Biological origins of linguistic constraints (2013-2017)
CAMUT: Culture Aware Music Technologies (2015-2017)
Computational models for the discovery of the world's music (2011-2016)
eAXON: Electronic AXONs: wireless microstimulators based on electronic rectification of epidermically applied currents (2017-2022)
Finite-Length Information Theory (2011-2016)
Image Processing for Enhanced Cinematography (2012-2017)
Inpainting Tools for Video Post-production: Variational theory and fast algorithms (2013-2018)
ITUL: Information Theory with Uncertain Laws (2014-2020)
Mechanisms of cognitive control and language learning (2013-2018)
MNeumonic: A Mnemonic system based on stimulation-free Neuroimaging (2016 - 2018)
Multisensory Integration and Attention (2011-2016)
NEMESIS: NEurological MEchanismS of Injury, and Sleep-like cellular dynamics (2023-2027)
POSTCELL: Post-Cellular Wireless Networks (2016-2021)
RLeap: From Data-based to Model-based AI: Representation Learning for Planning (2020-2025)
SCALER: Provably Efficient Algorithms for Large-Scale Reinforcement Learning (2021-2025)
SENSO eAXON - Injectable wireless microsensors based on the eAXON technology (2021-2022)
TECSOME: Technologies for Supporting Online Music Education (2017-2019)
The Dynamical and Structural Basis of Human Mind Complexity: Segregation and Integration of Information and Processing in the Brain (2012-2017)
VIPERCON: Emulating visual perception of contrast for image capture, post-production and synthesis (2016-2017)