Departament de Ciències Polítiques i Socials
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Gutiérrez-Zamora Navarro, M.; Belvis Costes, F.X.;Bolíbar, Planas, M.; Benach de Rovira, J..Labour market trajectories and health in Catalan youth.European Journal of Public Health2020;30:p.39–40.
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Lago, Ignacio; Lago-Peñas, Carlos.The Cultural Sources of Deception in Soccer: How Collectivism Affects the Number of Penalties in European Soccer Leagues.Social Science Quarterly2020;102(1):p.362–373.
Lago, I.; Coffé, H..Explaining Gender Differences in Turnout Using Panel Data Across Elections.Social Science Quarterly2020;101(2):p.940–959.
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