Jornadas de Puertas Abiertas de la Escuela de Ingeniería


Los grados en Ingeniería de la UPF

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La UPF se sitúa entre las 150 primeras del mundo en el ranking de Ingeniería y Tecnología de Times Higher Education.

Se mantiene como primer de España y entra en el top 50 de Europa.

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The Department of Information and Communication Technologies, recognized as a María de Maeztu unit of excellence for the second time

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Atrás Tesis defence: Francesco Barbieri

Tesis defence: Francesco Barbieri



Machine Learning Methods for Understanding Social Media Communication: Modeling Irony and Emojis​

By Francesco Barbieri

Thesis supervisor: Dr. Horacio Saggion


Thesis Brief Description

In my thesis I proposed algorithms for the analysis of social media texts, focusing on two particular aspects: irony and emojis. We proposed novel automatic systems, based on machine learning methods, able to recognize and interpret these two phenomena. 

Experience as a PhD Student
My experience as a phd student is very positive. I had the opportunity to learn a lot during these years. I collaborated with other phd students and postdoc in my research group, and I also attended several conferences and met many researchers from my field. I will always be grateful to my supervisor Horacio Saggion for giving me this opportunity, and advising me wisely in every stage of my phd.



ODS - Objetivos de desarrollo sostenible:

Els ODS a la UPF
