Publications in journals


Bosch, O. J., Sturgis, P., Kuha, J., & Revilla, M. (2024). Uncovering Digital Trace Data Biases: Tracking Undercoverage in Web Tracking Data. Communication Methods and Measures, 1–21.

Iglesias, P.A., Ochoa, C, & Revilla, M. (2024). A practical guide to (successfully) collect and process images through online surveys. Social Sciences & Humanities Open, 9, 100792.

Iglesias, P. A. (2024). Preferences, Participation, and Evaluation of Answering Questions About the Books Participants Have at Home Through Conventional and Image-Based Formats. methods, data, analyses, 1-36.

Revilla, M., & Couper, M. P. (2024). Exploring Respondents’ Problems and Evaluation in a Survey Proposing Voice Inputs. methods, data, analyses, 18(2): 263-280.


Iglesias, P.A., Revilla, M. (2023). Skills, availability, willingness, expected participation and burden of sharing visual data within the frame of web surveys. Quality & Quantity.

Ochoa, C., Revilla, M. (2023). Framing Effects on Willingness to Participate in Geolocation-Based Research. International Journal of Market Research, 0(0). Preprint.


Bosch, O. J., Revilla, M. (2022). The challenges of using digital trace data to measure online behaviors: lessons from a study combining surveys and metered data to investigate affective polarization. In SAGE Research Methods Cases. Preprint.

Bosch, O. J., Revilla, M. (2022). When survey science met web tracking: Presenting an error framework for metered data. Journal of the Royal Statistical Society: Series A (Statistics in Society), 1– 29. Available from:

Bosch, O. J., Revilla, M., Qureshi, D. D., Höhne, J. K.(2022). A new experiment on the use of images to answer web survey questions. J R Stat Soc Series A, 1– 26. Available from:

Ochoa, C., Revilla, M. (2022). Willingness to participate in in-the-moment surveys triggered by online behaviors. Behavior Research Methods (2022).

Ochoa, C., Revilla, M. (2022). Acceptance and coverage of fast invitation methods to in-the-moment surveys. International Journal of Market Research.

Ochoa, C. (2022). Willingness to participate in geolocation-based research. PLoS ONE 17(12): e0278416.

Revilla, M. (2022). How to enhance web survey data using metered, geolocation, visual andvoice data?. Survey Research Methods, 16(1): 1-12.

Working papers

Bosch, O. J., Sturgis, P., Kuha, J., Revilla, M. (2023, October 8). Uncovering digital trace data biases: tracking undercoverage in web tracking data. Paper.

Bosch, O. J. (2023, November 24). Validity and Reliability of Digital Trace Data in Media Exposure Measures: A Multiverse of Measurements Analysis. Paper.

Ochoa, C. (2024). Assessing the efficacy of in-the-moment surveys triggered by geolocation data: a comparative study of beach visitors. Paper.



Bosch, O. J., Revilla, M. (2024). Can we identify and prevent cheating in online surveys? Evidence from a web tracking experiment. GOR Conference, Cologne, 23 of February. Presentation.

Bosch, O. J. (2024). The reliability of digital trace data in media exposure measures: a multiverse of measurements analysis. IMPS 2024, 89th Annual Meeting of the Psychometric Society. Prague, Czech Republic, 16-19 July. Presentation.

Bosch, O. J. (2024). The uncertainties of working with web tracking data, and on how to (maybe) tackle them. WEB DATA OPP workshop (March 18-19). Presentation.

Bosch, O. J. (2024). Challenging the Gold Standard: A Methodological Study of the Quality and Errors of Web Tracking Data. GOR Conference, Cologne, 22 of February. Presentation.

Bosch, O. J. (2024). Measuring Citizen’s Digital Behaviours Using Web Trackers and Data Donations. The European Master in Official Statistics Webinar series, Online, 17 of January. Presentation.

Höhne, J.K., Revilla, M., Couper, M.P. (2024). Respondent-centered incentives: Increasing answer provision when it comes to voice answers to open questions. 79th Conference of the American Association for Public Opinion Research (AAPOR), Atlanta (USA). Presentation.

