Pompeu Fabra is a public university and Idiomes UPF is a center open to everyone

All our foreign language courses are open to external audiences from the age of 16, to young pre-university and university students, and to professionals who want to enjoy the experience of learning languages ​​in a university environment, with native teachers and with great teaching experience. . In addition, all our academic offerings are adapted to UPF standards and the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR) and, in addition, by passing a course you will obtain a UPF certificate at no additional cost. Languages ​​UPF also offers the opportunity to anyone interested, from UPF or abroad, to study Spanish from an initial level to a higher level through the Spanish Program, as well as to train as a Spanish teacher or also to be trained and to accredit the superior level of Catalan language. D’altra banda, Idiomes UPF també és responsable d’oferir als membres de la comunitat UPF que volen formar-se en català i espanyol, el Programa d’Acollida Lingüística UPF. Every year, more than 4,000 people (from UPF and abroad) choose UPF Languages ​​to learn languages ​​with a university quality. Do you want to do it too?

I will be able to access a wide variety of courses and languages

Languages ​​UPF offers a wide range of courses to respond to different language needs of the UPF community and the external public. In foreign languages, on the one hand, there are annual courses (from October to June) at various times and one or two weekly sessions, which make it possible to combine language learning with studies or a professional career. On the other hand, intensive part-time courses are offered (from September to February and from February to June) that allow you to reach up to two levels of language throughout an academic year. Official diploma preparation courses are also offered, as well as intensive summer courses in July. Per al públic internacional, s’ofereixen cursos trimestrals de català i espanyol com a llengua estrangera. Per a un públic local, també es duen a terme cursos de perfeccionament de català (nivell superior) i cursos de formació de professorat d’espanyol com a llengua estrangera. El programa acadèmic d'Idiomes UPF inclou una gran varietat de llengües (l'alemany, l'anglès, l'àrab, el català, l'espanyol, el francès, el japonès, l'italià, el rus i el xinès) que it allows the development of a multilingual profile, which makes the difference in an increasingly specialized and competitive academic and professional world. The learning of the different languages ​​is structured in a series of courses that correspond to the different levels established in the Common European Framework of Reference for Languages ​​(CEFR). Depending on personal needs and the type of course selected (annual, intensive, maintenance, advanced ...), each of the language levels can be achieved throughout an academic year, a semester or a term.

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The quality of UPF Language teaching deserves 9.23 out of 10 according to its students

UPF Language Classrooms are full of students and teachers from all over the world

Every year, more than 1,300 foreign students from more than 20 different countries, three UPF Languages ​​to learn Catalan and Spanish and also to perfect the connection of some of the languages ​​that make up our academic offer. Troben en Idiomes UPF a training of university qualitat that it allows to optimize to the maximum the seva experience in Barcelona.

In the same way, more than 2,500 local people sculpt the UPF Language courses on top of the quality and experience of their senior professors, coming from more than 15 different countries (Estats Units, England, Austria, Ireland, Germany, Rússia, Japó, Xina, Marroc ...), what an unwavering fan she is committed to training in languages ​​at UPF.