The REALITER network turns thirty
The REALITER network, which deals with the terminology and neology of romance languages, turns thirty years old. The meeting at which the network was constituted was celebrated in Paris on December 13th and 14th, 1993, under the leadership of Bernard Quemada and Anne Magnant.
The IULA, and specifically the IULATERM research group (Lexicon and Technology), has participated from the beginning. Teresa Cabré was a part of that founding group at the Paris meeting and took the position of general secretary at REALITER from 2004 until 2011. From 1993 until 2016, Teresa Cabré also represented the Catalan language. Subsequently, other people that have taken on this position include Marta de Blas (Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya), from 2016 until 2020; Mercè Lorente (Universitat Pompeu Fabra), from 2020 until 2023; and currently Jordi Bover (TERMCAT).
The IULATERM group has participated in nine of the network’s multilingual vocabularies, of which it has coordinated three and is currently coordinating another two.