Electronic Information and Communication System
Regulations governing the use of the Electronic Information and Communication System
Since the beginning, Pompeu Fabra University has used electronic systems in its communication and information processes as tools at the service of teaching and research. In order to structure such systems and integrate them and in order to promote their expansion to other UPF fields of action, upon resolution by the rector, the Electronic Information and Communication System has been created, a single system including the UPF website, whose information is accessible from outside; Campus Global, as intranet; and the other audiovisual communications media through which institutional information is disseminated.
Given the strategic importance of new technologies in the immediate future of UPF and in view of the expansion that these technologies will undergo in any of the areas in which the University is involved, there is a need to regulate the use of the System so that the university community is aware of the framework for action and can be involved in these electronic resources in accordance with the parameters set out and UPF's fundamental principles, notwithstanding the decentralizing principle that governs the actual configuration of the system.
Hence, the Governing Board has approved the following regulations:
One: General principles
- The Electronic Information and Communication System is a tool for use by the university community and by outside users who gain access to it for the purposes of teaching, research and management as well for as access to information and communication. The System includes the UPF website, which includes information that is accessible from the outside; the Campus Global, intranet, and other audiovisual communications media through which institutional information is disseminated.
- No information may be disseminated nor messages or images emitted that go against the principals of the University or that may go against legal ordinance or attack or show disrespect for the image, honour, dignity or the privacy of individuals.
- UPF's Electronic Information and Communication System must only be used for educational, scientific, communication and information and management activities related with the University.
- The University and the members of the university community shall not use the network for activities other than those mentioned above and neither shall they allow commercial or advertising uses, barring those authorized by the rector, with whom authorization to include sponsorship shall fall in any case.
- The name of the University as a support for activities, products or services of third parties may not be used without authorization.
- No member of the university community may hire or cede to third parties any access to or space available on the University web server obtained due to his/her condition of being a member of the university community.
- The Electronic Information and Communication System shall be used efficiently and responsibly in such a way that the rest of the university community members' activities are not disturbed. Data considered confidential or of restricted use by means of a password shall be respected, and so the other members of the university community shall respect such limitations and refrain from seeking information in said files, from obtaining copies, changing them or gaining unauthorized access with the password of a third party.
- Codes of conduct and recommendations for the university community will be drawn up concerning the use of the Electronic Information and Communication System and of the computer network in general.
Two: Cession of spaces
- The administrative or academic units of UPF may apply for space on the University's web server from the Electronic Information and Communication System Unit.
- Provision is also made for student organizations registered with UPF's Register of Student Associations and union organizations based at the University and other similar entities to apply to the Electronic Information and Communication System Unit for space on the University's web server. Academic and administrative units may also apply for space on the discs of the server with their own addresses. In all of these cases, the regulations set out in chapter five herein will not be applicable thereto.
- The cession of space shall be decided upon by the Electronic Information and Communication System Unit when applicants can accredit that they fulfil the requirements established in these rules and are committed to accepting the rules governing the use of the Electronic Information and Communication System.
- Criteria concerning the cession of space on the University's web server shall be established by the Electronic Information and Communication System Committee. The cession of University network services to third parties may only be authorized by the rector.
Three: Conditions of access
1. In UPF web and Campus Global spaces containing processes reserved for users who must identify themselves by means of a code and password, the conditions of use shall be stated, which shall be adapted in accordance with subsequent amendments or enlargements.
2. Users must accept the conditions of access prior to entering the system for the first time.
3. The conditions of access shall state:
- The aspects related with the proprietorship of the University over the contents of the pages, their design, the development of the system and codes.
- The prohibition to distribute, change, send or forward the code or the information contained on Campus Global or the UPF website with services for users as well as their commercial use, sale or cession, including when rendered free of charge.
- The possibility that users, freely and for their own personal use, may copy onto their computer or have a printed copy of the pages or screens to which they may get access.
- The prohibition to make copies, reproductions and the use, in any medium, of the images, logotypes or other identificatory signs of UPF, other than for personal use.
- Users shall be warned that the availability and due functioning of the electronic management systems are limited and conditioned by such technical elements as programmes, computer equipment, network state and overload, the supply of electricity, telephone lines and services, the performance of different operations and security copies.
- The remaining conditions deriving from these regulations.
4. (Declared null and void by the Reglament d'ús dels mitjans electrònics i del procediment administratiu electrònic en l'ambit de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
5. (Declared null and void by the Reglament d'ús dels mitjans electrònics i del procediment administratiu electrònic en l'ambit de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
6. (Declared null and void by the Reglament d'ús dels mitjans electrònics i del procediment administratiu electrònic en l'ambit de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
7. (Declared null and void by the Reglament d'ús dels mitjans electrònics i del procediment administratiu electrònic en l'ambit de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
8. The University shall adopt the necessary measures as to protect the personal data of users who use the network for their procedures.
Four: Intellectual property rights
- The intellectual property rights of the materials published on the network shall be governed by the Intellectual Property Act (LPI) and its implementing legislation, and especially, by the agreement of the Governing Board of 21 July 1999 and the rules set out below.
- No information may be disseminated via the external web that the University has contracted by means of licences with third parties for the restricted internal use of the University.
- Original work or materials protected by intellectual property law that are a part of the website or of Campus Global that may constitute a commercial product as it is considered that they may be commercialized at some time, shall be registered with the intellectual property register or the register for industrial property, accordingly.
- When a material or work published on the UPF website or on Campus Global involves some specific conditions or restrictions of use, such conditions must be stated.
- The distribution of a work to third parties constitutes an act of exploitation that requires the authorization of the copyright holder, in accordance with article 17 of the Intellectual Property Act. Therefore, the simple availability of a work on the network does not entitle its redistribution without express authorization.
- Barring when expressly prohibited, the publication of a work on the network includes authorization to carry out prints for the purposes of individual study, of research or to carry out the tasks of UPF personnel.
- The home page of the UPF website shall display the copyright symbol © followed by the name of the University and the year of dissemination.
Five: Contents
- The processing, creation and insertion of contents shall be the exclusive responsibility of the cessionaries of the space.
- The graphic design shall take into account the stipulations of the UPF Style Manual, which, in accordance with said criteria, shall be managed by the Electronic Information and Communication System Unit.
- The Web Style Manual shall also include technical and procedural aspects for creating and publishing web pages at UPF.
- UPF's electronic information shall be written in Catalan and all attempts shall be made to make versions in Spanish and in English for the UPF website, in accordance with UPF's regulations governing the use of Catalan.
- Those web pages that so require shall include a registry of metadata to make later recovery of information easier based on the criteria set out in the Web Style Manual.
Six: Administrative procedures. (Declared null and void by the Reglament d'ús dels mitjans electrònics i del procediment administratiu electrònic en l'ambit de la Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
Seven: Disciplinary system
- In accordance with the disciplinary regulations applicable to the members of the university community, the University shall sanction non-compliance with these regulations, notwithstanding the civil or criminal liabilities that may be incurred.
- The head of the Electronic Information and Communication System Unit may agree, as a precautionary or complementary measure, to suspend access to the network indefinitely or for a limited period. The vice-rector responsible for such matter shall also be informed as to this occurrence, and he/she shall decide, when applicable, as to the actions to be carried out.