Vés enrere The 7th edition of the Conference of Interdisciplinary Predoctoral Researchers

The 7th edition of the Conference of Interdisciplinary Predoctoral Researchers

The 7th JIPI 2019 which will take place the 4th February 2019


The 7th edition of the Conference of Interdisciplinary Predoctoral Researchers (known by its Spanish acronym as JIPI). This conference has become a meeting point for all predoctoral researchers in Catalonia. It offers the possibility to meet researchers of many other fields, learn about their interests and put ideas in common. It also aims at answering some unpleasant questions such as:

Who might be interested in my research?

Is it useful?

What can I do after the PhD?

The conference consists on a series of short talks (flash talks) divided in various sessions along the event. The fields addressed go from Physics or Engineering to Medicine, Sociology or Philology, as in the previous editions, and we welcome all fields of knowledge! You can also present your research as a poster during one of our coffee breaks. You can find all the information in our website. Additionally, some debates, networking activities and workshops will take place during the day.

The 7th JIPI will be held on Monday February the 4th at the Paranymph of the historical building of the University of Barcelona at Universitat Square (Metro stop: Universitat L1/L2). Attendance to the meeting is free and open to any PhD candidate and registration is required either for just attending to the event or if you want to contribute with a flash talk or present a poster.

The deadline for submitting the abstract for flash talk or poster is Friday January the 4th and the registration deadline is January 12th, 2019.

More information, including the registration form and selection criteria can be found at our website (www.jipi.cat/en).

For any doubts or comments, please contact us at [email protected] or through our twitter account @jipi_bcn.



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