Students interested in applying to a joint supervision under agreement with universities of others countries, please check the following information: 


  • Students must fulfil the same obligations as all UPF doctoral students: admission requirements
  • The doctoral thesis has to be jointly supervised by at least two supervisors, one from the UPF, another from a foreign university. The two supervisors must carry out their task in a coordinated fashion.
  • The doctoral student must spend at least nine months at one of the universities and the rest of their time at the other. The student's time at each university may be spent all at once or in different spells.

Thesis Submission and defence

  • The student must submit the doctoral thesis at both universities.
  • There will a single defence at one of the universities.
  • The doctoral thesis format will be regulated by the university where the thesis defence will take place.
  • The thesis committee will be appointed by the relevant bodies of each university. It must be composed of a minimum of three members and a maximum of 5, with a majority of university external members. Thesis supervisor/s may only be part of a 5 full- member's committee. The thesis committee should also include two substitute members.
  • The thesis must be graded by the evaluation systems of each participating university/country.

How to apply

Submit the following documents to the PhD programme secretariat:

  • Application form
  • Thesis supervisors' report detailing the reasons for the joint supervision, and accepting the inclusion of a second university supervision (signed by both universities' thesis supervisors).
  • Proof of being enrolled at the other university.
  • If you are not yet a UPF student: copy of your degree qualification which gives you access to the current PhD programme
  • CV and passport photocopy of non-UPF supervisor. 

Agreement template proposals:

a) Template for agreements with EU countries

b) Template for agreements with European Economic Area countries (Iceland, Liechtenstein, Norway) and other countries with equivalent data protection legislation (Switzerland, Andorra, Japan, Israel, Argentina, Uruguay, New Zealand).

c) Template for agreements with other countries


Regulations on the joint supervision of doctoral thesis