Paper at the UAB Nov 2019
Marta Tafalla, with the collaboration of the Philosophy Department at Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona (UAB) organized the seminar "Emergència Climàtica declarada! I ara que fem" (Climatic Emergence declared! And now what?) on 29th November 2019. During the event, up to 7 panelists reflected and discussed on topics related to climatic science, ethics, ideology, and anthropocentrism.
Núria Almiron presented the paper "Negacionisme del canvi climàtic. Grups d'interès i ideologia" (Climate change denial. Interest groups and ideology), where she summarized the results achieved by THINKClima during the first 3 years of the project and introduced some of the new data the group is preparing for publication.
All talks are available here.