Departament de Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions
Departament de Tecnologies de la Informació i les Comunicacions 2016
Karim R, Bhagirath P, Claus P, Housden RJ, Chen Z, Karimaghaloo Z, Sohn HM, Lara Rodríguez L, Vera S, Albà X, Hennemuth A, Peitgeng HO, Arbeld T, Gonzàlez Ballester MA, Frangi AF, Götte M, Razavi R, Schaeffter T, Rhode K. Evaluation of state-of-the-art segmentation algorithms for left ventricle infarct from late Gadolinium enhancement MR images. Medical Image Analysis 2016; 30: p. 95–107.
Albó L, Hernández-Leo D. Blended learning with MOOCs: towards supporting the learning design process. Ubachs G, Konings L. Enhancing European Higher Education. Opportunities and impact of new modes of teaching. 1 ed. EADTU; 2016. p. 578–588.
Albó, L; Hernández-Leo, D; Oliver, M. Are higher education students registering and participating in MOOCs? The case of MiríadaX. VV.AA. Proceedings of the Fourth European MOOCs Stakeholders Summit. 1 ed. Book On Demand; 2016. p. 197–210.
Mormann F, Andrzejak RG. Seizure prediction: making mileage on the long and winding road (Commentary). Brain : a Journal of Neurology 2016; 139(6): p. 1625–1627.
Andrzejak RG, Rummel C, Mormann F, Schindler K. All together now: analogies between chimera state collapses and epileptic seizures. Scientific Reports 2016; 6: p. 23000–0.
Schindler K, Rummel C, G R Andrzejak , Goodfellow M, Zubler F, Abela E, Wiest R, Pollo C, Steimer A, Gast H. Ictal time-irreversible intracranial EEG signals as markers of the epileptogenic zone. Clinical Neurophysiology 2016; 127(9): p. 3051–3058.
2 Rello L, Baeza-Yates R. The Effect of Font Type on Screen Readability by People with Dyslexia. ACM Transactions on Accessible Computing 2016; 8(4): p. 15–0.
Graells-Garrido E, Lalmas M, Baeza-Yates R. Data Portraits and Intermediary Topics: Encouraging Exploration of Politically Diverse Profiles. -. Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces. 1 ed. 2016. p. 228–240.
Graells-Garrido E, Lalmas M, Baeza-Yates R. Encouraging Diversity-and Representation-Awareness in Geographically Centralized Content. -. Proceedings of the 21st ACM Conference on Intelligent User Interfaces. 1 ed. 2016. p. 7–18.
Rezaeirowshan B, Ballester C, Haro G. Monocular depth ordering using perceptual occlusion cues. Magnenat-Thalmann N, Richard P, Linsen L, Telea A, Battiato S, Imai F, Braz J. Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. 1 ed. 2016. p. 431–441.
Fedorov, Vadim; Arias, Pablo; Facciolo, Gabriele; Ballester, Coloma. Affine Invariant Self-Similarity for Exemplar-Based Inpaiting. Magnenat-Thalmann N, Richard P, Linsen L, Telea A, Battiato S, Imai F, Braz J. Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. 1 ed. 2016. p. 48–58.
Ballesteros M, Bohnet B, Mille S, Wanner L.. Data-Driven Deep-Syntactic Dependency Parsing. Natural Language Engineering 2016; 22(6): p. 939–974.
Ballesteros M, Nivre J. MaltOptimizer: Fast and Effective Parser Optimization. Natural Language Engineering 2016; 22(2): p. 1–27.
Mille S, Ballesteros M, Burga A, Casamayor G, Wanner L. Towards Multilingual Natural Language Generation within Abstractive Summarization. Nebot A, Binefa X, López de Mántaras R (eds.). Artificial intelligence research and development : proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, October 19-21, 2016. 1 ed. Berlin: IOS Press; 2016. p. 309–314.
Bellalta, B.; Bononi, L.; Bruno; R.; Kassler, A.. Next Generation IEEE 802.11 Wireless Local Area Networks: Current Status, Future Directions and Open Challenges. Computer Communications 2016; 75: p. 1–25.
Ballalta, B.; Checco, A.; Zocca, A.; Barcelo, J.. On the Interactions between Multiple Overlapping WLANs using Channel Bonding. IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology 2016; 65(2): p. 796–812.
Liao R, Bellalta B, Oliver M, Niu Z. MU-MIMO MAC Protocols for Wireless Local Area Networks: A Survey. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 2016; 18(1): p. 162–183.
Vazquez-Corral, Javier ; Zamir, Syed Waqas ; Galdran, Adrian ; Pardo, David ; Bertalmío, Marcelo. Image processing applications through a variational perceptually-based color correction related to Retinex. Electronic Imaging 2016; p. 0–0.
Ghimpeteanu G, Batard T, Bertalmío M, Levine S. A Decomposition Framework for Image Denoising Algorithms. IEEE Transactions on Image Processing 2016; 25(1): p. 388–399.
Kane D, Bertalmío M. System gamma as a function of image- and monitor- dynamic range. Journal of Vision 2016; 16(4): p. 0–0.
Kane, David ; Bertalmío, Marcelo. The role of lightness perception in determining the perceived contrast of real world scenes. Electronic Imaging 2016; p. 0–0.
Ghimpe¿eanu, Gabriela ; Batard, Thomas ; Seybold, Tamara ; Bertalmío, Marcelo. Local denoising applied to RAW images may outperform non-local patch-based methods applied to the camera output. Electronic Imaging 2016; p. 0–0.
Bertalmío, Marcelo. Connections between Retinex, neural models and variational methods. Electronic Imaging 2016; p. 1–6.
Gil Rodríguez, Raquel ; Bertalmío, Marcelo. High quality video in high dynamic range scenes from interlaced dual-ISO footage. Electronic Imaging 2016; p. 1–7.
Yeonan-Kim, Jihyun ; Bertalmío, Marcelo. Retinal lateral inhibition provides the biological basis of long-range spatial induction. PLoS ONE 2016; p. 0–0.
Kane, David ; Bertalmío, Marcelo. The influence of lightness, and the crispening effect on the perceived contrast of textured images. Electronic Imaging 2016; p. 0–0.
Sanchis L, Andrea R, Falces C, Lopez-Sobrino T, Montserrat S, Perez-Villa F, Bijnens B, Sitges M. Prognostic Value of Left Atrial Strain in Outpatients with De Novo Heart Failure. Journal of the American Society of Echocardiography 2016; 29(11): p. 1035–1042.
Cruz-Lemini M, Crispi F, Valenzuela-Alcaraz B, Figueras F, Sitges M, Bijnens B, Gratacós E. Fetal cardiovascular remodeling persists at 6 months in infants with intrauterine growth restriction. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2016; 48: p. 349–356.
Gabrielli L, Bijnens BH, Brambila C, Duchateau N, Marin J, Sitges-Serra I, Mont L, Brugada J, Sitges M. Differential atrial performance at rest and exercise in athletes: Potential trigger for developing atrial dysfunction. Scandinavian Journal of Medicine and Science in Sports 2016; 26(12): p. 1444–1454.
Sanz de la Garza M, Grazioli G, Bijnens BH, Pajuelo C, Brotons D, Subirats E, Brugada R, Roca E, Sitges M. Inter-individual variability in right ventricle adaptation after an endurance race. European journal of preventive cardiology 2016; 23: p. 1114–1124.
Gaudron PD, Liu D, Scholz F, Hu K, Florescu C, Herrmann S, Bijnens B, Ertl G, Störk S, Weidemann F. The septal bulge-an early echocardiographic sign in hypertensive heart disease. Journal of the American Society of Hypertension 2016; 10(1): p. 70–80.
Rodríguez-López M, Cruz-Lemini M, Valenzuela-Alcaraz B, Garcia-Otero L, Sitges M, Bijnens B, Gratacos E, Crispi F. Descriptive analysis of the different phenotypes of cardiac remodeling in fetal growth restriction. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2016; p. 0–0.
Sanz de la Garza M, Grazioli G, Bijnens BH, Sarvari SI, Guasch E, Pajuelo C, Brotons D, Subirats E, Brugada R, Roca E, Sitges M. Acute, Exercise Dose-Dependent Impairment in Atrial Performance During an Endurance Race: 2D Ultrasound Speckle-Tracking Strain Analysis.. JACC: Cardiovascular Imaging 2016; 9(12): p. 1380–1388.
Ortigosa N, Rodriguez-Lopez M, Bailón R, Sarvari SI, Sitges M, Gratacos E, Bijnens B, Crispi F, Laguna P. Heart morphology differences induced by intrauterine growth restriction and preterm birth measured on the ECG at preadolescent age. Journal of Electrocardiology 2016; 49(3): p. 401–409.
Valenzuela-Alcaraz B, Crispi F, Cruz-Lemini M, Bijnens B, García-Otero L, Sitges M, Balasch J, Gratacós E. Differential effect of assisted reproductive technologies and small-for-gestational-age on fetal cardiac remodeling. Ultrasound in Obstetrics and Gynecology 2016; p. 0–0.
Giraldeau G, Duchateau N, Bijnens B, Gabrielli L, Penela D, Evertz R, Mont L, Brugada J, Berruezo A, Sitges M. Dyssynchronization reduces dynamic obstruction without affecting systolic function in patients with hypertrophic obstructive cardiomyopathy: a pilot study. The International Journal of Cardiovascular Imaging 2016; 32(8): p. 1179–1188.
Sarvari SI, Sitges M, Sanz M, Tolosana Viu JM, Edvardsen T, Stokke TM, Mont L, Bijnens B. Left ventricular dysfunction is related to the presence and extent of a septal flash in patients with right ventricular pacing. Revista española de cardiología 2016; 69(7): p. 650–656.
García-Otero L, López M, Gómez O, Goncé A, Bennasar M, Martínez JM, Valenzuela-Alcaraz B, Rodriguez-López M, Sitges M, Loncà M, Bijnens B, Crispi F, Gratacós E.. Zidovudine treatment in HIV-infected pregnant women is associated with fetal cardiac remodelling. AIDS 2016; 30(9): p. 1393–1401.
