability to whole brain stability. NeuroImage 2017; 157: p. 250–262.
Silva Pereira S, Hindriks R, Mühlberg S, Maris E, van Ede F, Griffa A, Hagmann P, Deco G. Effect of field spread on resting-state magneto encephalography functional network analysis: a computational modeling study. Brain Connectivity 2017; 7(9): p. 541–557.
Jobst BM, Hindriks R, Laufs H, Tagliazucchi E, Hahn G, Ponce-Alvarez A, Stevner ABA, Kringelbach ML, Deco G. Increased Stability and Breakdown of Brain Effective Connectivity During Slow-Wave Sleep: Mechanistic Insights from Whole-Brain Computational Modelling. Scientific Reports 2017; 7(1): p. 4634–0.
Domínguez-Bajo M, Farrús M, Wanner L.. A thematicity-based prosody enrichment tool for CTS. Lacerda, Francisco (ed.). Proceedings INTERSPEECH 2017. 1 ed. International Speech Communication Association; 2017. p. 3421–3422.
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Doste R, Soto-Iglesias D, Bernardino G, Sebastian R, Giffard-Roisin S, Cabrera-Lozoya R, Sermesant M, Berruezo A, Sánchez-Quintana D, Camara O. A rule-based method to model myocardial fiber orientation for simulating ventricular outflow tract arrhythmias. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10263: p. 344–353.
Majadi N, Trevathan J, Gray H, Estivill-Castro V, Bergmann N. Real-time detection of shill bidding in online auctions: A literature review. Computer Science Review 2017; 25: p. 1–18.
Reza KJ, Islam MZ, Estivill-Castro V. 3LP: Three layers of protection for individual privacy in facebook. IFIP Advances in Information and Communication Technology 2017; 502: p. 108–123.
Joukoff D, Estivill-Castro V, Hexel R, Lusty C. Fast MAV Control by Control/Status OO-Messages on Shared-Memory Middleware. Advances in Intelligent Systems and Computing 2017; 447: p. 195–211.
Reza KJ, Islam MZ, Estivill-Castro V. 3LP: Three layers of protection for individual privacy in facebook. De Capitani di Vimercati S., Martinelli F. 32nd International Conference on ICT Systems Security and Privacy Protection, IFIP SEC 2017. 1 ed. Springer; 2017. p. 108–123.
Estivill-Castro V, Hexel R. Run-time verification of regularly expressed behavioral properties in robotic systems with logic-labeled finite state machines. AA.VV.. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Simulation, Modeling, and Programming for Autonomous Robots, SIMPAR 2016. 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 281–288.
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Oktem A., Farrús M., Wanner L. Attentional parallel RNNs for generating punctuation in transcribed speech. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10583: p. 131–142.
Wanner L, André E, Blat J, Dasiopoulou S, Farrús M, Fraga T, Kamateri E, Lingenfelser F, Llorach G, Martínez O, Meditskos G, Mille S, Minker W, Pragst L, Schiller D, Stam A, Stellingwerff L, Sukno F, Vieru B, Vrochidis S. Design of knowledge-based agent as a social companion. Procedia Computer Science 2017; 121: p. 920–926.
Kleinhans J, Farrús M, Gravano A, Pérez JM, Lai C, Wanner L.. Using prosody to classify discourse relations. Lacerda, Francisco (ed.). Proceedings INTERSPEECH 2017. 1 ed. International Speech Communication Association; 2017. p. 3201–3205.
Öktem A, Farrús M, Wanner L.. Automatic Extraction of Parallel Speech Corpora from Dubbed Movies. Sharoff S, Zweigenbaum P. Rapp R (ed.). Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora. 1 ed. Association for Computational Linguistics; 2017. p. 31–35.
Wanner L, André E, Blat J, Dasiopoulou S, Farrús M, Fraga T, Kamateri E, Lingenfelser F, Llorach G, Martínez O, Meditskos G, Mille S, Minker W, Pragst L, Schiller D, Stam A, Stellingwerff L, Sukno F, Vieru B.. KRISTINA: A Knowledge-Based Virtual Conversation Agent. Demazeau Y., Davidsson P., Bajo J., Vale Z. (eds). Advances in Practical Applications of Cyber-Physical Multi-Agent Systems: The PAAMS Collection: 15th International Conference, PAAMS 2017, Porto, Portugal, June 21-23, 2017, Proceedings. 1 ed. Springer, Cham; 2017. p. 284–295.
Öktem A, Farrús M, Wanner L.. Prosograph: a tool for prosody visualisation of large speech corpora. Lacerda, Francisco (ed.). Proceedings INTERSPEECH 2017. 1 ed. International Speech Communication Association; 2017. p. 809–810.
Domínguez-Bajo M, Farrús M, Wanner L.. A thematicity-based prosody enrichment tool for CTS. Lacerda, Francisco (ed.). Proceedings INTERSPEECH 2017. 1 ed. International Speech Communication Association; 2017. p. 3421–3422.
Rezazadeh A, Font-Segura J, Martinez A, Guillén I Fàbregas A. An achievable error exponent for the multiple access channel with correlated sources. AA.VV.. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory. 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 879–882.
Font-Segura J, Martinez A, Fàbregas AGI. Asymptotics of the error probability in quasi-static binary symmetric channels. AA.VV.. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory. 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 2493–2497.
Fort M, Lammertink I, Guevara-Rukoz A, Peperkamp S, Fikert P, Tsuji S. Symbuki: a meta-analysis on the emergence of sound symbolism in early language acquisition. Developmental Science 2017; p. 0–0.
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Fort M, Brusini P, Carbajal MJ, Sun Y, Dehaene-Lambertz G, Peperkamp S. The acquisition of native assimilation rules: evidence from event-related potentials. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience 2017; p. 0–0.
Freire A, Leiva V. Towards suicide prevention: Early detection of depression on social media. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10673: p. 428–436.
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Freire A, Leiva V. Towards Suicide Prevention: Early Detection of Depression on Social Media. Kompatsiaris I, Cave J, Satsiou A, Carle G, Passani A, Kontopoulos E, Diplaris S, McMillan D. 4th International Conference, INSCI 2017, Thessaloniki, Greece, November 22-24, 2017, Proceedings. 1 ed. Springer, Cham2017. p. 428–436.
Mínguez PG, Bijnens B, Bernardino G, Lluch È, Soveral I, Gómez O, Garcia-Canadilla P. Assessment of haemodynamic remodeling in fetal aortic coarctation using a lumped model of the circulation. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10263: p. 471–480.
Garcia-Canadilla P, Rodriguez JF, Palazzi MJ, Gonzalez-Tendero A, Schönleitner P, Balicevic V, Loncaric S, Luiken JJFP, Ceresa M, Camara O, Antoons G, Crispi F, Gratacos E, Bijnens B. A two dimensional electromechanical model of a cardiomyocyte to assess Intra-cellular regional mechanical heterogeneities. PLoS ONE 2017; 12(8): p. 0–0.
Gonzalez-Tendero A; Zhang C; Balicevic V; Cárdenes R; Loncaric S; Butakoff C; Paun B; Bonnin A; Garcia-Cañadilla P; Muñoz-Moreno E; Gratacós E; Crispi F; Bijnens B. Whole heart detailed and quantitative anatomy,myofibre structure and vasculature from X-ray phase-contrast synchrotron radiation-basedmicro computed tomography. European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Imaging 2017; 18(7): p. 732–741.
Armengol E, García-Cerdaña À, Dellunde P. Experiences using decision trees for knowledge discovery. Studies in Computational Intelligence 2017; 671: p. 169–191.
Kominis F, Geffner H. Multiagent online planning with nested beliefs and dialogue. Proceedings International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling 2017; p. 186–194.
Lipovetzky N, Geffner H. A polynomial planning algorithm that beats lama and FF. Proceedings International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling 2017; p. 195–199.
Francès G, Ramírez M, Lipovetzky N, Geffner H. Purely declarative action representations are overrated: Classical planning with simulators. IJCAI: proceedings of the conference 2017; p. 4294–4301.
Bonet B, De Giacomo G, Geffner H, Rubin S. Generalized planning: Non-deterministic abstractions and trajectory constraints. IJCAI: proceedings of the conference 2017; p. 873–879.
Francès G, Ramírez M, Lipovetzky N, Geffner H. Purely declarative action representations are overrated: Classical planning with simulators. Sierra C. IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence2017. 1 ed. International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence; 2017. p. 4294–4301.
Lipovetzky N, Geffner H. A polynomial planning algorithm that beats lama and FF. Barbulescu L.,Smith S.F.,Mausam,Frank J.D. Proceedings International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS2017. 1 ed. AAAI; 2017. p. 195–199.
Kominis F, Geffner H. Multiagent online planning with nested beliefs and dialogue. Barbulescu L.,Smith S.F.,Mausam,Frank J.D. Proceedings International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS2017. 1 ed. AAAI; 2017. p. 186–194.
Bonet B, De Giacomo G, Geffner H, Rubin S. Generalized planning: Non-deterministic abstractions and trajectory constraints. Sierra C. IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence2017. 1 ed. International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence; 2017. p. 873–879.
Gallego H, Laniado D, Kaltenbrunner A, Gómez V, Aragón P. Lost in re-election: A tale of two Spanish online campaigns. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10540: p. 355–367.
Aragón P, Gómez V, Kaltenbrunner A. Detecting Platform Effects in Online Discussions. Policy & internet 2017; 9(4): p. 420–443.
Aragón P, Gómez V, García D, Kaltenbrunner A. Generative models of online discussion threads: state of the art and research challenges. Journal of Internet Services and Applications 2017; 8(15): p. 0–0.
Thalmeier, D, Gómez, V, Kappen, HJ. Action selection in growing state spaces: control of network structure growth. Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical 2017; 50(3): p. 0–0.
Aragón P, Gómez V, Kaltenbrunner A. To thread or not to thread: The impact of conversation threading on online discussion. AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 11th International Conference on Web and Social Media, ICWSM 2017. 1 ed. AAAI; 2017. p. 12–21.
Aragón P, Kaltenbrunner A, Calleja-López A, Pereira A, Monterde A, Barandiaran XE, Gómez V. Deliberative Platform Design: The Case Study of the Online Discussions in Decidim Barcelona. Ciampaglia G., Mashhadi A., Yasseri T. Social Informatics. SocInfo 2017. 1 ed. Springer; 2017. p. 277–287.
Chandna P., Miron M., Janer J., Gómez E. Monoaural Audio Source Separation Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10169: p. 258–266.
Schedl, M., Gómez E., Trent E., Tkalcic M., Zadeh H. E., Martorell A. On the Interrelation between Listener Characteristics and the Perception of Emotion in Classical Orchestra Music. IEEE Transactions on Affective Computing 2017; (99): p. 1–1.
Liem, C., Gómez, E., Tzanetakis, G.. Multimedia Technologies for Enriched Music Performance, Production and Consumption. IEEE multimedia 2017; 24(1): p. 20–23.
Fonseca E, Gong R, Bogdanov D, Slizovskaia O, Gomez E, Serra X. Acoustic scene classification by ensembling gradient boosting machine and convolutional neural networks. Virtanen T, Mesaros A, Heittola T, Diment A, Vincent E, Benetos E, Elizalde B. Proceedings of the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2017 Workshop. 1 ed. 2017. p. 37–41.
Gómez E, Arias P, Xinemanas P, Haro G. Visual music transcription of clarinet video recordings trained with audio-based labelled data. AA.VV.. 017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW). 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. .
Miron M, Janer J, Gómez E. Generating data to train convolutional neural networks for classical music source separation. AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 14th Sound and Music Computing Conference 2017. 1 ed. 2017. p. 227–233.
Miron M, Janer J, Gómez E. Monaural score-informed source separation for classical music using convolutional neural networks. Cunningham SJ, Duan Z, Hu X, Turnbull D. Proceedings of the 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. 1 ed. International Society for Music Information Retrieval; 2017. p. 55–62.
Slizovskaia O, Gómez E, Haro G. Musical Instrument Recognition in User-generated Videos using a Multimodal Convolutional Neural Network Architecture. V.V.A.A.. ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval 2017. 1 ed. ACM Digital Library; 2017. .
Rauschenberger M, Rello L, Baeza-Yates R, Gomez E, Bigham JP. Towards the prediction of dyslexia by a web-based game with musical elements. AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 14th Web for All Conference, W4A 2017. 1 ed. Association for Computing Machinery; 2017. .
Benkarim OM, Piella G, González Ballester MA, Sanroma G. On the role of patch spaces in patch-based label fusion. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10530: p. 37–44.
Mangado N., Ceresa M., Mistrik P., González Ballester M.A. Insertion depth influence on the performance of in-silico cochlear implantation models. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2017; 12(1): p. 99–100.
Bernardino G, Butakoff C, Nuñez-Garcia M, Imre Sarvari S, Rodriguez-Lopez M, Crispi F, González Ballester MÁ, Mathieu De Craene, Bijnens B. Estimating 3D ventricular shape from 2D echocardiography: Feasibility and effect of noise. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10263: p. 450–460.
Gil, Debora; Vera, Sergio; Borràs, Agnés; Andaluz, Albert; González Ballester, Miguel Ángel. Anatomical medial surfaces with efficient resolution of branches singularities. Medical Image Analysis 2017; 35: p. 390–402.
