Doctoral Workshop
PhD Workshop
10 and 11 March 2025
Call for papers opens 20 January 2025
Abstract paper/poster submission: January 31, 23:00 GMT.
Paper submission: February, 28, 23:00 GMT.
Poster submission: March 3, 23:00 GMT
Every year, we organize workshops in order to assess the progress of the PhD candidates. All the students enrolled in the PhD Programme participate in these workshops. This event is a unique opportunity for students to present and discuss their research work, as well as facilitating interactions among PhD students and stimulating feedback from more experienced researchers.
First year students, who are in the early stages of their research, are invited to present a poster – unless they prefer to present a paper - which will be discussed by senior students.
Second year students and onwards are invited to present a paper or chapter (work-in-progress). Students are expected to give a short presentation (20 minutes for presentation + 10 minutes for questions and discussion). The student must suggest in advance the name of professor/s who could act as discussant or, alternatively, indicate the field of her/his work in order to have a discussant assigned. The sessions are organised by topics and students in the PhD Programme act as chairman.
Poster Guidelines
The recommended size for the poster is the following: A0 (84,1 x 118,9 cm or 33.1 x 46.8 inches).
Format: .pdf
The secretariat will provide display boards for your poster. We will also provide tape for you to mount your poster to the display board. Each display board has two sides and there will be one poster per side. Each side will be marked with a number. You can mount your poster in any space available upon your arrival to the hall. The display board for the posters are 2 metre and 1 metre tall.
All students on the PhD programme must attend the PhD Workshop. If they are unable to attend, they should write to the Academic Committee stating their reasons and enclosing their supervisor's approval of non-attendance.
If you are unable to attend in person, exceptionally, you may consider presenting by videoconference or, alternatively, presenting at a seminar after returning from your research stay, provided you have the appropriate support and follow-up from your supervisor.