Resolution by the rector of 1 July 2024 amending the Resolution of 10 March 2023 on the structure of the offices of the vice-rectors, the secretariat-general and other offices with general duties
By virtue of the powers vested in me by articles 55.2 and 56(f) of the Statutes of Pompeu Fabra University,
To amend the Resolution by the rector of 10 March 2023 on the structure of the offices of the vice-rectors, the secretariat-general and other offices with general duties, under the following terms:
One: Article 1 now reads:
“Article 1. General structure of the offices of the vice-rectors, the secretariat-general and other offices with general duties.
The structure of the offices of the vice-rectors, the secretariat-general and other offices with general duties is as follows:
- Vice-rector for Teaching and Research Staff
- Vice-rector for Academic Planning
- Vice-rector for Students and Alumni
- Vice-rector for Research
- Vice-rector for Knowledge Transfer
- Vice-rector for Internationalisation
- Vice-rector for Culture and Communication
- Vice-rector for Social Commitment and Sustainability
- Secretary-general
- Commissioner for Language Policy
- Commissioner for the UPF Group”
Two: Article 3 now reads:
“Article 3. Office of the vice-rector for Academic Planning
The vice-rector for Academic Planning coordinates and oversees, under the guidance of the rector, the following matters:
- Official bachelor’s and university master’s degrees
- UPF-endorsed degrees and their regulations
- The organisation of teaching
- Academic organisation and planning
- The promotion of official bachelor’s and master’s degree courses
- Cross-disciplinary programmes
- The University’s educational project and the supervision of the educational transformation and teaching quality processes
Three: A new Article 4 is added, which reads:
“Article 4. Vice-rector for Students and Alumni
The vice-rector for Students and Alumni coordinates and oversees, under the guidance of the rector, the following matters:
- Policies related to the student body
- The promotion and monitoring of participation by student groups and associations in University life, including sports activities
- Liaising with the UPF Student Council, student representatives in the governing bodies, delegates and, in general, student representatives as a whole
- The coordination of calls for scholarships and grants intended to encourage student participation, including their resolution
- Policy and projects for the support and participation of alumni
- Promotion and supervision of the Chapters Alumni UPF initiative”
Four: Article 4, which is renumbered Article 5, now reads as follows:
“Article 5. Office of the vice-rector for Research
The vice-rector for Research coordinates and oversees, under the guidance of the rector, the following matters:
- Internal and external scientific strategy and policy, programmes and research grants
- Research organisation (research bodies) and infrastructure
- The scientific and technical services and facilities for research
- Scientific output, its assessment and the Open Science strategy
- The relationship with research centres and other scientific institutions
- The doctorate, without prejudice to the competences of the director of the Doctoral School”
Five: Article 8, which is renumbered Article 9, now reads as follows:
“Article 9. Office of the vice-rector for Social Commitment and Sustainability
The vice-rector for Social Commitment and Sustainability coordinates and oversees, under the guidance of the rector, the following matters:
- Development cooperation, solidarity and volunteering
- Inclusion and equality policies
- Health promotion
- The environmental sustainability strategy, actions linked to the SDGs and the 2030 Agenda
- The alignment of the Planetary Wellbeing initiative with UPF’s sustainability policies”
Six: Articles 11 and 13 are removed.
Seven: Articles 5, 6, 7, 9 and 10 are renumbered as Articles 6, 7, 8, 10 and 11, respectively.
Final provision
Any references to the office of the vice-rector for Academic Planning and Students which appear in any regulation, provision or resolution that pre-dates this amendment shall be taken as referring to the functions set out in the Resolution of 10 March 2023 on the structure of the offices of the vice-rectors, the secretariat-general and other offices with general duties, once amended by this resolution and as of the date of its signature.
Laia de Nadal Clanchet
Barcelona, 1 July 2024