Resolution by the rector of 1 July 2024 amending the Resolution of 10 March 2023 on the delegation of powers to the vice-rectors and secretary-general
In view of the Resolution by the rector of 1 July 2024 amending Resolution 10 March 2023 on the structure of the offices of the vice-rectors, the secretariat-general and other offices with general duties;
In view of Law 26/2010, of 3 August, on the legal system and procedure for the public administrations in Catalonia and the Law of the legal system and public administration and common administrative procedure;
By virtue of the powers vested in me by Article 55.2 of the Statutes of Pompeu Fabra University,
To amend the Resolution by the rector of 10 March 2023 on the delegation of powers to the vice-rectors and secretary-general, under the following terms:
One: Article 2 is amended to read:
“Article 2. Delegation of powers to the office of the vice-rector for Academic Planning
The vice-rector for Academic Planning, as delegated by the rector, shall exercise the following powers:
- Chair the Academic Planning Committee.
- Chair the Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies Committee.
- Chair the Education Committee.
- Chair the Academic Credit Recognition Committee.
- Chair the Quality Committee.
- The call, resolution and all matters related to the awarding of grants pertaining to the Quality and Innovation Support Plan, including their revocation.
- Sign applications for the verification of any submitted official degree qualifications, and sign all other documents provided for in the verification procedure. This includes the signing of requests for the verification and amendment of official qualifications before the Ministry of Universities, or before the corresponding competent authorities, through the application, as well as that of all other documents provided for in the verification and amendment procedure.
- Sign applications for institutional accreditation before the Ministry of Universities, or before the corresponding competent authorities.
- Make decisions regarding University application procedures and authorise access for students with a foreign degree that is not officially recognised to university master’s degrees.
- Make decisions regarding applications concerning part-time dedication to studies and the reversal of the situation.
- Make decisions regarding extraordinary applications concerning progression in studies and continuance.
- Establish the criteria to allow the teaching of subjects with fewer than the authorised number of students.
- Make decisions regarding the procedures set out in the academic regulations, when such procedures do not fall with other bodies, except appeals concerning credit recognition when the decision on recognition lies with another vice-rector and except cases for which a report is required from the committee responsible for postgraduate and doctoral matters.
- Exercise the powers conferred to the rector by the regulations governing UPF-endorsed studies.
- Authorise access by foreign graduates to UPF-endorsed degree courses.
- Grant, where proposed by the competent bodies, the teacher seniority bonus.”
Two: A new Article 3 is added, which reads:
“Article 3. Delegation of powers to the office of the vice-rector for Students and Alumni
The vice-rector for Students and Alumni, as delegated by the rector, shall exercise the following powers:
- Chair the Students Committee.
- Chair the Jury of the Graduation Special Award.
- Chair the Jury for the selection of scholarships/cooperation
- Chair the committees for calls for grants and scholarships for official studies, except doctoral studies.
- Recognition of academic activities, except those delegated to another vice-rector’s office.
- Resolve applications for the recognition of credits for university activities, without prejudice to the provisions of the academic recognition regulations for credits for language learning in undergraduate studies.
- Decisions relating to the registration of student associations in the register of associations, except those relating to the authorisation of the use of the University’s name and the registered offices at UPF.
- Fast-track initiation, processing and decisions concerning student disciplinary proceedings.
- Make decisions on all matters related to grants and scholarships for official studies, except doctoral studies.
- The call, resolution and all matters related to annual grants for student associations, including their revocation.”
Three: Articles 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 and 12 are renumbered as Articles 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 and 13, respectively.
Laia de Nadal Clanchet
Barcelona, 1 July 2024