Departament de Ciències Polítiques i Socials 2017


Font, J.; Alarcón, P.; Galais, C.; Smith, G.. Procesos participativos y crisis: ¿Participación como respuesta a la crisis o participación recortada por la crisis?. Mélanges de la Casa de Velazquez 2017; p. 0–0.

Font, Joan; Smith, Graham; Galais, Carol; Alarcón, Pau. Cherry-picking participation: Explaining the fate of proposals from participatory processes. European Journal of Political Research 2017; p. 0–0.


Alsina, Victòria; Espunya, Anna; Wirf Naro, Maria. An Appraisal Theory approach to point of view in Mansfield Park and its translations. International Journal of Literary Linguistics 2017; 6(1): p. 1–28.


Bordone, V.; Arpino, Bruno; Aassve, A.. Patterns of grandparental child care across Europe: The role of the policy context and working mothers' need. Ageing and Society 2017; 37(4): p. 845–873.

Arpino, Bruno; Benedictis, L.D.; Mattei, A.. Implementing propensity score matching with network data: the effect of the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade on bilateral trade. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society. Series C, Applied Statistics 2017; 66(3): p. 537–554.

Arpino, Bruno; de Valk, H.. Comparing Life Satisfaction of Immigrants and Natives Across Europe: The Role of Social Contacts. Social Indicators Research 2017; p. 1–22.


Bellani D, Esping-Andersen G, Pessin L. When equity matters for marital stability: comparing German and U.S. couples. Journal of social and personal relationships 2017; p. 0–0.

Bellani D, Esping-Andersen G, Nedoluzhko L. Never partnered: A multilevel analysis of lifelong singlehood (accepted). Demographic Research 2017; p. 0–0.


Ruiz ME, Vives A, Martínez-Solanas E, Julià M, Benach J. How does informal employment impact population health? Lessons from the Chilean employment conditions survey. Safety Science 2017; 100: p. 57–65.

Julià M, Vanroelen C, Bosmans K, Van Aerden K, Benach J. Precarious employment and quality of employment in relation to health and well-being in Europe. International Journal of Health Services 2017; p. 389–409.

Julià M, Ollé-Espluga, Vanroelen C, De Moortel D, Mousaid S, Vinberg S, Puig-Barrachina V, Sánchez E, Muntaner C, Artazcoz L, Benach J. Employment and labor market results for the SOPHIE Project: concepts, analyses and policies. International Journal of Health Services 2017; 47(1): p. 18–39.

Mousaid S, Huegaerts, K Bosmans K, Julià M, Benach J, Vanroelen C. The quality of work in the Belgian service voucher system. International Journal of Health Services 2017; 47(1): p. 40–60.

Julià M, Vives A, Tarafa G, Benach J. Changing the way we understand precarious employment and health: Precarisation affects the entire salaried population. Safety Science 2017; 100: p. 66–73.


Medeiros, M.; Fournier, P.; Benet-Martínez, V.. The language of threat: Linguistic perceptions and intergroup relations. Acta politica 2017; 52(1): p. 1–22.

Repke, L.; Benet-Martínez, V.. Conceptualizing the dynamics between bicultural identification and personal social networks. Frontiers in Psychology 2017; 8: p. 0–0.

Naumann, L.P.; Benet-Martínez, V.; Espinoza, P.. Correlates of Political Ideology Among U.S.-Born Mexican Americans: Cultural Identification, Acculturation Attitudes, and Socioeconomic Status. Social Psychological and Personality Science 2017; 8(1): p. 20–28.

Schwartz S, Birman D, Benet-Martínez V, Unger J. Biculturalism: Negotiating multiple cultural streams.  Schwartz S, Unger J. The Oxford Handbook of Acculturation and Health. 1 ed. New York: Oxford University Press; 2017. .


Martí, J.; Bolíbar, M.; Lozares, C.. Network cohesion and social support. Social networks 2017; 48: p. 192–201.


Majó-Vázquez, S.; Cardenal, A.S.; González-Bailón, S.. Digital News Consumption and Copyright Intervention: Evidence from Spain Before and After the 2015 'Link Tax'. Journal of Computer-Mediated Communication 2017; 22(5): p. 284–301.

Galais, C.; Cardenal, A.S.. When David and Goliath campaign online: The effects of digital media use during electoral campaigns on vote for small parties. Journal of Information Technology and Politics 2017; 14(4): p. 372–386.


