Investiture ceremony of Vandana Shiva as doctor honoris causa by the UPF

June 3, at 12:00 p.m., in the auditorium of the Ciutadella campus

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Back Transsexual, transgender and intersex persons at UPF will be able to benefit from a change of name procedure

Transsexual, transgender and intersex persons at UPF will be able to benefit from a change of name procedure

The procedure, recently approved by the Board of Governors and managed by the University’s Equality Unit, will allow the use of their usual name for the UPF card, the Intranet, e-mail or the class lists, among others.



Guaranteeing the right of transsexual, transgender and intersex persons to be called, at the University, by the name corresponding to the gender with which they identify, is the aim of a procedure recently approved by the UPF Board of Governors.

The “Procedure of change of name of transsexual, transgender and intersex persons” involves the use of a “usual name” or “felt name”, which replaces the official name (the one shown on the ID card or in the Civil Registry), in everything that does not have a legal implication at UPF and only serves for internal procedures.

Those interested in joining this procedure, applicable to the entire community of students, teaching and research staff and administrative and service staff, must present a written application, which can be downloaded from the University’s Equality Unit website.

This unit, which is responsible for managing the procedure, will hold an interview with the person concerned and will make the necessary arrangements to make the changes to the UPF card (although the digital certificate will preserve their official name), the intranet, e-mail or the class lists, among others.

The name change is part of a joint interuniversity project, coordinated by UPF, together with UVic-UCC, which in the field of higher education in Catalonia aims to deploy Law 11/2014 to guarantee the rights of lesbians, gays, bisexuals, transgender, and intersex persons and to eradicate homophobia, biphobia and transphobia.

The project, which has the financial support of the Catalan Government and enjoys the participation of various civil society organizations, is working on guidelines towards the increased visibility and empowerment of LGBT groups and for the fight against discrimination and harassment.

CIC Protocol in the access and registration processes

UPF’s internal process coincides in time with the approval of a protocol by the Interuniversity Council of Catalonia (CIC), aimed at transgender, intersex and transsexual persons, so that they can be called by their usual name, corresponding to the gender with which they identify.

This protocol, the first in the Spanish State, aims to prevent discrimination for reasons of gender identity in the administrative processes of access to and enrolment in the universities of the Catalan system, the areas of competence of the CIC. The persons protected by this protocol will be able to carry out registration procedures for the university entrance examination, university application or registration with their felt name.

Week against LGBTPhobia

UPF, through UPF Equality, has organized various awareness raising and educational activities coinciding with the international day against LGBTPhobia, to be held on 17 May. The activities of the Week against LGBTPhobia, that will be held between 15 and 22 May, will consist of an open debate on the policies of the University in this area; the screening of the documentary Trans*forma la salud and subsequent discussion, and the 2nd symposium on the application of Law 11/2014.



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