Sanchis L, Montserrat S, Obach V, Cervera Á, Chamorro Á, Vidal B, Mas-Stachurska A, Bijnens B, Sitges M. Left Atrial Function Is Impaired in Some Patients With Stroke of Undetermined Etiology: Potential Implications for Evaluation and Therapy. Revista española de cardiología 2016; 69: p. 650–656.
Seydelmann N, Liu D, Krämer J, Drechsler C, Hu K, Nordbeck P, Schneider A, Störk S, Bijnens B, Ertl G, Wanner C, Weidemann F. High-Sensitivity Troponin: A Clinical Blood Biomarker for Staging Cardiomyopathy in Fabry Disease. Journal of the American Heart Association 2016; 5(6): p. 002839–0.
Weidemann F, Maier SK, Störk S, Brunner T, Liu D, Hu K, Seydelmann N, Schneider A, Becher J, Canan-Kühl S, Blaschke D, Bijnens B, Ertl G, Wanner C, Nordbeck P. Usefulness of an Implantable Loop Recorder to Detect Clinically Relevant Arrhythmias in Patients With Advanced Fabry Cardiomyopathy. The American Journal of Cardiology 2016; 118(2): p. 264–274.
Driessen MM, Hui W, Bijnens BH, Dragulescu A, Mertens L, Meijboom FJ, Friedberg MK. Adverse ventricular-ventricular interactions in right ventricular pressure load: Insights from pediatric pulmonary hypertension versus pulmonary stenosis. Physiological reports 2016; 4(11): p. 12833–0.
Rodriguez-Lopez M, Osorio L, Acosta-Rojas R, Figueras J, Cruz-Lemini M, Figueras F, Bijnens B, Gratacós E, Crispi F. Influence of breastfeeding and postnatal nutrition on cardiovascular remodeling induced by fetal growth restriction. Pediatric Research 2016; 79(1-1): p. 100–106.
Nunes C, Jonsson A, Camara O, Bijnens B. A Decision Tree Approach for Imprecise Data. VV.AA. Proceedings Women in Machine Learning Workshop 2016 (video). 1 ed. 2016. .
Nebot A, Binefa X, López de Mántaras R (eds.). Artificial intelligence research and development : proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, October 19-21, 2016. 1 ed. Berlin: IOS Press; 2016.
Ruiz A, Rudovic O, Binefa X, Pantic M. Multi-instance Dynamic Ordinal Random Fields for Weakly-Supervised Pain Intensity Estimation. Lai SH, Lepetit V, Nishino K, Sato Y (eds.). Computer Vision - ACCV 2016 : 13th Asian Conference on Computer Vision. 1 ed. Springer; 2016. p. 171–186.
Sayago S, Rosales A, Righi V, Ferreira S, Coleman G, Blat J. On the Conceptualization, Design and Evaluation of Appealing, Meaningful and Playable Digital Games for Older People. Games and Culture 2016; 11(1-2): p. 53–80.
Llorach, Gerard ; Evans, Alun Thomas ; Blat, Josep ; Grimm, Giso ; Hohmann, Volker. Web-Based Live Speech-Driven Lip-Sync. VV.AA. 8th International Conference on Games and Virtual Worlds for Serious Applications. 1 ed. 2016. p. 1–1.
Miron, M., Carabias-Orti J. J., Bosch J., Gómez E., Janer J.. Score-Informed Source Separation for Multichannel Orchestral Recordings. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2016; 2016: p. 1–19.
Bosch, J., Gómez E.. Melody extraction based on a source-filter model using pitch contour selection. Proceedings of the SMC Conferences 2016; p. 67–74.
Bosch, J.; Marxer, R.; Gómez, E.. Evaluation and Combination of Pitch Estimation Methods for Melody Extraction in Symphonic Classical Music. Journal of New Music Research 2016; 45(2): p. 101–117.
Bosch JJ, Bittner RM, Salamon J, Gómez E. A Comparison of Melody Extraction Methods Based on Source-Filter Modelling. Devaney J, Mandel MI, Turnbull D, Tzanetakis G (eds.). Proceedings of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference ISMIR 2016. 1 ed. ISMIR; 2016. p. 571–577.
Mille S, Carlini R, Burga A, Wanner L. FORGe at SemEval-2017 Task 9: Deep sentence generation based on a sequence of graph transducers. AA.VV.. The 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics : Proceedings of the Conference, Vol. 2. 1 ed. ACL; 2016. p. 911–914.
Mille S, Ballesteros M, Burga A, Casamayor G, Wanner L. Towards Multilingual Natural Language Generation within Abstractive Summarization. Nebot A, Binefa X, López de Mántaras R (eds.). Artificial intelligence research and development : proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, October 19-21, 2016. 1 ed. Berlin: IOS Press; 2016. p. 309–314.
Butakoff C, Balocco S, Sukno FM, Hoogendoorn C, Tobon-Gomez C, Avegliano G, Frangi AF. Left-ventricular epi- and endocardium extraction from 3D ultrasound images using an automatically constructed 3D ASM. Computer Methods in Biomechanics and Biomedical Engineering 2016; 4: p. 265–280.
Romero D, Camara O, Sachse F, Sebastian R. Analysis of microstructure of the cardiac conduction system Based on three-dimensional confocal microscopy. PLoS ONE 2016; 11(10): p. 0–0.
Camara O, Mansi T, Pop M, Rhode K, Sermesant M, Young A. Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart - STACOM 2015 (Munich, Germany). 1 ed. Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 2016.
Nunes C, Jonsson A, Camara O, Bijnens B. A Decision Tree Approach for Imprecise Data. VV.AA. Proceedings Women in Machine Learning Workshop 2016 (video). 1 ed. 2016. .
Celma-Miralles, A.; Menezes, R.; Toro J. M.. Look at the beat, feel the meter: Top-down effects of meter induction on auditory and visual modalities. Frontiers in Human Neuroscience 2016; 10(108): p. 108–0.
Mangado N, Pons-Prats J, Ceresa M, Bugeda G, González Ballester MA. Intracochlear potential prediction accounting for bone conductivity uncertainty. 2 Papadrakakis M, Papadopoulos V, Stefanou G, Plevris V (eds.). ECCOMAS Congress 2016. 1 ed. 2016. .
Codina-Filbà J, Wanner L. Combining Dictionary- and Corpus-Based Concept Extraction. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2016; 1801: p. 0–0.
Hayakawa, S.; Costa, A.; Foucart, A.; Keysar, B.. Using a foreign language changes our choices. Trends in Cognitive Sciences 2016; 20(11): p. 0–0.
Mireia, H.; Albert, C.; Inbal, A.. More than words: multiword frequency effects in non-native speakers. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 2016; 31(6): p. 785–800.
Romero-Rivas, C.; Martin, C. D.; Costa, A.. Foreign-accented speech modulates linguistic anticipatory processes. Neuropsychologia 2016; 85: p. 245–255.
Martin, C. D.; Garcia, X.; Potter, D.; Melinger, A.; Costa, A.. Holiday or vacation? The processing of variation in vocabulary across dialects. Language and Cognitive Processes 2016; 31(3): p. 375–390.
Romero-Rivas, C.; Corey, D. J.; Garcia, X.; Guillaume, T.; Martin, C.; Costa, A.. World knowledge and novel information integration during L2 speech comprehension. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 2016; p. 0–0.
Branzi, F. M.; Della Rosa, P. A.; Canini, M.; Costa, A.; Abutalebi, J. Language control in bilinguals: monitoring and response selection. Cerebral Cortex 2016; 26(6): p. 2367–2380.
Martin, C. D.; Garcia X.; Breton A.; Thierry G.; Costa A.. World Knowledge integration during second language comprehension. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 2016; 31(2): p. 206–216.
Foucart, A.; Romero-Rivas C.; Gort L. B.; Costa, A.. Discourse comprehension in L2: making sense of what is not explicitly said.. Brain and Language 2016; 163(32): p. 32–41.
Strijkers, K.; Costa, A.. The cortical dynamics of speaking: present shortcomings and future avenues. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 2016; p. 0–0.
Kandel, S., Burfin S., Ruiz-Tada E., Costa A., Pascalis O., Meary D. The impact of early bilingualism on face recognition processes. Frontiers in Psychology 2016; 7(1080): p. 0–0.
Baus C, Costa A. Second Language Processing: Why Another Special Issue?. Language learning : a journal of applied linguistics 2016; 66(S2): p. 7–12.
Ivaz, L.; Costa, A.; Dunabeitia, A.J.. The Emotional Impact of Being Myself: Emotions and Foreign-Language Processing. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory and Cognition 2016; 42(3): p. 0–0.
Focart, A.; Ruiz-Tada, E.; Costa, A.. Anticipation processes in L2 speech comprehension: Evidence from ERPs and lexical recognition task. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 2016; 19(1): p. 213–219.
Branzi, F. M., Calabria, M., Boscarino, M. L., Costa, A.. On the overlap between bilingual language control and domain-general executive control. Acta Psychologica 2016; 166: p. 21–30.
Costa, A.; Pannunzi, M.; Deco, G.; Pickering, M. J.. Do Bilinguals Automatically Activate Their Native Language When They Are Not Using It?. Cognitive Science 2016; p. 1–16.
Strijkers K, Costa A. On words and brains: linking psycholinguistics with neural dynamics in speech production. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 2016; 31(4): p. 524–535.
Foucart, A., Romero-Rivas C., Gort L. B., Costa A. Discourse comprehension in L2: Making sense of what is not explicitly said. Brain and Language 2016; 163: p. 32–41.
Santesteban, M.; Costa, A.. Are cognate words ''Special''? On the role of cognate words in language switching performance. Schwieter, John W.. Cognitive Control and Consequences of Multilingualism. 1 ed. John Benjamins; 2016. p. 97–126.
Bodirsky, M, Dalmau, V, Martin, B, Mottet, A, Pinsker, M. Distance constraint satisfaction problems. Information and Computation 2016; 247: p. 87–105.
Rolls E, Deco G. Non-reward neural mechanisms in the orbitofrontal cortex. Cortex 2016; 83: p. 27–38.
Deco, Gustavo; Gilson, M;Moreno-Bote, R; Ponce-Alvarez, A; Ritter, P. Estimation of directed effective connectivity from fMRI functional connectivity hints at asymmetries of cortical connectome. PLoS Computational Biology 2016; 12: p. 0–0.