Höhne, J.K., Revilla, M., Couper, M.P. (2024). Respondent-centered incentives: Increasing answer provision when it comes to voice answers to open questions. WEB DATA OPP workshop (March 18-19). Presentation.

Iglesias, P.A., Volodina, A., & Heppt, B. (2024). Rethinking Research on Books at Home: Using Photos to Study the Impact of Home Libraries on Children's Academic Achievement. RECSM webinar, 17th September 2024. Presentation part I, presentation part II,video.

Iglesias, P. A. (2024). Beyond Boundaries: Leveraging Visual Data for Advancements in Social Science Research. Doctoral defense, Department of Political and Social Sciences, Universitat Pompeu Fabra. November 22. Presentation.

Iglesias, P. A. (2024). Measuring and comparing the quality of information collected through photos and conventional questions: the case of the books at home. UPF PhD workshop (March 11-12). Presentation.

Iglesias, P. A. (2024). Challenges when collecting, classifying and analyzing photos of the respondents' books at home. WEB DATA OPP workshop (March 18-19). Presentation.

Ochoa, C., Revilla, M. (2024). Photos requests in survey research: Comparing in-the-moment and conventional approaches. Presentation.

Ochoa, C. (2024). Investigando el momento de la verdad: retos y oportunidades de las encuestas “en el momento”. Conexión LATAM (July 5). Presentation.

Ochoa, C. (2024). Navigating Challenges: Implementing In the Moment Surveys with Metered and Geolocation Data. WEB DATA OPP workshop (March 18-19). Presentation.

Revilla, M. (2024). Going beyond conventional web surveys: Opportunities and challenges of using new types of data within the frame of web surveys. Keynote at the Summer School in Higher Education Research and Science Studies (HERSS). Hannover, Germany, September 11. Presentation.

Revilla, M. (2024). Going beyond conventional web surveys: New measurement opportunities to enhance or extend web survey data. Talk at the GESIS summer school in survey methodology. Cologne, Germany, July 30. Presentation.

Revilla, M. (2024). Going beyond conventional web surveys: New measurement opportunities to enhance or extend web survey data. Seminar series of the political sciences area, Universitat de Barcelona (UB, Spain, June 6). Presentation.

Revilla, M. (2024). Exploring new opportunities: can we replace or enhance (some) conventional web survey questions? 16th ACM Web Science Conference (Stuttgart, Germany), Workshop 2: Linking Surveys and Social Media Data: Advancing Public Opinion Research (LASER). May 21. Presentation.

Revilla, M. (2024). Exploring new opportunities beyond conventional web survey data. Workshop “Beyond the Graduation” (Bergamo, Italy, May 10). Presentation.

Revilla, M. (2024). "The WEB DATA OPP project". Opening talk of the WEB DATA OPP Workshop. Barcelona, 18-19 March 2024. Presentation.

Silva, T. (2024). In-the-moment surveys: Sun exposure habits. Conference presentation at the XXXV Congreso Internacional de Marketing AEMARK. Cuenca, España. September 12. Presentation.


Bosch, O. J., Strugis, P., Kuha, J.,  Revilla, M.  (2023). Surveys or digital trace data, which one should we use? Using MultiTrait-MultiMethod models to simultaneously estimate the measurement quality of surveys and digital trace data. ESRA conference, Milan, 20th July. Presentation.

Bosch, O. J.  (2023). Are media exposure measures created with digital trace data any good? An approach to assess and predict the true-score reliability of web tracking data. MASS Workshop, Manchester (June 22-23). Presentation.

Bosch, O. J. (2023). Using digital trace data to understand public opinion (formation): a cautionary tale. Interdisciplinary Institute for Societal Computing Kick Off Event, Saarland, 8th of September. Presentation.

Iglesias, P. A, Ochoa C. and Revilla, M. (2023). A practical guide to (successfully) collect and process images through online surveys. BigSurv 2023 Conference, 26-29 October, Quito. Presentation.