Garriga A, Cortina C. The change in single mothers' educational gradient over time in Spain. Demographic Research 2017; 36: p. 1859–1888.


Escapa, S. Efectos del conflicto parental después del divorcio en el rendimiento educativo de los hijos. Revista española de investigaciones sociológicas 2017; (158): p. 41–58.


Escribà-Folch A, Krcmaric D. Dictators in Exile: Explaining the Destinations of Ex-Rulers. Journal of politics 2017; 79(2): p. 560–575.

Escribàs-Folch A. Foreign Direct Investment and the Risk of Regime Transition in Autocracies. Democratization 2017; 24(1): p. 61–8.

Krcmaric Daniel, Escribà-Folch Abel. Where do ousted dictators go? Fewer countries now offer a warm welcome.. The Washington Post : national weekly edition 2017; p. 0–0.


Rutigliano R, Esping-Andersen G. Partnership choice and childbearing in Norway and Spain (in press). European Journal of Population = Revue Européenne de Démographie 2017; p. 0–0.

Esping-Andersen G, Nedoluzhko L. Inequality equilibria and individual well-being. Social Science Research 2017; 62: p. 24–28.

Bellani, D.; Esping-Andersen, G.; Nedoluzhko, L.. Never partnered: A multilevel analysis of lifelong singlehood. Demographic Research 2017; 37(1): p. 0–0.

Bellani D, Esping-Andersen G, Pessin L. When equity matters for marital stability: comparing German and U.S. couples. Journal of social and personal relationships 2017; p. 0–0.

Bellani D, Esping-Andersen G, Nedoluzhko L. Gender norms and lifelong singlehood (in press). Demographic Research 2017; p. 0–0.

Esping-Andersen G. Education, the gender revolution, and the fertility recovery.  VV.AA.. Vienna Yearbook of Population Research 2017. 1 ed. 2017. .

Dammrich J, Esping-Andersen G. Pre-school and reading competencies - a cross national comparison.  Blossfeld HP, Kulit N, Skopek J, Triventi M. Child Care, Early Education and Social Inequality. 1 ed. Edward Elgar; 2017. .


Verge, Tània; Ferrer-Fons, Mariona; González, M. José. Resistance to mainstreaming gender into the higher education curriculum. The European journal of women's studies 2017; p. 1–16.


Gabrielli, Lorenzo. La externalización europea del control migratorio: ¿La acción española como modelo?. Anuario de la inmigración en España 2017; p. 0–0.

Scott, James W.; Brambilla, Chiara; Celata, Filippo; Coletti, Raffaella; Bürkner, Hans-Joachim; Ferrer-Gallardo, Xavier; Gabrielli, Lorenzo. Between Crises and Borders: Interventions on Mediterranean Neighbourhood and the Salience of Spatial Imaginaries. Political geography 2017; p. 0–0.

Gabrielli L. Deconstructing Migration and Refugee ''Crises'' in the Mediterranean. The Need for a Broader Temporal and Geographical View for a Policy Reorientation in Europe. IEMed Mediterranean Yearbook 2017; p. 300–303.

Gabrielli, Lorenzo; Gsir, Sonia; Zapata-Barrero, Ricard. Political and Civic Participation of Immigrants in Host Countries: An Interpretative Framework from the Perspective of the Origin Countries and Societies.  Weinar, A.; Unterreiner, A.; Fargues, P.. Migrant Integration Between Homeland and Host Society Volume 1. 1 ed. Springer; 2017. p. 87–116.

Zapata-Barrero, R.; Gabrielli, L.. Ethics and the Securitization of Migration: reversing the current policy framework.  Bourbeau P.. Handbook on Migration and Security. 1 ed. Edward Elgar Press; 2017. p. 125–143.

Gabrielli, Lorenzo. Historical vs. Geographical Proximity. The Integration of Ecuadorian and Moroccan Migrants in Spain.  Di Bartolomeo A., Kalantaryan S., Salamo¿ska J., Fargues P.. Migrant Integration between Homeland and Host Society Volume 2. 1 ed. Springer; 2017. p. 187–209.

Gabrielli, Lorenzo; Aragall, Xavier. Perception of the Migration and Refugee Situation in the Mediterranean.  IEMed. Management of Human Movements and Migrations in the Euro-Mediterranean Region. 1 ed. European Institute of the Mediterranean; 2017. p. 70–78.

