Resolution by the rector 24 july 2023 appointing an alternate in her duties during the holiday period.
Article 13 of Law 40/2015, of 1 October, on the legal regime of the public sector, establishes the procedure for agreeing on alternates of administrative bodies in the event of vacancy of office, absence or illness.
Article 54 of the Statutes of the Pompeu Fabra University provides that in the event of the rector’s absence, impediment or vacancy of office, the vice-rector appointed by the rector will assume her functions.
Given that the rector will be absent from Pompeu Fabra University from 31 July to 27 August 2023, both inclusive, it is necessary to establish her replacement to cover all situations that may arise.
Therefore, pursuant to Article 52 of the Statutes of Pompeu Fabra University,
One. To appoint the vice-rector for Social Commitment and Sustainability, professor Eva Pujadas Capdevila, to replace the rector in her duties from 31 July to 4 August 2023, both inclusive.
Two. To appoint the vice-rector for Culture and Communication, professor Raquel Bouso Garcia, to replace the rector in her functions from 5 August to 13 August 2023, both inclusive.
Three. To appoint the vice-rector for Research, professor Cristina Pujadas Corbi, to replace the rector in her functions from 14 August to 20 August 2023, both inclusive.
Four. To appoint the vice-rector for Knowledge Transfer, professor Vanesa Daza Fernández, to replace the rector in her functions from 21 August to 27 August 2023, both inclusive.
Five. To establish that in the resolutions issued and the proceedings undertaken as a result of this substitution, such circumstance must be recorded, the head of the body in the replacement of whom they are adopted (rector), and the person who is effectively exercising this replacement must be specified.
Six. To repeal the previous Resolution by the rector of 18 July 2023 appointing an alternate in her duties during the holiday period.
Laia de Nadal Clanchet
Barcelona 24 july 2023