Rules governing the collaboration of teaching and research staff at research centres and research institutes that are not UPF centres
Article 1. Objective
These regulations aim to develop a framework of collaboration between UPF and university research institutes that are affiliated or with which there is an agreement as referred to in articles 29 and 30 of the By-laws, as well as those participating or associated research centres mentioned in article 33 of the By-laws (hereinafter "research entity"), and to establish the procedures and the conditions according to which UPF Teaching and Research Staff may collaborate in research and knowledge transfer activities at such centres and institutes.
Article 2. General framework
1. Collaboration by UPF teaching and research staff in research and knowledge transfer activities may take place in order:
- To direct research and knowledge transfer projects or activities or collaborate in them.
To these ends, UPF and the research entity shall sign a specific agreement that shall set out the object of collaboration, its duration, industrial and intellectual property, budget, etc.
This modality shall be used preferentially for timely collaborations.
b. To affiliate the research and knowledge transfer activity.
UPF and the research entity shall sign a collaboration agreement between the institutions that shall state the different aspects concerning their relationship such as duration, general economic considerations, intellectual and industrial property and its management, the visualization and accounting of results, project management, economic considerations for specific aspects, etc.
This modality shall be used preferentially for stable collaborations.
2. UPF teaching and research staff may carry out research and knowledge transfer activities (direct projects or collaborate in them; sign research papers, reports, patents or any other document) by said research entities if UPF has previously authorized affiliation of its research activity or a specific agreement has been signed regulating such activity.
Article 3. Affiliation of research and knowledge transfer activity
3.1. Criteria for affiliation
- UPF may authorize the affiliation of the research of UPF teaching and research staff in those cases in which such affiliation represents a scientific and/or academic benefit for UPF and for the teaching and research staff.
- For the teaching and research staff, this must involve an improvement in the ability to carry out research work in a more suitable environment, more defined lines of investigation or greater funding.
- For UPF, it must involve an improvement in the amount or quality of research produced and/or of the transfer of results to the society.
- 1. UPF teaching and research staff shall apply to UPF to affiliate their research activity with the corresponding research entity, stating the reasons for it and the acceptance of the research entity. UPF may authorize affiliation upon agreement of the Research Committee and the approval of the director of the department to which they belong.
- The affiliation of the research activity of UPF teaching and research staff shall be specified in a collaboration agreement between UPF and the research entity.
- The affiliation of the research activity of teaching and research staff may terminate prior to the period established in the collaboration agreement, due to the disappearance of the causes that led to the affiliation, at the request of the entity or at the request of the interested party, or due to the loss of association of teaching and research staff with the University.
- At the end of the period of affiliation for the research activity, UPF teaching and research staff shall take up again their research activities with their department of origin with the standard conditions of the department applicable.
- UPF teaching and research staff who affiliate their research to a research entity continue to be members of UPF and fully conserve all rights and duties as UPF staff.
- Affiliation of the research activity is carried out notwithstanding lecturers' ordinary obligations as set out in the Teaching Activity Plan, and their affiliation shall not affect the department to which they belong.
- UPF shall be informed in detail as to all projects and agreements conceded to UPF teaching and research staff and managed by the research entity.
- All projects and agreements conceded to UPF teaching and research staff and managed by the research entity are considered as being of the department of origin of the teaching and research staff and in UPF for the purposes of evaluation.
- UPF teaching and research staff affiliating their research activity to a research entity shall state their belonging to UPF in all publications and documents they may generate.
- UPF teaching and research staff affiliating their research to a research entity may receive additional remuneration, in accordance with the collaboration agreement between UPF and the entity, provided this is permissible according to the general regulations governing such matters.
- The propriety of the results generated by UPF teaching and research staff whose research activity is affiliated with a research entity shall be shared between the entity and UPF, according to the terms described in the collaboration agreement signed by the two institutions.
- UPF teaching and research staff affiliating their research activity to a research entity shall not dispose of places or any other type of support for such research activity in the department to which they belong. However, when the research activity requires the use of UPF facilities and/or equipment, their use shall be set out in the collaboration agreement between the two entities.