Aragall, Xavier; Gabrielli, Lorenzo; Apprioual, Antoine. Descriptive Report (General Perceptions; EU Challanges and Instruments; Challanges in and for Southern Mediterranean Countries; Bilateral, Regional and International Cooperation).  IEMed. Management of Human Movements and Migrations in the Euro-Mediterranean Region. 1 ed. European Institute of the Mediterranean; 2017. p. 81–157.


Garriga A, Cortina C. The change in single mothers' educational gradient over time in Spain. Demographic Research 2017; 36: p. 1859–1888.

Garriga A, Martinez J. Growing up in a Single Mother Family and Student's Tardiness a Cross-national Study: Exploring the Moderating role of Family resources. Journal of Divorce and Remarriage 2017; 59(1): p. 1–24.


Verge, Tània; Ferrer-Fons, Mariona; González, M. José. Resistance to mainstreaming gender into the higher education curriculum. The European journal of women's studies 2017; p. 1–16.

Domínguez-Folgueras, Marta; González, Maria José; Lapuerta, Irene. Gender inequalities, paid work and family formation in Spain.  Blöss, Thierry. Ageing, Lifestyles and Economic Crises: The New People of the Mediterranean. 1 ed. Routledge; 2017. .


Hellgren Z, Serrano I. Transnationalism and Financial Crisis: The Hampered Migration Projects of Female Domestic Workers in Spain. Social sciences 2017; 6(1): p. 1–18.


García-Juanatey, A.; Jordana, J.; Sancho, D.. Administrative Innovations and Accountability Failures: The Termination of the Spanish Telecommunications Agency. South European Society & Politics 2017; 22(3): p. 385–404.

Banal-Estañol, A; Calzada, J.; Jordana, J.. How to achieve full electrification: Lessons from Latin America. Energy policy 2017; 108: p. 55–69.

Jordana, J.. Transgovernmental networks as regulatory intermediaries: Horizontal collaboration and the realities of soft power. The Annals of the American Academy of Political and Social Science 2017; 670(1): p. 245–262.

Steinbach, Yves; Knill, Christoph; Jordana, Jacint. Austerity or Welfare State Transformation: Examining the Impact of Economy Crisis on Social Regulation in Europe. Regulation and Governance 2017; p. 0–0.

García-Juanatey, A.; Jordana, J.; Parrado, S.; Pascual, L.; Salvador, M.; Sancho, D.. Las agencias públicas en España: Percepciones sobre autonomía y rendición de cuentas [Public agencies in Spain: Autonomy and accountability perceptions]. Revista española de ciencia política 2017; 1(43): p. 61–82.

Steinebach, Y.; Knill, C.; Jordana, J.. Austerity or welfare state transformation? Examining the impact of economic crises on social regulation in Europe. Regulation and Governance 2017; p. 0–0.

Jordana, J.. Transnational policy networks and regional public goods in Latin America.  Estevadeordal, A.; Goodman, L.W.. 21st century cooperation: Regional public goods, global governance, and sustainable development. 1 ed. Taylor and Francis Inc.; 2017. .

Jordana, Jacint. Accountability Challenges in the Governance of Infrastructure.  Wegrich, Kai; Kostka, Genia; Hammerschmid, Gerhard (eds.). The Governance of Infrastructure. 1 ed. Oxford University Press; 2017. .


Ruiz ME, Vives A, Martínez-Solanas E, Julià M, Benach J. How does informal employment impact population health? Lessons from the Chilean employment conditions survey. Safety Science 2017; 100: p. 57–65.

Julià M, Vanroelen C, Bosmans K, Van Aerden K, Benach J. Precarious employment and quality of employment in relation to health and well-being in Europe. International Journal of Health Services 2017; p. 389–409.

Julià M, Ollé-Espluga, Vanroelen C, De Moortel D, Mousaid S, Vinberg S, Puig-Barrachina V, Sánchez E, Muntaner C, Artazcoz L, Benach J. Employment and labor market results for the SOPHIE Project: concepts, analyses and policies. International Journal of Health Services 2017; 47(1): p. 18–39.

Mousaid S, Huegaerts, K Bosmans K, Julià M, Benach J, Vanroelen C. The quality of work in the Belgian service voucher system. International Journal of Health Services 2017; 47(1): p. 40–60.

Julià M, Vives A, Tarafa G, Benach J. Changing the way we understand precarious employment and health: Precarisation affects the entire salaried population. Safety Science 2017; 100: p. 66–73.


