In the following section, you can consult some recent publications (including journal articles, books, chapters and working papers) from the vairous JMC Members.
To access the publication, click on its DOI. All links (where available) will direct you to the publisher website for registered access or direct download (in case of Open-Access content).
Cantó, J., Baraibar, J. & Arregui J. (2024). Same Money, Different Impact? The Curving Effect of European Structural and Investment Funds on EU Support in Spain (1990 - 2019). European Policy Analysis.
Bicchi, N. & Arregui, J. (2023). Preference cohesion and bargaining satisfaction among Southern EU member states: a comparative perspective. West European Politics, 48(1), 58-83.
Cantó, J. & Arregui, J. (2024). The impact of party competition on LGBTI+ rights: Evidence from Spanish autonomous regions (1990–2022). Politics and Policy, 52(4), 801-827.
Clinton, P. & Arregui, J. (2024). Infringements of European Union law at the local and regional level across Member States. European Policy Analysis, 10(2), 188-205.
Perarnaud, C. & Arregui, J. (2023). Still a “spectator”? Capabilities of the Spanish REPER and Spain’s influence in the Council of the EU. Revista Española de Ciencia Política, 1(61), 13-35.
Padilla, E.S., Cantó, J. & Arregui, J. (2023). The missing link. Assessing State redistribution capacity to understand the relationship between economic inequality and support for European radical right and left parties. Quaderns IEE: Revista de l’Institut d’Estudis Europeus, 2(1), 3-24.
Baraibar, J., Cantó, J., & Arregui, J. (2022). Social Groups, Economic Turmoil and Support for the European Union. Quaderns IEE: Revista de l’Institut d’Estudis Europeus, 1(2), 3-30.
Arregui, J. & Bezzina, G. (2022). Comportamiento de voto y nivel de disenso en España en el Consejo de la Unión Europea (2009-2019). Quaderns IEE: Revista de l’Institut d’Estudis Europeus, 1(1), 4-26.
Arregui, J., & Perarnaud, C. (2022). A new dataset on legislative decision-making in the European Union: the DEU III dataset. Journal of European Public Policy, 29(1), 12-22.
Kleine, M., Arregui, J., & Thomson, R. (2022). The impact of national democratic representation on decision-making in the European Union. Journal of European Public Policy, 29(1), 1-11.
Perarnaud, C. & Arregui, J. (2022). Do Member States’ permanent representations matter for their bargaining success? Evidence from the EU Council of Ministers. Journal of European Public Policy, 29(1), 97-116.
Huhe, N., Thomson, R., Arregui, J., & Naurin, D. (2022). Intergovernmental cooperation networks, national policy positions and partisan ideologies: longitudinal evidence from the Council of the European Union. Journal of European Public Policy, 29(1), 78-96.
Arregui, J. (2021). European Union Foreign Investment in Asia and India. In Jain, R.K. (Ed.), India, Europe and Asia: Convergence and Divergence (London:Palgrave MacMillan), pp. 75-100. Link
Arregui, J. (2020). Europeanization of Political Structures and Public Policies. In Muro, D. & Lago, I. (Eds.), The Oxford Handbook of Spanish Politics (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 132-150. Link
Arregui, J. (2019). Procedimientos Legislativos, Policy-making y Resultados Políticos en la Unión Europea. In Ares, C. & Bouza, L., Política de la Unión Europea: Crisis y Continuidad (Madrid: Centro de Investigaciones Sociológicas), pp. 41-64. Link
Arregui, J. & Creighton, M. (2018). Public Opinion and the Shaping of Immigration Policy in the Council of the European Union. Journal of Common Market Studies, 56(6), 1323-1344.
Arregui, J. (2018). Ganadores y perdedores en el Proceso de Integración: Repensando la Unión desde una Perspectiva de Ciudadanía Europea. VI Edition of the “Catalunya-Europa Segle XXI” 2017 Research Prize. Catalunya-Europa Foundation, Barcelona. Link
Arregui, J. (2016). Determinants of Bargaining Satisfaction Across Policy Domains in the European Union Council of Ministers. Journal of Common Market Studies, 54(5), 1105–1122.
