Lexicon and Technology


The IULATERM research group (Lexicon and Technology), founded by M. Teresa Cabré in 1994, conducts research in the following research lines: terminology, neology, specialised lexicography, specialised discourse, linguistic variation and lexical change, lexicology (morphology, semantics and lexical syntax), language technologies, computational linguistics, corpus linguistics, change management and language diversity.

Currently, the group is comprised of 21 PhD researchers, 7 research scholars hired as trainees and 8 additional doctoral students. The research activity of the group is organized into research lines and projects: language technologies with the Technologies and Linguistic Resources (TLR) and the transfer figure Laboratory of Linguistic Technologies (LATEL); terminology and specialized discourse with initiatives such as the Terminology Portal (PORTALTERM) and the IULAMED Portal: Language, Terminology and Health; neology with the Observatory of Neology (OBNEO); or linguistic change and diversity.

IULATERM also manages the Espai M. Teresa Cabré, an essential documentary legacy in applied linguistics available to internal and external researchers.

The IULATERM group has a well-known training competence, thanks to the supervised doctoral theses as well as the furtherance and management of its training programmes, such as Online Master Programme in Terminology.

The IULATERM group is part of the Institute for Applied Linguistics (IULA) of the Pompeu Fabra University, and since 2001 has the status of a consolidated group funded by the Catalonia Research Plan (Pla de Recerca de Catalunya). The current group reference is 2017 SGR 1530.


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Terminus 2.0 Platform

IULATERM - Institut for Applied Linguistics

Roc Boronat building (Poblenou campus)
Roc Boronat, 138
08018 Barcelona

 +34 93 5422493

[email protected]

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