IULATERM (Lèxic, terminologia, discurs especialitzat i enginyeria lingüística / Lexicon, terminology, specialised discourse and linguistic engineering) is a research group in the Institute for Applied Linguistics at Universitat Pompeu Fabra, created in 1994, together with the Institut foundation.
From 2001, IULATERM is considered as a consolidated research group by the Pla de Recerca de Catalunya (20001SGR00273). Before, from 1995 to 2000, IULATERM researchers belonged to the research group LATRAL (Lingüística Aplicada al Tractament del Llenguatge / Applied Linguistics for Natural Language Process), also recognised as a consolidated research group by the Pla de Recerca de Catalunya (1995SGR00042, 1996SGR00045, 1998SGR00085, 2000SGR00085).
The main research topics of IULATERM is basic and applied terminology analysis, understood as the collection of lexical units that transfer specialised knowledge in the scientific, technical and professional discourse in a real communicative framework. Thus, the research is carried on linguistics, lexicology, lexical morphology, neology, syntax, prhaseology, semantics, pragmatics and discourse analysis. The object of study transdisciplinarity is shown by means of the group links with the cognitive and social sciences. Applied research is mainly devoted to the design and creation of linguistic resources (textual corpora, knowledge bases, ontologies, terminological data bases) and tools for natural language processing and information management (parsers, automatic term and neology extractors, machine dictionaries, search engines). The dissemination of the Communicative Theory of Terminology (Cabré, 1999), by a wide range of publications, and a biannual International Terminology Summer School have ensured the consolidation of the IULATERM group in the international scenario.
IULATERM is constituted by doctors and Ph.D. candidates, some of which are nearly at their final period. From the beginning of the IULATERM, the group has produced 10 Ph.D., related with the lines of research and directed by some of the group members. From 1995, the group has published a large number of contributions (books, book chapters, papers, and articles), a part from the participation in the IULA's publications and lexicographic and terminographic projects.
The group is partially funded by external competitive research programs (MCYT, MECD, EU, DURSI ) and research agreements signed with public and private organisms. The IULATERM group also participates in the teaching innovation projects in order to establish a close relation among the pre-graduated students of terminology and the post-graduated research activities. The research group has promoted the signature of more than 25 interuniversitary cooperation agreements and it organises academic activities (international congresses, research workshops, seminars, post-graduated courses and on-line courses).