The doctoral thesis may be co-supervised by two or more doctors when there are academic reasons that warrant this, such as those with an interdisciplinary subject matter, subject to prior authorization from the academic committee of the doctoral programme. This authorization may subsequently be withdrawn if in the opinion of the academic committee of the doctoral program, the joint supervision does not benefit the development of the thesis.

Thesis co-supervisors must be doctors with accredited research experience, meeting the same requisites as supervisors in that regard.

The student must complete the application form for thesis co-supervision and submit it, together with the necessary documentation, to the Department’s secretariat.



  • A document explaining the academic grounds for the request.
  • A report from the thesis supervisor, accepting a co-supervision arrangement.
  • A statement of acceptance from the new co-supervisor.
  • The new co-supervisor's CV.
  • Evidence of the new co-supervisor's eligibility.