Vés enrere DCEXS-UPF Biomedical Research Symposium

DCEXS-UPF Biomedical Research Symposium

Don't miss the DCEXS-UPF Biomedical Research Symposium, which will take place on October 14th. 

Imatge inicial

The 2021 DCEXS-UPF Biomedical Research Symposium will take place online. Register here and join us on the 14th of October. 

The symposium is open to all, pre-registration is required so that you will receive an email with information to connect to the Symposium talks.

Talks by national and international speakers will cover a wide range of topics in biomedicine:

We hope to see you there, don’t miss it out!



ODS - Objectius de desenvolupament sostenible:

Els ODS a la UPF