Benkarim OM, Sanroma G, Zimmer VA, Muñoz-Moreno E, Hahner N, Eixarch E, Camara O, González Ballester MA, Piella G. Toward the automatic quantification of in utero brain development in 3D structural MRI: A review. Human Brain Mapping 2017; 38(5): p. 2772–2787.
López Picazo M., Humbert L., Winzenrieth R., del Río L., di Gregorio S., González Ballester M.A. Changes in volumetric BMD and cortical thickness measured by 3D-DXA in the lumbar spine after 24 months of Denosumab treatment. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2017; 32(S1): p. 293–294.
Mountris K, Bert J, Noailly J, Rodriguez Aguilera A, Valeri A, Pradier O, Schick U, Promayon E, González Ballester MA, Troccaz J, Visvikis D. Modeling the impact of prostate edema on LDR brachytherapy: a Monte Carlo dosimetry study based on a 3D biphasic finite element biomechanical model. Physics in medicine & biology 2017; 62(6): p. 2087–2102.
Cortés M., Butakoff C., Camara O., Nuñez M., Tassani S., Piella G., González Ballester M.A., Tudela R., Soria G., Muñoz-Moreno E., Sanroma G. Longitudinal shape analysis of hippocampus in an experimental model of Alzheimer's disease. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 2017; 30(S1): p. 30–31.
Valero A., Butakoff C., Camara O., Núñez-García M., Tassani S., Piella G., González Ballester M.A., Gispert J.D., Falcón C., Molinuevo J.L., Sanroma G. Characterizing hippocampal morphology as a function of ApoE4 allele load in healthy middle-aged individuals. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 2017; 30(S1): p. 193–194.
Toumanidou T, Noailly J, Ceresa M, Zhang C, López-Linares K, Macía I, González Ballester MA. Patient-specific modeling of unruptured human abdominal aortic aneurysms using deformable hexahedral meshes. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2017; 12(s1): p. 0–0.
Ceresa M, Torrents-Barrena J, Alises A, Masoller N, Eixarch E, Gratacós E, González Ballester MA. Surgical planning system for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome fetal surgery. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2017; 12(s1): p. 0–0.
López-Linares K., Kabongo L., Lete N., Maclair G., Ceresa M., García-Familiar A., Macía I., González Ballester M.A. DCNN-based automatic segmentation and quantification of aortic thrombus volume: influence of the training approach. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10552: p. 29–38.
Wang X., Liu Y., Wu Z., Mou X., Zhou M., González Ballester M.A., Zhang C. Automatic Labeling of Vascular Structures with Topological Constraints via HMM. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10434: p. 208–215.
Zimmer V.A., Glocker B., Hahner N., Eixarch E., Sanroma G., Gratacós E., Rueckert D., González Ballester M.A., Piella G. Learning and combining image neighborhoods using random forests for neonatal brain disease classification. Medical Image Analysis 2017; 42: p. 189–199.
Puigbò JY, Gonzalez-Ballester MA, Verschure PFMJ. State dependent modulation of perception based on a computational model of conditioning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10613: p. 421–0.
Alises A, Ceresa M, González Ballester MA. In-silico modeling and activation of the bilateral subthalamic nucleus for DBS surgery planning. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2017; 12(S1): p. 0–0.
Sanroma G., Andrea V., Benkarim O.M., Manjón J.V., Coupé P., Camara O., Piella G., González Ballester M.A. Early prediction of Alzheimer's disease with non-local patch-based longitudinal descriptors. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10530: p. 74–81.
Benkarim O.M., Piella G., González Ballester M.A., Sanroma G. Discriminative confidence estimation for probabilistic multi-atlas label fusion. Medical Image Analysis 2017; 42: p. 274–287.
Hahner N., Benkarim O., Piella G., Sanroma G., Zimmer V., Puerto B., Gratacos E., Bargallo N., González Ballester M.A., Eixarch E. Automatic evaluation of cortical folding pattern in isolated ventriculomegaly by magnetic resonance imaging. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2017; 50(S1): p. 157–158.
Puigbò JY, González Ballester MA, Verschure PFMJ. Modeling the neural substrates of learning through conditioning: a two-phased model. IBM Journal of Research and Development 2017; 61(2/3): p. 1–11.
del Río L.M., Ruiz Wills C., Olivares A., di Gregorio S., Tassani S., Martínez-Pardo S., Gregorov M., Noailly J., González Ballester M.A. Finite element analysis 3D-DXA femur reconstructions to predict hip fracture. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2017; 32(S1): p. 90–91.
López-Linares K, Aranjuelo N, Kabongo L, Maclair G, Lete N, Leskovsky P, García-Familiar A, Macía I, González Ballester MA. Fully automatic segmentation of abdominal aortic thrombus in post-operative CTA images using deep convolutional neural networks. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2017; 12(s1): p. 0–0.
Bernardino G., Butakoff C., Nunez-Garcia M., Imre Sarvari S., Rodriguez-Lopez M., Crispi F., González Ballester M.A., De Craene M., Bijnens B. 3D shape assessment from 2D echocardiography using machine learning. European Heart Journal 2017; 38(S1): p. 0–0.
Gerber N, Reyes M, Barazzetti L, Kjer HM, Vera S, Stauber M, Mistrik P, Ceresa M, Mangado N, Wimmer W, Stark T, Paulsen RR, Weber S, Caversaccio M, González Ballester MA. A Multiscale imaging and modelling dataset of the human inner ear. Scientific Data 2017; 4: p. 0–0.
Zimmer VA, Hahner N, Eixarch E, Gratacós E, González Ballester MA, Piella G. Volume-to-slice registration of fetal 3D magnetic resonance and 2D ultrasound data. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2017; 12(s1): p. 0–0.
Guardiola M, Ceresa M, Romeu J, Fernández-Esparrach G, González Ballester MA, Camara O. Microwave endoscopy for colorectal cancer prevention. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2017; 12(s1): p. 0–0.
Mangan M, Cutkosky M, Mura A, Verschure P, Prescott T, Lepora N.. Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. Living Machines 2017. 1 ed. Springer; 2017.
Cardoso J, Arbel T, Luo X, Wesarg S, Reichl T, González Ballester MÁ, McLeod J, Drechsler K, Peters T, Erdt M, Mori K, Linguraru MG, Uhl A, Oyarzun Laura C, Shekhar R. Computer Assisted and Robotic Endoscopy and Clinical Image-Based Procedures (MICCAI-CARE/CLIP 2017). 1 ed. Quebec: Springer; 2017.
Bernardino G., Paun B., Sepulveda A., Rodriguez M., Crispi F., Groth A., Weese J., González Ballester M.A., Butakoff C., De Craene M., Bijnens B. Right ventricular strain from cardiac cine MRI: a flattening approach. Jané Campos R (ed.). Libro de Actas. XXXV Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. 1 ed. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco; 2017. .
Wang X., Liu Y., Wu Z., Mou X., Zhou M., González Ballester M.A., Zhang C. Automatic Labeling of Vascular Structures with Topological Constraints via HMM. Descoteaux M., Maier-Hein L., Franz A., Jannin P., Collins D., Duchesne S. Medical Image Computing and Computer-Assisted Intervention MICCAI 2017. 1 ed. Springer; 2017. p. 208–215.
Ceresa M., Torrents-Barrena J., Masoller N., Eixarch E., González Ballester M.A.. Surgical planning system for twin-to-twin transfusion syndrome fetal surgery. Jané Campos R (ed.). Libro de Actas. XXXV Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. 1 ed. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco; 2017. .
López-Linares K., Aranjuelo N., Kabongo L., Maclair G., Lete N., Ceresa M., García-Familiar A., Macía I., González Ballester M.A. DCNN-based aortic aneurysm segmentation and volume quantificacion from CTA images. Jané Campos R (ed.). Libro de Actas. XXXV Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. 1 ed. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco; 2017. .
Cetin I., Sanroma G., Camara O., González Ballester M.A., Lekadir K. Cardiac computer-aided diagnosis using cine-MRI radiomics. Jané Campos R (ed.). Libro de Actas. XXXV Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. 1 ed. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco; 2017. .
Korfiatis V., Tassani S., Noailly J., González Ballester M.A., Matsupoulos G. Segmentation of micro-CT images of trabecular bone with independent active contours. AA.VV.. European Society of Biomechanics. 1 ed. 2017. .
Ceresa M., Olivares A., Fernández Suelves S., Noailly J., González Ballester M.A. Multi-scale immunological and biomechanical model of emphysema progression. AA.VV.. International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society. 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 2712–2715.
Puigbò JY., Gonzalez-Ballester M.Á., Verschure P.F.M.J. Behavior-State Dependent Modulation of Perception Based on a Model of Conditioning. Mangan M, Cutkosky M, Mura A, Verschure P, Prescott T, Lepora N.. Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. Living Machines 2017. 1 ed. Springer; 2017. p. 387–393.
Mangado N., Ceresa M., Piella G González Ballester M.A. Implant insertion depth and bone resistivity uncertainty in cochlear implantation. Jané Campos R (ed.). Libro de Actas. XXXV Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. 1 ed. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco; 2017. .
Baumgartner L., Reagh J.J., Ruiz Wills C., González Ballester M.A., Noailly J. Altered cell activity in the intervertebral disc transition due to early cartilage endplate degeneration. AA.VV.. European Society of Biomechanics. 1 ed. 2017.
Vera S, Gil D, Kjer HM, Fagertun J, Paulsen RR, González Ballester MA. Medial structure generation for registration of anatomical structures. Saha P, Borgefors G, Sanniti Di Baja G. Skeletonization: Theory, Methods and Applications. 1 ed. Elsevier; 2017. p. 313–334.
Ruiz Wills C., Olivares A., Tassani S., González Ballester M.A., del Río L.M., Humbert L., Noailly J. 3D DXA-based patient-specific femur finite element model for classification of fracture and non-fracture cases. AA.VV.. European Society of Biomechanics. 1 ed. 2017. .
López-Linares K., Kabongo L., Lete N., Maclair G., Ceresa M., García-Familiar A., Macía I., González Ballester M.A. DCNN-Based Automatic Segmentation and Quantification of Aortic Thrombus Volume: Influence of the Training Approach. Cardoso M. et al. Intravascular Imaging and Computer Assisted Stenting, and Large-Scale Annotation of Biomedical Data and Expert Label Synthesis. 1 ed. Springer; 2017. p. 29–38.
Benkarim O.M., Piella G., Ballester M.A, Sanroma G. On the Role of Patch Spaces in Patch-Based Label Fusion. Wu G., Munsell B., Zhan Y., Bai W., Sanroma G., Coupé P. Patch-Based Techniques in Medical Imaging. Patch-MI 2017. 1 ed. Springer; 2017. p. 37–44.
Olivares A.L., Carmona V., García G., Manasanch A., Domingo R., Camara O., Noailly J., González Ballester M.A., Sousa-Neto M.D., Versiani M.A., Tassani S. Optimization of endodontic irrigation procedure using computational fluid dynamics: preliminary results. AA.VV.. Bruker micro-CT User Meeting 2017. 1 ed. 2017. p. 241–247.
Korfiatis V., Tassani S., Noailly J., González Ballester M.A., Matsupoulos G. Prediction of trabecular fracture zone. AA.VV.. European Society of Biomechanics. 1 ed. 2017. .
Ceresa M., Olivares A.L., Noailly J., González Ballester M.A. Coupling the time scales of immune reactions and tissue mechanics through inflammation in an emphysema progression model. Scheiner S, Barakat A, De S. MultiBioMe 2017 Conference Programme & Book of Abstracts. 1 ed. 2017. .
Baumgartner L., Reagh J.J., Ruiz Wills C., González Ballester M.A., Noailly J. Reduction of extracellular matrix expression in the transition zone of a lumbar intervertebral disc model due to early cartilage endplate degeneration. Scheiner S, Barakat A, De S. MultiBioMe 2017 Conference Programme & Book of Abstracts. 1 ed. 2017. p. 64.
Sanroma G., Andrea V., Benkarim O.M., Manjón J.V., Coupé P., Camara O., Piella G., González Ballester M.A. Early Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease with Non-local Patch-Based Longitudinal Descriptors. Wu G., Munsell B., Zhan Y., Bai W., Sanroma G., Coupé P. Patch-Based Techniques in Medical Imaging. Patch-MI 2017. 1 ed. Springer; 2017. p. 74–81.
González Suárez A, Berjano E, Guerra J. M., Gerardo Giorda L. Computational Model for Prediction of the Occurrence of Steam Pops during Irrigated Radiofrequency Catheter Ablation. Computing in Cardiology 2017; 43: p. 1117–1120.
Pérez JJ, González-Suárez A, Berjano E. Numerical analysis of thermal impact of intramyocardial capillary blood flow during radiofrequency cardiac ablation. International Journal of Hyperthermia 2017; p. 1–7.
González-Suárez A, Herranz D, Berjano E, Rubio-Guivernau JL, Margallo-Balbás E. Relation between denaturation time measured by optical coherence reflectometry and thermal lesion depth during radiofrequency cardiac ablation: feasibility numerical study. Lasers in Surgery and Medicine 2017; p. 1–9.
Guardiola M, Ceresa M, Romeu J, Fernández-Esparrach G, González Ballester MA, Camara O. Microwave endoscopy for colorectal cancer prevention. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2017; 12(s1): p. 0–0.
