Resolution by the rector, of 4 September 2024, on the revocation of powers assigned or delegated to the general manager
The Statutes of Pompeu Fabra University, principally Articles 57 and 58, establish the functions of the general manager. Article 58 g) establishes that in addition to those assigned, s/he will have those assigned or delegated by other bodies.
By resolution of the rector of 10 March 2023, on the delegation of powers to the general manager, a supplementary assignment of powers to the manager was carried out, as well as the delegation of powers in some matters.
Given that the position of general manager is vacant, there is a need to reassign the powers conferred to him/her and revoke the delegations of powers established by the resolution of 10 March 2023.
Thus, by virtue of Article 52 of the Statutes of the Pompeu Fabra University, Article 9.6 of Law 40/2015, of 1 October, on the legal regime governing the public sector; and Article 8.5 of Law 26/2010, of 3 August, on the legal regime and procedure of the public administrations of Catalonia,
Article 1. The assignment to the general manager of the exercise of powers set forth in Article 1 of the resolution of the rector of 10 March 2023 on the delegation of powers to the general manager, which are assumed by the rector, is revoked. Such revocation does not affect the assignment of the following teaching staff management responsibilities:
-Authorization of leave, absence of leave and holidays to which teaching staff are entitled under current legislation.
-Decisions concerning the recognition of three-yearly salary increments and prior services to the Administration.
Article 2.
The delegations of powers to the manager and mandates of representation of the University approved by Article 2 of the resolution of the rector of 10 March 2023 on the delegation of powers to the general manager are revoked.
Sole final provision.
This resolution shall come into force on 5 September 2024.
Laia de Nadal Clanchet
Barcelona, 4 September 2024.