Agreement of the Board of Governors of 3 March 2010, amended by the resolutions of the Board of Governors dated 2 March 2011, the agreement of the Board of Governors of 4 February 2015 and the agreement of the Board of Governors of 6 July of 2016

(This translation into English is of an informative nature. The official version is originally in Catalan.)


Article 1. Object and scope of application

1. These rules aim to regulate the admission of students who apply to change university or partial official Spanish university studies, as well as the admission of students with partial or total foreign university studies who have not obtained official recognition of their degree in Spain and who fulfil the requirements set out in article 8.3 of the academic rules for degree courses, passed by agreement of the Board of Governors of 9 July 2008.

2. It shall apply for admission to the degree courses governed by Royal Decree 1393/2007, dated 29 October, establishing the organization of official university courses.


Article 2. Publication of the call and information concerning the process

Each year, the vice-rector responsible for access to the university shall issue, prior to the commencement of the period for presenting the corresponding applications, a call that will be published on the website of the institution and that shall contain, at least, the following information:

a) The deadline for presenting applications, which shall be a general deadline for the whole of the University.
b) The admissions requirements and selection criteria set out in these regulations
c) The number of places available for this type of admission.
d)The calendar for the procedure.


Article 3. Requirements for admission

The essential requirements for students' admission are as follow:

a) Students must, according to whether they have pursued studies in Spain or abroad, have at least 30 credits recognized or validated in the studies for which they wish to be admitted. Under no circumstances shall the degree final project be subject to recognition.
b) At the university of origin, students must have passed 50% of the credits corresponding to the first year of the studies in the first year of registration. 
c) The continuance rules of the university of origin concerning the number of examination calls must not have been exhausted.
d) Fulfil the requirements set out in the degree regulations regarding the limits of credit recognition.


Article 4. Candidate selection

4.1. The admissions process shall be carried out in accordance with the principles of equality, merit and ability. All applications received shall be assessed in accordance with the selection criteria included herein.

In the event that the number of applications is greater than the number of available places, the following selection process shall be applicable:

Stage 1.

This stage shall assess applications up to a maximum of 11 points, in accordance with the following criteria:

a) On the one hand, the university access grade shall be taken into account and a maximum of five points may be obtained.
b) On the other, the student's academic transcript shall be analyzed for his/her studies at the university of origin up until the deadline for the presentation of the application for admission. This analysis shall ascertain that requirements b), c) and d) of article 3 are fulfilled, and the degree of affinity and academic suitability of the subjects passed in the university studies begun with the teachings for which access is being applied shall be evaluated, up until a maximum of 5 points.
c) Students coming from EHEA education systems shall be granted 1 supplementary point.

Having got past stage 1, a list will be published on the institutional website together with the corresponding score of admitted and non-admitted candidates, together with the waiting list.

Stage 2.

At this stage, only persons admitted at Stage 1 shall take part, who shall present an application for the study of credit recognition shall be submitted following the procedure as set out in the call. In accordance with the deadlines set out in the call, the final list of students admitted to each course shall be published.

2. It shall fall with the deans and centre directors to direct the admissions process and submit all proposals for admission to the rector.

3. The rector, or the vice-rector in whom he/she may delegate, shall decide as to applications for admission.


Article 5. Transcript transfer

Pompeu Fabra University shall issue the corresponding accreditation to admitted students. They shall ask the university of origin to process the transfer of the academic transcript.


Article 6. Application for admission and recognition of credits

1. The application for admission and recognition of credits shall be addressed to the dean or director of the centre organizing the course to which access is desired, and shall be submitted to the place stated in the call

2. The application for admission shall be accompanied by the following documents:

- Original and photocopy of the DNI (ID card) or passport
- A photocopy of the certificates that allowed access to the university
- An academic certificate stating the subjects, the number of credits and the grades obtained in the original degree course and the average of the transcript
- Proof of payment of the application for admission, if applicable

2bis). Application for credit recognition must be accompanied by the following documents:

- A breakdown of the subjects for which recognition or validation is being applied for, indicating the specific equivalence with the target subjects to be studied.
- A photocopy of the syllabus followed, duly stamped by the corresponding centre.
- A photocopy of the teaching plan or programme of the subjects studied, including the field of study to which they pertain, duly stamped by the corresponding centre

- Proof of payment of the public price corresponding to the application for the study of credit recognition

3. Documents issued abroad shall fulfil the following requirements:

a) They must be official and be issued by the due competent authorities, in accordance with the legal requirements of the country in question.
b) They shall be submitted legalised by diplomatic channels or, when applicable, by means of the Hague Convention Apostille. This is not required for documents issued by EU member state authorities or European Higher Education Area signatories.
c)They shall be accompanied, when applicable, by the corresponding official translation into Spanish or Catalan.

4. In the event that the applicant has already obtained recognition of the number of credits required in the same teachings of Pompeu Fabra University prior to applying for admission, this shall be expressly stated in the application within the same deadline, and the same documents as set out in this article must be presented, barring the one dealing with recognition.

Procedures governing admission at higher education centres affiliated to Pompeu Fabra University whose resolution, in accordance with these regulations, falls with the dean or director of the centre, shall be resolved by the body designated by the affiliated centres. In the same way, applications for admission to these courses must be submitted directly to the corresponding affiliated higher education centre.


Sole repealing provision. Regulatory repeal

Chapter 1 of the "Regulations governing student admission, recognition of the academic value of courses, simultaneous studies and re-enrolment to Pompeu Fabra University", passed by agreement of the Governing Board of 17 May 2000, amended by agreements of the Board of Governors of 2 May 2007, 18 July 2007 and 3 October 2007 is hereby repealed.