Vattikonda, Anirudh ; Surampudi, Bapi R. ; Banerjee, Arpan ; Deco, Gustavo ; Roy, Dipanjan. Does the regulation of local excitation ¿inhibition balance aid in recovery of functional connectivity? A computational account. NeuroImage 2016; 136: p. 57–67.
Demirta M, Tornador C, Falcón C, López-Solà M, Hernández-Ribas R, Pujol J, Menchón JM, Ritter P, Cardoner N, Soriano-Mas C, Deco G. Dynamic functional connectivity reveals altered variability in functional connectivity among patients with major depressive disorder. Human Brain Mapping 2016; 37(8): p. 2918–2930.
Kaplan R, Adhikar MH, Hindriks R, Mantini D, Murayama Y, N Logothetis, Deco G. Hippocampal Sharp-Wave Ripples Influence Selective Activation of the Default Mode Network. Current Biology 2016; 26(5): p. 686–691.
van der Togt C, Stnior L, Pooresmaeili A, Albantakis L, Deco G, Roelfsema PR. Learning a New Selection Rule in Visual and Frontal Cortex. Cerebral Cortex 2016; 26(8): p. 3611–3626.
Hindriks, R, Adhikari, MH, Murayama, Y, Ganzetti, M, Mantini, D, Logothetis, NK, Deco, G. Can sliding-window correlations reveal dynamic functional connectivity in resting-state fMRI?. NeuroImage 2016; 127: p. 242–256.
Deco G, Kringelbach ML. Metastability and coherence: extending the communication through coherence hypothesis using a whole-brain computational perspective. Trends in Neurosciences (Reg. ed.) 2016; 39(3): p. 125–135.
Córdova-Palomera A, Tornador C, Falcón C, Bargalló N, Brambilla P, Crespo-Facorro B, Deco G, Fañanás L. Environmental factors linked to depression vulnerability are associated with altered cerebellar resting-state synchronization. Scientific Reports 2016; 6: p. 34384–0.
Paz, Luciano ; Insabato, Andrea ; Zylberberg, Ariel ; Deco, Gustavo ; Sigman, Mariano. Confidence through consensus: a neural mechanism for uncertainty monitoring. Scientific Reports 2016; 6: p. 0–0.
Zamora-López G, Chen Y, Deco G, Kringelbach ML, Zhou C. Functional complexity emerging from anatomical constraints in the brain: the significance of network modularity and rich-clubs. Scientific Reports 2016; 6: p. 38424–0.
Gilson M, Moreno-Bote R, Ponce-Alvarez A, Ritter P, Deco G. Estimation of Directed Effective Connectivity from fMRI Functional Connectivity Hints at Asymmetries of Cortical Connectome. PLoS Computational Biology 2016; 12(3): p. 1004762–1004762.
Batalle, Dafnis ; Muñoz-Moreno, Emma ; Tornador Antolin, Cristian,; Bargallo, Nuria ; Deco, Gustavo ; Eixarch, Elisenda ; Gratacós Solsona, Eduard. Altered resting-state whole-brain functional networks of neonates with intrauterine growth restriction. Cortex 2016; 77: p. 119–131.
Hindriks, Rikkert ; Arsiwalla, Xerxes D. ; Panagiotaropoulos, Theofanis I. ; Besserve, Michel ; Verschure, Paul F. M. J. ; Logothetis, N. ; Deco, Gustavo. Discrepancies between multi-electrode LFP and CSD phase-patterns: A forward modeling study. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 2016; 10(51): p. 0–0.
Insabato A, Pannunzi M, Deco G. Neural correlates of metacognition: A critical perspective on current tasks. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews 2016; 71: p. 167–175.
Lord, Louis-David ; Expert, Paul ; Fernandes, Henrique M. ; Giovanni, Petri ; Van Hartevelt, Tim J. ; Vaccarino, Francesco ; Deco, Gustavo ; Turkheimer, Federico ; Kringelbach, Morten L.. Insights into brain architectures from the homological scaffolds of functional connectivity networks. Frontiers in Systems Neuroscience 2016; 10(85): p. 0–0.
Díaz, B.; Mitterer, H.; Broersma, M.; Escera, C.; Sebastian-Galles, N. Variability in L2 phonemic learning originates from speech-specific capabilities: An MMN study on late bilinguals. Bilingualism: Language and Cognition 2016; 19(5): p. 955–970.
Schmitz J, Díaz B, Rubio K, Sebastian-Galles N. Exploring the relationship between speech perception and production across phonological processes, language familiarity, and sensory modalities. Language, Cognition and Neuroscience 2016; p. 0–0.
Díaz, B.; Erdocia, K.; de Menezes, R. F.; Mueller, J. L.; Sebastian-Galles, N.; Laka, I.. Electrophysiological correlates of second-language syntactic processes are related to native and second language distance regardless of age of acquisition. Frontiers in Psychology 2016; 9(133): p. 133–0.
Domínguez M, Farrus M, Wanner L. Combining Acoustic and Linguistic Features in Phrase-Oriented Prosody Prediction. -. Proceedings of International Conference on Speech Prosody. 1 ed. 2016. .
Sukno FM, Domínguez M, Ruiz A, Schiller D, Lingenfelser F, Pragst L, Kamateri E, Vrochidis S. A Multimodal Annotation Schema for Non-Verbal Affective Analysis in the Health-Care Domain. -. Proceedings of MARMI'16: 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval for Multimodal Interaction. 1 ed. ACM Digital Library; 2016. .
Wanner L, Blat J, Dasiopoulou S, Domínguez M, Llorach G, Mille S, Sukno F, Kamateri E, Vrochidis S, Kompatsiaris I, André E, Lingenfelser F, Mehlmann G, Stam A, Stellingwerff L, Vieru B, Lamel L, Minker W, Pragst L, Ultes S. Towards a Multimedia Knowledge-Based Agent with Social Competence and Human Interaction Capabilities. -. Proceedings of MARMI'16: 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval for Multimodal Interaction. 1 ed. ACM Digital Library; 2016. .
Domínguez M, Farrús M, Burga A, Wanner L. Using Hierarchical Information Structure for Prosody Prediction in Content-to-Speech Applications. -. Proceedings of International Conference on Speech Prosody. 1 ed. 2016. .
Oramas S, Espinosa-Anke L, Sordo M, Saggion H, Serra X. ELMD: An Automatically Generated Entity Linking Gold Standard Dataset in the Music Domain. -. LREC 2016 - Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. 1 ed. 2016. .
Rodríguez-Fernández S, Carlini R, Espinosa Anke L, Wanner L. Example-based Acquisition of Fine-grained Collocation Resources. Calzolari N, Choukri K, Declerck T, Grobelnik M, Maegaard B, Mariani J, Moreno A, Odijk J, Piperidis S. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC'16. 1 ed. European Language Resources Association; 2016. p. 2317–2322.
Farrús M, Serra M, Basart JM, Nadeu C. Baixant de la tarima: una experiència a l'aula on l'alumne pren la paraula. Revista del CIDUI 2016; p. 1–8.
Ruiz A, Subirats L, Freire A. Lessons learned in promoting new technologies and engineering in girls through a girls hackathon and mentoring. -. Proceedings of 8th annual international conference on education and new learning technologies - EDULEARN 2016. 1 ed. 2016. .
Ronzano F, Freire A, Saez-Trumper D, Saggion H. Making Sense of Massive Amounts of Scientific Publications: the Scientific Knowledge Miner Project. -. Proceedings of Joint Conference on Digital Libraries 2016. 1 ed. 2016. p. 36–41.
Mora, J., Gómez-Martin F., Gómez E., Díaz-Báñez J. M.. Melodic Contour and Mid-Level Global Features Applied to the Analysis of Flamenco Cantes. Journal of New Music Research 2016; 45(2): p. 145–159.
Kroher, N, Gómez E. Automatic Transcription of Flamenco Singing From Polyphonic Music Recordings. IEEE Transactions on Audio, Speech and Language Processing 2016; 25(5): p. 901–913.
Miron, M., Carabias-Orti J. J., Bosch J., Gómez E., Janer J.. Score-Informed Source Separation for Multichannel Orchestral Recordings. Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering 2016; 2016: p. 1–19.
Bosch, J.; Marxer, R.; Gómez, E.. Evaluation and Combination of Pitch Estimation Methods for Melody Extraction in Symphonic Classical Music. Journal of New Music Research 2016; 45(2): p. 101–117.
Kroher, N., Díaz-Báñez, J. M., Mora, J., Gómez, E.. Corpus COFLA: A research corpus for the Computational study of Flamenco Music. Journal on Computing and Cultural Heritage 2016; 9(2): p. 1–21.
Bosch, Juan J. ; Gómez Gutiérrez, Emilia. Melody extraction based on a source-filter model using pitch contour selection. Großmann, Rolf | Hajdu, Georg (ed.). Proceedings SMC 2016. 1 ed. Zentrum für Mikrotonale Musik und Multimediale Komposition (ZM4); Hochschule für Musik und Theater; 2016. p. 67–74.
Schedl, M.; Eghbal-Zadeh, H.; Gómez, E.; Tkalcic, M.. An analysis of agreement in classical music perception and its relationship to listener characteristics. Devaney J, Mandel MI, Turnbull D, Tzanetakis G (eds.). Proceedings of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference ISMIR 2016. 1 ed. ISMIR; 2016. p. 578–583.
Gómez, E.; Schedl, M.; Serra, X.; Hu, X.. Music Information Retrieval: Overview, Recent Developments and Future Challenges. Devaney J, Mandel MI, Turnbull D, Tzanetakis G (eds.). Proceedings of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference ISMIR 2016. 1 ed. ISMIR; 2016. p. 11–12.
Bosch JJ, Bittner RM, Salamon J, Gómez E. A Comparison of Melody Extraction Methods Based on Source-Filter Modelling. Devaney J, Mandel MI, Turnbull D, Tzanetakis G (eds.). Proceedings of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference ISMIR 2016. 1 ed. ISMIR; 2016. p. 571–577.
Faraldo, Á.; Gómez, E.; Jordà, S.; Herrera, P.. Key Estimation in Electronic Dance Music. -. 38th European Conference on Information Retrieval. 1 ed. 2016. p. 335–347.
