Back EU Council Simulation 2020 at UPF!

EU Council Simulation 2020 at UPF!

The JMC EUGov has organized yet another EU Council Simulation dedicated to the subject of EU budget negotiations. For the 1st time, attention was brought to the contemporary negotiations on the 2021-2027 MFF. 

The EUGov JMC continues its tradition of the annual EU Simulation at University Pompeu Fabra. 

Despite the extraordinary circumstances, the Chair provided for an altetrnative activity hosted on the Zoom platform. Students from a dedicated university module spent a trimester working on all the main EU issues on the budget, and later combined their knowledge through a game where they interpreted the position of a Member State. 

The Zoom platform involved the presence of a main room for the Council sessions and breakout rooms organized for informal meetings. We would also like to underline the strong involvement of the students, which committed into hard negotiating equal to the struggles currently experienced by EU countries in real life. 

You can check an extract of the event on the BACES/JMC Youtube channel

Below we also provide some screenshots of the event. 

We are hoping to go back to a real life Simulation Game in our next edition!

The JMC Team.