WebdataNow: tool to implement in-the-moment surveys (ITMS)

This tool allows to do in-the-moment surveys (ITMS), i.e. web surveys that are sent to participants just after an event of interest occurred. These ITMS can be triggered by two types of passive data: 1) the geographical coordinates of the participants and 2) the online behaviors detected using a meter installed by the participants on at least one of the devices they use to go online. 
More precisely, the ITMS tool allows to implement the following tasks:
  • Receive geographical coordinates from participants mobile devices
  • Receive URLs visited by panelists who already share metered data as well as information about the app used
  • Host the definition of all the ITMS studies that might be in the field at any point in time.
  • Decide whether a given panelist, due to the geographical coordinates or the URLs/apps s/he has visited, should be considered to participate in any field study.
  • Publish the proper events to third party panel management systems that will own the sending of notifications to those panelists that are supposed to participate in ITMS studies.

Access to the tool: here.

How to cite the tool: Revilla, M., Ochoa, C., Iglesias, P. Antón, D. (2022). WebdataNow: a tool to send in-the-moment surveys triggered by passive data. OSF. http://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/G3MSC.


WebdataVisual: tool to gather visual data within the frame of web surveys

This tool allows to gather visual data within the frame of web surveys. The visual data can consist of files already stored by the participants or files produced during the survey.
Visual data already stored can include images, videos, screenshots, and other visual content in any format produced before answering the survey and stored in (or that can be accessed from) the device in which respondents answer the survey (e.g., in the main gallery of a smartphone, in a folder saved in the computer memory or in some cases in the cloud).
Visual data produced during the survey can come from two main sources: the device camera (photos and videos) and screenshots.
Access to the tool: here.
How to cite the tool:  Revilla, M., Iglesias, P., Ochoa, C., & Antón, D. (2022). WebdataVisual: a tool to gathervisual data within the frame ofweb surveys. OSF. http://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/R7CAX

WebdataVoice: tool for dictation or recording of voice answers in the frame of web surveys

This tool has two main functions:

1) dictation: in this case, the respondents answer open-ended questions in the frame of web surveys through dictation, i.e. they speak but their voice is immediately transcribed into text and what is exported is a text file and not a voice file.

2) voice recording: in this case, the respondents answer open-ended questions by speaking and their voice is recorded. The voice file is exported, and only later on transformed into a text file.

Access to the tool: here.

How to cite this tool: Revilla, M., Iglesias, P., Ochoa, C., & Antón, D. (2022). WebdataVoice: a tool for dictation or recording of voice answers in the frame of web surveys. OSF. http://doi.org/10.17605/OSF.IO/B2WYZ