Regulations governing the Document Loans Service of the UPF Library/CRAI
UPF’s Library/CRAI document loaning service is available to all members of the university community and other persons expressly authorized. Its regulations aim to promote the use of UPF’s documentary fonds or through consortium loans (PUC), from the fonds of member institutions of the Consortium of University Services of Catalonia (CSUC), ensuring their conservation with maximum guarantees.
Article 1. Purpose
1.1. The document loaning service available at the Library/CRAI at Pompeu Fabra University aims to provide users with the documents they need to carry out their university activities (study, teaching, research, etc.).
1.2. To achieve this, there are two ways to get access to documents:
1.2.1. Loan of documents
The loaning service aims to allow users to use documents of UPF’s Library/CRAI or of other member institutions of the CSUC, in the best conditions and in accordance with their information needs. This can be done in two ways:
The loaning of UPF documents is a service available to all members of the UPF community. It includes the book collection in all physical media.
Consortium loans (PUC) is a service loaning documents in any physical medium available to the members of CSUC institutions, including UPF.
1.2.2. Interlibrary loaning (ILL)
The interlibrary loaning service aims for the Library/CRAI to be able to obtain all documents it does not stock to supply them to the users who need them. It includes lending both the original documents and obtaining copies. Reciprocally, it loans or copies UPF Library/CRAI documents to provide to other libraries.
Article 2. Users
2.1. Users of the document loaning service
2.1.1. At UPF, the following will enjoy the status of users of the document loaning service: students at the University, whether they are taking official or UPF studies; teaching and research staff; administrative and service staff and other persons expressly authorized or that belong to entities with which an agreement is established for the use of the document loan service.
2.1.2. Authorizations can be temporary or indefinite. Temporary authorizations are granted by the heads of the Library/CRAI, and indefinite ones by Library Management. Authorizations may be revoked. Authorizations resulting from an agreement shall be subject to the validity of the agreement in question.
2.1.3. The users of PUC are the members of the institutions pertaining to the CSUC, including UPF, and to some libraries associated with the BID (Libraries, Information and Documentation) Area of the CSUC, and belong to the following categories: undergraduate, postgraduate, master’s degree and doctoral students; university teaching and research staff and users of the Library of Catalonia; university administration and service staff and the employees of the Library of Catalonia, and other users authorized by these institutions.
2.2. Users of the interlibrary loaning service
2.2.1. When the Library/CRAI acts as borrower, the following will enjoy the status of users of the interlibrary loaning service: students at the University, whether they are taking official or UPF studies; teaching and research staff; administrative and service staff and other persons expressly authorized or that belong to entities with which an agreement is established for the use of the interlibrary loaning service.
2.2.2. When the Library/CRAI acts as lender, it does so always institutionally, both at the request of the libraries of the CSUC, under the interlibrary loaning agreement, and at the request of the libraries of the REBIUN (Spanish university libraries) network or of other public and private, national and international libraries and institutions.
Article 3. Formalization of applications and user validation
3.1. UPF document loaning
Users can request documents through the UPF catalogue or take them straight from the shelf. To make a reservation, users must be validated in the computer system with their UPF username and password. To formalize the loan of documents, they must show their University card or another identification document instead.
3.2. Consortium loans (PUC)
Users can request documents through the collective catalogue or go in person to the library of the institution that owns the document (in situ loan). To make a reservation, users must be validated in the computer system with their institutional username and password.
To formalize the loan of documents, users must present the card of their institution, whether they borrow from their library or they borrow from the library of the institution that owns the document.
3.3. Interlibrary loaning
Users can request documents via the online interlibrary loaning form, where they must be validated using their UPF username and password.
If not part of the UPF community, a username and password must be applied for previously using the interlibrary loaning application.
Article 4. UPF documents with limited lending
Most documents belonging to the Library/CRAI book collection are available for loan.
In order to ensure their due conservation or to facilitate more intensive use, loan limitation measures are applied: some documents are excluded and others have shorter loan periods or limited availability.
4.1. Documents not on loan
The following documents will not be loaned:
a) Old, rare and precious documents.
b) Unpublished theses, dissertations, final year projects and papers.
c) Documents from unique collections.
d) Documents loaned for shorter periods (Art. 4.2) are excluded from PUC.
e) Documents which, in the opinion of the heads of the Library/CRAI, should be excluded from the loan service.
4.2. Documents loaned for shorter periods
There is a series of documents loaned to UPF users for shorter periods. They are:
a) Reference works (encyclopaedias, dictionaries, catalogues, bibliographies, atlases, cartographic materials and the like).
b) Documents from the recommended bibliography.
c) Serial publications (journals, series and the like), which can be borrowed by faculty and research staff.
d) Some audiovisual documents.
e) Modern documents already out of print and difficult to replace.
f) Frequently consulted documents, of which the Library/CRAI has only one copy.
e) Documents which, in the opinion of the heads of the Library/CRAI, should be loaned for shorter periods.