Iglesias, P. A. (2023). Preferences, participation, and assessment of the experience when answering questions about the books participants have at home. UPF PhD workshop (March 20-21). Presentation.

Ochoa, C., Cortina, C., González, M.J. (2023). Gender Differences in Job Application Requirements: Do Women Demand More of Themselves than Men? A survey-based study of job-seeking behavior in Spain. 29th International Conference of Europeanists. Reikiavik, 28th June 2023. Presentation.

Ochoa, C. (2023). Researching the moment of truth. An experiment comparing in-the-moment and conventional surveys to investigate online job applications. ESRA conference, 20th July 2023. Presentation (preliminary results).

Ochoa, C. (2023). Framing effects on willingness to participate in geolocation-based research. RECSM Webinar, 9th May 2023. Presentation.

Ochoa, C. (2023). Researching the moment of truth: An experiment comparing in-the-moment and conventionalsurveys to investigate online job applications. UPF PhD workshop (March 20-21). Presentation.

Revilla, M. & Couper, M.P. (2023). Combining dictation and/or voice recordings with text to answer narrative open-ended survey questions. ESRA conference, 17-21 July, Milan. Presentation.

Revilla, M. (2023). Complementing conventional web survey data with new measurement opportunities to achieve better or new insights. Keynote at the IMISCOE workshop "Detecting and mitigating bias in migration research". Córdoba, Spain, 30 March 2023. VideoPresentation.

Revilla, M. (2023). Panels probabilistes Internet en Europe : principaux avantages, défis et nouvelles opportunités. Keynote, journée "ELIPSS, 10 ans de production de données pour la recherche en sciences sociales". Paris, June 15, 2023. Presentation.

Revilla, M. (2023). Complementar los datos convencionales de encuestas web con nuevas oportunidades de medición para obtener mejores o nuevos conocimientos. Cátedra UAM-IIC de Modelos y aplicaciones psicométricos, Seminario XIV: Evaluación digital en las organizaciones: gamificación, redes y nuevas fuentes de datos. Madrid, June 23, 2023. Presentation. Video.

Revilla, M. (2023). New Opportunities to Enhance or Replace Conventional Web Survey Data. Keynote at the IAB 14th Interdisciplinary Ph.D. Workshop "Perspectives on (un)employment". Nuremberg, Germany, 20 January 2023. Presentation.


Bosch, O. J., Revilla, M. (2022). Is tracking all that it takes? Exploring the validity of news media exposure measurements created with metered data. AAPOR Annual Conference, 11th-13th May 2022. Presentation.

Bosch, O. J., Sturgis, P., Kuha, J. (2022). Track me but not really: Tracking undercoverage in metered data collection. AAPOR Annual Conference, 11th-13th May 2022. Presentation.

Iglesias, P., Ochoa, C., and Revilla, M. (2022). What do I do with these images? A practical guide to the classification of images sent by survey participants, RECSM Webinar, 31st March 2022. VideoPresentation.

Iglesias, P. and Revilla, M. (2022). Factibilidad de pedir datos visuales en encuestas en línea. XXXIII Congreso Latinoamericano de Sociología (August 14-19). Track: "GT 15 - Metodología y Epistemología de las Ciencias Sociales". Presentation.

Ochoa, C. (2022). Willingness to participate in in-the-moment surveys triggered by geolocation data. Innovations in Online Research (September 23). Session: Technological Advances in Online Research. VideoPresentation.  

Ochoa, C. (2022). Willingness to participate in in-the-moment surveys triggered by geolocation data. MASS Workshop (June 16-17). Presentation in session 4.  

Ochoa, C. (2022). Willingness to participate in geolocation-based research. UPF PhD workshop (March 28-30). Presentation.

Revilla, M. (2022). New Opportunities to Enhance or Replace Conventional Web Survey Data. IBEI research seminar, 21 November 2022. Video. Presentation

Revilla, M. (2022). New Opportunities to Enhance or Replace Conventional Web Survey Data.  Guest talk at the Lab of Digital and Computational Demography Seminar series (Max Planck Institute), 30 November 2022. Presentation.