Mangado, Nerea; Ceresa, Mario; Dejea Velardo, Héctor; Kjer, Hans Martin; Vera, Sergio; Mistrik, Pavel; González Ballester, Miguel Ángel. Monopolar stimulation of the implanted cochlea: a synthetic population-based study. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2016; 9401: p. 96–103.
Sanromà, Gerard; Penate-Sanchez, Adrian; Alquézar, René; Serratosa, Francesc; Moreno-Noguer, Francesc; Andrade-Cetto, Juan; González Ballester, Miguel Ángel. Multiple structure discovery through the maximum weighted clique problem. PLoS ONE 2016; 11(1(e014584)): p. 1–19.
Benkarim OM, Piella G, Gonzalez Ballester MA, Sanroma G. Enhanced probabilistic label fusion by estimating label confidences through discriminative learning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2016; 9901: p. 505–512.
Sanroma G, Benkarim OM, Piella G, Gonzalez Ballester M. Building an ensemble of complementary segmentation methods by exploiting probabilistic estimates. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2016; 10019: p. 27–35.
Mangado N, Piella G, Noailly J, Pons-Prats J, Gonzalez Ballester MA. Analysis of Uncertainty and Variability in Finite Element Computational Models for Biomedical Engineering: Characterization and Propagation. Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology 2016; 4: p. 85–0.
Ruiz Wills C, Olivares A, Tassani S, Humbert L, González Ballester MA, del Río Barquero LM, Noailly J. Resistencia ósea de fémur en pacientes con osteoporosis valorada mediante 3D-DXA aplicando análisis de elementos finitos: estudio casos-control. Revista de Osteoporosis y Metabolismo Mineral 2016; 8(3): p. 35–0.
Ruiz Pujadas, Esmeralda; Kjer, Hans Martin; Vera, Sergio; Ceresa, Mario; González Ballester, Miguel Ángel. Cochlea segmentation using iterated random walks with shape prior. Proceedings of SPIE 2016; 9784: p. 0–0.
Olivares, Andy L; González Ballester, Miguel Ángel; Noailly, Jérôme. Virtual exploration of early stage atherosclerosis. Bioinformatics 2016; 32(24): p. 3798–3806.
Magallón Baro A, López Picazo M, del Rio L, Di Gregorio S, González Ballester MA, Humbert L. Medidas sobre la geometría y la densidad mineral ósea de la columna lumbar obtenidas mediante la tecnología 3D-DXA. Revista de Osteoporosis y Metabolismo Mineral 2016; 8(3): p. 6–0.
Karim R, Bhagirath P, Claus P, Housden RJ, Chen Z, Karimaghaloo Z, Sohn HM, Lara Rodríguez L, Vera S, Albà X, Hennemuth A, Peitgeng HO, Arbeld T, Gonzàlez Ballester MA, Frangi AF, Götte M, Razavi R, Schaeffter T, Rhode K. Evaluation of state-of-the-art segmentation algorithms for left ventricle infarct from late Gadolinium enhancement MR images. Medical Image Analysis 2016; 30: p. 95–107.
Romera Romero, Jordi; Kjer, Hans Martin; Piella, Gemma; Ceresa, Mario; González Ballester, Miguel Ángel. Multi-region statistical shape model for cochlear implantation. Proceedings of SPIE 2016; 9784: p. 97840–0.
Tassani, Simone; Font-Llagunes, Josep Maria; González Ballester, Miguel Ángel; Noailly, Jérôme. Effects of relaxation over postural stability. Journal of Biomechanics 2016; p. 0–0.
Carrera, Ión; Gelber, Pablo Eduardo; Chary, Gaetan; González Ballester, Miguel Ángel; Monllau, Juan Carlos; Noailly, Jérôme. Fixation of a split fracture of the lateral tibial plateau with a locking screw plate instead of cannulated screws would allow early weight bearing: a computational exploration. International Orthopaedics 2016; 40(10): p. 2163–2169.
Pujadas ER, Kjer HM, Piella G, González Ballester MA. Iterated random walks with shape prior. Image and Vision Computing 2016; 54(1): p. 12–21.
Ruiz Pujadas, Esmeralda; Kjer, Hans Martin; Piella, Gemma; Ceresa, Mario; González Ballester, Miguel Ángel. Random walks with shape prior for cochlea segmentation in ex vivo microCT. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2016; p. 1–13.
Ruiz Wills C, Olivares A, Tassani S, Humbert L, González Ballester MA, del Río Barquero LM, Noailly J. Patient-specific finite element analysis of the proximal femur for the quantification of hip fracture risk in osteoporotic patients. Osteoporosis International 2016; p. 0–0.
Besalduch M, Carrera I, Gelber PE, Noailly J, Chary G, González Ballester MA. Fixation of a split fracture of the lateral tibial plateau with a locking screw plate instead of cannulated screws would allow early weight bearing: a computational examination. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2016; p. 0–0.
López Picazo, Mirella; Humbert, Ludovic; Magallón, Alba; del Rio, Luis; Di Gregorio, Silvana; González Ballester, Miguel Ángel. 3D-DXA Spine: Modelling the lumbar spine in 3D from DXA images. Journal of Bone and Mineral Research 2016; 31(S1): p. 0–0.
Kjer, Hans Martin; Fagertun, Jens; Vera, Sergio; Gil, Debora; González Ballester, Miguel Ángel; Paulsen, Rasmus R. Free-form image registration of human cochlear µCT data using skeleton similarity as anatomical prior. Pattern Recognition Letters 2016; 76(1): p. 76–82.
Mangado, Nerea; Ceresa, Mario; Duchateau, Nicolas; Kjer, Hans Martin; Vera, Sergio; Velardo, Dejea Hector; Mistrik, Pavel; Paulsen, Rasmus R; Fagertun, Jens; Noailly, Jérôme; Piella, Gemma; González Ballester, Miguel Ángel. Automatic Model Generation Framework for Computational Simulation of Cochlear Implantation. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2016; 44(8): p. 2453–2463.
Shekhar R, Wesarg S, Ángel González Ballester M, Drechsler K, Sato Y, Erdt M, George Linguraru M, Oyarzun Laura C. Clinical Image-Based Procedures: Translational Research in Medical Imaging (MICCAI-CLIP 2016). 1 ed. Springer International Publishing; 2016.
Oyarzun Laura, Cristina; Shekhar, Raj; Wesarg, Stefan; González Ballester, Miguel Ángel; Drechsler, Klaus; Sato, Yoshinobu; Erdt, Marius; Linguraru, Marius. Clinical Image-Based Procedures: Translational Research in Medical Imaging (MICCAI-CLIP'2015). 1 ed. Springer; 2016.
López Linares K, Doblado C, Lete N, Kabongo L, González Ballester MA, Leskovsky P, Macía I. Semi-automated approach to CTA based EVAR follow-up. AA.VV.. Spectral and Shape Analysis in Medical Imaging. 1 ed. Springer; 2016. .
Mangado N, Pons-Prats J, Ceresa M, Bugeda G, González Ballester MA. Intracochlear potential prediction accounting for bone conductivity uncertainty. 2 Papadrakakis M, Papadopoulos V, Stefanou G, Plevris V (eds.). ECCOMAS Congress 2016. 1 ed. 2016. .
Ruiz G, Ramon E, García J, González Ballester MA, Sukno FM. Weighted regularized ASM for face alignment. VV.AA.. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Image Processing (ICIP). 1 ed. IEEE; 2016. .
Sanromà, Gerard; Wu, Guorong; Kim, Minjeong; González Ballester, Miguel Ángel; Shen, Dingang. Multiple-atlas segmentation in medical imaging. Zhou, S. Kevin. Medical Image Recognition, Segmentation and Parsing. 1 ed. Academic Press; 2016. .
Guerrero-Mosquera, C.; Borragán, G.; Peigneux, P.. Automatic detection of noisy channels in fNIRS signal baed on correlation analysis. Journal of Neuroscience Methods 2016; 271: p. 128–138.
Vazquez-Vilar G, Tauste Campo A, Guillén i Fàbregas A, Martinez A. Bayesian M-ary Hypothesis Testing: The Metaconverse and Verdú-Han Bounds are Tight. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 2016; 62(5): p. 2324–2333.
Bocharova IE, Guillén i Fàbregas A, Kudryashov BD, Martinez A, Tauste Campo A, Vazquez-Vilar G. Multi-Class Source-Channel Coding. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 2016; 62(9): p. 5093–5104.
Font-Segura J, Martinez A, Guillén i Fàbregas A. Refined Error Probability Approximations in Quasistatic Erasure Channels. VV.AA.. 2016 International Zurich Seminar on Communications. 1 ed. 2016. .
Font-Segura J, Martinez A, Guillén i Fàbregas A. Asymptotics of the random-coding union bound in quasi-static fading channels. VV.AA.. 2016 IEEE Information Theory Workshop (ITW). 1 ed. IEEE; 2016. .
Rezaeirowshan B, Ballester C, Haro G. Monocular depth ordering using perceptual occlusion cues. Magnenat-Thalmann N, Richard P, Linsen L, Telea A, Battiato S, Imai F, Braz J. Proceedings of the 11th Joint Conference on Computer Vision, Imaging and Computer Graphics Theory and Applications. 1 ed. 2016. p. 431–441.
Slizovskaia O, Gomez E, Haro G. Automatic musical instrument recognition in audiovisual recordings by combining image and audio classification strategies.. Großmann, Rolf | Hajdu, Georg (ed.). Proceedings SMC 2016. 1 ed. Zentrum für Mikrotonale Musik und Multimediale Komposition (ZM4); Hochschule für Musik und Theater; 2016. .
AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning. 1 ed. Springer International Publishing; 2016.
Martinez-Maldonado, R; Hernández-Leo, D; Pardo, A; Suthers, D; Kitto, K; Charleer, S; Radi, N; Ogata, H. Cross-LAK: learning analytics across physical and digital spaces. AA.VV.. Proceedings of the Sixth International Conference on Learning Analytics & Knowledge. 1 ed. New York: ACM New York; 2016. p. 486–487.
Manathunga, Kalpani; Hernández Leo, Davinia. A Multiple constraints framework for collaborative learning flow orchestration. Dickson K.W. Chiu. Advances in Web-Based Learning. 1 ed. Springer International Publishing; 2016. .