Article 5. Loan conditions
5.1. UPF document loaning
5.1.1. Number of documents
The number of documents users described in Article 2.1 can take out at any one time is:
–UPF undergraduate students: ten (10) UPF documents
–UPF postgraduate students: thirty (30) UPF documents
–UPF teaching and research staff: sixty (60) UPF documents
–UPF administration and service staff: sixty (10) UPF documents
-Persons expressly authorized or belonging to entities with which an agreement is established: ten (10) UPF documents
-Users of the institutions of the CSUC and of some libraries associated with the BID Area of the CSUC: ten (10) documents (for the whole PUC)
5.1.2. Loan categories, deadlines and renewals Regular category
– Loan of twenty-one (21) days:
Available for all users.
Applies to all documents that have no loan restriction.
– Loan of seven (7) days:
Available for all users of UPF; not applicable to the PUC.
Applies to documents of the recommended bibliography (Section b) of Article 4.2.
– One (1) day loan:
Available for all users of UPF; not applicable to the PUC.
Applies to the documents specified in Article 4.2, except those of section b).
These loans must be returned at the latest, during the first working day after the day the loan was made.
Common category loans can be renewed up to six (6) times if the documents have not been requested by other users and provided renewals are made within the deadline of the loan. Specific categories for UPF teaching and research staff
– Has a loan period of one (1) year.
– Applies to all documents that have no loan restriction.
– Documents in deposit, having exceeded twenty-one (21) days of loan, may be requested by the staff of the Library/CRAI if other users ask to borrow them. Teaching and research staff have a maximum of four (4) days to return the document, which will be given back to them if requested and after the end of loaning to other users, who cannot renew it.
– These loans can be renewed for periods of a maximum of one (1) year.
Research fonds:
– Has a loan period of two (2) years.
– Applies to documents acquired with research grants that can be borrowed by the teaching and research staff responsible for the grant. These documents cannot be reserved by other users.
– These loans can be renewed by periods of a maximum of two (2) years.
5.2. Consortium loans (PUC)
Are offered to the members of the institutions pertaining to the CSUC, including UPF, and to some libraries associated with the BID (Libraries, Information and Documentation) Area of the CSUC (Art. 2.1.2).
Each institution determines which documents it excludes from consortium loans for reasons of use, conservation, copyright or others.
The conditions of the PUC are:
– Ten (10) documents on loan: it includes both those which the user has requested or has borrowed via PUC and those already returned and are being sent to the owner library.
– Loan term is twenty-one (21) days:
– Six (6) renewals per document: renewals can be made provided that the documents have not been reserved by other users and are made within the term of the loan period.
5.3. Interlibrary loaning
5.3.1. Documents received from other libraries Documents received through the interlibrary loan service have different availability according to whether they are originals or reproductions of originals:
a) Original documents: these documents are loaned by other centres to the UPF Library/CRAI, not to users. The lending library determines the conditions of use of documents, both as regards the period of availability and their consultation and the reproduction of documents, renewals, etc. The UPF Library/CRAI informs users of this in each case.
B)) Reproductions of original documents: these documents, except in the case of theses, become the property of the users who have requested them. The Library/CRAI can save a copy of them if it considers them of interest to the University. Users must comply with current legislation regarding the intellectual propriety of original documents or reproductions received on loan.
5.3.2. Documents served to other libraries When the Library/CRAI acts as lender, it receives loan requests from other libraries and provides the documents requested, provided they comply with the rules of these regulations. When the requested documents belong to any of the types listed in Article 4, UPF documents with limited lending, the Library/CRAI can serve them a copy of the original, as long as the physical conditions, intellectual property rights or other circumstances so allow. The duration of the loan for documents on loan to other centres is forty-five (45) calendar days from the date of despatch, and must be returned within this period.
5.3.3. Fees
The use of the interlibrary loaning service is subject to the payment of fees approved annually by the competent governing bodies and published on the University website, whether the Library acts as the borrowing centre or the lender.
Article 6. Documents unreturned or returned damaged
6.1. Users receiving loaned documents must ensure their integrity and good conservation.
6.2. Users must return the documents at the end of the loan period, provided that they have no renewal authorized, and in the same physical conditions in which they were loaned to them.
6.3. If the documents are not returned on the established date:
For the duration of the delay, users may not take out documents on loan and neither are they eligible for borrowing laptop computers.
From the date of return of the delayed-return documents, one (1) day’s blockage for each document and for each day of delay will be applied. Days of blockage will be counted in calendar days.
6.4. Should it not be possible to return the documents or if they are returned damaged, users must replace them with copies of the same edition. If the documents to be replaced are out of stock, users must purchase other ones of similar characteristics. Until this is fulfilled, users are excluded from using the document and the laptop loan services, regardless of other measures that may be applied.
Final provision
It is up to the heads of the Library/CRAI to ensure compliance with the regulations and to take the appropriate measures to ensure the smooth running of the service.