Leproult, R.; Guerrero-Mosquera, C.; Peigneux, P.. Time frequency analysis for Psychomotor Vigilance Task (PVT) in bed time extension: a MEG study. (in revision). Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America 2017; p. 0–0.
Guerrero-Mosquera, C.; Verleysen, M.; Navia-Vázquez, A.. EEG feature selection based on mutual information: a comparison of different techniques based onfrequency analysis. (submitted). IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 2017; p. 0–0.
Nácar, L. Guerrero-Mosquera, C.; Colomer, M.; Sebastián-Gallés, N.. You sound familiar to me! Evoked and oscillatory EEG activity differentiates language discrimination in young monolingual and bilingual infants. (submitted). Scientific Reports 2017; p. 0–0.
Scarlett J, Martinez A, Guillén i Fàbregas A. Multiuser Coding Techniques for Mismatched Decoding. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 2017; p. 0–0.
Scarlett J, Martinez A, Guillén I Fàbregas A. Expurgated joint source-channel coding bounds and error exponents. AA.VV.. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory. 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 908–912.
Abroshan M, Venkataramanan R, Guillen I Fabregas A. Codes for channels with segmented edits. AA.VV.. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory. 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 1768–1772.
Rezazadeh A, Font-Segura J, Martinez A, Guillén I Fàbregas A. An achievable error exponent for the multiple access channel with correlated sources. AA.VV.. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory. 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 879–882.
Font-Segura J, Martinez A, Fàbregas AGI. Asymptotics of the error probability in quasi-static binary symmetric channels. AA.VV.. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory. 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 2493–2497.
Palomares RP, Meinhardt-Llopis E, Ballester C, Haro G. FALDOI: a new minimization strategy for large displacement variational optical fFlow. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 2017; 58(1): p. 27–46.
Palomares, Roberto P.; Meinhardt-Llopis, Coloma Ballester, Enric; Haro, Gloria. FALDOI: a new minimization strategy for large displacement variational optical flow. Journal of Mathematical Imaging and Vision 2017; 58(1): p. 27–46.
Oliver M, Palomares RP, Ballester C, Haro G. Spatio-temporal binary video inpainting via threshold dynamics. AA.VV.. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2017. 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 1822–1826.
Gómez E, Arias P, Xinemanas P, Haro G. Visual music transcription of clarinet video recordings trained with audio-based labelled data. AA.VV.. 017 IEEE International Conference on Computer Vision Workshops (ICCVW). 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. .
Palomares RP, Haro G, Ballester C. Joint large displacement scene flow and occlusion variational estimation. Imai F, Tremeau A, Braz J (eds.). Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. 1 ed. Lisboa2017. p. 172–180.
Slizovskaia O, Gómez E, Haro G. Musical Instrument Recognition in User-generated Videos using a Multimodal Convolutional Neural Network Architecture. V.V.A.A.. ACM International Conference on Multimedia Retrieval 2017. 1 ed. ACM Digital Library; 2017. .
Hernandez Leo D, Rodríguez-Triana MJ, Salvador Inventado P, Mor Y. Preface: connecting learning design and learning analytics. Interaction Design and Architecture(s) 2017; (33): p. 3–8.
Martinez-Maldonado, Roberto ; Goodyear, Peter ; Carvalho, Lucila ; Thompson, Kate ; Hernández Leo, Davinia ; Dimitriadis, Yannis ; Prieto, Luís P. ; Wardak, Dewa. Supporting collaborative design activity in a multi-user digital design ecology. Computers in Human Behavior 2017; 71: p. 327–342.
Michos K, Fernández A, Hernández-Leo D, Calvo R. Ld-Feedback App: Connecting learning designs with students and teachers perceived experiences. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10474: p. 509–512.
Amarasinghe, I; Hernández-Leo, D; Jonsson, A. Towards data-informed group formation support across learning spaces. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2017; 1828: p. 31–38.
Asensio-Pérez JI, Dimitriadis Y, Pozzi F, Hernández-Leo D, Prieto LP, Persico D, Villagrá-Sobrino SL. Towards teaching as design: exploring the interplay between full-lifecycle learning design tooling and teacher professional development. Computers and education 2017; 114: p. 92–116.
Melero, J; Hernández-Leo, D. Design and Implementation of Location-Based Learning Games: Four Case Studies with ''QuesTInSitu: The Game''. IEEE transactions on emerging topics in computing 2017; 5(1): p. 84–94.
Martinez-Maldonado R, Pardo A, Hernandez-Leo D. Designing for Cross-Space Learning Analytics and Personalised Support. AA.VV.. UMAP '17 25th Conference on User Modeling, Adaptation and Personalization. 1 ed. ACM; 2017.
Manathunga K, Hérnandez-Leo D. Towards scalable collaborative learning flow pattern orchestratrion technologies. Gómez Chova L, López Martínez A, Candel Torres I. EDULEARN17 Proceedings. 1 ed. Valencia: IATED; 2017. p. 6277–6286.
Michos K, Dimitriadis Y, Manathunga K, Hernández-Leo D. Design and implementation of innovative collaborative learning with the Integrated Learning Design Environment ILDE. AA.VV.. 5th Panhellenic Scientific Conference. 1 ed. 2017. .
Albó L, Hernández-Leo D. Breaking the walls of a campus summer course for high school students with two MOOCs. VV.AA. EMOOCs 2017 Fifth European MOOCs Stakeholders. 1 ed. 2017. .
Amarasinghe I, Hernandez-Leo D, Jonsson A. Intelligent Group Formation in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Scripts. AA.VV.. Proceedings - IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2017. 1 ed. 2017. p. 201–203.
Michos M, Hernández-Leo D, Jiménez M. How educators value data analytics about their MOOCs. VV.AA. EMOOCs 2017 Fifth European MOOCs Stakeholders. 1 ed. 2017. p. 77–82.
Martinez-Maldonado, R; Hernandez-Leo, D; Pardo, A; Ogata, H. 2nd cross-LAK: learning analytics across physical and digital spaces. AA.VV.. Proceedings of the Seventh International Learning Analytics & Knowledge Conference. 1 ed. New York: ACM New York; 2017. p. 510–511.
Hernández-Leo D, Agostinho S, Beardsley M, Bennett S, Lockyer L. Helping teachers to think about their design problem: a pilot study to stimulate design thinking. Gómez Chova L, López Martínez A, Candel Torres I. EDULEARN17 Proceedings. 1 ed. Valencia: IATED; 2017. .
Hernández Leo, Davinia; Manathunga, Kalpani; Sharples, Mike. A Social learning space grid for MOOCs: exploring a FutureLearn case. VV.AA. EMOOCs 2017 Fifth European MOOCs Stakeholders. 1 ed. 2017. .
Becerra Fajardo, Laura ; Schmidbauer, Marieluise ; Ivorra Cano, Antoni. Demonstration of 2 mm thick microcontrolled injectable stimulators based on rectification of high frequency current bursts. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 2017; 25(8): p. 1343–1352.
Pañella, C, Castellví, Q, Moll, X, Quesada, R, Villanueva, A, Iglesias, M, Naranjo, D, Sánchez-Velázquez, P, Andaluz, A, Grande, L, Ivorra, A, Burdío, F. Focused transhepatic electroporation mediated by hypersaline infusion through the portal vein in rat model. Preliminary results on differential conductivity. Radiology and Oncology 2017; 51(4): p. 415–421.
Castellví Q, Mercadal B, Moll X, Fondevila D, Andaluz A, Ivorra A. Avoiding neuromuscular stimulation in liver irreversible electroporation using radiofrequency electric fields. Physics in medicine & biology 2017; p. 0–0.
Qasrawi, R, Silve, L, Burdío, F, Abdeen, Z, Ivorra, A. Anatomically Realistic Simulations of Liver Ablation by Irreversible Electroporation: Impact of Blood Vessels on Ablation Volumes and Undertreatment. Technology in Cancer Research and Treatment 2017; p. 0–0.
Mercadal B, Arena CB, Davalos RV, Ivorra A. Avoiding nerve stimulation in irreversible electroporation: a numerical modeling study. Physics in medicine & biology 2017; 62(20): p. 8060–8079.
Sánchez-Velázquez, P.; Castellví, Q.; Villanueva, A.; Iglesias, M.; Quesada, R.; Pañella, C.; Cáceres, M.; Dorcaratto, D.; Andaluz, A.; Moll, X.; Burdío, J.M.; Grande, L.; Ivorra, A.; Burdío, F.. Long-term effectiveness of irreversible electroporation in a murine model of colorectal liver metastasis. Scientific Reports 2017; 7: p. 44821–0.
Becerra-Fajardo L, Garcia-Arnau R, Ivorra A. Injectable Stimulators Based on Rectification of High Frequency Current Bursts: Power Efficiency of 2 mm Thick Prototypes. Ibáñez J, González-Vargas J, Azorín J, Akay M, Pons J (eds.). Converging Clinical and Engineering Research on Neurorehabilitation II. Biosystems & Biorobotics. 1 ed. Springer; 2017. p. 667–671.
Chandna P., Miron M., Janer J., Gómez E. Monoaural Audio Source Separation Using Deep Convolutional Neural Networks. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10169: p. 258–266.
Miron M, Janer J, Gómez E. Generating data to train convolutional neural networks for classical music source separation. AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 14th Sound and Music Computing Conference 2017. 1 ed. 2017. p. 227–233.
Miron M, Janer J, Gómez E. Monaural score-informed source separation for classical music using convolutional neural networks. Cunningham SJ, Duan Z, Hu X, Turnbull D. Proceedings of the 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. 1 ed. International Society for Music Information Retrieval; 2017. p. 55–62.
Amarasinghe, I; Hernández-Leo, D; Jonsson, A. Towards data-informed group formation support across learning spaces. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2017; 1828: p. 31–38.
Segovia-Aguas J, Jiménez S, Jonsson A. Generating context-free grammars using classical planning. Sierra C. IJCAI International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence2017. 1 ed. International Joint Conferences on Artificial Intelligence; 2017. p. 4391–4397.
Amarasinghe I, Hernandez-Leo D, Jonsson A. Intelligent Group Formation in Computer Supported Collaborative Learning Scripts. AA.VV.. Proceedings - IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Learning Technologies, ICALT 2017. 1 ed. 2017. p. 201–203.
Segovia-Aguas J, Jiménez S, Jonsson A. Unsupervised classification of planning instances. Barbulescu L.,Smith S.F.,Mausam,Frank J.D. Proceedings International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS2017. 1 ed. AAAI; 2017. p. 452–460.
Sora, Carles; Jordà, Sergi; Codina, Lluís. Chasing real-time interaction in new media: towards a new theoretical approach and definition. Digital Creativity 2017; 28(3): p. 0–0.
Jorda Puig, Sergi. Sonigraphical Instruments: From FMOL to the reacTable. Refsum Jensenius, Alexander; Lyons, Michael. A NIME Reader Fifteen Years of New Interfaces for Musical Expression. 1 ed. Springer International Publishing; 2017. p. 79–96.
Kane D, Bertalmío M. Can ''crispening'' be explained by contrast gain?. Electronic Imaging 2017; F130042: p. 182–187.
García-Granero JJ, Gadekar C, Esteban I, Lancelotti C, Madella M, Ajithprasad P. What is on the craftsmen's menu? Plant consumption at Datrana, a 5000-year-old lithic blade workshop in North Gujarat, India. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 2017; 9(2): p. 251–263.
Lancelotti C, Negre J, Alcaina-Mateos J, Carrer F. Intra-site spatial analysis in ethnoarchaeology. Environmental Archaeology 2017; 22(2): p. 1–11.
Petrie C.A.; Singh R.N.; Bates J.; Dixit Y.; French C.A.I.; Hodell D.; Jones P.J.; Lancelotti C.; Lynam F.; Neogi S.; Pandey A.K.; Parikh D.; Pawar V.; Redhouse D.I.; Singh D.P. Adaptation to variable environments, resilience to climate change: investigating Land, Water and Settlement in northwest India. Current Anthropology 2017; 58(1): p. 0–0.
Lancelotti, Carla; García-Granero, Juan José; Ruiz-Pèrez, Javier. Investigating fuel and fireplaces through a combination of phytoliths and multi-element analysis. An ethnographic experiment. Vegetation history and archaeobotany 2017; 26(1): p. 75–83.
García-Granero J.J.; Lancelotti C.; Madella M. A methodological approach to the study of microbotanical remains from grinding stones: a case study in northern Gujarat (India). Vegetation history and archaeobotany 2017; 26(1): p. 43–57.
Lancelotti C, Pecci A, Zurro D. Anthropic Activity Markers: Archaeology and Ethnoarchaeology. Environmental Archaeology 2017; 22(4): p. 339–342.
Cetin I., Sanroma G., Camara O., González Ballester M.A., Lekadir K. Cardiac computer-aided diagnosis using cine-MRI radiomics. Jané Campos R (ed.). Libro de Actas. XXXV Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. 1 ed. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco; 2017. .
Rankothge W, Le F, Russo A, Lobo J. Optimizing Resource Allocation for Virtualized Network Functions in a Cloud Center Using Genetic Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Network and Service Management 2017; 14(2): p. 343–356.
