Resolution by the rector of 10th March 2023 on the delegation of powers to the vice-rectors and the secretary-general
In view of the resolution of 10 March 2023 on the structure of the offices of the vice-rectors, the secretariat-general and other offices with general duties;
In view of Law 26/2010, of 3 August, on the legal system and procedure for the public administrations in Catalonia and Law 40/2015, of 1 October on the legal system of the public sector;
By the powers granted to me by Article 55.2 of the Statutes of Pompeu Fabra University,
Article 1. Delegation of powers to the office of the vice-rector for Teaching and Research Staff
The vice-rector for Teaching and Research Staff, as delegated by the rector, shall exercise the following powers:
- Chair the Pompeu Fabra University Teaching Staff Committee.
- Issue all standard documents and decisions concerning public selection procedures for teaching staff positions, except those of calls and appointments.
- Issue all standard documents and decisions concerning public selection procedures for contracted teaching staff positions and researchers undergoing training, except those of calls.
- Authorize the temporary coverage of teaching staff positions and formalize the corresponding appointment.
- Formalize the contract of lecturers hired on a temporary basis, both for official and UPF-endorsed degree course studies, and for hired researchers and researchers undergoing training and declare their termination.
- Grant licences to conduct studies for teaching and research activities that are the responsibility of the rector and establish the remuneration that the lecturer enjoying such may receive.
- Declare administrative situations, barring the suspension of employment.
- Issue the decisions relating to the system of teaching staff incompatibilities.
- Fast-track initiation, processing and decisions concerning disciplinary proceedings of lecturers.
- Grant venia docendi to the teaching staff.
Article 2. Delegation of powers to the office of the vice-rector for Academic Planning and Students
The vice-rector for Academic Planning and Students, as delegated by the rector, shall exercise the following powers:
Concerning teachings:
- Chair the Academic Planning Committee.
- Chair the Postgraduate and Doctoral Studies Committee.
- Chair the Education Committee.
- Chair the Academic Credit Recognition Committee.
- Chair the Quality Committee.
- Chair the Jury of the Graduation Special Award.
- The call, the resolution and all matters related to the awarding of grants pertaining to the Quality and Innovation Support Plan, including their revocation.
- Sign applications for the verification of official degree qualifications submitted, and sign all other documents provided for in the verification procedure. This includes the signing of requests for the verification and amendment of official qualifications before the Ministry of Universities, or before the corresponding competent authority, through its application, as well as that of all other documents provided for in the verification and amendment procedure.
- Sign applications for institutional accreditation before the Ministry of Universities, or before the corresponding competent authority.
- Recognition of academic activities, except those that are delegated to another vice-rector’s office.
- Resolve applications for the recognition of credits for university activities, without prejudice to the provisions of the academic recognition regulations for credits for language learning in undergraduate studies.
- Take decisions regarding University application procedures and authorize access for students with a foreign degree not officially recognized to university master’s degrees.
- Take decisions regarding applications concerning part-time dedication to studying and the reversal of the situation.
- Take decisions regarding applications concerning progression in studies and continuance.
- Establish the criteria to allow the provision of subjects with fewer than the authorized number of students.
- Take decisions regarding the procedures set out in the academic regulations, when such do not fall with other bodies, except appeals in issues concerning credit recognition when the decision on recognition lies with another vice-rector and except cases for which a report is required from the committee responsible for postgraduate and doctoral matters.
- Exercise the powers conferred to the rector by the regulations governing UPF-endorsed studies.
- Authorize access by foreign graduates to UPF-endorsed degree courses.
- Grant, on the proposal of the competent bodies, the teacher seniority bonus.
Concerning students
- Chair the Students Committee.
- Chair the Jury for the Selection of scholarships-collaboration.
- Chair the committees for the calls for grants and scholarships to official studies, barring doctoral ones.
- The decisions relating to the registration of student associations in the register of associations, except those relating to the authorization of the use of the University's name and of the registered office at UPF.
- Fast-track initiation, processing and decisions concerning student disciplinary proceedings.
- Take all decisions regarding all matters related with grants and scholarships to official studies, barring doctoral ones.
- The call, resolution and all matters related to the annual grants to student associations, including their revocation.
- Article 3. Delegation of powers to the office of the vice-rector for Research
- The vice-rector for Research, as delegated by the rector, shall exercise the following powers:
- Chair the Research Committee.
- The call, the resolution and all matters related to the awarding of grants pertaining to the Quality and Innovation Support Plan, including their revocation.
- Sign agreements/protocols for research purposes, except agreements for industrial doctorate programmes.
- Sign applications for grants and projects promoted by other authorities and bodies in matters of research and documents resulting therefrom.
- Enter into contracts for access to third-party data (DTA) and access to biological material (MTA).
- Exercise the powers of the Commissioner for the UPF Research Park.
- Take decisions regarding applications for the affiliation of UPF teaching and research staff to research bodies.
- Decide upon appeals in the procedures of the academic regulations of the doctoral programme, when they are not the responsibility of other bodies.
Article 4. Delegation of powers to the office of the vice-rector for Knowledge Transfer
The vice-rector for Knowledge Transfer, as delegated by the rector, shall exercise the following powers:
- Sign agreements/protocols for transfer and entrepreneurship purposes, and agreements for industrial doctorate programmes.
- Enter into contracts or collaboration agreements on entrepreneurship-related matters.
- Formalize applications for grants and projects promoted by other authorities and bodies in matters of transfer and entrepreneurship and documents resulting therefrom.
