JMC Members
Dr. Prof. Yannis Karagiannis. He is an associate professor at IBEI, where he teaches Advanced Research Methods (first and second semester), Game Theory (second semester) and International Political Economy (first semester). He holds a BA in international relations from Science Po Paris (cum laude), an MA from the London School of Economics and a PhD from the European University Institute of Florence (Best Inter-Disciplinary Thesis Award, 2006-2008).
His research focuses on European Union politics (history and institutions of European integration), political economy (the theory of incentives/conditionality; and the politics of antitrust policies), and nationalism (intellectuals and nationalism). He often contributes to current-affairs debates, including in newspapers, radio stations and TV stations.
Dr. Prof. Andrea Noferini. Andrea Noferini is an Italian researcher living and working in Barcelona since 2003. He holds a PhD in Economics from the Universitá degli Studi di Firenze and a MA in Political Science from the Universitat Pompeu Fabra. He is a professor at the Department of Political Science at the Universitat Pompeu Fabra and collaborates with the CEI, International Affairs, where he is responsible for the preparation to the diplomatic career in the Spanish Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Since 2012, he has also been an affiliated professor at IBEI, where he teaches courses on the European Union and public policies.
His research interests focus on public policies, with a particular emphasis on multilevel governance in the context of EU policy-making and transnational governance. Some of his recent research analyses territorial cooperation (macro and euroregions), cohesion policy, development cooperation, international relations, sustainability and the implementation of the 2030 Agenda. He has participated in several projects for different organisations such as the United Nations Development Programme, the European Commission, the Spanish Agency for Cooperation and Development, as well as public administrations at national, regional and local levels.
External Collaborators
Concepció Muñoz (European Documentation Center, Autonomous University of Barcelona). She has been an academic librarian since 1998, and since 2002 she has been the responsible information expert of the UAB European Documentation Center. She is highly specialized in individual consulting, the design of online informaive and interactive content as well as dissemination activities relative to the European Union and its policies. At the same time, she gives conferences and participates in publications about European topics. She has worked as ad-hoc consultant inside the AL-INVEST EU programme and is also academic coordinator of the MOOC Online Course "European Union: History, Institutions and Policies" (in Spanish).