Antenas Neológicas(Red de neología del español). The network Antenas Neológicas was born in 2002 with the objective of becoming a joint project for the observation and study of the lexical innovation of the different varieties of Spanish. The coordinating node is the Neology Observatory of Barcelona, which provides data on the neologisms collected in the Spanish press published in Barcelona.
INTELE (INfraestructura de TEcnologías del LEnguaje). It is a strategic research network initially made up of Spanish researchers who were related, due to their previous participation and their current interest, with the current European research infrastructures already established as the European Research Infrastructure Consortium or ERIC, for the humanities and social sciences: CLARIN ( and DARIAH (
META-NET (Multilingual Europe Technology Alliance). A Network of Excellence consisting of 60 research centres from 34 countries, dedicated to building the technological foundations of a multilingual European information society.
REALITER(Red panlatina de terminología). Working network for terminology in Romance languages, that offers wide-distribution multilingual terminology products on specialized fields of special priority. IULA is part of this network from its beginnings in the Comisión Panlatina de Terminología. IULATERM has coordinated and edited the Taula de formants cultes and its tool TaPaFoC; IULA has collected the Catalan terminology of the Vocabulaire de la microinformatique and the Catalan and Spanish terminology of the Lexique panlatin d'Internet; coordinates the project Biotecnology 2: human genome; and the Observatori de Neologia coordinates the project Neologisms in economics in the press for all Romance language included in the network. Scientific responsabilities: M. Teresa Cabré, General Secretary (1995-1998, 2003-2011), committee member (1998-2015) and coordinator for the Catalan language. Mercè Lorente, committee member and coordinator for the Catalan language (2020-2024).
RELEX (Red de Lexicografía). La Red de Lexicografía (RELEX) unites eight groups of the Galician university system (ROMANYCOM, GLEX, FILGA, HUMBOLDT, ITALIANÍSTICA, Léxico e Lexicografía Especializada, TALG e FRASEONET) and six of other universities (Lexicografía, Lexicología e Historiografía Lingüística from the Universidad de La Laguna; IULATERM and INFOLEX from the IULA, Universitat Pompeu Fabra; LICEI, from the Università de Bologna, Forlì Campus; GRiLS, from the Università di Milano, the Lessicografia italiana monolingue e bilingue research group, from the Università di Torino, and the Lexicography group from the Stellenbosch University in South Africa). All of which have lexicography among their main lines of research.
RITerm (Red Iberoamericana de Terminología). Network for cooperation in terminology of professionals and institutions from Ibero American countries. IULA is part of the network as an institutional member since its creation. The active participation of IULATERM members is evident throughout the different RITerm congress.
TermNet (International Network for Terminology). Network supported by INFOTERM (Vienna), of which IULA is an institutional member and has the responsability of spreading the information for the Spanish universities working with terminology. Term: 2000-2003.
ALETERM (Red temática de docencia en terminología). A teaching network, sponsored by the Agencia Española de Cooperación Internacional (AECI), that has the objetive of teaching graduate and doctoral courses on terminology by exchanging the teachers of three Spainsh universitites (Universidad de Málaga, Universidad de Salamanca, and Universitat Pompeu Fabra) and three Latin America universities (Universidad de Buenos Aires, Universidade de Brasília, and Universidad del Valle de Colombia). The coordination of the network is carried out by IULATERM, under the direction of M. Teresa Cabré and the technical coordination of Mercè Lorente.
Xarxa Temàtica (XT) de Coneixement, Llenguatge i Discurs Especialitzat (XT99-00036, 2001XT-0032, 2003XT-00051), of the Pla de Recerca de la Generalitat de Catalunya, created on January 2000, coordinated by IULATERM, and composed by Catalan, Spanish, and European research groups, working in several fields: aspects of terminology, psychology, philosophy and discourse analysis. Since its creation, The XT has organized I-IV Workshops (open) and I-V working meetings for the members fo the network. The group IULATERM has coordinated the first and the third workshop, and the second and fourth working meetings.
ACATERM (Asociación Catalana de Terminología). Association created in 2001 by institutions and professionals devoted to terminology activities, working in the different Catalan territorries. It was IULATERM that promoted its creation during the I Jornada de Terminologia i Serveis Lingüístics; Both the group and its members individually are founder members. Scientific responsabilities: Mercè Lorente, member of the managing commission (2001-2002), Vice-President (2002-2004), President (2004- ).
ACCC (Catalan Association for Science Communication). An association created in 1990 that brings professionals, such as researchers involved in teaching and communication, together with communication and journalism students who have a special interest in science.
AETER (Asociación Española de Terminología). Association created by institutions devoted to terminology activities in Spain, of which Professor M. Teresa Cabré is a founder and IULA, an institutional member. IULATERM has organized the I Jornada de AETER, held in July 12, 1999, in which a panorama on the current situation of Spanish terminology was presented. Scientific responsabilities: M. Teresa Cabré, Vice-President (from 1998 to June 2002), President (from June 2002).
ATALA (Association pour le Traitement Automatique des Langues). Internacional association devoted to the activities related to linguistic engineering. IULA is an institutional member.
EAT/EAFT (Asociación Europea de Terminología). Association of institutions and European professionals engaged in terminology. IULA is an institutional member since its creation and carried out the General Assembly held in October 25, 1997. Scientific responsabilities: M. Teresa Cabré, Consultant member (since 1997); Mercè Lorente, member of the executive committee (1999-2000).
ELRA (European Language Resources Association). The mission of the Association is to promote language resources (henceforth LRs) and evaluation for the Human Language Technology (HLT) sector in all their forms and all their uses, in a European context. Consequently the goals are: to coordinate and carry out identification, production, validation, distribution, standardisation of LRs, as well as support for evaluation of systems, products, tools, etc. - related to language resources.
SCATERM(Societat Catalana de Terminologia). The Societat Catalana de Terminologia, which since January 2008 is a subsidiary of the Institut d'Estudis Catalans, is an association that aims to promote the dissemination of scientific and technical terminology in the Catalan language, to constitute a platform to promote the recognition and the professionalization of Terminology as a scientific field. The Association promotes the provision and exchange of information on terminology activities between users and terminology professionals and also establishes relationships with other organizations, associations and institutions of similar purposes.