- Enter into contracts signed under Article 83 of the Universities Act whose purpose is to conduct tasks of a scientific, technical or artistic nature, and all documents necessary for their conclusion.
- Sign contracts on matters of R&D&I, and submit offers in all award procedures called by any public or private entity, and sign all documents required to legalize public sector contracts, including contracts in the event that the University is awarded the contract.
- Enter into licence agreements for the transfer of intellectual and industrial property rights.
- Enter into confidentiality agreements to exchange or access confidential information.
- Authorizations and applications to file and register patents, prototypes and other types of industrial property and applications to protect the software and other results of the research activities held by the University for intellectual property rights and trade secret.
- Sign all necessary documents for the creation of technology-based companies in whose capital the University participates, under the terms provided for in the current legislation, corporate documents that require signing, representation of the University at the general meetings or boards of directors unless the latter is granted to another member of UPF staff, as well as enter into other agreements resulting from the creation and operation of the aforementioned companies.
- The documents resulting from the application of anti-dilution clauses included in shareholder agreements (transfer of shares in capital injections).
Article 5. Delegation of powers to the office of the vice-rector for Internationalization
The vice-rector for Internationalization, as delegated by the rector, shall exercise the following powers:
- Chair the Internationalization Committee.
- Award scholarships or grants to UPF students who participate in exchange programmes or in other mobility programmes.
- Certify the credentials of students who enter another university within an exchange program.
- Sign specific agreements for the completion of specific courses and activities within the UPF Study Abroad Programme.
- Sign the documents for signature by the legal representative of UPF in the Erasmus programme and other programmes for the exchange and mobility of members of the University community.
- Award Erasmus scholarships or grants for the mobility of personnel.
- The announcement and resolution, when such do not fall with another body, as well as all matters related to grants and scholarships approved by the competent bodies in international affairs, including, where appropriate, the revocation of the grant or scholarship.
Article 6. Delegation of powers to the office of the vice-rector for Culture and Communication
The vice-rector for Culture and Communication, as delegated by the rector, shall exercise the following powers:
- Chair the Culture Committee.
Article 7. Delegation of powers to the office of the vice-rector for Social Commitment and Sustainability
The vice-rector for Social Commitment and Sustainability, as delegated by the rector, shall exercise the following powers:
- Chair the evaluation committees for grants for social commitment and sustainable development.
- Chair the Committee for the Investigation into Psychological Abuse.
- Call, resolve and handle all matters related to grants for social commitment and sustainable development activities, including the revocation of grants.
- Sign diplomas or certificates of the activities of classrooms for the elderly (AFOPA).
- The resolution and all matters related to the awarding of grants to research projects on Planetary Wellbeing, including their revocation.
Article 8. Delegation of powers to the secretary-general
The secretary-general, as delegated by the rector, shall exercise the following powers:
- Coordinate relations with the representatives of all groups of the University Senate.
- Authorize use of the name of UPF in the title of student associations or other entities and the establishment of UPF as their registered address.
Article 9. Delegation of powers on agreements and applications for grants and subsidies
The following powers are delegated to all vice-rectors and the secretary-general:
- Sign institutional agreements with other public and private bodies and entities in the scope of his/her powers, unless signature thereof is reserved for the rector.
- The application for grants or subsidies on behalf of the University before public or private bodies within the scope of their powers, and of the resulting documents.
Article 10. Coordination of committees chaired by delegation of the rector
1. For the purposes of establishing coordination mechanisms that allow coherent action in the various areas that correspond to the different committees at Pompeu Fabra University, the operation of the committees chaired by delegation of the rector shall be subject to the following rules:
- The setting of the agenda of the meetings, as well as the accompanying documentation, shall fall with the chairperson of the committee, with the approval of the rector.
- The chairpersons of the committees shall report the decisions taken to the rector.
- The chairpersons of the committees or, by indication thereof, the secretaries, shall provide the secretary-general with a copy of the minutes of the meetings once approved.
- The agreements reached by the committees that require further approval by the Board of Governors or the Board of Trustees, or by their respective delegate committees, shall be forwarded with a certificate issued by the secretary of the committee to the secretariat-general of the University.
- The submission of draft agreements to the Board of Trustees falls solely with the rector.
2. Agreements reached by the committees whose nature so requires, shall be published by the secretary-general in the UPF electronic media.
Article 11. Non-delegation of official UPF communications
Official UPF communications addressing the education authorities or other authorities or administrations, as well as the submission of general information, shall fall exclusively with the rector.
Article 12. Requirements for resolutions issued by delegation
Administrative decisions adopted pursuant to this delegation shall be deemed to have been issued by the rector and therefore shall exhaust the path of administrative recourse. The delegated powers include issuing the certificate of administrative silence and the decision of those appeals lodged against acts issued by delegation. The documents issued shall bear in the signature the words “by delegation” abbreviated to “P. D.”, followed by the rank and the date of the decision.
The powers delegated by this decision may be advocated by the rector for his/her knowledge and for the decision of those matters he/she may deem appropriate in accordance with the provisions of Article 9 of Law 26/2010, of 3 August, on the legal system and procedure for the public administrations in Catalonia and Article 10 of Law 40/2015, on the legal regime of the public sector.
Sole additional provision.
In the event of references to delegations in the offices of the vice-rectors included in the UPF regulations, the delegations set out herein shall apply.
Sole repealing provision
The Resolution by the rector of 31 May 2021 delegating powers to the vice-rectors and the secretary-general, and the amendments of 22 September 2021, 15 February 2022 and 8 March 2023 are repealed.
Laia de Nadal Clanchet
Barcelona, 10th of March 2023