A document expressing a decision or ruling on a matter that generally signifies the end of the administrative procedure in question.

Format: DIN A4 (210 x 297 mm).


Like other official documents, a ruling follows a generally constant structure and complies essentially with the requirements of functionality and formality characterising official communications. There are two main ways of drawing up rulings or decisions:

A. Traditional model. This was how rulings used most commonly to be drawn up in Catalan/Spanish practice and may still be useful if the ruling is short. In this form, the whole ruling consists of a single main clause giving the operational part or the substantive ruling as such, preceded by various subordinate clauses setting out the background and legal grounds on which it is based.

B. Schematic model. When the decision or ruling is long, this way of presenting it is clearer and easier to understand: express the facts or background, the legal reasoning or grounds and the substantive or operational part in the form of complete, independent clauses or sentences grouped together under the appropriate headings.

  • Use the first person singular (I): I hereby rule, etc.
    Or, in the case of a body, the third person singular: this committee hereby rules, etc.


Model A 
•  Having seen the letter of ..., in which ... requested ...; 
•  Having seen the favourable report issued by ...; 
•  Making use of the powers vested in me by the following decrees ...;
•  I hereby rule:
•  I have decided:

Model B
Formulas for setting out the facts:
•  On ..., Mr. ... lodged an application ...
•  The ... Committee issued the corresponding report ...
•  The file was studied ...

Formulas for the legal grounds:
•  Law ..., of ... , provides that ...
•  Pursuant to Law ... and Royal Decree ...
• In accordance with the general criteria laid down by ...
• Law ... / article ... invests ... with the power to issue rulings.

Formulas for the operational or substantive part:
- Therefore I hereby rule:



1. Identification of the document
The details identifying the document must be written in the upper right-hand margin. They are as follows: 
- Ref. ("reference"): the document's classification code for the issuing body.


2. Background facts
A description of the relevant facts and the actions taken since the beginning of the procedure.


3. Legal grounds
Rulings or decisions for which reasons are given include this section consisting of a brief reference to the laws or regulations on which the ruling is based.


4. The operational part or the ruling as such
This consists of a summary of the decision taken. It is introduced by formulae such as: I hereby rule:, I have decided: or Therefore, I hereby rule:.


5. Signature
This section must include the following items in the following order:
- The post held by the person signing the letter 
- Signature 
- Name and surname(s)


6. Date
This must include:
- The place where the letter is written. 
- Date: the day (in figures), the month (in letters) and the year (in figures and in full).


7. Additional information
- Identification of the case: the details identifying the case should go at the top of the document, between sections 1 and 2, and be left justified. 
- A brief reference to the law or regulations on which the power of the body in question to make the ruling is based. This information can be given in the legal grounds (section 3) or the signature section (5). In the latter case, it should be introduced with the initials PS.





                                                                                                                  Ref.: ......... 

Having seen the application lodged by Sra. Gemma Pallarés i Puig on 14 April 1994, requesting the validation of the courses she took at the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences of the University of Barcelona;

In accordance with the provisions of the internal regulations of the Pompeu Fabra University governing validations and having examined the technical report issued by the Validations Committee;


To reject Sra. Gemma Pallarés i Puig's application for validation of the courses she took at the Faculty of Economic and Business Sciences of the University of Barcelona.


Chairperson of the Validations Committee





Rosa M. Verdaguer i Cardona

Barcelona, 3 May 1994




1. Identification of the document
The details identifying the document must be written in the upper right-hand margin. They are as follows: 
Ref. ("reference"): the document's classification code for the issuing body.


2. Identification of the case
Identification of the case: the details identifying the case should go at the top of the document, between sections 1 and 2, and be left justified. 
A brief reference to the law or regulations on which the power of the body in question to make the ruling is based. This information can be given in the legal grounds (section 3) or the signature section (5). In the latter case, it should be introduced with the initials PS.


3. Background facts
A description of the relevant facts and the actions taken since the beginning of the procedure.


4. Legal grounds

Rulings or decisions for which reasons are given include this section consisting of a brief reference to the laws or regulations on which the ruling is based.


5. The operational part or the ruling as such

This consists of a summary of the decision taken. It is introduced by formulae such as: I hereby rule:I have decided: or Therefore, I hereby rule:.


6. Signature
This section must include the following items in the following order:
- The post held by the person signing the letter 
- Signature 
- Name and surname(s)


7. Date
This must include:
- The place where the letter is written. 
- Date: the day (in figures), the month (in letters) and the year (in figures and in full).





                                                                                                                      Ref.: .......

Case number ... of the ... Service, opened in response to the application lodged by ... regarding ...



1. On 6 November Ms ... lodged an admissions application ... 
2. On 21 November the lists of those admitted and those not-admitted were published and Ms ....'s name was among those not-admitted. 
3. On 30 November Ms ... lodged a ... appeal ...


1. Law ......... provides that .......... 
2. Article 14 of the Regulations states that ... 
3. In accordance with Law ............ and the Statutes of Pompeu Fabra University, the rector has the power to make a ruling on this appeal.



One: To reject the appeal application. 


The vicerector for Resources and the Economy

(P.S. Ruling ..............)




Jaume Dorres i Almirall

Barcelona, 3 December 1994