Rullo A, Serra E, Bertino E, Lobo J. Shortfall-Based Optimal Security Provisioning for Internet of Things. AA.VV.. 37th IEEE International Conference on Distributed Computing Systems, ICDCS 2017. 1 ed. 2017. p. 2585–2586.
Pasarella E, Lobo J. A datalog framework for modeling relationship-based access control policies. AA.VV.. Proceedings of ACM Symposium on Access Control Models and Technologies, SACMAT. 1 ed. ACM; 2017. p. 91–102.
Rullo A, Serra E, Bertino E, Lobo J. Shortfall-based optimal placement of security resources for mobile IoT scenarios. AA.VV. 22nd European Symposium on Research in Computer Security, ESORICS 2017. 1 ed. 2017. p. 419–436.
George G, Mungara R, Lozano A, Haenggi M. Ergodic Spectral Efficiency in MIMO Cellular Networks. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2017; 16(5): p. 2835–2849.
Mungara R, Thibault I, Lozano A. Full-Duplex MIMO in Cellular Networks: System-Level Performance. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2017; 16(5): p. 3124–3137.
George G, Venugopal K, Lozano A, Heath R. Enclosed mmWave Wearable Networks: Feasibility and Performance. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2017; 16(4): p. 2300–2313.
Wu Y, Ng DWK, Wen CK, Schober R, Lozano A. Low-Complexity MIMO Precoding for Finite-Alphabet Signals. IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications 2017; 16(7): p. 4571–4584.
George G, Mungara R, Lozano A, Haenggi M. A novel approach for spectral efficiency analysis in MIMO cellular networks. AA.VV.. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC). 1 ed. Piscataway: IEEE; 2017. p. 154–159.
Malinverni L, Mora-Guiard J, Padillo V, Valero L, Hervás A, Pares N. An inclusive design approach for developing videogames for children within the Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Computers in Human Behavior 2017; 71: p. 535–549.
Malinverni, L.; Parés, N.. An Autoethnographic Approach to Guide Situated Ethical Decisions in Participatory Design with Teenagers. Interacting with Computers 2017; 29(3): p. 403–415.
Malinverni, L.; Schper, M.; Parés, N.. Multimodal Methodological Approach for Participatory Design of Full-Body Interaction Learning Environments. Qualitative Research 2017; p. 0–0.
Spiel, L.; Malinverni, L.; Good, J.; Frauenbergen, C.. Participatory Evaluation with Autistic Children. AA.VV. Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 1 ed. ACM, New York; 2017. .
Malinverni L, Pares N. Learning from Failures in Designing and Evaluating Full-Body Interaction Learning Environments. Gloria Mark, Susan Fussell. CHI EA '17 Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 1 ed. ACM; 2017. p. 1065–1074.
Schaper MM, Santos M, Malinverni L, Pares N. Towards the Design of a Virtual Heritage Experience based on the World-as-Support Interaction Paradigm. Gloria Mark, Susan Fussell. CHI EA '17 Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 1 ed. ACM; 2017. p. 2034–2041.
Malinverni L, Maya J, Schaper MM, Pares N. The World-as-Support: Embodied Exploration, Understanding and Meaning-Making of the Augmented World. Gloria Mark, Susan Fussell. CHI EA '17 Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 1 ed. ACM; 2017. p. 5132–5144.
Manathunga K, Hérnandez-Leo D. Towards scalable collaborative learning flow pattern orchestratrion technologies. Gómez Chova L, López Martínez A, Candel Torres I. EDULEARN17 Proceedings. 1 ed. Valencia: IATED; 2017. p. 6277–6286.
Michos K, Dimitriadis Y, Manathunga K, Hernández-Leo D. Design and implementation of innovative collaborative learning with the Integrated Learning Design Environment ILDE. AA.VV.. 5th Panhellenic Scientific Conference. 1 ed. 2017. .
Hernández Leo, Davinia; Manathunga, Kalpani; Sharples, Mike. A Social learning space grid for MOOCs: exploring a FutureLearn case. VV.AA. EMOOCs 2017 Fifth European MOOCs Stakeholders. 1 ed. 2017. .
Mangado N., Ceresa M., Mistrik P., González Ballester M.A. Insertion depth influence on the performance of in-silico cochlear implantation models. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2017; 12(1): p. 99–100.
Mangado N., Ceresa M., Mistrik P., González Ballester M.A. Insertion depth influence on the performance of in-silico cochlear implantation models. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2017; 12(S1): p. 0–0.
Gerber N, Reyes M, Barazzetti L, Kjer HM, Vera S, Stauber M, Mistrik P, Ceresa M, Mangado N, Wimmer W, Stark T, Paulsen RR, Weber S, Caversaccio M, González Ballester MA. A Multiscale imaging and modelling dataset of the human inner ear. Scientific Data 2017; 4: p. 0–0.
Mangado N., Ceresa M., Piella G González Ballester M.A. Implant insertion depth and bone resistivity uncertainty in cochlear implantation. Jané Campos R (ed.). Libro de Actas. XXXV Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. 1 ed. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco; 2017. .
Marichal S, Rosales A, Gonzalez F, Pires AC, Bakala E, Sansone G, Blat J. CETA: designing mixed-reality tangible interaction to enhance mathematical learning. AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. 1 ed. New York: ACM; 2017. .
Marichal S, Rosales A, Sansone G, Cristina Pires A, Bakala E, Gonzalez Perilli F, Blat J. CETA: open, affordable and portable mixed-reality environment for low-cost tablets. AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 19th International Conference on Human-Computer Interaction with Mobile Devices and Services. 1 ed. New York: ACM; 2017. .
2 Scarlett J, Martinez A, Guillén i Fàbregas A. Multiuser Coding Techniques for Mismatched Decoding. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 2017; p. 0–0.
Scarlett J, Martinez A, Guillén I Fàbregas A. Expurgated joint source-channel coding bounds and error exponents. AA.VV.. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory. 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 908–912.
Rezazadeh A, Font-Segura J, Martinez A, Guillén I Fàbregas A. An achievable error exponent for the multiple access channel with correlated sources. AA.VV.. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory. 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 879–882.
Font-Segura J, Martinez A, Fàbregas AGI. Asymptotics of the error probability in quasi-static binary symmetric channels. AA.VV.. 2017 IEEE International Symposium on Information Theory. 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 2493–2497.
Rashid Z, Melià-Seguí J, Pous R, Peig E. Using Augmented Reality and Internet of Things to improve accessibility of people with motor disabilities in the context of Smart Cities. Future Generation Computer Systems 2017; 76: p. 248–261.
Melià-Seguí J, Bart E, Zhang R, Brdiczka O. An empirical approach for fake user detection in location-based social networks. Journal of Ambient Intelligence and Smart Environments 2017; 9(6): p. 643–657.
Adelantado F, Vilajosana X, Tuset-Peiro P, Martinez B, Melia-Segui J, Watteyne T. Understanding the Limits of LoRaWAN. IEEE Communications Magazine 2017; 55(9): p. 34–40.
Parada R, Melia-Segui J. Gesture Detection Using Passive RFID Tags to Enable People-Centric IoT Applications. IEEE Communications Magazine 2017; 55(2): p. 56–61.
Castellví Q, Mercadal B, Moll X, Fondevila D, Andaluz A, Ivorra A. Avoiding neuromuscular stimulation in liver irreversible electroporation using radiofrequency electric fields. Physics in medicine & biology 2017; p. 0–0.
Mercadal B, Arena CB, Davalos RV, Ivorra A. Avoiding nerve stimulation in irreversible electroporation: a numerical modeling study. Physics in medicine & biology 2017; 62(20): p. 8060–8079.
Wanner L, André E, Blat J, Dasiopoulou S, Farrús M, Fraga T, Kamateri E, Lingenfelser F, Llorach G, Martínez O, Meditskos G, Mille S, Minker W, Pragst L, Schiller D, Stam A, Stellingwerff L, Sukno F, Vieru B, Vrochidis S. Design of knowledge-based agent as a social companion. Procedia Computer Science 2017; 121: p. 920–926.
Codina-Filbà J, Bouayad-Agha N, Burga A, Casamayor G, Mille S, Müller A, Saggion H, Wanner L. Using genre-specific features for patent summaries. Information processing & management 2017; 53(1): p. 151–174.
Mille S, Carlini R, Latorre I, Wanner W. PF at EPE 2017: transduction-based deep analysis. AA.VV.. 2017 Shared Task on Extrinsic Parser Evaluation. 1 ed. Association for Computational Linguistics; 2017. p. 80–88.
Wanner L, André E, Blat J, Dasiopoulou S, Farrús M, Fraga T, Kamateri E, Lingenfelser F, Llorach G, Martínez O, Meditskos G, Mille S, Minker W, Pragst L, Schiller D, Stam A, Stellingwerff L, Sukno F, Vieru B.. KRISTINA: A Knowledge-Based Virtual Conversation Agent. Demazeau Y., Davidsson P., Bajo J., Vale Z. (eds). Advances in Practical Applications of Cyber-Physical Multi-Agent Systems: The PAAMS Collection: 15th International Conference, PAAMS 2017, Porto, Portugal, June 21-23, 2017, Proceedings. 1 ed. Springer, Cham; 2017. p. 284–295.
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Mille S, Bohnet B, Wanner L, Belz A. Shared Task Proposal about Multilingual Surface Realization Using Universal Dependency Trees. AA.VV.. The 10th International Natural Language Generation conference. 1 ed. Association for Computational Linguistics; 2017. p. 120–123.
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Miron M, Janer J, Gómez E. Generating data to train convolutional neural networks for classical music source separation. AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 14th Sound and Music Computing Conference 2017. 1 ed. 2017. p. 227–233.
Miron M, Janer J, Gómez E. Monaural score-informed source separation for classical music using convolutional neural networks. Cunningham SJ, Duan Z, Hu X, Turnbull D. Proceedings of the 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. 1 ed. International Society for Music Information Retrieval; 2017. p. 55–62.
Arandia-Romero I, Nogueira R, Mochol G, Moreno-Bote R. What can neuronal populations tell us about cognition?. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2017; 46: p. 48–57.
Devalle, Federico; Roxin, Alex; Montbrió, Ernest. Firing rate equations require a spike synchrony mechanism to correctly describe fast oscillations in inhibitory networks. PLoS Computational Biology 2017; 13(12): p. 0–0.
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Joan Mora-Guiard, Ciera Crowell, Narcis Pares, Pamela Heaton. Sparking social initiation behaviors in children with Autism through full-body Interaction. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 2017; 11: p. 62–71.
Malinverni L, Mora-Guiard J, Padillo V, Valero L, Hervás A, Pares N. An inclusive design approach for developing videogames for children within the Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Computers in Human Behavior 2017; 71: p. 535–549.
Crowell C, Mora-Guiard J, Pares N. Impact of Interaction Paradigms on Full-Body Interaction Collocated Experiences for Promoting Social Initiation and Collaboration. Human-Computer Interaction 2017; p. 1–33.
Hayden B, Moreno Bote R. A sequential neuronal theory of economic choice. Neuron 2017; p. 0–0.
Arandia-Romero I, Nogueira R, Mochol G, Moreno-Bote R. What can neuronal populations tell us about cognition?. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2017; 46: p. 48–57.
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Benkarim OM, Sanroma G, Zimmer VA, Muñoz-Moreno E, Hahner N, Eixarch E, Camara O, González Ballester MA, Piella G. Toward the automatic quantification of in utero brain development in 3D structural MRI: A review. Human Brain Mapping 2017; 38(5): p. 2772–2787.
Tudela R; Muñoz-Moreno E; López-Gil X; Soria G. Effects of orientation and anisometry of magnetic resonance imaging acquisitions on diffusion tensor imaging and structural connectomes. PLoS ONE 2017; 12(1): p. 0–0.
Illa M; Eixarch E; Muñoz-Moreno E; Batalle D; Leal-Campanario R; Gruart A; Delgado-García JM; Figueras F; Gratacós E. Neurodevelopmental effects of undernutrition and placental underperfusion in fetal growth restriction rabbit models. Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 2017; 42(3): p. 189–197.
Muñoz-Moreno, E; Fischi-Gomez, E; Batalle, D; Borradori-Tolsa, C; Eixarch, E; Thiran, JP; Gratacós, E; Hüppi, PS. Corrigendum: structural brain network reorganization and social cognition related to adverse perinatal condition from infancy to early adolescence. Frontiers in Neuroscience 2017; 11(mayo, 9): p. 0–0.
Illa, M.; Brito, V.; Pla, L.; Eixarch, E.; Arbat-Plana, A.; Batallé, D.; Muñoz-Moreno, E.; Crispi, F.; Udina, E.; Figueras, F.; Ginés, S.; Gratacós, E.. Early environmental enrichment enhances abnormal brain connectivity in a rabbit model of intrauterine growth restriction. Fetal Diagnosis and Therapy 2017; p. 0–0.
Gonzalez-Tendero A; Zhang C; Balicevic V; Cárdenes R; Loncaric S; Butakoff C; Paun B; Bonnin A; Garcia-Cañadilla P; Muñoz-Moreno E; Gratacós E; Crispi F; Bijnens B. Whole heart detailed and quantitative anatomy,myofibre structure and vasculature from X-ray phase-contrast synchrotron radiation-basedmicro computed tomography. European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Imaging 2017; 18(7): p. 732–741.
