Based on the conviction that an egalitarian university is also a better quality university, more democratic and more radically committed to social transformation, the UPF has equipped itself with different structures and instruments to promote gender equality and the recognition of sexual diversity, as well as to provide a safe work and learning environment for all members of the university community.


In addition to organizing awareness-raising and training activities, the Equality Unit advises all UPF bodies, services and units on gender mainstreaming and promotes gender equality and LGBTI policies. The equality structure is complemented by the university-wide Commission for Gender Equality Policies and centre-level Equality Commissions, which carry out the following functions:

  • Collect and discuss the needs and demands of the centre in terms of gender equality and sexual diversity.
  • Put forth proposals for activities in the field of gender equality policies to be developed by the Equality Unit or other bodies of the University, including the centre itself.
  • Inform their centre of institutional activities and decisions related to gender equality and sexual diversity policies.
  • Urge the director of the Equality Unit to propose to the governing bodies of the University new measures aimed at promoting equality between women and men and respect for sexual diversity.
  • Urge the governing bodies of the centre, and, if applicable, of the department to which the centre is ascribed, to implement the actions provided for in the Equality Plan of the University.
  • Inform the Centre Board of their agreements, reports or proposals.

Chair and PDI's representative: Teresa Monllau (Department's member at the Comissió de Polítiques d'Igualtat de Gènere de la UPF) ([email protected])

Daniel Serra ([email protected])

Rosa Ferrer ([email protected])

Administrative staff's representative: Sira Homs ([email protected])

BA's students' representative: Naia Vázquez ([email protected])

PhD students' representative: Carolina Castaneda ([email protected])

See here the Second Equality Plan Isabel de Villena, which includes 58 actions for the period 2018-2022 structured around five axes: (i) Promotion of a culture of equality; (ii) Gender-sensitive teaching, research and knowledge transfer; (iii) Equal opportunities in access to employment and professional advancement; (iv) Equal participation and representation; and (v) UPF, an institution free of discrimination and violence.

The UPF has a protocol to deal with situations of sexual harassment, gender-based violence and LGBTIphobia affecting members of the university community, whether on or o campus (parties, group study at private homes, etc.), whether recent or suffered some time ago. Support can also be provided in cases when the aggressor is not a member of the university community. If you find yourself in any of these situations, contact the Equality Unit, which is UPF’s purple-rainbow point.

The principles of personal and professional conduct regarding equality and non-discrimination on the grounds of sex, sexual orientation or gender identity that must govern the interaction between members of the university community and with the staff of subcontracted companies that carry out their workday at the different premises of the UPF are listed in the UPF Code of Conduct.

The UPF wants to be a safe space that defends and guarantees the right of lesbians, gais, bisexuals, intersex and trans people to be and look like they wish.

Each campus has inclusive restrooms (gender-neutral), and the application of name change for trans and intersex persons is processed very easily through the Equality Unit.

Each campus also has a breastfeeding room, and baby changing stations. Likewise, the signposting indicates which toilets have a sink inside, facilitating the use of the menstrual cup.

The UPF Library-CRAI provides students and faculty staff with a general guide with resources to incorporate the gender perspective in teaching and research and a specific thematic guide for Political Science programs where you will find references , reports and databases to study the gender dimension of the different courses.

Are you interested in gender studies? The Minor in Gender Studies offered by the UPF will allow you to develop the capacity to assess the inequalities based on sex, gender and sexual diversity, and to design solutions, taking into account the intersection of gender with other axes of inequality (social class, race, ableness, etc.).

See also the UPF calls for awards on gender research at the undergraduate, master and doctoral levels.

The Equality Unit organizes three Equality Weeks throughout the year with different awareness and training activities aimed at the entire university community or specifically aimed at students, faculty staff or admin staff: one in the first quarter, around 8th March, International Women’s Day; one in the second quarter, around May 17th, International Day against LGTBIphobia; and one in the third quarter, on the occasion of November 25th, International Day for the Eradication of Violence against Women.

Our centre also organises various activities related to equality throughout the academic year.