The magazine of Pompeu Fabra University

Presentation Summary

2. Community

Diversity, uniqueness and excellence: a quarter of a century researching and teaching medicine and life sciences

Twenty-five years ago, UPF embarked on a new venture: inaugurating the Faculty of Health and Life Sciences and offering its first degree in science, specifically, in Human Biology. The task entailed creating a unique new heterogeneous department, staffed with inquisitive and committed researchers, who have helped the institution grow and become a benchmark in Spain.

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3. Zoom

‘High-level sport has given me values such as sacrifice, perseverance and discipline, which are essential in medicine’

Jana Cid and Èlia Saura combine classes and hospital work with the tatami and track, respectively. Both are studying medicine on the Mar campus and both are elite athletes in UPF’s Tutoresport programme.

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5. Profile

The intersection of humanities and technologies can be key to tackling the challenges of planetary wellbeing

Marco Madella is an ICREA research professor and coordinator of the Culture and Socio-Ecological Dynamics (CASEs) research group in the Department of Humanities at UPF. He holds a PhD in archaeology from the University of Cambridge and specializes in archaeobotany and environmental archaeology

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6. From campus

ARSENAL aims to project the university’s talent and innovation outwards

The ARSENAL ecosystem supports academic work and projects by UPF students and alumni with a view to enabling their transfer to society in the form of products or services. At the same time, it helps the university keep its finger on the pulse of the latest innovations and trends.

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7. In network

Students from around the world train in artificial intelligence through the first UPF-coordinated Erasmus Mundus programme

Being part of the Erasmus Mundus network has made it possible to attract student talent from around the world to this master’s programme in artificial intelligence, which UPF is offering jointly with Sapienza University of Rome (Italy), Radboud University (Netherlands) and the University of Ljubljana (Slovenia).

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8. Our alumni

‘Data are important, but ultimately the goal is to offer people better public services’

Didac Fàbregas, a member of the 2016 class in Political and Administrative Sciences at UPF, moved to the United Kingdom five years ago to pursue an MS in Social Science of the Internet at Oxford University.

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9. Inaugural Poster

Cristina BanBan: “I wanted to make a reference to the figure of Rodin’s Thinker, a symbol of the dreamer and creation”

Download the poster in jpg (18,3 MB) Read the interview

10. Quiztime

Dorothy Johnson Vaughan, space race pioneer

Have a go!

11. tres60

‘Thinking refuges’, an installation by Isaac Cordal that encourages reflection on progress

The work, located at the entrance to the Dipòsit de les Aigües on the Ciutadella campus and part of the UPF Art Track, transforms a set of bookshelves into a building in which each shelf becomes a ‘thinking cabin’, housing a total of 15 small human figures.

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12. Panoramic view

UPF Highlights