By virtue of the powers vested in me by Articles 55.2 and 56 f) of the Pompeu Fabra University Statutes;


To amend the resolution by the rector of 10 March 2023 on the structure of the offices of the vice-rectors, of the Secretariat General and of other offices with general duties, as follows:

One.  Article 1 now reads:

Article 1. General structure of the offices of the vice-rectors, the Secretariat General and other offices with general duties.

The structure of the offices of the vice-rectors, the Secretariat General and other offices with general duties is as follows:

Vice-rector for Teaching and Research Staff

Vice-rector for Academic Planning

Vice-rector for Students and Alumni

Vice-rector for Research

Vice-rector for Knowledge Transfer

Vice-rector for Internationalization

Vice-rector for Culture and Communication

Vice-rector for Social Commitment and Sustainability

Secretary General

Commissioner for Language Policy

Commissioner for the UPF Group

Commissioner for Eutopia and international programmes

Two.  Article 7 now reads:

Article 7. Office of the vice-rector for Internationalization

The vice-rector for Internationalization shall, under the guidance of the rector, coordinate and oversee the following matters:

The University’s internationalization strategy

Participation in international consortia, and especially, in EUTOPIA and the projects generated around it

Participation in international networks, particularly in The Guild

Educational exchange and cooperation and mobility programmes with universities and institutions

Three.  Article 10 now reads:

Article 10. Secretariat General

The secretary general, in addition to the powers vested in him/her by Article 56 of the UPF Statutes shall, under the guidance of the rector, coordinate and oversee the following matters:

The implementation of the statutes and regulations, including the drafting of the new statutes

Support in the University’s institutional planning and administrative organization

The policy on electronic administration and support in the policy on material resources, information systems

Institutional integrity, transparency and the right of access to information

Relations with the UPF ombuds officer

Relations between the academic bodies and administrative services and the Board of Trustees, except those that fall with the rector. Also excluded are relations concerning the staff and the budget of the Board of Trustees, which fall with the general manager.

The coordination of the processes of creating and modifying the academic structure and the affiliation of centres”

Four. A new Article 13 is added, which reads:

“Article 13. Commissioner for Eutopia and international programmes

The commissioner for Eutopia and international programmes shall, under the guidance of the rector, coordinate and oversee the following matters:

The monitoring the work of the different work packages of the Eutopia More project and other Erasmus+ projects and actions related to Eutopia

The integration of Eutopia More, or similar projects, into the Eutopia initiative as a whole as a European University, together with the vice-rector for Internationalization

The strategic steering of UPF’s international programmes, in coordination with the vice-rector for internationalization"

Sole final provision

This resolution shall come into force on 1 October 2024.


Laia de Nadal Clanchet


Barcelona, 30 September 2024