One of the three articles can be co-authored, but the PhD student must be the first and leading author. To make sure that this is the case, the authors shall write, sign, and send a letter to the Academic Committee detailing their personal contributions to the article. In view of this letter the Academic Committee may or may not authorize the inclusion of the article in the thesis. If the article is already published, the PhD student must be listed as first author. When the co-author is not a doctor, he or she shall renounce in writing his or her right to include the piece in any future PhD thesis that he or she may write.


  • Only one article of the thesis can be presented in co-authorship;
  • The PhD student must sign all the articles of the thesis as first author.
  • All publications resulting from the PhD Programme must indicate your affiliation to the Department of Political and Social Sciences at Pompeu Fabra University.
  • The Academic Committee will authorize a second article in co-authorship only under certain conditions. For instance, when the article is the result of a research stay in which the student collaborated with other researchers or when the use of a particular dataset requires the signature –as an acknowledgement– of (an)other author/s. The request for a second article in co-authorship should be addressed to the Academic Committee before the end of the third academic year. In the letter requesting permission for a second co-authored paper, please indicate which tasks will be performed by each author (specific contribution). This letter of co-authorship must be submitted with the signatures of all authors of the paper
  • Under no circumstances will it be possible to present three articles in co-authorship.
  • The thesis supervisor can only be co-author in one article of the thesis.


Department Council, November, 11th 2017 (these rules apply to students enrolled in the PhD programme stating in 2016-2017 and onwards)


Rules for co-authored papers/chapters for students enrolled in the PhD programme prior to 2016-2017

Theses which are based on a compilation (not a monograph) must attend to the following norms:

  1. Each section must have the format of an article or book chapter.
  2. The introduction and conclusions must establish and detail the scientific coherence between the different sections of the thesis. The introduction must introduce the different pieces of work, and justify their thematic unity. The conclusions must establish a summary of the results obtained globally, a discussion of the results, and the final conclusions.
  3. Only one of articles can be co-authored. In such cases, a signed report must be presented where the authors explain which fundamental part of the article has been produced by the student. In exceptional cases the Academic Committee may accept a second co-authored article, but this is always conditional upon its prior authorisation by the AC.
  4. The manuscript must be original and unpublished in other PhD theses. If articles are co-authored with researchers who are not doctors, the co-author must renounce, in writing, to presenting the piece of work as part of his or her Doctoral Thesis.
  5. The pieces of work must be dated after the student's admission to the PhD programme, and must include the author's affiliation to the UPF.
  6. The PhD student must be the first and leading author in co-authored papers.

Agreement signed by Department Third Cycle Commission (meeting of the date 25/09/2013), and Academic Commission (meeting of the date 16/10/2013).