Simões RV; Muñoz-Moreno E; Cruz-Lemini M; Eixarch E; Bargalló N; Sanz-Cortés M; Gratacós E. Brain metabolite alterations in infants born preterm with intrauterine growth restriction: association with structural changes and neurodevelopmental outcome. American journal of obstetrics and gynecology 2017; 216(1): p. 0–0.
Korfiatis V., Tassani S., Noailly J., González Ballester M.A., Matsupoulos G. Segmentation of micro-CT images of trabecular bone with independent active contours. AA.VV.. European Society of Biomechanics. 1 ed. 2017. .
Ceresa M., Olivares A., Fernández Suelves S., Noailly J., González Ballester M.A. Multi-scale immunological and biomechanical model of emphysema progression. AA.VV.. International Conference of the IEEE Engineering in Medicine & Biology Society. 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 2712–2715.
Baumgartner L., Reagh J.J., Ruiz Wills C., González Ballester M.A., Noailly J. Altered cell activity in the intervertebral disc transition due to early cartilage endplate degeneration. AA.VV.. European Society of Biomechanics. 1 ed. 2017. .
Ruiz Wills C., Olivares A., Tassani S., González Ballester M.A., del Río L.M., Humbert L., Noailly J. 3D DXA-based patient-specific femur finite element model for classification of fracture and non-fracture cases. AA.VV.. European Society of Biomechanics. 1 ed. 2017. .
Olivares A.L., Carmona V., García G., Manasanch A., Domingo R., Camara O., Noailly J., González Ballester M.A., Sousa-Neto M.D., Versiani M.A., Tassani S. Optimization of endodontic irrigation procedure using computational fluid dynamics: preliminary results. AA.VV.. Bruker micro-CT User Meeting 2017. 1 ed. 2017. p. 241–247.
Korfiatis V., Tassani S., Noailly J., González Ballester M.A., Matsupoulos G. Prediction of trabecular fracture zone. AA.VV.. European Society of Biomechanics. 1 ed. 2017. .
Ceresa M., Olivares A.L., Noailly J., González Ballester M.A. Coupling the time scales of immune reactions and tissue mechanics through inflammation in an emphysema progression model. Scheiner S, Barakat A, De S. MultiBioMe 2017 Conference Programme & Book of Abstracts. 1 ed. 2017. .
Baumgartner L., Reagh J.J., Ruiz Wills C., González Ballester M.A., Noailly J. Reduction of extracellular matrix expression in the transition zone of a lumbar intervertebral disc model due to early cartilage endplate degeneration. Scheiner S, Barakat A, De S. MultiBioMe 2017 Conference Programme & Book of Abstracts. 1 ed. 2017. p. 64.
Oktem A., Farrús M., Wanner L. Attentional parallel RNNs for generating punctuation in transcribed speech. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10583: p. 131–142.
Burga A, Öktem A, Wanner L. Revising the METU-Sabanc Turkish treebank: an exercise in surface-syntactic annotation of agglutinative languages. Montemagni S, Nivre J. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (Depling 2017). 1 ed. ACL Anthology; 2017. p. 32–41.
Öktem A, Farrús M, Wanner L.. Automatic Extraction of Parallel Speech Corpora from Dubbed Movies. Sharoff S, Zweigenbaum P. Rapp R (ed.). Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora. 1 ed. Association for Computational Linguistics; 2017. p. 31–35.
Öktem A, Farrús M, Wanner L.. Prosograph: a tool for prosody visualisation of large speech corpora. Lacerda, Francisco (ed.). Proceedings INTERSPEECH 2017. 1 ed. International Speech Communication Association; 2017. p. 809–810.
Oliver M, Palomares RP, Ballester C, Haro G. Spatio-temporal binary video inpainting via threshold dynamics. AA.VV.. 2017 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing, ICASSP 2017. 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 1822–1826.
Espinosa-Anke L, Oramas S, Saggion H, Serra X. ELMDist: A Vector Space Model with Words and MusicBrainz Entities. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10577: p. 355–366.
Speck R, Roder M, Oramas S, Espinosa-Anke L, Ngonga Ngomo AC. Open Knowledge Extraction Challenge 2017. Communications in Computer and Information Science 2017; 769: p. 35–48.
Oramas S, Nieto O, Sordo M, Serra X. A Deep Multimodal Approach for Cold-start Music Recommendation. VV.AA.. DLRS 2017: Deep Learning for Recommender Systems Proceedings. 1 ed. 2017. p. 32–37.
Speck R, Roder M, Oramas S, Espinosa-Anke L, Ngonga Ngomo AC. Open Knowledge Extraction Challenge 2017. Dragoni M., Solanki M., Blomqvist E. Semantic Web Challenges. SemWebEval 2017. 1 ed. Springer; 2017. p. 35–48.
Oramas S, Nieto O, Barbieri F, Serra X. Multi-label Music Genre Classification from Audio, Text and Images Using Deep Features. Cunningham SJ, Duan Z, Hu X, Turnbull D. Proceedings of the 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. 1 ed. International Society for Music Information Retrieval; 2017. p. 23–30.
Fonseca E, Pons J, Favory X, Font F, Bogdanov D, Ferraro A, Oramas S, Porter A, Serra X. Freesound datasets: a platform for the creation of open audio datasets. Cunningham SJ, Duan Z, Hu X, Turnbull D. Proceedings of the 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. 1 ed. International Society for Music Information Retrieval; 2017. p. 486–493.
Oramas S, Ferraro A, Correya A, Serra X. MEL: a music entity linking system. Cunningham SJ, Duan Z, Hu X, Turnbull D. Proceedings of the 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. 1 ed. International Society for Music Information Retrieval; 2017. .
Malinverni L, Mora-Guiard J, Padillo V, Valero L, Hervás A, Pares N. An inclusive design approach for developing videogames for children within the Autistic Spectrum Disorder. Computers in Human Behavior 2017; 71: p. 535–549.
Joan Mora-Guiard, Ciera Crowell, Narcis Pares, Pamela Heaton. Sparking social initiation behaviors in children with Autism through full-body Interaction. International Journal of Child-Computer Interaction 2017; 11: p. 62–71.
Malinverni, L.; Parés, N.. An Autoethnographic Approach to Guide Situated Ethical Decisions in Participatory Design with Teenagers. Interacting with Computers 2017; 29(3): p. 403–415.
Crowell C, Mora-Guiard J, Pares N. Impact of Interaction Paradigms on Full-Body Interaction Collocated Experiences for Promoting Social Initiation and Collaboration. Human-Computer Interaction 2017; p. 1–33.
Pablo Hourcade J, Zeising A, Sejer Iversen O, Pares N, Eisenberg M, Quintana C, B Skov M. Child-Computer Interaction SIG: Ethics and Values. Gloria Mark, Susan Fussell. CHI EA '17 Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 1 ed. ACM; 2017. p. 1334–1337.
Malinverni L, Pares N. Learning from Failures in Designing and Evaluating Full-Body Interaction Learning Environments. Gloria Mark, Susan Fussell. CHI EA '17 Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 1 ed. ACM; 2017. p. 1065–1074.
Schaper MM, Santos M, Malinverni L, Pares N. Towards the Design of a Virtual Heritage Experience based on the World-as-Support Interaction Paradigm. Gloria Mark, Susan Fussell. CHI EA '17 Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 1 ed. ACM; 2017. p. 2034–2041.
Santos, Maria; Schaper, Marie-Monique; Pares, Narcís. Moving through the past: design and evaluation of a full-body interaction learning environment for a public space.. -. In Proceedings of the XVIII International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (Interacción '17).. 1 ed. ACM New York, NY, USA.; 2017. .
Malinverni L, Maya J, Schaper MM, Pares N. The World-as-Support: Embodied Exploration, Understanding and Meaning-Making of the Augmented World. Gloria Mark, Susan Fussell. CHI EA '17 Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 1 ed. ACM; 2017. p. 5132–5144.
Rashid Z, Melià-Seguí J, Pous R, Peig E. Using Augmented Reality and Internet of Things to improve accessibility of people with motor disabilities in the context of Smart Cities. Future Generation Computer Systems 2017; 76: p. 248–261.
Benkarim OM, Piella G, González Ballester MA, Sanroma G. On the role of patch spaces in patch-based label fusion. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10530: p. 37–44.
Zimmer V.A., Hahner N., Eixarch E., Gratacós E., González Ballester M.A., Piella G. Volume-to-slice registration of fetal 3D magnetic resonance and 2D ultrasound data. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2017; p. 18–19.
Benkarim OM, Sanroma G, Zimmer VA, Muñoz-Moreno E, Hahner N, Eixarch E, Camara O, González Ballester MA, Piella G. Toward the automatic quantification of in utero brain development in 3D structural MRI: A review. Human Brain Mapping 2017; 38(5): p. 2772–2787.
Cortés M., Butakoff C., Camara O., Nuñez M., Tassani S., Piella G., González Ballester M.A., Tudela R., Soria G., Muñoz-Moreno E., Sanroma G. Longitudinal shape analysis of hippocampus in an experimental model of Alzheimer's disease. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 2017; 30(S1): p. 30–31.
Valero A., Butakoff C., Camara O., Núñez-García M., Tassani S., Piella G., González Ballester M.A., Gispert J.D., Falcón C., Molinuevo J.L., Sanroma G. Characterizing hippocampal morphology as a function of ApoE4 allele load in healthy middle-aged individuals. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 2017; 30(S1): p. 193–194.
Sanchez-Martinez S., Duchateau N., Erdei T., Kunszt G., A. Degiovanni A., Carluccio E., Fraser A.G., Piella G., Bijnens B.H. Machine-learning based exploration of variability of longitudinal myocardial velocities in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. European Journal of Heart Failure 2017; 19(S1): p. 502–503.
Sánchez, S.; Duchateau, N.; Erdei, T.; Fraser, A.G.; Bijnens, B.H.; Piella, G.. Characterization of Myocardial Motion Patterns by Unsupervised Multiple Kernel learning. Medical Image Analysis 2017; 35(1): p. 70–82.
Zimmer V.A., Glocker B., Hahner N., Eixarch E., Sanroma G., Gratacós E., Rueckert D., González Ballester M.A., Piella G. Learning and combining image neighborhoods using random forests for neonatal brain disease classification. Medical Image Analysis 2017; 42: p. 189–199.
Soto-Iglesias D, Penela D, Planes X, Zimmer V, Acosta J, Andreu D, Piella G, Sebastian R, Sancher-Quintana D, Berruezo A, Camara O. Quasi-conformal technique for integrating and validating myocardial tissue characterization in MRI with ex-vivo human histological data. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10124: p. 172–181.
Sanroma G., Andrea V., Benkarim O.M., Manjón J.V., Coupé P., Camara O., Piella G., González Ballester M.A. Early prediction of Alzheimer's disease with non-local patch-based longitudinal descriptors. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10530: p. 74–81.
Benkarim O.M., Piella G., González Ballester M.A., Sanroma G. Discriminative confidence estimation for probabilistic multi-atlas label fusion. Medical Image Analysis 2017; 42: p. 274–287.
Hahner N., Benkarim O., Piella G., Sanroma G., Zimmer V., Puerto B., Gratacos E., Bargallo N., González Ballester M.A., Eixarch E. Automatic evaluation of cortical folding pattern in isolated ventriculomegaly by magnetic resonance imaging. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2017; 50(S1): p. 157–158.
Nogueira M., Piella G., Sanchez-Martinez S., Langet H., Saloux E., Bijnens B., and De Craene M. Characterizing patterns of response during mild stress-testing in continuous echocardiography recordings using a multiview dimensionality reduction technique. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10263: p. 502–513.
Porras AR, Piella G, Yu W, Limperopoulos C, Linguraru MG. Quantification of oxygen changes in the placenta from BOLD MR image sequences. Armato S, Petrick N (ed.). Medical Imaging 2017: Computer-Aided Diagnosis. 1 ed. SPIE; 2017. .
Mangado N., Ceresa M., Piella G González Ballester M.A. Implant insertion depth and bone resistivity uncertainty in cochlear implantation. Jané Campos R (ed.). Libro de Actas. XXXV Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. 1 ed. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco; 2017. .
Benkarim O.M., Piella G., Ballester M.A, Sanroma G. On the Role of Patch Spaces in Patch-Based Label Fusion. Wu G., Munsell B., Zhan Y., Bai W., Sanroma G., Coupé P. Patch-Based Techniques in Medical Imaging. Patch-MI 2017. 1 ed. Springer; 2017. p. 37–44.
Sanroma G., Andrea V., Benkarim O.M., Manjón J.V., Coupé P., Camara O., Piella G., González Ballester M.A. Early Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease with Non-local Patch-Based Longitudinal Descriptors. Wu G., Munsell B., Zhan Y., Bai W., Sanroma G., Coupé P. Patch-Based Techniques in Medical Imaging. Patch-MI 2017. 1 ed. Springer; 2017. p. 74–81.
Rashid Z, Melià-Seguí J, Pous R, Peig E. Using Augmented Reality and Internet of Things to improve accessibility of people with motor disabilities in the context of Smart Cities. Future Generation Computer Systems 2017; 76: p. 248–261.