Arregui, J. (2016). ¿Hasta qué punto cumplen los estados miembros con la legislación de la Unión Europea? Teoría y factores empíricos sobre el proceso de implementación. Cuadernos europeos de Deusto, 1(55), 165-191.
Arregui, J. (2016). Presentación. Cuadernos europeos de Deusto, 1(55), 17-29.
Arregui, J. (2016). ¿Es España un Estado miembro especialmente incumplidor en la implementación de la legislación europea?. Análisis del Real Instituto Elcano (Ari), 1(41), 1-7. Link
Arregui, J. (2015). Relaciones económicas UE-EEUU: negociación e implicaciones del TTIP. Revista CIDOB d’afers internacionals, 1(110), 43-66. Link
Arregui, J. & Thomson, R. (2014). Domestic Adjustment Costs, Interdependence and Dissent in the Council of the European Union. European Journal of Political Research, 53(4), 692-708.
Thomson, R., Arregui J., Leuffen, D. et al. (2012). A new dataset on decision-making in the European Union before and after the 2004 and 2007 enlargements (DEUII). Journal of European Public Policy, 19(4), 604-622.
Arregui, J. (2012). Problemas de Legitimidad Democrática, Representación y Rendimiento de Cuentas en el Proceso Político de la Unión Europea. Cuadernos europeos de Deusto, 1(46), 85-112.
Arregui, J. & Thomson, R. (2009). States' bargaining success in the European Union. Journal of European Public Policy, 16(5), 655-676.
Arregui, J. (2008). España en el Proceso Legislativo de la Unión Europea. Revista de Estudios Políticos, (141), 11-39. Link
Arregui, J. (2008). Shifting Policy Positions in the European Union. European Journal of Political Research, 47(6), 852-875.
Arregui, J. (2007). Modelos de Negociación en el Proceso Legislativo de la Unión Europea. Revista Española de Ciencia Política, 1(17), 83-111.
Thomson, R., Torenvlied, R. & Arregui, J. (2007). The Paradox of Compliance. Infringements and Delays in Transposing EU Directives. British Journal of Political Science, 37(4), 685-709.
Arregui, J. (2007). Europeización y Transformación Institucional del Sistema Político Español. In Morata, F. and Mateo, G. (Eds.), España en Europa, Europa en España (1986-2006) (Barcelona: Fundación CIDOB) pp. 123-148. Link
Arregui, J., Stokman, F & Thomson, R. (2006). Compromise, Exchange and Challenge in the European Union. In Thomson, R., Stokman, F., Achen, C. & König, T. (Eds.), The European Union Decides (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press), pp. 124-152. Link
Arregui, J., Stokman, F. & Thomson, R. (2004). Bargaining in the European Union and Shits in Actors´ Policy Positions. European Union Politics, 5(1), 47-72.
Arregui, J. (Ed.). (2004). Negotiation in legislative decision-making in the European Union (Amsterdam: ICS-Rozenberg Publishers). English
Schoeller, M., Guidi, M. & Karagiannis, Y. (2017). Explaining Informal Policy-Making Patterns in the Eurozone Crisis: Decentralized Bargaining and the Theory of EU Institutions. International Journal of Public Administration, 40(14), 1211-1222.
Karagiannis, Y. & Mattia, G. (2018). Principal-Agent Models and EU Policy-Making. In Zahariadis, N. & Buonanno, L. (Eds.), Routledge Handbook of European Public Policy (London - New York : Routledge Taylor & Francis Group). Enlgish
Karagiannis, Y. (2016). Decision-Making in the European Union - or the Meticulous Design of Power Dispersion. Cuadernos Europeos de Deusto, 1(55),119-143.
Guidi, M. & Karagiannis, Y. (2016). Social Democratic Parties and Antitrust Policy: Evidence from Western Europe (2002-2013). European Political Science Review, 8(4), 495-515.
Karagiannis, Y. (2016). The Origins of the Common Market: Political Economy vs. Hagiography. Journal of Common Market Studies, 54(2), 233-248.
