To encourage non-biomedical research projects conducted at UPF to fulfill basic ethics and personal data protection requirements, the Institutional Committee for Ethical Review of Projects (CIREP-UPF) has established the ethics and personal data protection review procedure. The application must include detailing relevant information for the ethics review, such as a risk management plan for projects with fieldwork in risk areas, interview scripts or questionnaires (even if in a preliminary form), non-disclosure agreement if personal data is to be shared with external researchers, etc.  After the application has been checked and registered, it is sent to the Committee members, a coordinator is assigned, and the review process, which includes different steps, is formally initiated.

CIREP does not review research projects retroactively. Therefore, you must apply for review before your project begins (that is, before the new data collection and/or the processing of secondary data begin).

Please refer to the CIREP website for more information on review procedures and relevant documentation:



Research Service

Mercè Rodoreda building (Ciutadella campus)
Ramon Trias Fargas, 25-27
08005 Barcelona

 93 542 21 86

[email protected]