Manatunga, K; Hernández-Leo, D. PyramidApp: Scalable Method Enabling Collaboration in the Classroom. AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 11th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning. 1 ed. Springer International Publishing; 2016. p. 422–427.
Becerra Fajardo, Laura ; Schmidbauer, Marieluise ; Ivorra Cano, Antoni. Demonstration of 2 mm thick microcontrolled injectable stimulators based on rectification of high frequency current bursts. IEEE transactions on neural systems and rehabilitation engineering 2016; (99): p. 0–0.
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Mercadal Cavaller, Borja ; Vernier, P. Thomas ; Ivorra Cano, Antoni. Dependence of electroporation detection threshold on cell radius: an explanation to observations non compatible with Schwan's equation model. Journal of Membrane Biology 2016; 249(5): p. 663–676.
Silve L, Qasrawi R, Ivorra A. Incorporation of the Blood Vessel Wall into Electroporation Simulations. Jarm T, Kramar P. 1st World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine and Food & Environmental Technologies. 1 ed. Springer Singapore; 2016. p. 223–227.
Castellví Q, Banús J, Ivorra A.. 3D Assessment of Irreversible Electroporation Treatments in Vegetal Models. Jarm T, Kramar P. 1st World Congress on Electroporation and Pulsed Electric Fields in Biology, Medicine and Food & Environmental Technologies. 1 ed. Springer Singapore; 2016. p. 294–297.
Lotinac, D, Segovia-Aguas, J, Jiménez, S, Jonsson, A. Automatic Generation of High-Level State Features for Generalized Planning. 2 Kambhampati S. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 1 ed. Palo Alto: AAAI Press; 2016. p. 3199.
Jordà, S; Gómez-Marín D; Faraldo Á; Herrera P.. Drumming with style: From user needs to a working prototype. Proceedings of the International Conference on New Inferfaces for Musical Expression 2016; p. 0–0.
Mealla, Sebastián; JORDÀ PUIG,SERGI ; Valjamae, Aleksander. Physiopucks: increasing user motivation by combining tangible and implicit physiological interaction. ACM transactions on computer-human interaction 2016; 23(1): p. 0–0.
Xambó, Anna; Hornecker, Eva; Marshall, Paul; Jorda, Sergi; Dobbyn, Chris; Laney, Robin. Exploring Liminality and Social Interaction with a Tangible Music Interface. Interacting with Computers 2016; p. 0–0.
Vogl, R; Leimeister M; Nuanáin C. Ó; Jordà S; Hlatky M; Knees P.. An Intelligent Interface for Drum Pattern Variation and Comparative Evaluation of Algorithms. AES: Journal of the Audio Engineering Society 2016; 64(7/8): p. 503–513.
Gomez-Marin, D; Jorda, S; Herrera, P. PAD and SAD: Two Awareness-Weighted Rhythmic Similarity Distances. Devaney J, Mandel MI, Turnbull D, Tzanetakis G (eds.). Proceedings of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference ISMIR 2016. 1 ed. ISMIR; 2016. .
Faraldo, Angel; O'Nuanain, Carthach; Gómez, Daniel; Herrera, Perfecto; JORDÀ, SERGI. Making Electronic Music With Expert Musical Agents. Devaney J, Mandel MI, Turnbull D, Tzanetakis G (eds.). Proceedings of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference ISMIR 2016. 1 ed. ISMIR; 2016. .
Faraldo, Á.; Gómez, E.; Jordà, S.; Herrera, P.. Key Estimation in Electronic Dance Music. -. 38th European Conference on Information Retrieval. 1 ed. 2016. p. 335–347.
Gómez-Marín, D; Jordà S; Herrera P.. Strictly Rhythm: Exploring the Effects of Identical Regions and Meter Induction in Rhythmic Similarity Perception. -. Music, Mind, and Embodiment 11th International Symposium, CMMR 2015, Plymouth, UK, June 16-19, 2015, Revised Selected Papers. 1 ed. 2016. p. 449–463.
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Kane, David ; Bertalmío, Marcelo. The influence of lightness, and the crispening effect on the perceived contrast of textured images. Electronic Imaging 2016; p. 0–0.
Lancelotti, Carla; García-Granero, Juan José; Ruiz-Pèrez, Javier. Investigating fuel and fireplaces through a combination of phytoliths and multi-element analysis. An ethnographic experiment. Vegetation history and archaeobotany 2016; p. 1–9.
García-Granero, Juan José; Arias-Martorell, Júlia; Madella, Marco; Lancelotti, Carla. Geometric morphometric analysis of Setaria italica (L.) P. Beauv. (foxtail millet) and Brachiaria ramosa (L.) Stapf. (browntop millet) and its implications for understanding the biogeography of small millets. Vegetation history and archaeobotany 2016; 25: p. 303–310.
Madella M, Lancelotti C, García-Granero JJ. Millet microremains: an alternative approach to understand cultivation and use of critical crops in Prehistory. Archaeological and Anthropological Sciences 2016; 8: p. 17–28.
Negre Pérez, Joan; Muñoz, Facundo; Lancelotti, Carla. Geostatistical modelling of chemical residues on archaeological floors in the presence of barriers. Journal of archaeological science 2016; 70: p. 91–101.
Lancelotti C.; Zurro D.; Whitehouse N.; Kramer K.; Madella M.; García-Granero J.J. Resilience of small-scale societies' livelihoods: a framework for studying the transition from food gathering to food production. Ecology and Society 2016; 21(4): p. 0–0.
Zurro, Débora; García-Granero, Juan José; Lancelotti, Carla; Madella, Marco. Directions in current and future phytolith research. Journal of archaeological science 2016; 68: p. 112–117.
Zerboni, A.; Biagetti, S.; Lancelotti, C.; Madella, M.. The end of the Holocene Humid Period in the central Sahara an Thar deserts: societal collapses or new opportunities?. Past Global Changes Magazine 2016; 24(2): p. 60–61.
Ruiz-Pérez J.; Lancelotti C.; Rondelli B.; Madella M.; García-Granero J.J.; Peña-Chocarro L.. Sickles and forks: traditional rural knowledge of agricultural practices and its possible applications in archaeology. Biagetti, S.; Lugli, F. (eds.). The Intangible Elements of Culture in the Ethnoarchaeological Record. 1 ed. Springer; 2016. p. 241–252.
García-Granero JJ; Lancelotti C; Madella M; Ajithprasad P. Plant processing activities at Loteshwar (North Gujarat, India): a micro-botanical approach. Didier, Aurore; Mutin, Benjamin. Man and Environment in Prehistoric and Protohistoric South Asia: New Perspectives. 1 ed. Brepols Pub; 2016. p. 99–116.
Peng P, Lekadir K, Goota A, Shao L, Petersen S, Frangi AF. A review of heart chambers segmentation for structural and functional analysis using cardiac magnetic resonance imaging. Magnetic Resonance Materials in Physics, Biology and Medicine 2016; p. 0–0.
Lekadir, M.; Lange, M.; Zimmer, V.A.; Hoogendoorn; Frangi, A.F.. Statistically-driven 3D fiber reconstruction and denoising from multi-slice cardiac DTI using a Markov random field model. Medical Image Analysis 2016; 27(1): p. 105–116.
Lekadir K, Noble C, Hazrati-Marangalou J, Hoogendoorn C, van Rietbergen B, Taylor Z, Frangi AF. Patient-specific biomechanical modeling of bone strength using statistically-derived fabric tensors. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2016; 44(1): p. 234–246.
Lange M, Di Marco LY, Lekadir K, Lassila T, Frangi AF. Protective role of false tendon in subjects with left bundle branch block: A virtual population study. PLoS ONE 2016; 11(1): p. 0–0.
Alba C, Pereanez M, Hoogendoorn C, Swift AJ, Wild JM, Frangi AF, Lekadir K. An algorithm for the segmentation of highly abnormal hearts using a generic statistical shape model. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 2016; 35(3): p. 845–859.
Lekadir K, Pereanez M, Alba X, Frangi AF. Statistical shape modeling using partial least squares: Application to myocardial infarction assessment. Camara O, Mansi T, Pop M, Rhode K, Sermesant M, Young A. Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart - STACOM 2015 (Munich, Germany). 1 ed. Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 2016. p. 130–139.
Pinto C, Çimen S, Gooya A, Lekadir K, Frangi AF. Joint clustering and component analysis of spatio-temporal shape patterns in myocardial infarction. Camara O, Mansi T, Pop M, Rhode K, Sermesant M, Young A. Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart - STACOM 2015 (Munich, Germany). 1 ed. Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 2016. p. 171–179.
Lassila T, Lange M, Porras AR, Lekadir K, Alba X, Piella G, Frangi AF. Electrophysiology model for a human heart with ischemic scar and realistic Purkinje network. Camara O, Mansi T, Pop M, Rhode K, Sermesant M, Young A. Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart - STACOM 2015 (Munich, Germany). 1 ed. Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 2016. p. 90–97.
Pereanez M, Lekadir K, Alba X, Medrano-Garcia P, Young AA, Frangi AF. Patient metadata-constrained shape models for cardiac image segmentation. Camara O, Mansi T, Pop M, Rhode K, Sermesant M, Young A. Statistical Atlases and Computational Models of the Heart - STACOM 2015 (Munich, Germany). 1 ed. Lecture Notes in Computer Science; 2016. p. 98–107.
Lotinac, D, Segovia-Aguas, J, Jiménez, S, Jonsson, A. Automatic Generation of High-Level State Features for Generalized Planning. 2 Kambhampati S. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 1 ed. Palo Alto: AAAI Press; 2016. p. 3199.
Malinverni, L.; Schaper, M.M.; Parés, N.. An evaluation-driven design approach to develop learning environments based on full-body interaction. Educational technology research and development : a quarterly publication of the Association for Educatio 2016; 64(6): p. 1337–1360.
Malinverni, Laura ; Ackermann, Edith ; Parés, Narcís. Experience as an object to think with: from sensing-in-action to making-sense of action in full-fody interaction learning environments. VV. AA. TEI '16 Proceedings of the TEI '16: Tenth International Conference on Tangible, Embedded, and Embodied Interaction. 1 ed. Nova York: ACM; 2016. p. 332–339.