Lago, I.; Bermúdez, S.; Guinjoan, M.; Rowe, K.; Simón, P.. Party Mobilization and Electoral Systems. Government and Opposition 2017; p. 1–24.

Lago, I.; Martinez i Coma, F.. Challenge or consent? Understanding losers' reactions in mass elections. Government and Opposition 2017; 52(3): p. 412–436.

Lago, I.. The psychological effect of electoral systems in founding elections. Party politics 2017; p. 0–0.


Nagel, Klaus-Jürgen. Prozess dem Prozess in Katalonien Das Gerichtsverfahren gegen Artur Mas und andere in seinem Kontext. Europaisches Journal fur Minderheitenfragen 2017; 10(1-2): p. 137–155.

Nagel, Klaus-Jürgen. Manifest Koiné und seine Folgen: Unabhängigkeitsbewegung und Sprachpolitik in Katalonien. Hispanorama : Mitteilungen des Deutschen Spanischlehrerverbands : in Fachverband Moderne Fremdsprachen 2017; (155): p. 0–0.

Nagel, Klaus-Jürgen. Entweder Referendum oder Referendum oder doch Neuwahlen? Der katalanische Unabhängigkeitsprozess und sein spanischer Kontext. Jahrbuch des Föderalismus 2017; 2017(18): p. 399–418.


Navarro, V.. The Importance of Considering Social Class to Understand What Is Happening in the United States: The Election of Donald Trump. International Journal of Health Services 2017; 47(4): p. 601–611.

Navarro, V.. Is the Nation-state and Its Welfare State Dead? A Critique of Varoufakis. International Journal of Health Services 2017; 47(1): p. 5–9.


Brandt, M.; Rasmussen, K.; Peñuelas, J.; Tian, F.; Schurgers, G.; Verger, A.; Mertz, O.; Palmer, J.R.; Fensholt, R. Human Population Growth Offsets Climate-Driven Woody Vegetation Increase in Sub-Saharan Africa. Nature ecology & evolution 2017; 1(81): p. 0–0.

González, Tania Marisol; González-Trujillo, Juan David; Palmer, John R.B.; Pino, Joan; Armenteras, Dolors. Movement behavior of a tropical mammal: The case of Tapirus terrestris. Ecological modelling 2017; 360: p. 223–229.

Palmer, John R.B.; Oltra, Aitana; Collantes, Francisco; Delgado, Juan Antonio; Lucientes, Javier; Delacour, Sarah; Bengoa, Mikel; Eritja, Roger; Bartumeus, Frederic. Citizen science provides a reliable and scalable tool to track disease-carrying mosquitoes. Nature Communications 2017; 8(916): p. 0–0.

Eritja, Roger; Palmer, John RB.; Roiz, David; Sanpera-Calbet, Isis; Bartumeus, Frederic. Direct Evidence of Adult Aedes albopictus Dispersal by Car. Scientific Reports 2017; 7(1): p. 0–0.

Kammourieh, Lanah; Baar, Thomas; Berens, Jos; Letouze, Emmanuel; Manske, Julia; Palmer, John; Sangokoya, David; Vinck, Patrick. Group Privacy in the Age of Big Data, in Group Privacy: New Challenges of Data Technologies.  Taylor, Linnet, Floridi, Luciano, van der Sloot, Bart. Group Privacy: New Challenges of Data Technologies. 1 ed. Springer International Publishing; 2017. p. 37–66.


Ramió C. Consejos para los directivos públicos ante un cambio organizativo (I). El blog de esPublico 2017; p. 0–0.

Ramió C. La sostenibilidad económica del empleo público. El blog de esPublico 2017; p. 0–0.

Ramió C. Consejos para los directivos públicos ante un cambio organizativo (II). El blog de esPublico 2017; p. 0–0.

Ramió C. Los indicios de un futuro que regresa al pasado. El blog de esPublico 2017; p. 0–0.

Ramió C. Análisis organizativo de Un Ayuntamiento: tres elementos previos. El blog de esPublico 2017; p. 0–0.

Ramió, Carles. La necesidad de diseñar en el futuro unos nuevos valores públicos. GIGAPP Estudios Working Papers 2017; (57): p. 19–19.

Ramió C. España no es un país para jóvenes. El blog de esPublico 2017; p. 0–0.

