Resources related to linguistics applied to speech therapy: links to websites with information on speech therapy, exercises for a logopedic approach to linguistics, additional material in the book EnRaonar. Lingüística general i aplicada per a la pràctica logopèdica, and analyses of clinical cases.

Direcció: Rosa Estopà Bagot (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), Josefina Carrera-Sabaté (Universitat de Barcelona), Imma Creus Bellet (Universitat de Lleida).

EnRaonar. Linguística general i aplicada per a la pràctica logopèdica

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Table of contents, glossary and additional materials:

Estopà, Rosa; Carrera-Sabaté, Josefina; Creus, Imma (2011). EnRaonar. Lingüística general i aplicada per a la pràctica logopèdica. Barcelona: Horsori.

Purchases: Horsori editorial.

Directori de recursos web per a la pràctica logopèdica

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Web resources related to speech therapy: University courses, professional associations, publications, educational resources, specific disorders, etc.

Aprèn a ser logopeda!: exercicis de lingüística

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A variety of activities for implementing linguistic skills which are useful in speech therapy, especially during the training of the speech therapist.

Casos clínics

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Presentation of different clinical cases by experienced speech therapists. By using a video recording of the person affected by a speech defect, information is given on the case history, formal description, diagnostics and treatment of the speech defect in question, including basic bibliographic references.