Manathunga K, Hernández-Leo D. PyramidApp: Scalable Method Enabling Collaboration in the Classroom. Verbert K, Sharples M, Klobucar T. Adaptive and Adaptable Learning: 11th European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning, EC-TEL 2016. 1 ed. Springer; 2016. p. 422–427.
Manathunga, Kalpani; Hernández Leo, Davinia. A Multiple constraints framework for collaborative learning flow orchestration. Dickson K.W. Chiu. Advances in Web-Based Learning. 1 ed. Springer International Publishing; 2016. .
Mangado, Nerea; Ceresa, Mario; Duchateau, Nicolas; Kjer, Hans Martin; Vera, Sergio; Velardo, Dejea Hector; Mistrik, Pavel; Paulsen, Rasmus R; Fagertun, Jens; Noailly, Jérôme; Piella, Gemma; González Ballester, Miguel Ángel. Automatic Model Generation Framework for Computational Simulation of Cochlear Implantation. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2016; 44(8): p. 2453–2463.
Mangado N, Pons-Prats J, Ceresa M, Bugeda G, González Ballester MA. Intracochlear potential prediction accounting for bone conductivity uncertainty. 2 Papadrakakis M, Papadopoulos V, Stefanou G, Plevris V (eds.). ECCOMAS Congress 2016. 1 ed. 2016. .
Vazquez-Vilar G, Tauste Campo A, Guillén i Fàbregas A, Martinez A. Bayesian M-ary Hypothesis Testing: The Metaconverse and Verdú-Han Bounds are Tight. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 2016; 62(5): p. 2324–2333.
Bocharova IE, Guillén i Fàbregas A, Kudryashov BD, Martinez A, Tauste Campo A, Vazquez-Vilar G. Multi-Class Source-Channel Coding. IEEE Transactions on Information Theory 2016; 62(9): p. 5093–5104.
Ballesteros M, Bohnet B, Mille S, Wanner L.. Data-Driven Deep-Syntactic Dependency Parsing. Natural Language Engineering 2016; 22(6): p. 939–974.
Mille S, Carlini R, Burga A, Wanner L. FORGe at SemEval-2017 Task 9: Deep sentence generation based on a sequence of graph transducers. AA.VV.. The 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics : Proceedings of the Conference, Vol. 2. 1 ed. ACL; 2016. p. 911–914.
Mille S, Ballesteros M, Burga A, Casamayor G, Wanner L. Towards Multilingual Natural Language Generation within Abstractive Summarization. Nebot A, Binefa X, López de Mántaras R (eds.). Artificial intelligence research and development : proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, October 19-21, 2016. 1 ed. Berlin: IOS Press; 2016. p. 309–314.
Wanner, Leo ; Blat, Josep ; Dasiopoulou, Stamatia ; Domínguez Bajo, Mónica ; Llorach, Gerard ; Mille, Simon ; Sukno, Federico M. ; Kamateri, Eleni ; Kompatsiaris, Ioannis ; Vrochidis, Stefanos ; André, Elisabeth ; Lingenfelser, Florian ; Mehlmann, Gregor ; Stam, Andries ; Stellingwerff, Ludo ; Lamel, Lori ; Vieru, Bianca ; Minker, Wolfgang ; Pragst, Louisa ; Ultes, Stefan. Towards a multimedia knowledge-based agent with social competence and human interaction capabilities. AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval for Multimodal Interaction. 1 ed. ACM; 2016. p. 21–26.
Pazó, Diego; Montbrió, Ernest. From Quasiperiodic Partial Synchronization to Collective Chaos in Populations of Inhibitory Neurons with Delay. Physical Review Letters 2016; 116(238101): p. 0–0.
Gilson M, Moreno-Bote R, Ponce-Alvarez A, Ritter P, Deco G. Estimation of Directed Effective Connectivity from fMRI Functional Connectivity Hints at Asymmetries of Cortical Connectome. PLoS Computational Biology 2016; 12(3): p. 1004762–1004762.
Arandia-Romero I, Tanabe S, Drugowitsch J, Kohn A, Moreno-Bote R. Multiplicative and additive modulation of neuronal tuning with population activity affects encoded information. Neuron 2016; 89(6): p. 1305–1316.
Azab, H.; Moreno-Bote, R.; Hayden, B.Y.. Demand for control reduces coding sparseness in dorsal anterior cingulate cortex. Nature Neuroscience 2016; p. 0–0.
Mangado N, Piella G, Noailly J, Pons-Prats J, Gonzalez Ballester MA. Analysis of Uncertainty and Variability in Finite Element Computational Models for Biomedical Engineering: Characterization and Propagation. Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology 2016; 4: p. 85–0.
Olivares, Andy L; González Ballester, Miguel Ángel; Noailly, Jérôme. Virtual exploration of early stage atherosclerosis. Bioinformatics 2016; 32(24): p. 3798–3806.
Mangado N, Cerea M, Duchateau N, Martin Kjer H, Vera S, Dejea Velardo H, Mistrik P, Paulsen RR, Fagertun J, Noailly J, Piella G, Ángel González Ballester M. Automatic Model Generation Framework for Computational Simulation of Cochlear Implantation (in press). Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2016; p. 0–0.
Carrera, Ión; Gelber, Pablo Eduardo; Chary, Gaetan; González Ballester, Miguel Ángel; Monllau, Juan Carlos; Noailly, Jérôme. Fixation of a split fracture of the lateral tibial plateau with a locking screw plate instead of cannulated screws would allow early weight bearing: a computational exploration. International Orthopaedics 2016; 40(10): p. 2163–2169.
Ruiz Wills C, Olivares A, Tassani S, Humbert L, González Ballester MA, del Río Barquero LM, Noailly J. Patient-specific finite element analysis of the proximal femur for the quantification of hip fracture risk in osteoporotic patients. Osteoporosis International 2016; p. 0–0.
Besalduch M, Carrera I, Gelber PE, Noailly J, Chary G, González Ballester MA. Fixation of a split fracture of the lateral tibial plateau with a locking screw plate instead of cannulated screws would allow early weight bearing: a computational examination. Knee Surgery, Sports Traumatology, Arthroscopy 2016; p. 0–0.
Liao R, Bellalta B, Oliver M, Niu Z. MU-MIMO MAC Protocols for Wireless Local Area Networks: A Survey. IEEE Communications Surveys and Tutorials 2016; 18(1): p. 162–183.
Malinverni, L.; Mora-Guiard, J.; Parés, N.. Towards methods for evaluating and communicating participatory design: A multimodal approach. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 2016; 94: p. 53–63.
Marta Castañer, Oleguer Camerino, Pascal Landry, Narcis Pares. Quality of physical activity of children in exergames: Sequential body movement analysis and its implications for interaction design. International Journal of Human-Computer Studies 2016; 96: p. 67–78.
Malinverni, L.; Schaper, M.M.; Parés, N.. An evaluation-driven design approach to develop learning environments based on full-body interaction. Educational technology research and development : a quarterly publication of the Association for Educatio 2016; 64(6): p. 1337–1360.
Schaper MM, Pares N. Making Sense of Body and Space through Full-Body Interaction Design: A Case Study. AA.VV.. Proceedings of the The 15th International Conference on Interaction Design and Children. 1 ed. New York: ACM; 2016. p. 613–618.
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Sanroma G, Benkarim OM, Piella G, Gonzalez Ballester M. Building an ensemble of complementary segmentation methods by exploiting probabilistic estimates. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2016; 10019: p. 27–35.
Mangado N, Piella G, Noailly J, Pons-Prats J, Gonzalez Ballester MA. Analysis of Uncertainty and Variability in Finite Element Computational Models for Biomedical Engineering: Characterization and Propagation. Frontiers in bioengineering and biotechnology 2016; 4: p. 85–0.
Porras, A.R.; Alessandrini, M.; Mirea, O.; D'hooge, J.; Frangi, A.F.; Piella, G.. Integration of multi-plane tissue Doppler and B-mode echocardiographic images for left ventricular motion estimation. IEEE Transactions on Medical Imaging 2016; 35(1): p. 89–97.
Ruiz, E.; Kjer, H.M.; Piella, G.; Ceresa, M.; Gonzalez-Ballester, M.A.. Random Walks with Shape Prior for Cochlea Segmentation in Ex-vivo MicroCT. International Journal of Computer Assisted Radiology and Surgery 2016; 11(9): p. 1647–1659.
Pujadas ER, Kjer HM, Piella G, González Ballester MA. Iterated random walks with shape prior. Image and Vision Computing 2016; 54(1): p. 12–21.
Mangado, Nerea; Ceresa, Mario; Duchateau, Nicolas; Kjer, Hans Martin; Vera, Sergio; Velardo, Dejea Hector; Mistrik, Pavel; Paulsen, Rasmus R; Fagertun, Jens; Noailly, Jérôme; Piella, Gemma; González Ballester, Miguel Ángel. Automatic Model Generation Framework for Computational Simulation of Cochlear Implantation. Annals of Biomedical Engineering 2016; 44(8): p. 2453–2463.
Benkarim O, Piella G, González Ballester MA, Sanromà G. Enhanced probabilistic label fusion by estimating label confidences through discriminative learning. AA.VV.. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention. MICCAI 2016. 1 ed. 2016. p. 505–512.
Duchateau, N.; Piella, G.; Frangi, A.F.; De Craene, M.. Learning pathological deviations from a normal pattern of myocardial motion: added-value. VV.AA.. Machine Learning and Medical Imaging. 1 ed. Elsevier; 2016. .
Pujadas E, Kjer HM, Piella G, González Ballester MA. Statistical shape model with random walks for inner ear segmentation. AA.VV.. Spectral and Shape Analysis in Medical Imaging. 1 ed. Springer; 2016. .
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Barbieri, F.; Kruszewski, G.; Ronzano, F.; Saggion, H.. How Cosmopolitan Are Emojis? Exploring Emojis Usage and Meaning over Different Languages with Distributional Semantics.. -. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Multimedia Conference. 1 ed. 2016. p. 531–535.
Ronzano F, Saggion H. An Empirical Assessment of Citation Information in Scientific Summarization.. Métais, E.; Meziane, F. Saraee, M.; Sugumaran, V.; Vadera, S.. Natural Language Processing and Information Systems. 21st International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, Proceedings. 1 ed. Springer; 2016. p. 318–325.