Escala A, Herold G, Kiltz E, Ràfols C, Villar J. A New Algebraic Framework for Diffie-Hellman Assumptions. Journal of Cryptology 2017; 30(1): p. 242–288.
Herold G, Hoffmann M, Klooss M, Ràfols C, Rupp A. New Techniques for Structural Batch Verification in Bilinear Groups with Applications to Groth-Sahai Proofs. AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 2017 ACM SIGSAC Conference on Computer and Communications Security. 1 ed. ACM; 2017. p. 1547–1564.
Rauschenberger M, Rello L, Baeza-Yates R, Gomez E, Bigham JP. Towards the prediction of dyslexia by a web-based game with musical elements. AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 14th Web for All Conference, W4A 2017. 1 ed. Association for Computing Machinery; 2017. .
Rauschenberger M. DysMusic: Detecting dyslexia web-based games with music elements. AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 14th Web for All Conference, W4A 2017. 1 ed. Association for Computing Machinery; 2017. .
Arandia-Romero I, Nogueira R, Mochol G, Moreno-Bote R. What can neuronal populations tell us about cognition?. Current Opinion in Neurobiology 2017; 46: p. 48–57.
Saggion H, Ronzano F, Accuosto P, Ferrés D. MultiScien: A bi-lingual natural language processing system for mining and enrichment of scientific collections. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2017; 1888: p. 26–40.
Accuosto P, Ronzano F, Ferrés D, Saggion H. Multi-level mining and visualization of scientific text collections. AA.VV.. 6th International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications. 1 ed. Association for Computing Machinery; 2017. p. 9–16.
Saggion H, Ronzano F. Scholarly Data Mining: Making Sense of Scientific Literature. AA.VV.. 17th ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. 1 ed. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers; 2017. .
Ruzzoli M, Soto-Faraco S. Modality-switching in the simon task: THE clash of reference frames. Journal of experimental psychology. General 2017; 146(10): p. 1478–1497.
Mazzi C, Savazzi S, Abrahamyan A, Ruzzoli M. Reliability of TMS phosphene threshold estimation: Toward a standardized protocol. Brain Stimulation 2017; 10(3): p. 609–617.
Espinosa-Anke L, Oramas S, Saggion H, Serra X. ELMDist: A Vector Space Model with Words and MusicBrainz Entities. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10577: p. 355–366.
Ferrés, Daniel; AbuRaed, Ahmed; Saggion, Horacio. Spanish morphological generation with wide-coverage lexicons and decision trees. Episteme: Procesamiento del lenguaje natural 2017; 58: p. 109–116.
Saggion H, Ronzano F, Accuosto P, Ferrés D. MultiScien: A bi-lingual natural language processing system for mining and enrichment of scientific collections. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2017; 1888: p. 26–40.
Abura'Ed A, Chiruzzo L, Saggion H, Accuosto P, Bravo A. Cross-document sentence matching and scientific text summarization systems. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2017; 2002: p. 55–66.
Codina-Filbà J, Bouayad-Agha N, Burga A, Casamayor G, Mille S, Müller A, Saggion H, Wanner L. Using genre-specific features for patent summaries. Information processing & management 2017; 53(1): p. 151–174.
Saggion H. Automatic Text Simplification (Synthesis Lectures on Human Language Technologies). 1 ed. Morgan & Claypool Publishers; 2017.
Saggion H, Ferrés D, Sevens L, Schuurman I, Ripollés M, Rodríguez O. Able to read my mail: An accessible e-mail client with assistive technology. AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 14th Web for All Conference, W4A 2017. 1 ed. Association for Computing Machinery; 2017. .
Barbieri F, Espinosa-Anke L, Ballesteros M, Soler-Company J, Saggion H. Towards the understanding of gaming audiences by modeling Twitch emotes. AA.VV.. Third Workshop on Noisy User-generated Text (W-NUT 2017). 1 ed. ACL; 2017. p. 11–20.
Accuosto P, Ronzano F, Ferrés D, Saggion H. Multi-level mining and visualization of scientific text collections. AA.VV.. 6th International Workshop on Mining Scientific Publications. 1 ed. Association for Computing Machinery; 2017. p. 9–16.
Saggion H, Ronzano F. Scholarly Data Mining: Making Sense of Scientific Literature. AA.VV.. 17th ACM/IEEE Joint Conference on Digital Libraries. 1 ed. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers; 2017. .
De Abreu JCO, Fileto R, Ngomo ACN, Röder M, Wittwer M, Saggion H. Characterizing mention mismatching problems for improving recognition results. Anderst-Kotsis G, Steinbauer M, Khalil I, Indrawan-Santiago M, Salvadori IL. 19th International Conference on Information Integration and Web-Based Applications and Services. 1 ed. ACM; 2017. p. 85–94.
Abura'ed A, Chiruzzo L, Saggion H. What sentence are you referring to and why? Identifying cited sentences in scientific literature. AA.VV.. RANLP 2017. International Conference Recent Advances in Natural Language Processing. 1 ed. ACL; 2017. p. 9–17.
Barbieri F, Ballesteros M, Saggion H. Are emojis predictable?. Lapata M, Blunsom P, Koller A (eds.). 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. 1 ed. Stroudsburg: Association for Computational Linguistics; 2017. p. 105–111.
Maffei G, Herreros I, Sanchez-Fibla M, Friston KJ, Verschure PFMJ. The perceptual shaping of anticipatory actions. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London (Biological Series) 2017; 284(1869): p. 0–0.
Pacheco, Daniel; Sanchez-Fibla, Marti; Verschure, Paul. Contextual effects in recognition memory: a spatial paradigm. Learning and Memory 2017; p. 1–13.
Maffei G, Herreros I, Sanchez-Fibla M, Friston K, Verschure P. The perceptual shaping of anticipatory actions. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences 2017; 284(1869): p. 0–0.
Pacheco D, Sánchez-Fibla M, Duff A, Verschure P. A Spatial-Context Effect in Recognition Memory. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 2017; 11: p. 143–0.
Sánchez-Fibla M, Moulin-Frier C, Arsiwalla X, Verschure P. Social sensorimotor contingencies: Towards theory of mind in synthetic agents. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2017; 300: p. 251–256.
Maffei, Giovanni; Herreros, Ivan; Ruck, Maximilian; Sanchez-Fibla, Marti; Verschure, Paul. Anticipatory actions: anticipated motor commands or reactions to sensory predictions?. PLoS Computational Biology 2017; p. 1–18.
Sanchez-Fibla, Marti; Forestier, Sebastien; Ysard, Jordi; Moulin-Frier, Clement; Verschure, Paul. Unifying Affordance and Kinematics Learning: a computational approach to bimanual affordances. IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development 2017; p. 0–0.
Sánchez-Fibla M, Maffei G, Verschure P. Adaptively Learning levels of coordination from one's, other's and task-related errors through a cerebellar circuit: a dual cart-pole setup. AA.VV.. ICANN 2017. 1 ed. Springer; 2017. .
Blancas M, Vouloutsi V, Fernando S, Sánchez-Fibla M, Zucca R, J Prescott T, Mura A, Verschure P. Analyzing children's expectations from robotic companions in educational settings. AA.VV.. 17th International Conference on Humanoid Robotics (Humanoids). 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 749–755.
Sanchez-Martinez S., Duchateau N., Erdei T., Kunszt G., A. Degiovanni A., Carluccio E., Fraser A.G., Piella G., Bijnens B.H. Machine-learning based exploration of variability of longitudinal myocardial velocities in heart failure with preserved ejection fraction. European Journal of Heart Failure 2017; 19(S1): p. 502–503.
Sánchez, S.; Duchateau, N.; Erdei, T.; Fraser, A.G.; Bijnens, B.H.; Piella, G.. Characterization of Myocardial Motion Patterns by Unsupervised Multiple Kernel learning. Medical Image Analysis 2017; 35(1): p. 70–82.
Nogueira M., Piella G., Sanchez-Martinez S., Langet H., Saloux E., Bijnens B., and De Craene M. Characterizing patterns of response during mild stress-testing in continuous echocardiography recordings using a multiview dimensionality reduction technique. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10263: p. 502–513.
Cikes M, Sanchez-Martinez S, Biering-Sorensen T, Pouleur AC, Knappe D, Kutyifa V, Moss A, Stein K, Bijnens B, Solomon SD. Machine-learning characterization of myocardial deformation patterns to identify responders to resynchronization therapy. European Heart Journal 2017; 38(1): p. 0–0.
Benkarim OM, Piella G, González Ballester MA, Sanroma G. On the role of patch spaces in patch-based label fusion. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10530: p. 37–44.
Benkarim OM, Sanroma G, Zimmer VA, Muñoz-Moreno E, Hahner N, Eixarch E, Camara O, González Ballester MA, Piella G. Toward the automatic quantification of in utero brain development in 3D structural MRI: A review. Human Brain Mapping 2017; 38(5): p. 2772–2787.
Cortés M., Butakoff C., Camara O., Nuñez M., Tassani S., Piella G., González Ballester M.A., Tudela R., Soria G., Muñoz-Moreno E., Sanroma G. Longitudinal shape analysis of hippocampus in an experimental model of Alzheimer's disease. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 2017; 30(S1): p. 30–31.
Valero A., Butakoff C., Camara O., Núñez-García M., Tassani S., Piella G., González Ballester M.A., Gispert J.D., Falcón C., Molinuevo J.L., Sanroma G. Characterizing hippocampal morphology as a function of ApoE4 allele load in healthy middle-aged individuals. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 2017; 30(S1): p. 193–194.
Zimmer V.A., Glocker B., Hahner N., Eixarch E., Sanroma G., Gratacós E., Rueckert D., González Ballester M.A., Piella G. Learning and combining image neighborhoods using random forests for neonatal brain disease classification. Medical Image Analysis 2017; 42: p. 189–199.
Sanroma G., Andrea V., Benkarim O.M., Manjón J.V., Coupé P., Camara O., Piella G., González Ballester M.A. Early prediction of Alzheimer's disease with non-local patch-based longitudinal descriptors. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10530: p. 74–81.
Benkarim O.M., Piella G., González Ballester M.A., Sanroma G. Discriminative confidence estimation for probabilistic multi-atlas label fusion. Medical Image Analysis 2017; 42: p. 274–287.
Hahner N., Benkarim O., Piella G., Sanroma G., Zimmer V., Puerto B., Gratacos E., Bargallo N., González Ballester M.A., Eixarch E. Automatic evaluation of cortical folding pattern in isolated ventriculomegaly by magnetic resonance imaging. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2017; 50(S1): p. 157–158.
Cetin I., Sanroma G., Camara O., González Ballester M.A., Lekadir K. Cardiac computer-aided diagnosis using cine-MRI radiomics. Jané Campos R (ed.). Libro de Actas. XXXV Congreso Anual de la Sociedad Española de Ingeniería Biomédica. 1 ed. Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco; 2017. .
Benkarim O.M., Piella G., Ballester M.A, Sanroma G. On the Role of Patch Spaces in Patch-Based Label Fusion. Wu G., Munsell B., Zhan Y., Bai W., Sanroma G., Coupé P. Patch-Based Techniques in Medical Imaging. Patch-MI 2017. 1 ed. Springer; 2017. p. 37–44.
Sanroma G., Andrea V., Benkarim O.M., Manjón J.V., Coupé P., Camara O., Piella G., González Ballester M.A. Early Prediction of Alzheimer's Disease with Non-local Patch-Based Longitudinal Descriptors. Wu G., Munsell B., Zhan Y., Bai W., Sanroma G., Coupé P. Patch-Based Techniques in Medical Imaging. Patch-MI 2017. 1 ed. Springer; 2017. p. 74–81.
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Santos, Maria; Schaper, Marie-Monique; Pares, Narcís. Moving through the past: design and evaluation of a full-body interaction learning environment for a public space.. -. In Proceedings of the XVIII International Conference on Human Computer Interaction (Interacción '17).. 1 ed. ACM New York, NY, USA.; 2017. .
Malinverni L, Maya J, Schaper MM, Pares N. The World-as-Support: Embodied Exploration, Understanding and Meaning-Making of the Augmented World. Gloria Mark, Susan Fussell. CHI EA '17 Proceedings of the 2017 CHI Conference Extended Abstracts on Human Factors in Computing Systems. 1 ed. ACM; 2017. p. 5132–5144.
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Segovia-Aguas J, Jiménez S, Jonsson A. Unsupervised classification of planning instances. Barbulescu L.,Smith S.F.,Mausam,Frank J.D. Proceedings International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling, ICAPS2017. 1 ed. AAAI; 2017. p. 452–460.
Espinosa-Anke L, Oramas S, Saggion H, Serra X. ELMDist: A Vector Space Model with Words and MusicBrainz Entities. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10577: p. 355–366.
Srinivasamurthy A, Holzapfel A, Ganguli KK, Serra X. Aspects of tempo and rhythmic elaboration in hindustani music: A corpus study. Frontiers in Digital Humanities 2017; 4: p. 20–0.
Serra X. The computational study of a musical culture through its digital traces. Acta musicologica 2017; 89(1): p. 24–44.
Gong R, Pons J, Serra X. Audio to Score Matching by Combining Phonetic and Duration Information. Cunningham SJ, Duan Z, Hu X, Turnbull D. Proceedings of the 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. 1 ed. International Society for Music Information Retrieval; 2017. p. 428–434.