Revilla, M. (2022). New Opportunities to Enhance or Replace Conventional Web Survey Data. Research Forum seminar of the political and social sciences department, Universitat Pompeu Fabra (Barcelona, Spain), 2nd June 2022. Presentation.

Revilla, M. (2022). Web survey participation of Millennials: How does it differ from the one of older age cohorts and what could help increasing it? Webinar organized by ESS, City University and NatCen as part of their Survey methodology seminar series, April 6th, 2022. Presentation. Video.


Bosch, O. J. (2021). The challenges of using metered data to study online behaviours. Methods Research Group seminar series at ISER, University of Essex, 14th Sept 2021. Presentation

Bosch, O. J. (2021). New opportunities to enhance or extend (mobile) web survey data. Seminar series in Statistic at Örebro University School of Business, Sweden. Invited talk, 16th Sept 2021. Presentation.

Bosch, O. J. (2021). Track me but not really: Device undercoverage and its consequences when tracking online behaviours. MASS Workshop (April 22-23), presentation in Session 1: Coverage & Participation

Bosch, O. J. (2021). When survey science met online tracking: presenting an error framework for metered data. ESRA conference, 16th July 2021. Presentation.

Bosch, O. J. and Revilla, M. (2021). When survey science met online tracking: Presenting an error framework for metered data. RC33 conference, 7th Sept 2021. Presentation.

Bosch, O. J. and Revilla, M. (2021). When survey science met online tracking: presenting an error framework for metered data. 2021 AAPOR Annual Conference (May 11-14) .Track: "Novel Use of Digital Trace Data from Social Media, Mobile Apps or Sensors in Surveys". Presentation.

Iglesias, P. (2021). When Does it Make Sense to Ask Respondents for Images? Insights for (Mobile) Web Surveys. ESRA conference, 2nd July 2021. Presentation.

Ochoa, C. (2021). Willingness to participate in in-the-moment surveys triggered by online behaviours. UPF PhD workshop (March 22-23). Presentation.

Ochoa, C. and Revilla, M. (2021). Willingness to participate in in-the-moment surveys triggered by online behaviours. RECSM webinar, 23th November 2021. Presentation.

Revilla, M. (2021). New opportunities to enhance or extend (mobile) web survey data. Keynote presented at the ESRA conference, 16th July 2021. Presentation. Video.



Iglesias, P., Ochoa, C & Revilla, M. (2023). A practical guide to (successfully) collect and process images through web surveys. ESRA conference, 17-21 July, Milan. Poster.

Revilla, M., Ochoa, C. ., Iglesias, P. & Ivanović, K. (2023). WebdataVisual, WebdataVoice and WebdataNow: Three tools to integrate new types of data into web surveys. ESRA conference, 17-21 July, Milan. Poster.


Iglesias, P. Revilla, M. (2022). Skills, availability, willingness, expected participation and burden of sharing visual data within the frame of web surveys. 5th Joint Interdisciplinary Graduate Conference, 27-28 June 2022. Poster


Ochoa, C., Revilla, M. (2021). Willingness to participate in in-the-moment surveys triggered by online behaviours. General Online Research (GOR) Conference, 8th -10th September 2021. Poster



"Now or Never: Embracing In-the-Moment Surveys2. Short clip.

"Research by Patricia Iglesias and Melanie Revilla for the Web Data Opp project within RECSM". Short clip

"Let's talk about the potential of collecting new data types for research!". Short clip.



"La UPF mejorará la recogida y el análisis de datos sobre conductas 'online'". News

"How can we improve the way we use digital tracking data to answer important social science questions?". Post

"Evaluación digital en RR. HH.: gamificación, redes y nuevos tipos de datos". Post


"UPF research shines in Europe: excellent results in the Horizon 2020 programme". Post


"Melanie Revilla presents four new types of data that complement or replace web surveys". Post