Karagiannis, Y. (2015). El papel de los incentivos en el destino de los gobiernos de Papandreu y Zapatero. In Martín, I. & Tirado, I. (Eds.), Grecia: aspectos políticos y jurídico-económicos de la crisis (Madrid: Centro de Estudios Políticos y Constitucionales), pp. 175-189. Link
Karagiannis, Y. & Konstantinidis, N. (2015). On the Conditional Success of International Conditionality Policies. Global Policy, 6(3), 212-221.
Dupeyron, B., Noferini, A. and Payan, T. (Eds.) (Forthcoming). Agents and Structures in Cross-Border Governance: Comparing North America and Europe in an Era of Border Securitization (Toronto: Toronto University Press).
Noferini, A., Berzi, M., Camonita, F. & Durà, A. (2020). Cross-border cooperation in the EU: Euroregions amid multilevel governance and re-territorialization. European Planning Studies, 28(1), 35-56.
Durà, A., Berzi, M., Camonita, F. & Noferini, A. (2019). Ablandando fronteras: un análisis de las euroregiones en la Unión Europea. In Farinós, J., Ojeda, J.F. & Trillo, J.M. (Eds.), España: Geografías para un Estado posmoderno (Madrid: AGE/Geocrítica), pp. 219-232. Link
Durà, A., Berzi, M., Camonita, F. & Noferini, A. (2018). Euroregions, Excellence and Innovation across EU borders. A Catalogue of Good Practices (UAB: Department of Geography). English
Noferini, A. (2016). El Govern de la Generalitat de Cataluña en la Unión Europea: La red de los actores. Institut d’Estudis del Autogovern (Barcelona: Generalitat de Cataluña). Spanish
Noferini, A. & Camonita, F. (2016). Evaluando la Cooperación Transfronteriza en la Unión Europea: un Catálogo de buenas prácticas de innovación y excelencia de las Euroregiones. In Varela, E. & Cancela, C. (Eds.), Las Fronteras antes su espejo. Relatos transfronterizos sobre Europa, América, Asia y el Magreb (Santiago de Compostela: Andavira Editora). Link
Cancela, C., Durá, A. & Noferini, A. (Coords.). (2016). Europa, Políticas Públicas y Gobernanza. Las ideas de un académico europeísta. En Recuerdo de Francesc Morata (Santiago de Compostela: Andavira Editora). Spanish
Noferini, A. (2015). La participació de les províncies a la Unió Europea. Estudi comparat dels casos de Barcelona, Estocolm, Hannover, Lódz i Roma. Institut de Ciències Polítiques i Socials Barcelona, Working Paper n. 333. Link
Vukov, V. (2019). European integration and weak states: Romania’s road to exclusionary development. Review of International Political Economy, 27(5), 1041-1062.
Vukov, V. (2019). More Catholic than the Pope? Europeanization of developmental state capacities in Eastern Europe. Journal of European Public Policy 2019, 27(10), 1546-1564.
Bruszt, L. & Vukov, V. (2018). Governing Market Integration and Development. Lessons from Europe’s Eastern and Southern Peripheries: Introduction to the Special Issue. Studies in Comparative International Development, 53(2), 153-168.
Bruszt, L. & Vukov, V. (2017). Making States for the Single Market. European integration and the reshaping of economic states in the Southern and Eastern peripheries of Europe. West European Politics, 40(4), 663-687.
Bruszt, L. & Vukov, V. (2017). European integration and the evolution of economic state capacities in Southern and Eastern Europe. In King, D. & Le Gales, P. (Eds.), Reconfiguring European States in Crisis (Oxford: Oxford University Press), pp. 158-178. Link
Vukov, V. (2016). The rise of the Competition State? Transnationalization and state transformations in Europe. Comparative European politics, 14(5), 523-546.
Bruszt, L. & Vukov, V. (2015). Transnationalizing states in Europe's peripheries: European integration and the evolution of economic state capacities in the Southern and Eastern peripheries of Europe. The Journal of Comparative Economic Studies, 10(1), 69-92.
Bruszt, L., Langbein, J., Vukov, V., Bayram, E. & Markiewicz, O. (2015). The developmental impact of the EU integration: Insights from the automotive industry in Europe's peripheries. WP 16, MAXCAP Working Papers Series. Link