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Back The BLENDI platform given the Best Demo Award at the 16th European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning

The BLENDI platform given the Best Demo Award at the 16th European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning

The e-learning tool allows teachers to co-create learning activities and blended lesson plans together with students


BLENDI, an e-learning platform developed within the UPF Education Technologies Research Group (TIDE), has been awarded the Best Demo Award at the 16th European Conference on Technology-Enhanced Learning (EC-TEL 2021), held from 20 to 24 September online.

The UPF researchers Laia Albó, Max Dieckmann and Davínia Hernández-Leo, together with others from the European University of Cyprus and the Athens Lifelong Learning Institute, presented their proposal at the conference in the form of a demonstration article.

The BLENDI platform, explains Albó, “supports teachers in order to include the voices or opinions of students to define the main components of the lessons and activities conducted in or outside the classroom”. The researchers have developed a mobile application that enables collecting students’ feedback to enrich the learning design process, define its goals, activities and tools, and procedures or strategies for reflection and assessment.

The researchers have developed a mobile application that enables collecting students’ feedback to enrich the learning design process, define its goals, activities and tools, and procedures or strategies for reflection and assessment.

The tool has been developed under the BLENDI European research project (Blended Learning for Inclusion), coordinated by the Diaconia University of Applied Sciences in Finland, together with partner organizations from Ireland, Greece, Cyprus and Spain.

Technically, the BLENDI tool is built on the LdShake/ILDEplus platform developed by the TIDE group in previous projects. “Technology provides social functions that allow the activities designed on the platform to be shared and edited collaboratively”, Davínia Hernández-Leo explains. The adaptation to the BLENDI project was conceptualized and designed by the consortium partners, together with the support of students and teachers from schools in the participating countries. Specifically, in Catalonia, La Immaculada (Vilassar de Dalt), Institut-Escola Daniel Mangrané (Tortosa) and Institut-Escola Greda (Olot), are the three Catalan schools participating.

Reference works:

Albó, L., Stylianidou, N., Chalatsis, X., Dieckmann, M., & Hernández-Leo, D. (2021, September). Including Students’ Voices in the Design of Blended Learning Lesson Plans. In European Conference on Technology Enhanced Learning (pp. 419-423). Springer, Cham.


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