Ramió C. Fukuyama y el Estado. El blog de esPublico 2017; p. 0–0.

Ramió C. ¿Puede regresar un Estado duro?. El blog de esPublico 2017; p. 0–0.

Ramió C. ¿Y si el futuro implica un retorno bestial del Estado?. El blog de esPublico 2017; p. 0–0.


Revilla, M.; Ochoa, C.. Ideal and maximum length for a web survey. International Journal of Market Research 2017; 59(5): p. 0–0.

DeCastellarnau, A.; Revilla, M.. Two approaches to evaluate measurement quality in online surveys: An application using the Norwegian Citizen Panel. Survey Research Methods 2017; 11(4): p. 0–0.

Revilla, M; Toninelli, D; Ochoa, C. An experiment comparing grids and item-by-item formats in web surveys completed through PCs and smartphones. Telematics and Informatics 2017; 34(1): p. 30–42.

Revilla, M.. Analyzing the survey characteristics, participation, and evaluation across 186 surveys in an online opt-in panel in Spain. Methods, data, analyses 2017; 11(2): p. 0–0.

Revilla M. Are there differences depending on the device used to complete a web survey (PC or smartphone) for order-by-click questions?. Field Methods 2017; p. 0–0.

Revilla, M; Ochoa, C; Loewe, G. Using passive data from a meter to complement survey data in order to study online behavior.. Social science computer review 2017; 35(4): p. 0–0.

Dobney, S; Ochoa, C; Revilla, M. Making Conjoint questionnaires more realistic: the effect of random noise and inclusion of images on the answers and data quality. International Journal of Market Research 2017; p. 0–0.

Revilla, M; Ochoa, C; Turbina A. Making use of Internet interactivity to propose a dynamic presentation of web questionnaires. Quality and quantity 2017; 51(3): p. 1321–1336.


Pérez Durán, I.; Rodríguez Menés, J.. Explaining accountability for public policies: An fsQCA analysis of health policy in Spain. European Political Science Review 2017; 9(3): p. 329–350.

Rodríguez-Menés, Jorge. Accounting for structural and exchange mobility in models of status attainment: Social fluidity in five European countries. Social Science Research 2017; 61(1): p. 14–28.

Rodríguez-Menés J, Creighton M. The impact of imprisonment on IPV offenders' risks of recidivism: an application of two natural experiments in the city of Barcelona.  Blokland, Arjan and van der Geest, Victor. The Routledge International Handbook of Life-Course Criminology. 1 ed. Routledge; 2017. p. 397–416.


Salvador M, Riba C. Outsourcing as management strategy in local public services. Revista de Administracao Publica 2017; 51(4): p. 633–652.

García-Juanatey, A.; Jordana, J.; Parrado, S.; Pascual, L.; Salvador, M.; Sancho, D.. Las agencias públicas en España: percepciones sobre autonomía y rendición de cuentas. Revista española de ciencia política 2017; (43): p. 61–82.


Sebastián Sarasa. Cómo evaluar el impacto de programas sociales y políticas públicas. 1 ed. UOC; 2017.


Arpino, B.; Solé-Auró, Aida. Education inequalities in health among older European men and women: the role of active aging. Journal of Aging and Health 2017; p. 0–0.

Gumà, J.; Arpino, B.; Solé-Auró, Aida. Determinantes sociales de la salud de niveles micro y mezzo. El caso de la educación y el hogar en la población española. Gaceta sanitaria 2017; p. 0–0.


Christmann, P.; Torcal, M.. The Political and Economic Causes of Satisfaction with Democracy in Spain: A Twofold Panel Study. West European Politics 2017; p. 1–26.

Christmann, P.; Torcal, M.. The Effects of Government System Fractionalization on Satisfaction with Democracy. Political Science Research and Methods 2017; p. 0–0.


Ungureanu, C.. Michel Houellebecq's shifting representation of Islam: From the death of God to counter-Enlightenment. Philosophy & social criticism 2017; 43(4): p. 514–528.

Vancea, M.; Becker, S.; Kunze, C.. Local embeddedness in community energy projects a social entrepreneurship perspective. Revista internacional de sociología 2017; 75(4): p. 0–0.

Ungureanu, C.; Monti, P.. Habermas on Religion and Democracy: Critical Perspectives. The European Legacy: toward new paradigms 2017; 22(5): p. 521–527.

Ungureanu, C.. A note from the East. Philosophy & social criticism 2017; 43(3): p. 345–346.