Fisas B, Ronzano F, Saggion H. A Multi-Layered Annotated Corpus of Scientific Papers.. Calzolari N, Choukri K, Declerck T, Grobelnik M, Maegaard B, Mariani J, Moreno A, Odijk J, Piperidis S. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC'16. 1 ed. European Language Resources Association; 2016. p. 3081–3088.
Espinosa-Anke L, Saggion H, Ronzano F, Navigli R. ExTaSem! extending, taxonomizing and semantifying domain terminologies.. -. Proceedings of the Thirtieth AAAI Conference on Artificial Intelligence (AAAI-16). 1 ed. 2016. p. 2594–2600.
Espinosa-Anke L, Saggion H, Ronzano F. TALN at SemEval-2016 Task 14: Semantic Taxonomy Enrichment Via Sense-Based Embeddings.. -. 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2016). 1 ed. 2016. p. 1332–1336.
Ronzano F, Saggion H. Dr. Inventor Framework: Extracting Structured Information from Scientific Publications.. -. Discovery Science, 18th International Conference Proceedings, DS 2015. 1 ed. 2016. p. 209–220.
Barbieri F, Ronzano F, Saggion H. What does this Emoji Mean? A Vector Space Skip-Gram Model for Twitter Emojis.. Calzolari N, Choukri K, Declerck T, Grobelnik M, Maegaard B, Mariani J, Moreno A, Odijk J, Piperidis S. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC'16. 1 ed. European Language Resources Association; 2016. p. 3967–3972.
Ronzano F, Abura'ed A, Espinosa-Anke L, Saggion H. TALN at SemEval-2016 Task 11: Modelling Complex Words by Contextual, Lexical and Semantic Features.. -. 10th International Workshop on Semantic Evaluation (SemEval 2016). 1 ed. 2016. p. 1011–1016.
Pujadas ER, Kjer HM, Piella G, González Ballester MA. Iterated random walks with shape prior. Image and Vision Computing 2016; 54(1): p. 12–21.
Pujadas E, Kjer HM, Piella G, González Ballester MA. Statistical shape model with random walks for inner ear segmentation. AA.VV.. Spectral and Shape Analysis in Medical Imaging. 1 ed. Springer; 2016. .
Ronzano, Francesco; Freire, Ana; Saez-Trumper, Diego; Saggion, Horacio. Making Sense of Massive Amounts of Scientific Publications: the Scientific Knowledge Miner Project. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2016; p. 36–41.
Oramas S, Espinosa-Anke L, Sordo M, Saggion H, Serra X. Information extraction for knowledge base construction in the music domain. Data & knowledge engineering 2016; 106: p. 70–83.
Saggion H, Bott S, Rello L. Simplifying Words in Context. Experiments with two Lexical Resources in Spanish. Computer Speech & Language 2016; 35: p. 200–218.
Saggion, H.; Codina-Filbà, J.; Bouayad-Agha, N.; Casamayor, G.; Mille, S.; Müller, A.; Wanner, L.. Using genre-specific features for patent summaries. Information processing & management 2016; 53(1): p. 151–174.
Ferrés, D.; Marimon, M.; Saggion, H.; AbuRa'ed, A.. YATS: Yet Another Text Simplifier. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2016; 9612: p. 335–342.
Ronzano, F.; Saggion, H.. An Empirical Assessment of Citation Information in Scientific Summarization. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2016; 9612: p. 318–325.
Saggion, H.; AbuRa'Ed, A.; Ronzano, F.. Trainable Citation-enhanced Summarization of Scientific Articles. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2016; p. 175–186.
Barbieri, F.; Kruszewski, G.; Ronzano, F.; Saggion, H.. How Cosmopolitan Are Emojis? Exploring Emojis Usage and Meaning over Different Languages with Distributional Semantics.. -. Proceedings of the 2016 ACM on Multimedia Conference. 1 ed. 2016. p. 531–535.
Ronzano F, Saggion H. An Empirical Assessment of Citation Information in Scientific Summarization.. Métais, E.; Meziane, F. Saraee, M.; Sugumaran, V.; Vadera, S.. Natural Language Processing and Information Systems. 21st International Conference on Applications of Natural Language to Information Systems, Proceedings. 1 ed. Springer; 2016. p. 318–325.
Oramas S, Espinosa-Anke L, Sordo M, Saggion H, Serra X. ELMD: An Automatically Generated Entity Linking Gold Standard Dataset in the Music Domain. -. LREC 2016 - Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. 1 ed. 2016. .
Maffei, G; Herreros, I; Sanchez-Fibla, M; Verschure, P. F. Plasticity in the Granular Layer Enhances Motor Learning in a Computational Model of the Cerebellum. VV.AA. Artificial Neural Networks and Machine Learning - ICANN 2016. 1 ed. Springer International Publishing; 2016. p. 272–279.
Sanchez-Fibla et al. Action-Oriented Models of Cognitive Processing: A Little Less Cogitation, A Little More Action Please. K Engel A, J Friston K, Kragic D. The Pragmatic Turn: Toward Action-Oriented Views in Cognitive Science. 1 ed. MIT Press; 2016. .
Benkarim OM, Piella G, Gonzalez Ballester MA, Sanroma G. Enhanced probabilistic label fusion by estimating label confidences through discriminative learning. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2016; 9901: p. 505–512.
Sanroma G, Benkarim OM, Piella G, Gonzalez Ballester M. Building an ensemble of complementary segmentation methods by exploiting probabilistic estimates. Lecture Notes in Computer Science / Artificial Intelligence 2016; 10019: p. 27–35.
Sanroma G, Penate-Sanchez A, Alquézar R, Serratosa F, Moreno-Noguer And j. Andrade-Cetto F. MSClique: Multiple Structure Discovery through the Maximum Weighted Clique Problem. PLoS ONE 2016; 11(1): p. 0145846–0145846.
Benkarim O, Piella G, González Ballester MA, Sanromà G. Enhanced probabilistic label fusion by estimating label confidences through discriminative learning. AA.VV.. Medical Image Computing and Computer Assisted Intervention. MICCAI 2016. 1 ed. 2016. p. 505–512.
Sanromà, Gerard; Wu, Guorong; Kim, Minjeong; González Ballester, Miguel Ángel; Shen, Dingang. Multiple-atlas segmentation in medical imaging. Zhou, S. Kevin. Medical Image Recognition, Segmentation and Parsing. 1 ed. Academic Press; 2016. .
Holley, D.; Santos, P.; Cook, J.; Kerr, M.; Treasure-Jones, T.. Cascades, torrents & drowning in information: Seeking help in the contemporary GP practice in UK. Interactive learning environments 2016; p. 0–0.
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Segovia-Aguas, J, Jiménez, S, Jonsson, A. Hierarchical Finite State Controllers for Generalized Planning. 2 Kambhampati S. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 1 ed. Palo Alto: AAAI Press; 2016. p. 2325–2341.
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Lotinac, D, Segovia-Aguas, J, Jiménez, S, Jonsson, A. Automatic Generation of High-Level State Features for Generalized Planning. 2 Kambhampati S. Proceedings of the Twenty-Fifth International Joint Conference on Artificial Intelligence. 1 ed. Palo Alto: AAAI Press; 2016. p. 3199.
Segovia-Aguas J, Jiménez S, Jonsson A. Generalized Planning With Procedural Domain Control Knowledge. Coles A, Coles A, Edelkamp S, Magazzeni D, Sanner S. Proceedings of the Twenty-Sixth International Conference on Automated Planning and Scheduling (ICAPS 2016). 1 ed. 2016. .
Oramas S, Espinosa-Anke L, Sordo M, Saggion H, Serra X. Information extraction for knowledge base construction in the music domain. Data & knowledge engineering 2016; 106: p. 70–83.
Gong R, Yang Y, Serra X. Pitch Contour Segmentation for Computer-aided Jingju Singing Training. Proceedings of the SMC Conferences 2016; p. 172–178.
Sentürk S, Koduri GK, Serra X. A Score-Informed Computational Description of Svaras Using a Statistical Model. Proceedings of the SMC Conferences 2016; p. 427–433.
Sentürk S, & Serra X. Composition Identification in Ottoman-Turkish Makam Music Using Transposition-Invariant Partial Audio-Score Alignment. Proceedings of the SMC Conferences 2016; p. 434–441.
Porter A, Bogdanov D, Serra X. Mining metadata from the web for AcousticBrainz. VV.AA. Proceedings of the 3rd International workshop on Digital Libraries for Musicology. 1 ed. ACM; 2016. .
Gulati, S; Serrà J; Ishwar V; Serra X.. Discovering raga motifs by characterizing communities in networks of melodic patterns. VV.AA. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). 1 ed. IEEE; 2016. p. 286–290.
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Ganguli KK, Gulati S, Rao P, Serra X. Data-driven Exploration of Melodic Structures in Hindustani Music. Devaney J, Mandel MI, Turnbull D, Tzanetakis G (eds.). Proceedings of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference ISMIR 2016. 1 ed. ISMIR; 2016. .
Caro Repetto R, Serra X. NACTA: construyendo el futuro de la tradición del jingju. AA.VV.. XIV congreso de la Sociedad de Etnomusicología, IX congreso de IASPM España. 1 ed. 2016. .
Dzhambazov G, Yang Y, Caro Repetto R, Serra X. Automatic Alignment of Long Syllables In A cappella Beijing Opera. Beauguitte P, Duggan B, Kelleher J (eds.). Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis. 1 ed. Dublin Institute of Technology; 2016. p. 88–91.
Dzhambazov G, Serra X. Singing Voice Separation by Harmonic Modeling. VV.AA.. Music Information Retrieval Evaluation eXchange (MIREX) Proceedings. 1 ed. 2016. .
Oramas S, Espinosa-Anke L, Lawlor A, Serra X, Saggion H. Exploring Customer Reviews for Music Genre Classification and Evolutionary Studies. VV.AA. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). 1 ed. IEEE; 2016. .
Karakurt, A; Sentürk S; Serra X. MORTY: A Toolbox for Mode Recognition and Tonic Identification. VV.AA. Proceedings of the 3rd International workshop on Digital Libraries for Musicology. 1 ed. ACM; 2016. p. 9–16.
