The international vocation of UPF's Department of Information and Communication Technologies (DTIC) is illustrated by its significant participation in international research projects, having as a main sponsor the European Commission. For example, as part of the H2020 research programme 67 H2020 projects with a global budget for the department of over 30 Million EUR. 

In addition, DTIC has an incipient activity growing stronger in the last years on research projects awarded by reputed international entities such as the Howard Hughes Medical Institute, Google Research Awards, Facebook Research Award, CISCO, Volkswagen Foundation, Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation, etc.

The research done at the DTIC is organised in twenty-three research groups and covers a wide range of areas including networking, wireless communication, multimedia, image and sound processing, medical imaging, interactive technologies, robotics, artificial intelligence, natural language processing, computational neurosciences and cognitive sciences, among others.