Vancea, Mihaela; Boso, Àlex. El transnacionalismo político de las asociaciones de inmigrantes en Barcelona. Papeles de Poblacion 2017; (94): p. 9–32.

Vancea, Mihaela; Becker, Sören; Kunze, Conrad. El arraigo local en proyectos energéticos comunitarios. Una perspectiva de emprendimiento social. Revista internacional de sociología 2017; 75(4): p. 0–0.

Vancea, Mihaela; Utzet, Mireia. How unemployment and precarious employment affect the health of young people? A scoping study on social determinants. Scandinavian Journal of Public Health 2017; 45(1): p. 73–84.

Vancea Mihaela; Utzet Mireia. Does unemployment and precarious employment lead to increasing entrepreneurial intentions among young people? Results from a survey-based study in Spain. Central European Business Review 2017; 6(2): p. 5–17.

Becker, Sören; Kunze, Conrad; Vancea, Mihaela. Community energy and social entrepreneurship: Addressing purpose, organisation and embeddedness of renewable energy projects. Journal of Cleaner Production 2017; 147: p. 25–36.


Simón, Pablo; Verge, Tània. Gender quotas and political representation in Spain and Portugal: Electoral competition, learning and emulation. South European Society & Politics 2017; 22(2): p. 179–195.

Meier, Petra; Verge, Tània. Conceptual and methodological challenges in the study of symbolic representation -An introduction. Politics, groups and identities 2017; 3(5): p. 478–481.

Espírito-Santo, Ana; Verge, Tània. The Elusive Measurement of Symbolic Effects on Citizens' Political Attitudes. Politics, groups and identities 2017; 3(5): p. 494–499.

Verge, Tània; Ferrer-Fons, Mariona; González, M. José. Resistance to mainstreaming gender into the higher education curriculum. The European journal of women's studies 2017; p. 1–16.

Lombardo, Emanuela; Verge, Tània. Cuotas de género en política y economía: Regulación y configuración institucional en España. Política y gobierno 2017; 24(2): p. 301–331.

Verge, Tània; Novo, Amparo; Diz,Isabel; Lois, Marta. Gender and Parliament: The Impact of the Political Presence of Women.  Coller, Xavier; Mota, Fabiola; Jaime Castillo, Antonio. Political Power in Spain. 1 ed. Palgrave Macmillan; 2017. p. 43–59.

Allern, Elin; Verge, Tània. Still Connecting with Society? Political Parties Formal Links with Social Groups in the 21st century.  Scarrow, Susan; Webb, Paul (ed.). Organizing Representation: Political Parties, Participation, and Power. 1 ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2017. p. 106–135.

Verge, Tània; Claveria, Sílvia. Party office, homosocial capital and gendered political recruitment.  Waylen, Georgina. Informal institutions and political recruitment. 1 ed. FIIN/Rowman and Littlefield; 2017. p. 91–114.


Bruszt L, Vukov V. Making States for the Single Market. European integration and the reshaping of economic states in the Southern and Eastern peripheries of Europe. West European Politics 2017; 40(4): p. 663–687.

Bruszt L, Vukov V. Market integration, democracy and development: lessons from the integration of Europe's Eastern and Southern peripheries. Studies in Comparative International Development 2017; p. 0–0.

Vukov V. More Catholic than the Pope? Europeanization of developmental state capacities in Eastern Europe. East European Politics and Societies 2017; p. 0–0.

Vukov V. Towards a transnational developmental alliance? EU integration and automotive industry in Romania. Review of international political economy 2017; p. 0–0.

Bruszt L, Vukov V. European integration and the evolution of economic state capacities in Southern and Eastern Europe.  King, Desmond; Le Gales, Patrick (eds.). Reconfiguring European States in Crisis. 1 ed. Oxford: Oxford University Press; 2017. .


Zapata-Barrero R, Caponio T, Scholten P. Theorizing the ''local turn'' in a multi-level governance framework of analysis: a case study in immigrant policies. International Review of Administrative Sciences 2017; 83(2): p. 241–246.

Zapata-Barrero R, Dähnke I, Markard L. Background, framework and focus of the special issue. Ethnic and Racial Studies 2017; 40(5): p. 751–765.

Zapata-Barrero R. How do political parties deal with the ''diversity gap''? Democratic deficits and party strategies. Ethnic and Racial Studies 2017; 40(5): p. 766–786.