Gulati, S; Serrà J; Ishwar V; Sentürk S; Serra X.. Phrase-based Raga Recognition Using Vector Space Modeling. VV.AA. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). 1 ed. IEEE; 2016. p. 66–70.
Font F, Serra X. Tempo Estimation for Music Loops and a Simple Confidence Measure. Devaney J, Mandel MI, Turnbull D, Tzanetakis G (eds.). Proceedings of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference ISMIR 2016. 1 ed. ISMIR; 2016. .
Pons J, Lidy T, Serra X. Experimenting with Musically Motivated Convolutional Neural Networks. VV.AA.. 2016 14th International Workshop on Content-Based Multimedia Indexing (CBMI). 1 ed. 2016. .
Itou K, Caro Repetto R, Serra X. Melody Transcription Framework using Score Information for Noh Singing. -. Proceedings of International Conference on Creative Content Technologies. 1 ed. 2016. .
Sentürk S, Serra X. A Method for Structural Analysis of Ottoman-Turkish Makam Music Scores. Beauguitte P, Duggan B, Kelleher J (eds.). Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on Folk Music Analysis. 1 ed. Dublin Institute of Technology; 2016. p. 39–46.
Gulati S, Serrà J, Ishwar V, Serra X. Discovering Raga Motifs by Characterizing Communities in Networks of Melodic Patterns. -. Proceedings of 41st IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2016). 1 ed. 2016. p. 286–290.
Gulati S, Serrà J, Ganguli K K, ¿entürk S, Serra X. Time-Delayed Melody Surfaces for R¿ga Recognition. Devaney J, Mandel MI, Turnbull D, Tzanetakis G (eds.). Proceedings of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference ISMIR 2016. 1 ed. ISMIR; 2016. p. 751–757.
Gómez E, Schedl M, Serra X, Hu X. Music Information Retrieval:¿ Overview, Recent Developments and Future Challenges. Devaney J, Mandel MI, Turnbull D, Tzanetakis G (eds.). Proceedings of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference ISMIR 2016. 1 ed. ISMIR; 2016. .
Oramas S, Espinosa-Anke L, Sordo M, Saggion H, Serra X. ELMD: An Automatically Generated Entity Linking Gold Standard Dataset in the Music Domain. -. LREC 2016 - Language Resources and Evaluation Conference. 1 ed. 2016. .
Caro Repetto R, Serra X. Melodic transformation processes in the arrangements of jingju banshi. VV.AA.. Fourth International Conference On Analytical Approaches To World Music (AAWM 2016) Proceedings. 1 ed. 2016. .
Srinivasamurthy A, Holzapfel A, Cemgil AT, Serra X. A generalized Bayesian model for tracking long metrical cycles in acoustic music signals. -. Proceedings of 41st IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP 2016). 1 ed. 2016. .
Dzhambazov G, Srinivasamurthy A, ¿entürk S, Serra X. On the Use of Note Onsets for Improved Lyrics-to-audio Alignment in Turkish Makam Music. Devaney J, Mandel MI, Turnbull D, Tzanetakis G (eds.). Proceedings of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference ISMIR 2016. 1 ed. ISMIR; 2016. .
Srinivasamurthy, A; Holzapfel A; Cemgil A. T; Serra X. A generalized Bayesian model for tracking long metrical cycles in acoustic music signals. VV.AA. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). 1 ed. IEEE; 2016. p. 76–80.
Bandiera G, Romaní Picas O, Serra X. a framework to explore goodness in instrumental sounds. VV.AA. 2016 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP). 1 ed. IEEE; 2016. .
Parekh, S; Font F; Serra X.. Improving Audio Retrieval through Loudness Profile Categorization. AA.VV.. 2016 IEEE International Symposium on Multimedia (ISM). 1 ed. 2016. p. 565–568.
Bogdanov D, Porter A, Herrera P, Serra X. Cross-collection evaluation for music classification tasks. Devaney J, Mandel MI, Turnbull D, Tzanetakis G (eds.). Proceedings of the 17th International Society for Music Information Retrieval Conference ISMIR 2016. 1 ed. ISMIR; 2016. .
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Sukno FM, Domínguez M, Ruiz A, Schiller D, Lingenfelser F, Pragst L, Kamateri E, Vrochidis S. A multimodal annotation schema for non-verbal affective analysis in the health-care domain. AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval for Multimodal Interaction. 1 ed. ACM; 2016. p. 9–14.
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Crespo-Bojorque, P; Toro, JM. Processing advantages for consonance: A comparison between rats (Rattus Norvegicus) and humans (Homo Sapiens). Journal of comparative psychology 2016; 130(2): p. 97–108.
Rubio Ballester, Belén ; Maier, Martina ; San Segundo Mozo, Rosa María ; Castañeda, Victoria ; Duff, Armin ; Verschure, Paul F. M. J.. Counteracting learned non-use in chronic stroke patients with reinforcement-induced movement therapy. Journal of NeuroEngineering and Rehabilitation 2016; 13(74): p. 0–0.
Hindriks, Rikkert ; Arsiwalla, Xerxes D. ; Panagiotaropoulos, Theofanis I. ; Besserve, Michel ; Verschure, Paul F. M. J. ; Logothetis, N. ; Deco, Gustavo. Discrepancies between multi-electrode LFP and CSD phase-patterns: A forward modeling study. Frontiers in Neural Circuits 2016; 10(51): p. 0–0.
Rodríguez-Fernández S, Espinosa-Anke L, Carlini R, Wanner L. Semantics-Driven Collocation Discovery. Episteme: Procesamiento del lenguaje natural 2016; p. 57–64.
Saggion, H.; Codina-Filbà, J.; Bouayad-Agha, N.; Casamayor, G.; Mille, S.; Müller, A.; Wanner, L.. Using genre-specific features for patent summaries. Information processing & management 2016; 53(1): p. 151–174.
Dominguez M, Farrús M, Wanner L. Combining acoustic and linguistic features in phrase-oriented prosody prediction. Speech Prosody 2016; 2016: p. 796–800.
Mille S, Ballesteros M, Burga A, Casamayor G, Wanner L. Multilingual natural language generation within abstractive summarization. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2016; 1801: p. 0–0.
Codina-Filbà J, Wanner L. Combining Dictionary- and Corpus-Based Concept Extraction. CEUR Workshop Proceedings 2016; 1801: p. 0–0.
Ballesteros M, Bohnet B, Mille S, Wanner L.. Data-Driven Deep-Syntactic Dependency Parsing. Natural Language Engineering 2016; 22(6): p. 939–974.
Epitropou V, Bassoukos T, Karatzas K, Karppinen A, Wanner L, Vrochidis S, I Kompatsiaris, Kukkonen J. Environmental data extraction from heatmaps using the AirMerge system. Multimedia Tools and Applications 2016; 75(3): p. 1589–1613.
Mille S, Carlini R, Burga A, Wanner L. FORGe at SemEval-2017 Task 9: Deep sentence generation based on a sequence of graph transducers. AA.VV.. The 54th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics : Proceedings of the Conference, Vol. 2. 1 ed. ACL; 2016. p. 911–914.
Soler-Company J, Wanner L. Authorship Attribution Using Syntactic Dependencies. Nebot A, Binefa X, López de Mántaras R (eds.). Artificial intelligence research and development : proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, October 19-21, 2016. 1 ed. Berlin: IOS Press; 2016. p. 303–308.
Wanner L, Blat J, Dasiopoulou S, Domínguez M, Llorach G, Mille S, Sukno FM, Kamateri E, Vrochidis S, Kompatsiaris I, André E, Lingenfelser F, Mehlmann G, Stam A, Stellingwerff L, Vieru B, Lamel L, Minker W, Pragst L, Ultes S. Towards a Multimedia Knowledge-Based Agent with Social Competence and Human Interaction Capabilities. AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval for Multimodal Interaction. 1 ed. ACM; 2016. p. 21–26.
Gialampoukidis, Ilias ; Vrochidis, Stefanos ; Kompatsiaris, Ioannis ; Wanner, Leo. A hybrid framework for news clustering based on the DBSCAN-Martingale and LDA. Perner P (ed.). Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition. 1 ed. Springer; 2016. p. 170–184.
Meditskos, Georgios ; Dasiopoulou, Stamatia ; Pragst, Louisa ; Ultes, Stefan ; Vrochidis, Stefanos ; Wanner, Leo. Towards an Ontology-Driven Adaptive Dialogue Framework. AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval for Multimodal Interaction. 1 ed. ACM; 2016. p. 15–20.
Mille S, Ballesteros M, Burga A, Casamayor G, Wanner L. Towards Multilingual Natural Language Generation within Abstractive Summarization. Nebot A, Binefa X, López de Mántaras R (eds.). Artificial intelligence research and development : proceedings of the 19th International Conference of the Catalan Association for Artificial Intelligence, Barcelona, Catalonia, Spain, October 19-21, 2016. 1 ed. Berlin: IOS Press; 2016. p. 309–314.
Rodríguez-Fernández S, Carlini R, Espinosa Anke L, Wanner L. Example-based Acquisition of Fine-grained Collocation Resources. Calzolari N, Choukri K, Declerck T, Grobelnik M, Maegaard B, Mariani J, Moreno A, Odijk J, Piperidis S. Proceedings of the Tenth International Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation, LREC'16. 1 ed. European Language Resources Association; 2016. p. 2317–2322.
Wanner, Leo ; Blat, Josep ; Dasiopoulou, Stamatia ; Domínguez Bajo, Mónica ; Llorach, Gerard ; Mille, Simon ; Sukno, Federico M. ; Kamateri, Eleni ; Kompatsiaris, Ioannis ; Vrochidis, Stefanos ; André, Elisabeth ; Lingenfelser, Florian ; Mehlmann, Gregor ; Stam, Andries ; Stellingwerff, Ludo ; Lamel, Lori ; Vieru, Bianca ; Minker, Wolfgang ; Pragst, Louisa ; Ultes, Stefan. Towards a multimedia knowledge-based agent with social competence and human interaction capabilities. AA.VV.. Proceedings of the 1st International Workshop on Multimedia Analysis and Retrieval for Multimodal Interaction. 1 ed. ACM; 2016. p. 21–26.