A written request made by an individual to the competent body regarding an application provided for in the current regulations.

Format: DIN A4 (210 x 297 mm).



Like other administrative documents, a request or application has a fairly constant structure. The reasons for the application and the actual request itself (sections 2 and 3) constitute the central body of such a document. Here are some of the things you need to take into account in writing these sections:

  • Employ a neutral and respectful tone.
  • Use a structure that is logical and as simple as possible. If the part setting out the reasons for the application and the section containing the actual request contain various pieces of information, it is best to organise them chronologically or in accordance with the development of your argument, and to put them in separate paragraphs.
  • Express your ideas clearly and concisely. It is better to write both parts using short sentences rather than one long sentence for each of them.
  • Use the first person singular (I): I, John/Jane Doe, a lecturer in ....., HEREBY REQUEST.... etc.


Formulas for identifying yourself and stating your address:

- at .../...resident at..., post code..., Comarca..., Plaça/Carrer..., núm..., telephone number... 
- ...holder of identity document / passport number.../... (issued in..., on ...) 

Formulas for the application itself:

Simply state what you are requesting or applying for.


1. Identification of the applicant
This must include the following personal details of the person signing the application: name and surname(s) and an address for notifications. Other details may also be added, such as the number of the person's identity document, telephone number, date and place of birth, and profession, depending on the case.

2. Reasons for the application 
This is where the facts and the reasons for the application are set out. It begins with the formula I STATE, in capital letters so that it stands out, followed by a colon. Each of the reasons is introduced with the conjunction "That", with an initial capital letter, in a separate numbered paragraph.

If any documentation is enclosed with the application, this can be mentioned using formulas such as ... as can be seen in the enclosed document.

3. Body of the application
This is where the object of the application is described. It begins with the formula I HEREBY REQUEST, in capital letters so that it stands out, followed by a colon. If the phrase following this formula contains a conjugated verb, it must be introduced by the conjunction "That", with an initial capital letter, in the next paragraph (for example: I HEREBY REQUEST: That I be granted ...).

4. Date
This must include:
- The place where the application is made. 
- Date: the day (in figures), the month (in letters) and the year (in figures and in full).

5. Applicant's signature
The signature should not be accompanied by the signer's name and surname(s), as these have already been given in section 1.

6. Body to which the application is addressed
Body, centre or administrative unit to which the application is addressed, in capital letters at the foot of the page. Optionally, the addressee's office or post may be included, preceded, if appropriate, by the corresponding protocol title (see Appendix 1).



I, Gabriel Pocurull i Timoneda, management officer of the University Community Assistance Service,  

1. That the Escola d'Administració Pública de Catalunya (School of Public Administration of Catalonia - EAPC) is organising a course on Management and Administrative Organisation to be held on 14, 15, 21, 22 and 28 April 1994, from 4 to 9 p.m. at the EAPC (Avinguda Pearson, 28, Barcelona). 
2. That, in view of my duties, I would be very interested in this course.  
3. That I have the approval of the head of the Service to apply to attend it.  

That I be authorised to attend this course.

Barcelona, 14 March 1994