Terminographic resources and terminology management tools developed by the grup IULATERM

The group IULATERM (Lexicon, terminology, specialized discourse and linguistic engineering) completes its dedication to theoretical, descriptive and applied research in these fields with the developement of designs, prototypes and products.

Terminus Station

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A Terminology manager. It is an integral manager for terminographic work, which includes from the corpus constitution to the final editing of vocabularies. It presents a modular structure and presents innovative services compared to other terminology managers.


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The terminology bank of the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. UPF_Term was built with the terminographic works of students from Translation and Interpreting, the online Master in Terminology and the PhD Program in Applied Linguistics. The results from the cooperation with terminology networks and professional training are also included.


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An automatic term extractor. A tool for the automatic extraction of term candidates based on linguistic and stochastic strategies. It is language and field independent and, at present, it is adapted for Medicine, Genomics and Economy for Catalan and Spanish.


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A tool for tracking terminology implantation. ESTEM is a computational system for tracing the implantation of normalized terminology, which was developed for a cooperation project with TERMCAT.

Economy linguistic resources site

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Within the framework of the RICOTERM2 project, textual corpora and terminological vocabularies in Basque, Catalan, Spanish and Galician have been developed. The site includes a reelaborator of multilingual queries for search engines.

Multilingual Vocabulary of Economics (2008)

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Multilingual vocabulary of basic terms of economics,English, Spanish, Catalan, Galician and Basque; result of the reserach project RICOTERM2.

Basic vocabulary on the Human Genome (2007)

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A vocabulary resulting from the cooperation of the groups of REALITER network that collects the basic terminology mostly used in texts about Genomics. It contains equivalents in English, Peninsular and Latinamerican Spanish, French, Italian, Galician, Portuguese and Catalan.

Vocabulary on work-risks prevention (2004)

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An electronic version of a vocabulary that resulted from the collaboration with the Labour Department. Its nomenclature includes more than 1,000 terms; besides, it contains six thematic annexes and a Catalan-Spanish index.

Other REALITER vocabularies

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The group IULATERM has also collaborated in developing diverse basic terminological vocabularies in romance languages within REALITER network.