Cada curs acadèmic, CÍCLIKS organitza activitats formatives per impulsar la recerca i la millora i el desenvolupament professional dels estudiants de doctorat.

Per regla general, els cursos s'imparteixen en llengua anglesa.

La informació de les accions formatives s'anirà completant en els propers dies.

2023-2024 Course schedule

Course Schedule and timetable Recipients Registration form

INTERVALS Programme:

Introduction to efecctive biomedical writing

Teacher: Valerie Matarese


8,10,15,17 and 24 November and 1 December 2023

10.00 - 12.00h

Beginners/Intermediate PhD in Biomedicine students CLOSED

Oral communication of scientific content. Keys for communicating your research effectively

Teacher: Emma Rodero

23, 24 and 26 October 2023

12.30h - 15.00h

Sala de Graus 20.287 - Jaume I Building

UPF PhD students CLOSED

Preparing your article or book chapter for publication and drafting compelling conference abstracts

Teacher: Lisa Mann

6, 8 and 13 November 2023

Classroom 24.019 

10.00h - 12.30h

UPF PhD students

Participants must bring to the sessions:
a) a draft of an article or chapter they are writing or have written
b) for the follow-up sessions, their completed assignments
c) at least one original research article or book chapter (not reviews) in their area of interest to use as models (articles must be from indexed journals)


Research Integrity 

Teacher: Mariana Nadeu

28 November and 1 December 2023


Classroom 24.009 

UPF PhD students CLOSED

Scattering toxic fog: perceiving and re-acting against gender related violence in university context (1st edition)

Teacher: Barbara Biglia

14 december 2023


Classroom 40.063 Ciutadella Campus

UPF PhD students CLOSED

Scattering toxic fog: perceiving and re-acting against gender related violence in university context (2nd edition)

Teacher: Sara Cagliero

30 January 2024


Classroom: 24.013

Ciutadella Campus

UPF PhD students CLOSED

INTERVALS Programme:

Introduction to efecctive biomedical writing (2024, Edition 1)

Teacher: Valerie Matarese


31 January and 2, 7, 9, 16 and 23 February


Beginners/Intermediate PhD in Biomedicine students CLOSED

Preparing your article or book chapter for publication and drafting compelling conference abstracts

Teacher: Lisa Mann

8, 12 and 15 February


Classroom 24.S19

Ciutadella Campus

UPF PhD students

Participants must bring to the sessions:
a) a draft of an article or chapter they are writing or have written
b) for the follow-up sessions, their completed assignments
c) at least one original research article or book chapter (not reviews) in their area of interest to use as models (articles must be from indexed journals)


Oral communication of scientific content. Keys for communicating your
research effectively

Teacher: Emma Rodero

15, 17 and 18 April

16.30h - 19.00h

15 April: Classroom  20.287

17 April: Classroom 40.213

18 April: Classroom 40.113 

Ciutadella Campus

UPF PhD students CLOSED

Dispersant la boira tòxica: percebre i re-actuar contra la
violència de gènere en el context universitari

Professores: Sara Cagliero i Alejandra Araiza (URV)

6 May

15.00h - 17.00h

Classroom: 13002 (Ramon Turró building)

Ciutadella Campus

UPF PhD students CLOSED
A Happy PhD: Productivity, well-being and progress in the doctorate

face-to-face: 10 May

9.30h - 13.30h

Poblenou Campus

and two online sessions, 2 and 4 weeks later (2 hours max.)

UPF PhD students CLOSED

Scientific Poster Design: Techniques, Best Practices, and Visual Communication Strategies

Teacher: Paulina Robalino 

May 15th, 2024

Classroom: 20.191

May 22nd, 2024

Classroom: 24.013


10.00h to 12.00h

Ciutadella Campus


UPF PhD students CLOSED

Enhance your Job application skills: How to write your CV and tips to prepare a job interview

Teachers: Roser Pinyol & Saray Espejo

24 May: 2h face to face.
31 May : 2h online sessions

9h30h to 11h30h

Classroom: 40.047C

Ciutadella Campus

UPF PhD students CLOSED

How to pitch your startup to investors

Teacher: Pedro Olivares

12 June (4h face to face)
09.00 a 13.30

Classroom: 24.013

Ciutadella Campus


This event is part of NODE UPF's Transfer Week's program, an initiative that concentrates many activities around the transfer of knowledge and the relationship between companies, institutions and organizations of the third sector

UPF PhD students

Register here