Back El COMG dona 600 diccionaris de medicina a escolas i instituts de Girona

El COMG dona 600 diccionaris de medicina a escolas i instituts de Girona



The Col·legi Oficial de Metges de Girona has distributed more than 600 copies of the Primer diccionari de medicina il·lustrat (First Illustrated Dictionary of Medicine). This is the first dictionary of medicine for boys and girls in Catalan led by the researcher of the IULATERM group (IULA-CER) Rosa Estopà and with the participation of 1,200 primary school children.

The College has held several meetings with directors of the Pedagogical Resources Centers of Girona and on February 26, 2019, they presented the dictionary to the Educational Service of the Gironès, accompanied by the researcher Rosa Estopà, to jointly evaluate the best way of using the books in the classroom.

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