Zhang S, Caro Repetto R, Serra X. Understanding the expressive functions of jingju metrical patterns through lyrics text mining. Cunningham SJ, Duan Z, Hu X, Turnbull D. Proceedings of the 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. 1 ed. International Society for Music Information Retrieval; 2017. p. 397–404.
Dzhambazov G, Holzapfel A, Srinivasamurthy A, Serra X. Metrical-accent Aware Vocal Onset Detection in Polyphonic Audio. Cunningham SJ, Duan Z, Hu X, Turnbull D. Proceedings of the 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. 1 ed. International Society for Music Information Retrieval; 2017. p. 702–708.
Oramas S, Nieto O, Sordo M, Serra X. A Deep Multimodal Approach for Cold-start Music Recommendation. VV.AA.. DLRS 2017: Deep Learning for Recommender Systems Proceedings. 1 ed. 2017. p. 32–37.
Fonseca E, Gong R, Bogdanov D, Slizovskaia O, Gomez E, Serra X. Acoustic scene classification by ensembling gradient boosting machine and convolutional neural networks. Virtanen T, Mesaros A, Heittola T, Diment A, Vincent E, Benetos E, Elizalde B. Proceedings of the Detection and Classification of Acoustic Scenes and Events 2017 Workshop. 1 ed. 2017. p. 37–41.
Pons J, Serra X. Designing Efficient Architectures for Modeling Temporal Features with Convolutional Neural Networks. VV.AA.. 42th International Conference on Acoustics, Speech, and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2017) Proceedings. 1 ed. 2017. p. 2472–2476.
Pons J, Slizovskaia O, Gong R, Gómez E, Serra X. Timbre Analysis of Music Audio Signals with Convolutional Neural Networks. VV.AA.. 25th European Signal Processing Conference (EUSIPCO) Proceedings. 1 ed. 2017. .
Caro Repetto R, Serra X. A collection of music scores for corpus based jingju singing research. Cunningham SJ, Duan Z, Hu X, Turnbull D. Proceedings of the 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. 1 ed. International Society for Music Information Retrieval; 2017. p. 46–52.
Bogdanov D, Serra X. Quantifying music tends and facts using editorial metadata from the Discogs database. Cunningham SJ, Duan Z, Hu X, Turnbull D. Proceedings of the 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. 1 ed. International Society for Music Information Retrieval; 2017. p. 89–95.
Font F, Roma G, Serra X. Sound sharing and retrieval. Virtanen T, Plumbley MD, Ellis D (eds.). Computational Analysis of Sound Scenes and Events. 1 ed. Springer International Publishing; 2017. p. 279–301.
Srinivasamurthy A, Holzapfel A, Serra X. Informed Automatic Meter Analysis of Music Recordings. Cunningham SJ, Duan Z, Hu X, Turnbull D. Proceedings of the 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. 1 ed. International Society for Music Information Retrieval; 2017. p. 679–685.
Oramas S, Nieto O, Barbieri F, Serra X. Multi-label Music Genre Classification from Audio, Text and Images Using Deep Features. Cunningham SJ, Duan Z, Hu X, Turnbull D. Proceedings of the 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. 1 ed. International Society for Music Information Retrieval; 2017. p. 23–30.
Caro Repetto R, Zhang S, Serra X. Quantitative analysis of the relationship between linguistic tones and melody in jingju using music scores. AA.VV.. 4th International Workshop on Digital Libraries for Musicology. 1 ed. ACM; 2017. p. 41–44.
Gong R, Repetto R, Serra X. Creating an a cappella singing audio dataset for automatic jingju singing evaluation research. AA.VV.. 4th International Workshop on Digital Libraries for Musicology. 1 ed. ACM; 2017. p. 37–40.
Fonseca E, Pons J, Favory X, Font F, Bogdanov D, Ferraro A, Oramas S, Porter A, Serra X. Freesound datasets: a platform for the creation of open audio datasets. Cunningham SJ, Duan Z, Hu X, Turnbull D. Proceedings of the 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. 1 ed. International Society for Music Information Retrieval; 2017. p. 486–493.
Pons J, Gong R, Serra X. Score-informed Syllable Segmentation for A Cappella Singing Voice with Convolutional Neural Networks. Cunningham SJ, Duan Z, Hu X, Turnbull D. Proceedings of the 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. 1 ed. International Society for Music Information Retrieval; 2017. p. 383–389.
Oramas S, Ferraro A, Correya A, Serra X. MEL: a music entity linking system. Cunningham SJ, Duan Z, Hu X, Turnbull D. Proceedings of the 18th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference. 1 ed. International Society for Music Information Retrieval; 2017. .
Papeo L, Stein T, Soto-Faraco S. The Two-Body Inversion Effect. Psychological Science 2017; 28(3): p. 369–379.
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Biau E, Fromont LA, Soto-Faraco S. Beat Gestures and Syntactic Parsing: An ERP Study. Language learning : a journal of applied linguistics 2017; p. 0–0.
Soto-Faraco, Salvador; Papai, Marta Szabina. Sounds can boost the awareness of visual events through attention without cross-modal integration. Scientific Reports 2017; 7: p. 0–0.
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Wanner L, André E, Blat J, Dasiopoulou S, Farrús M, Fraga T, Kamateri E, Lingenfelser F, Llorach G, Martínez O, Meditskos G, Mille S, Minker W, Pragst L, Schiller D, Stam A, Stellingwerff L, Sukno F, Vieru B, Vrochidis S. Design of knowledge-based agent as a social companion. Procedia Computer Science 2017; 121: p. 920–926.
Fernandez-Lopez A, Sukno FM. Automatic viseme vocabulary construction to enhance continuous lip-reading. AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 12th International Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. 1 ed. 2017. p. 52–93.
Fernandez-Lopez A, Martinez O, Sukno FM. Towards estimating the upper bound of visual-speech recognition: the visual lip-reading feasibility database.. AA.VV.. 2017 12th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2017). 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 208–215.
Derkach D, Ruiz A, Sukno FM. Head pose estimation based on 3-D facial landmarks localization and regression. AA.VV.. 12th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2017). 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 820–827.
Wanner L, André E, Blat J, Dasiopoulou S, Farrús M, Fraga T, Kamateri E, Lingenfelser F, Llorach G, Martínez O, Meditskos G, Mille S, Minker W, Pragst L, Schiller D, Stam A, Stellingwerff L, Sukno F, Vieru B.. KRISTINA: A Knowledge-Based Virtual Conversation Agent. Demazeau Y., Davidsson P., Bajo J., Vale Z. (eds). Advances in Practical Applications of Cyber-Physical Multi-Agent Systems: The PAAMS Collection: 15th International Conference, PAAMS 2017, Porto, Portugal, June 21-23, 2017, Proceedings. 1 ed. Springer, Cham; 2017. p. 284–295.
Derkach D, Sukno F. Local Shape Spectrum Analysis for 3D Facial Expression Recognition. AA.VV.. 12th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2017). 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 41–47.
Ruiz A, Martinez O, Binefa X, Sukno FM. Fusion of valence and arousal annotations through dynamic subjective ordinal modelling. AA.VV.. 2017 12th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2017). 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 331–338.
Ruiz A, Martinez O, Binefa X, Sukno F. Fusion of Valence and Arousal Annotations through Dynamic Subjective Ordinal Modelling. AA.VV.. 12th IEEE International Conference on Automatic Face & Gesture Recognition (FG 2017). 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 331–338.
Cortés M., Butakoff C., Camara O., Nuñez M., Tassani S., Piella G., González Ballester M.A., Tudela R., Soria G., Muñoz-Moreno E., Sanroma G. Longitudinal shape analysis of hippocampus in an experimental model of Alzheimer's disease. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 2017; 30(S1): p. 30–31.
Valero A., Butakoff C., Camara O., Núñez-García M., Tassani S., Piella G., González Ballester M.A., Gispert J.D., Falcón C., Molinuevo J.L., Sanroma G. Characterizing hippocampal morphology as a function of ApoE4 allele load in healthy middle-aged individuals. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 2017; 30(S1): p. 193–194.
Korfiatis VC, Tassani S, Matsopoulos GK. An Independent Active Contours Segmentation framework for bone micro-CT images. Computers in Biology and Medicine 2017; 87: p. 358–370.
del Río L.M., Ruiz Wills C., Olivares A., di Gregorio S., Tassani S., Martínez-Pardo S., Gregorov M., Noailly J., González Ballester M.A. Finite element analysis 3D-DXA femur reconstructions to predict hip fracture. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2017; 32(S1): p. 90–91.
Korfiatis VC, Tassani S, Matsopoulos GK. A new Ensemble Classification System for fracture zone prediction using imbalanced micro-CT bone morphometrical data. IEEE journal of biomedical and health informatics 2017; p. 0–0.
Baruffaldi, Fabio; Stoico, Rossella; Tassani, Simone; Mecozzi, Laura; Falcioni, Stefano; Fersini, Chiara. VALIDATION OF A BONE MINERAL DENSITY CALIBRATION PROTOCOL FOR MICRO-COMPUTED TOMOGRAPHY. Journal of Mechanics in Medicine and Biology 2017; 17(1): p. 0–0.
Korfiatis V., Tassani S., Noailly J., González Ballester M.A., Matsupoulos G. Segmentation of micro-CT images of trabecular bone with independent active contours. AA.VV.. European Society of Biomechanics. 1 ed. 2017. .
Ruiz Wills C., Olivares A., Tassani S., González Ballester M.A., del Río L.M., Humbert L., Noailly J. 3D DXA-based patient-specific femur finite element model for classification of fracture and non-fracture cases. AA.VV.. European Society of Biomechanics. 1 ed. 2017. .
Olivares A.L., Carmona V., García G., Manasanch A., Domingo R., Camara O., Noailly J., González Ballester M.A., Sousa-Neto M.D., Versiani M.A., Tassani S. Optimization of endodontic irrigation procedure using computational fluid dynamics: preliminary results. AA.VV.. Bruker micro-CT User Meeting 2017. 1 ed. 2017. p. 241–247.
Korfiatis V., Tassani S., Noailly J., González Ballester M.A., Matsupoulos G. Prediction of trabecular fracture zone. AA.VV.. European Society of Biomechanics. 1 ed. 2017. .
Vila-Vidal M, Principe A, Ley M, Deco G, Tauste Campo A, Rocamora R. Detection of recurrent activation patterns across focal seizures: Application to seizure onset zone identification. Clinical Neurophysiology 2017; 128: p. 977–985.
Gilson M, Tauste Campo A, Chen X, Thiele A, Deco G. Nonparametric test for connectivity detection in multivariate autoregressive networks and application to multiunit activity data. Network neuroscience 2017; 1(4): p. 357–380.
Ten-Ventura C, Carlini R, Dasiopoulou S, Llorach Tó G, Wanner L. Towards reasoned modality selection in an embodied conversation agent. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10498: p. 423–432.
Monte-Ordoño, J.; Toro, Juan M.. Early positivity signals changes in abstract linguistic pattern. PLoS ONE 2017; p. 0–0.
Toro, JM; Hoeschele M. Generalizing prosodic patterns by a non-vocal learning mammal. Animal Cognition 2017; 20(2): p. 179–185.
Toro JM, Crespo-Bojorque P. Consonance Processing in the Absence of Relevant Experience: Evidence from Nonhuman Animals. Comparative cognition & behavior reviews 2017; 12: p. 33–44.
Monte-Ordoño, J; Toro JM;. Different ERP profiles for learning rules over consonants and vowels. Neuropsychologia 2017; 97: p. 104–111.
Toro JM, Trobalón JB. Percepción y reconocimiento de patrones del habla en animales. Pellón R (ed.). Cognición Comparada. 1 ed. Madrid: UNED; 2017. .
Rafegas, I, Vazquez-Corral J, Benavente R, Vanrell M, Alvarez S. Enhancing spatio-chromatic representation with more-Than-Three color coding for image description. Journal of the Optical Society of America. A, Optics, image science, and vision 2017; 34(5): p. 827–837.
Galdran A, Vazquez-Corral J, Pardo D, Bertalmio M. Fusion-based variational image dehazing. IEEE Signal Processing Letters 2017; 24(2): p. 151–155.
Zamir SW, Vazquez-Corral J, Bertalmío M. Gamut Extension for Cinema. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2017; 26(4): p. 1596–1606.
Maffei G, Herreros I, Sanchez-Fibla M, Friston KJ, Verschure PFMJ. The perceptual shaping of anticipatory actions. Proceedings of the Royal Society of London (Biological Series) 2017; 284(1869): p. 0–0.
Grechuta K, Guga J, Maffei G, Ballester Rubio B, Verschure PFMJ. Visuotactile integration modulates motor performance in a perceptual decision-making task. Scientific Reports 2017; 7(1): p. 0–0.
Lintas A, Rovetta S, Verschure PFMJ, Villa AEP. Preface. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10614: p. 5–6.
Puigbò JY, Gonzalez-Ballester MA, Verschure PFMJ. State dependent modulation of perception based on a computational model of conditioning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10613: p. 421–0.
Pacheco, Daniel; Sanchez-Fibla, Marti; Verschure, Paul. Contextual effects in recognition memory: a spatial paradigm. Learning and Memory 2017; p. 1–13.
