Vés enrere The registration for the 2019 DCEXS-UPF Symposium is open

The registration for the 2019 DCEXS-UPF Symposium is open

The event will take place on the 21st and 22nd of November and it will include keynotes talks by Ana María Cuervo and Daniel Speiser. The symposium will include a collaborative poster session, a roundtable and scientific talks.


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The 2019 Symposium will bring together everyone at the Department of Experimental and Health Sciences. It will take place on November 21 and 22 in the PRBB

Two international scientists, Ana María Cuervo (Albert Einstein College of Medicine, NY, USA) and Daniel Speiser (Department of Oncology, UNIL- CHUV) will be the keynote speakers. The programme will also include the third edition of our collaborative poster session for PhD students, with a prize for the winner. PhDs and postdocs will give short scientific talks, and there will be an interactive session on Career Development

The DCEXS holds every year, from 2012, a symposium featuring leading topics in biomedical research, such as quantitative biology, genetics or neuroscience. It has been organized by a committee with representatives from all collectives.

The symposium is open to all, but the number of available places is limited and pre-registration is required. We hope to see you there!

More information and registration.





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Els ODS a la UPF
