Nom Grup  Línies de recerca
Alsina, Àlex GLIF Syntax, morphology and linguistic theory
Atienza, Encarna GR@EL Discourse analysis, evaluation of writing, Spanish learning
Barberà, Gemma GLIF Semantics and pragmatics of sign languages, nominal reference and discourse structure
Bel, Aurora ALLENCAM Acquisition and translation of Catalan and Spanish
Bel, Núria IULATERM Computational linguistics, linguistic engineering, automatic translation, lexical resources and linguistic analysis, automatic extraction of information and automatic learning
Bernal, Elisenda INFOLEX Lexicology, lexicography and neology
Bisiada, Mario GEDIT Estudis de traducció, estudis del discurs, lingüística de corpus
Boleda, Gemma COLT Computational linguistics, natural language processing, semantics
Brochhagen, Thomas Simon COLT Semantics, pragmatics, statistical modelling
Brumme, Jenny INFOLEX Sociolinguistics, language politics, lexicology and neology, history of linguistics and grammatical theory
Cañada, M. Dolors GR@EL Language learning, discourse analysis, comparative phonetics
Cassany, Daniel GR@EL Discourse analysis, written communication, language teaching
Colominas, Carme   Automatic translation, computational linguistics, syntax, formal semantics
Costa, Joan IULATERM Evaluation of the normative grammar statement, analysis of normative speech, analysis of the linguistic normative, linguistic corpus planning, linguistic variation and change
Espunya, Anna GEDIT Semantics and syntax of the verbal aspect, linguistics and translation, resources for translation teaching
Estopà, Rosa IULATERM Lexic, Terminology and Neology
Fontana, Josep M. GLIF Empirical linguistics, language variation and change, diachronic syntax, lexical semantics, corpus linguistics
Freixa, Judit IULATERM  Terminology, neology and linguistic variation. (Lexic and Technology. Lexic Research Group, Terminology and Specialized Discourse)
Gelpí, Cristina GEDIT Lexicography (general, specialized, bilingual, digital), juridical translation, jurilinguistics, interaction between language and law, juridical language, translation Spanish-Catalan 
Hinzen, Wolfram GLIF Language in cognitive pathologies, philosophy of language
Llompart, Miquel ALLENCAM Adquisició de segones llengües, fonètica, fonologia, psicolingüística, bilingüisme
López, Carmen GR@EL Gramática y enseñanza de la lengua española, linguística del texto, análisis y práctica del discurso
Lorente, Mercè IULATERM Lexicology, lexicography, terminology, lexical semantics and syntax, phraseology, information extraction and recovering
Mayol, Laia GLIF Pragmatics and semantics, information and discursive structure
McNally, Louise GLIF Semantics, syntax-semantics-pragmatics interface
Milà, Alba INFOLEX Lexicography, morphology, theoretical linguistics applied to translation
Perpiñán, Sílvia ALLENCAM Bilingualism, multilingualism, second language acquisition, language contact, maintenance of minority languages, heritage languages, morphology and syntax
Prieto, Pilar GrEP Phonetics and phonology, prosody, acquisition, prosody-pragmatics interface
Quer, Josep GLIF Syntax, semantics, linguistic theory, signed languages linguistics
Torner, Sergi INFOLEX Lexicography, computational linguistics
Vallduví, Enric GLIF Pragmatic and semantic meaning and its structural manifestation
Wiltschko, Martina GLIF Syntax and its interfaces (with prosody, morphology, semantics, and pragmatics), Linguistic theory, formal typology, Grammar of interactional language, Grammar of clinical speech

Take a look to the Faculty web page in order to access the complete list of the DTCL faculty.