Santos-Pata D, Zucca R, Low SC, Verschure PFMJ. Size matters: How scaling affects the interaction between grid and border cells. Frontiers in Computational Neuroscience 2017; 11: p. 0–0.
Caligiore D, Pezzulo G, Baldassarre G, Bostan AC, Strick PL, Doya K, Helmich RC, Dirkx M, Houk J, Jörntell H, Lago-Rodriguez A, Galea JM, Miall RC, Popa T, Kishore A, Verschure PFMJ, Zucca R, Herreros I. Consensus Paper: Towards a Systems-Level View of Cerebellar Function: the Interplay Between Cerebellum, Basal Ganglia, and Cortex. Cerebellum 2017; 16(1): p. 203–229.
Herreros I, Arsiwalla XD, Verschure P. Optimal bases representation for embodied supervised learning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10613: p. 422–0.
Pacheco D, Sánchez-Fibla M, Duff A, Verschure P. A Spatial-Context Effect in Recognition Memory. Frontiers in Behavioral Neuroscience 2017; 11: p. 143–0.
Puigbò JY, González Ballester MA, Verschure PFMJ. Modeling the neural substrates of learning through conditioning: a two-phased model. IBM Journal of Research and Development 2017; 61(2/3): p. 1–11.
Arsiwalla XD, Verschure P. Why the brain might operate near the edge of criticality. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10613: p. 326–333.
Lintas A, Rovetta S, Verschure PFMJ, Villa AEP. Preface. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10613: p. 5–6.
Sánchez-Fibla M, Moulin-Frier C, Arsiwalla X, Verschure P. Social sensorimotor contingencies: Towards theory of mind in synthetic agents. Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence and Applications 2017; 300: p. 251–256.
Sanchez-Fibla, Marti; Forestier, Sebastien; Ysard, Jordi; Moulin-Frier, Clement; Verschure, Paul. Unifying Affordance and Kinematics Learning: a computational approach to bimanual affordances. IEEE Transactions on Autonomous Mental Development 2017; p. 0–0.
Maffei, Giovanni; Herreros, Ivan; Ruck, Maximilian; Sanchez-Fibla, Marti; Verschure, Paul. Anticipatory actions: anticipated motor commands or reactions to sensory predictions?. PLoS Computational Biology 2017; p. 1–18.
Moulin-Frier C, Fischer T, Petit M, Pointeau G, Puigbo J, Pattacini U, Low SC, Camilleri D, Nguyen P, Hoffmann M, Chang HJ, Zambelli M, Mealier A, Damianou A, Metta G, Prescott TJ, Demiris Y, Dominey, PF, Verschure PFMJ. DAC-h3: A Proactive Robot Cognitive Architecture to Acquire and Express Knowledge About the World and the Self. IEEE transactions on cognitive and developmental systems 2017; p. 0–0.
Hindriks R, Schmiedt J, Arsiwalla XD, Peter A, Verschure, PFMJ, Fries P, Schmid MC, Deco G. Linear distributed source modeling of local field potentials recorded with intra-cortical electrode arrays. PLoS ONE 2017; 12(12): p. 0–0.
Arsiwalla XD, Mediano PAM, Verschure PFMJ. Spectral Modes of Network Dynamics Reveal Increased Informational Complexity Near Criticality. Procedia Computer Science 2017; 108: p. 119–128.
Verschure P. The Distributed Adaptive Control theory of the mind and brain as a candidate standard model of the human mind. AA.VV.. 2017 AAAI Fall Symposium. 1 ed. AAAI; 2017. p. 481–485.
Puigbò JY., Gonzalez-Ballester M.Á., Verschure P.F.M.J. Behavior-State Dependent Modulation of Perception Based on a Model of Conditioning. Mangan M, Cutkosky M, Mura A, Verschure P, Prescott T, Lepora N.. Biomimetic and Biohybrid Systems. Living Machines 2017. 1 ed. Springer; 2017. p. 387–393.
Zaga C, Charisi V, Schadenberg B, Reidsma D, Neerincx M, Prescott T, Zillich M, Verschure P, Evers V. Growing-up hand in hand with robots: Designing and evaluating child-robot interaction from a developmental perspective. AA.VV.. 12th Annual ACM/IEEE International Conference on Human-Robot Interaction. 1 ed. IEEE Computer Society; 2017. p. 429–430.
Maier M, Bañuelos NL, Ballester BR, Duarte E, Verschure PFMJ. Conjunctive rehabilitation of multiple cognitive domains for chronic stroke patients in virtual reality. Ajoudani A, Artemiadis P, Beckerle P, Grioli G, Lambercy O, Mombaur K, Novak D, Rauter G, Rodriguez Guerrero C, Salvietti G, Amirabdollahian F, Balasubramanian S, Castellini C, Di Pino G, Guo Z, Hughes C, Iida F, Lenzi T, Ruffaldi E, Sergi F, Soh GS, Caimmi M, Cappello L, Carloni R, Carlson T, Casadio M, Coscia M, De Santis D, Forner-Cordero A, Howard M, Piovesan D, Siqueira A, Sup F, Lorenzo M, Catalano MG, Lee H, Menon C, Raspopovic S, Rastgaar M, Ronsse R, Van Asseldonk E, Vanderborght B, Venkadesan. 2017 International Conference on Rehabilitation Robotics. 1 ed. IEEE Computer Society; 2017. p. 947–952.
Sánchez-Fibla M, Maffei G, Verschure P. Adaptively Learning levels of coordination from one's, other's and task-related errors through a cerebellar circuit: a dual cart-pole setup. AA.VV.. ICANN 2017. 1 ed. Springer; 2017. .
Blancas M, Vouloutsi V, Fernando S, Sánchez-Fibla M, Zucca R, J Prescott T, Mura A, Verschure P. Analyzing children's expectations from robotic companions in educational settings. AA.VV.. 17th International Conference on Humanoid Robotics (Humanoids). 1 ed. IEEE; 2017. p. 749–755.
Herreros I, Arsiwalla XD, Della Santina C, Puigbo JY, Bicchi A, Verschure P. Cerebellar-inspired learning rule for gain adaptation of feedback controllers. AA.VV.. 2017 25th Mediterranean Conference on Control and Automation, MED 2017. 1 ed. Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers; 2017. p. 565–570.
Wanner L, Ferraro G, Moreno P. Towards distributional semantics-based classification of collocations for collocation dictionaries. International Journal of Lexicography 2017; 30(2): p. 167–186.
Ten-Ventura C, Carlini R, Dasiopoulou S, Llorach Tó G, Wanner L. Towards reasoned modality selection in an embodied conversation agent. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10498: p. 423–432.
Oktem A., Farrús M., Wanner L. Attentional parallel RNNs for generating punctuation in transcribed speech. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10583: p. 131–142.
Rach N, Minker W, Ultes S, Wanner L. Towards an argumentative dialogue system. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2017; p. 27–29.
Wanner L, André E, Blat J, Dasiopoulou S, Farrús M, Fraga T, Kamateri E, Lingenfelser F, Llorach G, Martínez O, Meditskos G, Mille S, Minker W, Pragst L, Schiller D, Stam A, Stellingwerff L, Sukno F, Vieru B, Vrochidis S. Design of knowledge-based agent as a social companion. Procedia Computer Science 2017; 121: p. 920–926.
Codina-Filbà J, Bouayad-Agha N, Burga A, Casamayor G, Mille S, Müller A, Saggion H, Wanner L. Using genre-specific features for patent summaries. Information processing & management 2017; 53(1): p. 151–174.
Han, Qi; Heimerl, Florian; Codina-Filba, Joan; Lohmann, Steffen; Wanner, Leo; Ertl, Thomas. Visual patent trend analysis for informed decision making in technology management. World Patent Information 2017; 49: p. 34–42.
Kleinhans J, Farrús M, Gravano A, Pérez JM, Lai C, Wanner L.. Using prosody to classify discourse relations. Lacerda, Francisco (ed.). Proceedings INTERSPEECH 2017. 1 ed. International Speech Communication Association; 2017. p. 3201–3205.
Burga A, Öktem A, Wanner L. Revising the METU-Sabanc Turkish treebank: an exercise in surface-syntactic annotation of agglutinative languages. Montemagni S, Nivre J. Proceedings of the Fourth International Conference on Dependency Linguistics (Depling 2017). 1 ed. ACL Anthology; 2017. p. 32–41.
Mille S, Carlini R, Latorre I, Wanner W. PF at EPE 2017: transduction-based deep analysis. AA.VV.. 2017 Shared Task on Extrinsic Parser Evaluation. 1 ed. Association for Computational Linguistics; 2017. p. 80–88.
Öktem A, Farrús M, Wanner L.. Automatic Extraction of Parallel Speech Corpora from Dubbed Movies. Sharoff S, Zweigenbaum P. Rapp R (ed.). Proceedings of the 10th Workshop on Building and Using Comparable Corpora. 1 ed. Association for Computational Linguistics; 2017. p. 31–35.
Wanner L, André E, Blat J, Dasiopoulou S, Farrús M, Fraga T, Kamateri E, Lingenfelser F, Llorach G, Martínez O, Meditskos G, Mille S, Minker W, Pragst L, Schiller D, Stam A, Stellingwerff L, Sukno F, Vieru B.. KRISTINA: A Knowledge-Based Virtual Conversation Agent. Demazeau Y., Davidsson P., Bajo J., Vale Z. (eds). Advances in Practical Applications of Cyber-Physical Multi-Agent Systems: The PAAMS Collection: 15th International Conference, PAAMS 2017, Porto, Portugal, June 21-23, 2017, Proceedings. 1 ed. Springer, Cham; 2017. p. 284–295.
Soler-Company J, Wanner L. On the relevance of syntactic and discourse features for author profiling and identification. Lapata M, Blunsom P, Koller A (eds.). 15th Conference of the European Chapter of the Association for Computational Linguistics. 1 ed. Stroudsburg: Association for Computational Linguistics; 2017. p. 681–687.
Öktem A, Farrús M, Wanner L.. Prosograph: a tool for prosody visualisation of large speech corpora. Lacerda, Francisco (ed.). Proceedings INTERSPEECH 2017. 1 ed. International Speech Communication Association; 2017. p. 809–810.
Mille S, Wanner L. A Demo of FORGe: the Pompeu Fabra open rule-based generator. AA.VV.. The 10th International Natural Language Generation conference. 1 ed. Association for Computational Linguistics; 2017. p. 245–246.
Mille S, Bohnet B, Wanner L, Belz A. Shared Task Proposal about Multilingual Surface Realization Using Universal Dependency Trees. AA.VV.. The 10th International Natural Language Generation conference. 1 ed. Association for Computational Linguistics; 2017. p. 120–123.
Domínguez-Bajo M, Farrús M, Wanner L.. A thematicity-based prosody enrichment tool for CTS. Lacerda, Francisco (ed.). Proceedings INTERSPEECH 2017. 1 ed. International Speech Communication Association; 2017. p. 3421–3422.
Zamir SW, Vazquez-Corral J, Bertalmío M. Gamut reduction through local saturation reduction. Color and Imaging Conference 2017; 2017(25): p. 214–218.
Zamir SW, Vazquez-Corral J, Bertalmío M. Gamut Extension for Cinema. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2017; 26(4): p. 1596–1606.
Wang X., Liu Y., Wu Z., Mou X., Zhou M., González Ballester M.A., Zhang C. Automatic Labeling of Vascular Structures with Topological Constraints via HMM. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10434: p. 208–215.
Gonzalez-Tendero A; Zhang C; Balicevic V; Cárdenes R; Loncaric S; Butakoff C; Paun B; Bonnin A; Garcia-Cañadilla P; Muñoz-Moreno E; Gratacós E; Crispi F; Bijnens B. Whole heart detailed and quantitative anatomy,myofibre structure and vasculature from X-ray phase-contrast synchrotron radiation-basedmicro computed tomography. European Heart Journal Cardiovascular Imaging 2017; 18(7): p. 732–741.
Zimmer V.A., Hahner N., Eixarch E., Gratacós E., González Ballester M.A., Piella G. Volume-to-slice registration of fetal 3D magnetic resonance and 2D ultrasound data. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2017; p. 18–19.
Benkarim OM, Sanroma G, Zimmer VA, Muñoz-Moreno E, Hahner N, Eixarch E, Camara O, González Ballester MA, Piella G. Toward the automatic quantification of in utero brain development in 3D structural MRI: A review. Human Brain Mapping 2017; 38(5): p. 2772–2787.
Zimmer V.A., Glocker B., Hahner N., Eixarch E., Sanroma G., Gratacós E., Rueckert D., González Ballester M.A., Piella G. Learning and combining image neighborhoods using random forests for neonatal brain disease classification. Medical Image Analysis 2017; 42: p. 189–199.
Soto-Iglesias D, Penela D, Planes X, Zimmer V, Acosta J, Andreu D, Piella G, Sebastian R, Sancher-Quintana D, Berruezo A, Camara O. Quasi-conformal technique for integrating and validating myocardial tissue characterization in MRI with ex-vivo human histological data. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2017; 10124: p. 172–181.
Zimmer VA, Hahner N, Eixarch E, Gratacós E, González Ballester MA, Piella G. Volume-to-slice registration of fetal 3D magnetic resonance and 2D ultrasound data. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2017; 12(s1): p. 0–0.